Petrenko Valentyna
PhD student
Department of International Relations
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
The essence and the role of social partnership in establishing the socially responsible model of business in the sphere of trade is studied. Partners evaluation tools for the social projects implementation are suggested, the indicators and the criteria of the social partners evaluation are defined. The capacities for the partners participation in the projects on the basis of their reputation are argued.
Keywords: business social responsibility, social partnership, social partners, social partner evaluation criteria, social project.
Розглянуто сутність і роль соціального партнерства у створенні соціально-відповідальної моделі бізнесу в сфері торгівлі. Пропонуються інструменти та критерії оцінки реалізації соціальних проектів. Аргументовано можливості участі торговельних партнерів у проектах на основі їх репутації.
Ключові слова: соціальне партнерство, соціальна відповідальність бізнесу, соціальні партнери, критерії оцінки соціальних партнерів, соціальний проект.
Background. The problems of Ukraine’s social partnership development draws more and more attention from the representatives of different social layers as the experience of the developed countries in Europe proves the necessity of bringing up the civil behavior emergence for all influence groups representatives. Within the current version of the social and economic development strategies, known as "Ukraine-2015: the national strategy of development" [1, p.3], a string of statements is dedicated to increasing the quality of human capital where the role of transnational partnership of state and business in providing the economics with the knowledge, labour market modernization by means of creating new work places and labour resources mobility is emphasized.
The issue of business’s social responsibility as of an efficient tool of the social partnership, the methodological bases of the business participants’ socially-oriented behavior model establishment are studied by A. Apopii, S. Bai, A. Mazaraki, K. Guturiak, A. Dovhal, O. Hrishnova, A. Kolosok, A. Kolot, S. Korol, Ye. Levytska, A. Carrol, K. Davis, R. Brandshetter [2–14] and others. The mechanism of social partnership system functioning in Ukraine is procured by the Laws of Ukraine "On the social dialogue in Ukraine", "On the employers’ organizations", "On the collective agreements and treaties", "On the algorithm of resolving collective labour arguments (conflicts)", and also by the regulations of the conventions and the recommendations provided by ILO (International Labour Organization), international ISO 26000 standards, Global Reporting Initiative, AA 1000, SA8000. Nevertheless, it is the analysis and the definition of the interaction mechanism and the trade enterprises partners’ attraction assessment methods in implementing the social projects which require significant development.
The aim of the article is to substantiate the methodological tools of trade enterprises social partners’ selection for the implementation of the socially-oriented projects.
Results. According the scientists’ definition, the social partnership is the unity of the legal contact forms and collective negotiations between the authorized parties which represent the employers and the employees [6–8]. … .
Тable 1.
Correlation matrix of 1985-1999
Indicators | GDP | GDP per person | Government expenses | Household expenses | Investments | Export | Іmport |
The share of private credit to GDP | 0,005 | 0,135 | 0,233 | -0,054 | 0,037 | 0,497 | 0,234 |
The share of commercial loans to the banking sector in GDP | 0,035 | 0,169 | 0,206 | -0,039 | 0,053 | 0,512 | 0,231 |
Source: authors' calculations based on [4].
World price + tax |
World price |
S |
D |
P |
Q |
Figure 1. Efficiency under free trade [formed by source: 9].
Conclusion. The current stage of the trade enterprises’ social and economic development requires a new approach to social partnership formation where an individual acquires the role of the major factor for the social progress and the economic growth. Aiming at information transparency facilitation for the social partners in the socially-oriented projects implementation, a methodology to assess their choice on the basis of the formed indices and criteria has been suggested. The methodology bears practical value for the efficiency enhancement of the social trade partnership system functioning. The trustworthy influence subjects informing at the industrial level on the successful partnership outcome provides substantial benefits for the public image of the trade enterprises.
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6. The Business Social Compliance Initiative [Electronic Resources]. — Access mode: http://www.bsci-intl.org.
7. International Organization of Standardization [Electronic Resources]. — Access mode: http://www.iso.org/iso/home.htm.