Найдите в тексте слова, имеющие общий корень с данными словами. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся, и переведите их на русский язык
1) highly; 6) install;
2) construct; 7) wood;
3) use; 8) nature;
4) hard; 9) fresh;
5) advantage; 10) decorate.
5. Задайте к выделенному в тексте предложению все типы вопросов (общий, альтернативный, разделительный, специальный: а) к подлежащему, б) к второстепенному члену предложения).
6. Выполните анализ данных предложений, обратив внимание на следующие грамматические явления: числительные, времена групп Continuous и Perfect активного и пассивного залога; согласование времен; функции глаголов to be, to have; усилительные конструкции; неопределенные местоимения some, any, no и их производные:
1. Wood has been a highly used building material since prehistoric times.
2. But, as any other construction material, wood has its disadvantages.
3. It has been from ancient times and is still produced from cut wood.
4. Timber has always been highly usable in construction because of its many advantages.
5. Removal of water from timber is a necessary procedure that should take place before timber is used in practice.
7. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. What are advantages of wood?
2. What are disadvantages of wood?
3. What elements are plywood panels made up of?
4. What is timber produced from?
5. Why is removal of water from timber useful for construction purposes?
6. What are the two main types of timber?
7. How much of the world’s land surface is considered to be covered with forests?
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From the history of metals.Metals began to be widely used as construction materials not so long ago. Before the beginning of the nineteenth century metals played little structural role in the process of building. Mostly they served for joining parts of buildings. The ancient Greeks and Romans are known to use bronze for joining slabs of stone.
It was only in the eighteenth century when the first all-metal structure was built in Europe. It was a cast-iron bridge across the river Severn in England. The strength of the bridge turned out to be so great that now, more than two centuries after its construction, it still carries heavy modern traffic across the Severn.
In the first half of the nineteenth century cast iron and wrought iron were introduced and used for industrial construction in Europe and North America. Steel was not widely used, being considered a rare and expensive building material. Inexpensive steel first began to be produced and used only with the invention of the Bessemer process, in the 1850s. From that period on, metal started to be used as rather popular and useful building material. The famous Eiffel Tower of Paris was constructed of wrought iron in 1889. By that period several steel frame skyscrapers had already been built in the United States. That was the beginning of the new era; a new highly useful and popular construction material had been born and introduced into building industry.
Ferrous and non-ferrous metals.All metals, with the exception of mercury, are hard- and fire-resistant. The common properties of metals being hardness and high fire-resistance, they are widely used in modern construction.
Metals are divided into two main groups: ferrous and non-ferrous. Iron, steel and their various alloys belong to the group of ferrous metals, while the main component of non-ferrous metals is not iron.
All metals have some common properties: they can be pulled, forged and melted. They are also good conductors of electricity.
Ferrous metals are commonly used for construction of supporting members. Steel and other ferrous metals serve as reinforcement in ferro-concrete constructions.
As to non-ferrous metals, their advantage is their being light. They are also good conductors of electricity, copper being the best one. Metals possess high resistance.
Steel.What is steel as a construction material? Steel may be classified as iron with controlled amount of carbon. The amount of carbon in steel is generally less than 1.7 per cent. Ordinary structural steel should contain less than three tenth of one per cent carbon. This kind of steel also contains small amounts of phosphorus, sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen and silicon. Like iron and its alloys, steel belongs to ferrous metals. It is a hard substance. Accordingly, it can be pulled, forged, and melted. Generally, steel, this strong metal, like other metals, is a good conductor of electricity. Alloyed steel and stainless steel are corrosion-resistant kinds of steel. Corrosion-resistant materials are known to be widely used for plant equipment, furnace, valves, etc.
It should be noted that steel frames as a whole and their separate parts should be carefully designed: their function is to be able to carry the loads imposed on them and supported by them.
Aluminum. Alumina.Aluminum is a considerably new structural material. For a long period it was considered to be rather expensive since its production required the use of electric power. Because of its relatively high cost, aluminum was not very popular as a construction material till the middle of the twentieth century. But now the situation is absolutely different.
Aluminum and aluminum-based alloys are extremely popular and are widely used in various forms for construction purposes.
The advantages of aluminum, compared with other popular metals, are its high strength combined with lightness. High-purity aluminum (about 99 % pure) is soft and ductile but its great disadvantage is that it is not strong enough. At the same time it has high corrosion resistance and is used in construction of buildings as bright foil for heat insulation, roofing, exterior and interior architectural ornamentation.
And what about aluminum alloys? They are much more advantageous than pure substance. Aluminum alloys are much harder and stronger than pure aluminum. Besides, pure aluminum is rather difficult to cast while many of its alloys are extremely easily cast. Pure aluminum is easily alloyed with other metals. And these combinations possess a great variety of usage. For example, when alloyed with copper, aluminum possesses additional strength. Unfortunately, it is much less corrosion resistive than alloys with manganese, chromium, or magnesium and silicon.
One more advantage of aluminum is that it can be easily remelted over and over again.
Aluminum combined with oxygen forms a new oxide. Its name is alumina. Alumina is a colourless crystallic substance. It is glass hard solid and extremely durable.
It should be also noted that being an excellent conductor aluminum is widely used in power engineering. It serves for long-distance transfer of electric power.
2. Переведите на русский язык следующие английские словосочетания:
1) all-metal structure; 6) electric power;
2) ferrous metals; 7) construction purposes;
3) conductors of electricity; 8) heat insulation;
4) alloyed steel; 9) aluminum alloys;
5) steel frames; 10) pure aluminum.
3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:
1) процесс строительства; 6) различные сплавы;
2) чугунный мост; 7) цветные металлы;
3) сварочное железо; 8) нержавеющая сталь;
4) строительный материал; 9) строительство зданий;
5) свойства металлов; 10) высокая стоимость.