EXERCISE 1 Read and translate the text "Types of storage tanks", using the words after the text.

Types of storage tanks

Every facility involved in the production of petroleum and related products requires some type of storage. Manufacturers also should be consulted for specific design information on a particular type of storage. During the early days of oil production, the method of storing was almost exclusively white-pine wooden tanks, which were followed by cypress tanks, and then redwood tanks. However, because of the constant and steep rise in the cost of redwood lumber and the diminution of skilled erectors required, the installation of new wooden tanks is nearly non-existent. The bolted-steel tank was developed next and replaced the wooden tank.

Bolted-steel tanks

Bolted tanks are designed and furnished as segmental elements assembled on location to provide complete vertical, cylindrical, above-ground, closed and open-top steel storage tanks. Standard API bolted tanks are available in nominal capacities of lOOto lO.OOObbl, and are designed for approximately atmospheric internal pressures. Bolted tanks offer the advantage of being easily transported to desired locations and erected by hand. To meet changing requirements for capacity of storage, bolted tanks can be easily dismantled and re-erected at new locations. If a tank develops a hole from corrosion or becomes damaged, a single sheet or more may be replaced. A complete tank bottom may be replaced in the field without dismantling the tank. Also, a section may be removed from the tank, a new connection installed in the sheet and the section replaced without danger. No special equipment is required for the erection of bolted tanks. These tanks are erected by non-specialized crews using hand tools and usually an impact wrench. Bolted tanks are available with painted, galvanized and special coatings, including factory-baked coatings. Painting on both sides of the sheets during fabrication gives the inside of the tank some corrosion protection. Galvanizing the sheets and all tank parts by the "hot-dip" process or applying a factory-baked coating affords high corrosion protection. Generally, bolted tanks are fabricated from 12- or 10-gauge steel, and if not galvanized or furnished with a protective coating for corrosion protection, they do not have the expected life of the welded - steel tanks, which are usually constructed of heavier steel.

Welded - steel Tanks

Shop-fabricated welded, cylindrical-shape tanks are available in a large variety of sizes as shop-fabricated items. Shop-welded tanks fabricated to API specifications provide the oil production industry with tanks of adequate safety and reasonable economy for use in the storage of crude petroleum and other liquids commonly handled and stored by the production segment of the industry. Shop-welded tanks are usually fabricated from 3/16-in. or heavier steel and will permit internal pressure up to 16oz. Shop fabrication permits testing in the shop for leaks and also provides immediate storage. Tanks are merely up-ended from a truck on the location.

Field-welded Tanks provide large storage capacities in a single unit. Large field-welded tanks providing storage capacities of 150.000 bbl or more have become prevalent for use in the storage of oil and petroleum products. Field-welded tanks are designed and erected in accordance with API Standard, which covers material, design, fabrication, erection and testing requirements for welded-steel storage tanks. It also includes an alternative basis for shell design, as well as one for calculating tank-shell thickness.

Fixed Roof are permanently attached to the tank shell. Welded tanks of 50 bbl capacity and larger may be provided with a frangible roof (designed for safety release of the welded deck-to-shell joint in the event excess internal pressure occurs). In this case, the design pressure should not exceed the equivalent pressure of the dead weight of the roof including rafters, if external.

Floating Roof storage tanks may be tank type is used primarily for storage near atmosphere pressure. Floating roofs are designed to move vertically within the tank shell to provide a constant minimum void between the surface of the stored product and the roof. Floating roofs normally are designed to provide a constant seal between the periphery of the floating roof and the tank shell. They can be fabricated in a type that is exposed to the weather or a type that is under a fixed roof. Internal floating-roof tanks, with an external fixed roof, are used in areas of heavy snowfall since accumulations of snow or water on the floating roof affect the operating buoyancy. These can be installed in existing tanks as well as new tanks. Both floating roofs and internal floating roofs are used to reduce vapour losses and to aid in conservation programs.

Cone - Bottom Tanks

The cone-bottom in either the bolted or the welded tank offer a means of draining and removing water or water-cut oil, from only the bottom of the tank, leaving the marketable oil above. The drain line from a sump-equipped cone bottom must be equipped with a vortex breaker to drain off most of the water without coning oil into the drain. With a flat-bottom tank, some of the marketable oil must be removed if all the water is removed from the tank. Corrosion on the tank bottom is kept to a minimum by keeping all water removed. A cone bottom can be kept clean without having to open the tank if 1 or 2 bbl are drained off once or twice weekly and pumped back through the treating system. If this is not done and the bottom solidifies, the tank must be opened. The cone-bottom tank can be cleaned without entering. A water hose, handled just outside the cleanout opening, can be used to flush the solids to the centre of the cone and drain connection.

The words to be memorized:

adequate -соответствующий

to aid (in) -способствовать

bolted-steel tank - сборный резервуар

capacity -пропускная способность

cleanout -очистное отверстие

coating -покрытие / грунтовка

cone -воронка

dead weight -собственный вес

design pressure -расчетное давление

dismantle -разборка

to drain (off) -спускать; выпускать; сливать

equivalent pressure -равнозначное давление

erected by hand -установить ручной

erector -монтажник

excess -превышающий норму

expected life -предполагаемый срок службы

fabrication (be fabricated) -изготовление

factory-baked -прокаливать

floating roof -плавающая крыша (резервуара)

flush (out) -технологическая обработка

furnished (with) - снабжать

galvanized -оцинковывать

hot-dip process -пропитка

impact wrench -гайковерт

installation -монтаж / установка

internal pressure -внутреннее давление

leak -утечка

meet requirements -отвечать требованиям

non-existent -несуществующее

operating buoyancy -рабочая плавучесть

prevalent (for) -преобладающий

production -добыча

rafter -балка/стропила

replace -заменить

safety release -безопасность (выпуск)

seal -сальниковое уплотнение

segmental -сегментный

shell -корпус

shop-welded -заводской

storage tank -резервуар для хранения нефтепродуктов

thickness -толщина стенки

treating system -технологическая обработка

up-ended -опрокидывать

vapour loss -потери от испарения (нефтепродуктов)

void -интервал

vortex breaker -вихревой выключатель

water-cut oil -обводнённая нефть

welded tank (field) -сварной резервуар

EXERCISE 2 Match the verbs with the corresponding nouns. Translate them into Russian. Work in pairs, make up 3-5 your own sentences with these words, read them to your partner and he/she will translate them into Russian.

verbs nouns
1. erect 2. flush 3. provide 4. reduce 5. meet 6. fabricate 7. remove 8. design 9. replace 10. calculate 11. exceed 12. attach 13.furnish 14. water 15. design pressure 16. API specifications 17. tank bottom 18. requirements 19. bolted tanks 20. protection coating 21. solids 22. fixed roof 23. tank-shell thickness 24. storage capacity 25. field-welded tanks 26. vapour loss


EXERCISE 3 Read and translate the text "Bolted tanks", fill in the missing words and phrases from the box before the text.


API specification, segmental, sheet, tank bottom, storage, is mantle, manually, gauge steel, galvanized, bolted –steel, corrosion, re-erect, on location  

Bolted tanks

The production of petroleum and its by-products requires ______________________. During the years, tanks developed from wooden to ____________ tanks. Bolted tanks are ____________ elements and assembled _______________________. They are designed according to ____________________. Bolted tanks can be easily ________________ and ___________ at new locations. The ________________ can be replaced in the field. For example, a hole developed from _________________ or damaged, a single _______________ may be replaced. No special equipment is required. These tanks can be erected _________________. These tank types include painted, ________________, and special coatings. Bolted tanks are fabricated from 10-12 in ____________________.

EXERCISE 4 Read and translate the text "Tank battery operation", using the words after the text.

Tank battery operation

After passing through the gas-oil separator, the gas usually is measured through an orifice meter and the oil is flowed into one of the tanks where measurements of the height of oil in the tank are taken from time to time by the operator. The oil flow is usually directed into one tank of the lease battery until it is filled, after which the flow is switched to an empty tank.

The final gauging of a full tank is made by the pipeline company preparatory to running the oil from the tank into the pipeline. It is the lease operator's responsibility to watch the gauging and testing of the oil done by the pipeline gager and to be sure that the measurements are correct. The lease operator in this transaction represents the producer or seller, and the pipeline gager is the transporter. Similarly, it is often the duty of the lease operator to see that the metering equipment used to measure gas delivered off the lease is functioning and serviced properly, even though this may be the direct responsibility of other personnel or of the purchaser of the gas. Also, gas meter charts are commonly changed by lease operator gagers who make the proper notations and forward them to the production office for reading and calculation of the gas volumes registered. At times the lease operators site read the gas meter charts to estimate the daily volume of gas produced by each lease. The gas purchaser usually supplies and maintains the gas sales metering equipment.

When salt-water production occurs with the oil, the accumulated water must be drained from the stock tanks. The volume of salt water produced over each 24-hour period is measured by gauging before and after draining the water accumulated in the tanks. Sometimes it is necessary to transfer any oil emulsified with salt water from the stock tank to a treater for removal of the water or BS&W. In more modem operations the water is removed in a production treater. When the amount transferred is large, the lease operator will usually flow additional oil into the tank to more nearly fill it before delivering the tank to the pipeline gager for running the oil to the pipeline. This operation is referred to as topping out the tank. The treated or recovered oil is often returned to another tank being filled.

The words to be memorized:

1. Dehydration– обезвоживание

2. Hydrating –гидратообразование

3. Pig– скребок (поршень) для трубопроводов

4. Pipeline – трубопровод

5. Separator – сепаратор

6. Tank – емкость

7. Trunkline– основной коллектор, магистральный трубопровод

8. Vortex breaker– гаситель завихрений

9. Droplet – капелька

10. Mist pad–каплеуловитель

11. Coalescing device– коагулятор

12. Deflector plate – пластина дефлектора

13. Vapor section– секция для газа

14. Funneling effect– эффект воронкообразования

15. Corrosion – коррозия

16. Stripper well –истощенная скважина

17. Allowables – квоты

18. Well cluster –куст скважин

19. Plumb bob –свинцовое грузило

20. Reading box– считывающее устройство