DISEASES. Fill in the blanks

1. He often _ _ _ _ _ r _ from bronchitis.

2. That’s right, darling; Mummy’s got a fat tummy because she’s _ _ _ g _ _ _ _.

3. She is colour-blind, which means that she can’t _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ between colours.

4. I am allergic to this kind of pollen. I start _ _ _ e _ _ _ _ any time it gets into my nose.

5. She is not coming today. She has got a _ _ _ cold.

6. Please don’t cough all over everyone! Your cold may be _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ .

7. The epidemic seems to be dying out: only four _ _ _ e _ of cholera were reported last week.

8. The illness from which Alice is suffering has now been _ i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as pneumonia.

9. I have a sore _ _ _ o _ _, perhaps I smoked too many cigarettes yesterday.

10. I had to stay in bed because I had _ _ _ g _ _ a cold.

11. It was just a _ _ l _ attack of bronchitis.

12. I am very _ _ _ i _ _ _ about her health. She seems so weak and has a high temperature.


DISEASES. The following are terms referring to some types of diseases. Match the types with their definitions.

1. acute 2. allergic 3. chronic 4. congenital 5. contagious 6. familial 7. infectious 8. metabolic 9. nutritional 10. psychosomatic a. indicating hypersensitivity to particular foods, kinds of pollen, insect stings, etc. b. caused by mental stress c. coming sharply to a crisis d. lasting for a long time e. due to disturbances in anabolic and katabolic processes f. transmitted genetically from parent to child g. caused by improper diet h. spread by bacteria or viruses. i. present from or before birth j. spreading by physical contact


DISEASES. Choose the best answer.

1. Children with ….. diseases should not be allowed to go to school.

a) constant b) contact c) infectious d) influential

2. He has ….. bronchitis. He has suffered from it for many years.

a) chronic b) durable c) fatal d) mortal

3. I have been advised to take every ….. against catching flu again this winter.

a) precaution b) prediction c) premeditation d) prevention

4. After the outbreak of a mysterious illness, investigation revealed ….. of the town’s water supply.

a) contagion b) eruption c) infiltration d) pollution

5. Apart from the ….. cough and cold, I have been remarkably healthy all my life.

a) irregular b) odd c) opportune d) timely

6. Smallpox, once responsible for millions of deaths, has been virtually ….. .

a) abolished b) eradicated c) erased d) exterminated

7. Unless we take immediate precautions, we shall not be able to ….. the epidemic.

a) contain b) destroy c) hold d) staunch

8. Peter can’t play with the children next door because he is still in ….. with measles.

a) confinement b) detention c) seclusion d) quarantine

9. The outbreak of whooping cough among children under 5 has now reached ….. proportions.

a) contagious b) endemic c) epidemic d) pathological

10. My little daughter is not allowed to play with her friends next door because one of them is suffering from a ….. disease.

a)contagious b) contiguous c) touching d) transmitting

11. An illness that is caused by the mind is known as ….. illness.

a) an acute b) a congenital c) a familial d) a psychosomatic

12. She suffers from a morbid fear of spiders, known to doctor as ….. .

a) agoraphobia b) arachnophobia c) claustrophobia d) xenophobia


DISEASES. Fill the blanks with the words below. You may use each word only once.

bacteria body break dangerous delicate
disease eyes germs line liquids
membrane moisture mouth nose parts
prick skin sneeze stomach  


How the Body Fights Disease

The ….. is often called “the body’s first ….. of defence”. It acts as armour, resisting many germs that might harm the more ….. parts of the ….. . Any ….. in the skin even a pin ….. , provides an opening for ….. germs. Some …… enter the body through the ….. and ….. and other natural openings. These areas provided warmth and ….. , in which germs thrive. When the ….. of the nose and throat becomes irritated, we cough or ….. , blowing out the unwanted substances.

Other body ….. also contain a defense against ….. . Tears, for example, wash ….. from the ….. . Tears also contain substances that fight bacteria. Acid in the ….. kills man germs before they can reach other ….. of the body.


Choose the best answer.

1. Smoking is a very bad habit, which many people find difficult to ….. .

a) beat b) break c) breathe d) cough

2. Can you ….. me an effective way to stop smoking?

a) advise b) instruct c) show d) suggest

3. All cigarette packets carry ….. about the effect of smoking on health.

a) an advice b) an alarm c) an alert d) a warning

4. It has been conclusively ….. that smoking causes many diseases.

a) admitted b) approved c) declared d) established

5. Expert have found that breathing in tobacco smoke can be ….. to non-smokers.

a) harmful b) spoiling c) unhealthy d) wholesome

6. He never stops smoking, one cigarette after another. I’m afraid he’s become a … smoker.

a) chain b) cord c) line d) rope

7. You have a very nasty cough. You must ….. on cigarettes.

a) cut down b) give up c) reduce d) take down

8. I hope you don’t ….. to my smoking.

a) disapprove b) disagree c) object d) oppose

9. Many people have ….. smoking. Why don’t you follow their example!

a) ended b) given up c) gone from d) left


14. SPECIALISTS. Where can you find these patients? Match the patients with the correct words or departments.

1. Intensive Care Unit

2. Casualty and Emergency Department

3. Pediatric Ward

4. Maternity Unit

5. Orthopaedic Ward

6. Surgical Ward

7. Geriatric Ward

8. Ophthalmic Ward

9. Gynaecological Ward


a. Mary who has just had a baby

b. John who has broken his leg

c. My grandmother who is suffering from pneumonia complications

d. Peter who will have his appendix removed

e. Betty’s mother who is suffering from women’s disease

f. My mother who will be operated on for an eye cataract

g. Samuel who is unconscious

h. Paul who has just been in a car crash

i. Your son who has measles