Prerequisites of the COURSE



S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University





“Fundamentals of economic theory”

For students’specialty: 5B060800 – Ecology

Astana 2012

Reviewed and approved for publication in the training session Methodological Council S.Seifullin KATU protocol № ____«___»_____2012 "Approved" first Deputy Chairman of the Board _________Tazabekova E.T.   "___" ________2012



Author: Kenzhebolatova M. Sh.


A training complex for the subject "Economic Theory" is in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents (curriculum and program of the discipline) model program for the subject "Economic Theory".

CMD is designed for students' independent work full-time and distance learning, studying the course "Economics."


Reviewed and approved at a meeting of the Department of Economic Theory and Law

Protocol № 2 dated "24" September 2012.



Reviewed and recommended at a meeting of the methodological commission Economics Department

Protocol number of 1 "28" September 2012






Glossary of the course
A short course of lectures
3.1 Economic needs, economic benefits and economic resources. The problem of economic choice
3.2 Fundamentals of social production
3.3 Property relations and their role in the economy
3.4 Foundations of a market economy and entrepreneurship
3.5 Fundamentals of the theory of supply and demand
3.6 Competition and Monopoly
3.7 Circuit and the circulation of capital (funds) of enterprises
3.8 Expenses and income of the company (the company)
3.9 Factor markets and the formation of factor income
3.10 The national economy as a system
3.11 Macroeconomic equilibrium
3.12 Cyclical nature of economic development and economic growth
3.13 Unemployment and inflation as a sign of economic instability
3.14 The main directions of economic policy
Assignments for practical classes and self-study (SRSP)
Questions for the interim control for the subject "Economic Theory"  
Tests to consolidate students' knowledge





Offered to the students of a training set of disciplines is a simplified presentation of the basic problems of economic theory.

The course "Economic Theory" is a basic discipline, which is now mandatory for higher education in any economic field. Interest in the discipline of the students is determined by the changes in the economy, which is currently taking place.

By studying this course, students acquire the skills of logical, abstract economic thinking and knowledge of the general principles of economic systems and the functioning of a market economy.

The purposes of this educational complex are a consistent description of the main provisions of the economic theory and review the most important economic concepts. The authors set themselves the task to present the material in a fairly brief and as easy to understand, with reduction of graphic illustrations.

The proposed methodical complex includes different types of jobs - classical computational problems, questions that need to give more or less detailed response, draw a diagram or fill in the missing pieces of the proposals; tasks requiring basic skills of analysis.

The proposed tests, tasks, discussion topics are recommended for control of students' knowledge in seminars and self-study with a teacher.

This methodical complex is designed for students of economic specialties.






Lecture deliverer: Doctor of Economic Sciences,

Professor - Kenzhebolatova M.Sh.
S.Seifullin Kazakh AgroTechnical University
off. Phone 31-75-88, auditorium 723




● economic theory;
● Course - 1;
● the number of credits - 2;
● lecture hours - 15;
● practical hours - 15;
● Semester - 1;
● place of lecture delivering - Department of Economic Theory


Estimated distribution of instructional time


Semester week Total
Practical studies
Self-study with a tutor
Independent work


Prerequisites of the COURSE

● mathematics;
● history;

4. Postrequisites of the COURSE

● Microeconomics;
● Macroeconomics;
● International Economics;