Gogol about the farm landowners Plyushkin
Nikolai Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" describes farming landowner Plyushkin: "This landlord was more than a thousand souls, and those who would try to find someone else so much bread, bags of grain, flour, and just the treasure. Living alone, Plyushkin became keeper, custodian and owner of his miserly incalculable wealth created in a closed estate.
Determine what type of organization of the economy is agriculture landowner Plyushkin.
Folk wisdom
It has long been in our country there was saying: "The all-trades", "He and Sweden, and the reaper and the dude igrets."
Question for ingenuity
What kind of workers are we talking about?
Explain the sources of subsistence
A. Why is subsistence farming there for the longest period - throughout the history of the economy (about 10 million years old)?
B. What is the reason that many foreign economic textbooks called subsistence farming of traditional economic system?
In characterizing the subsistence economy on a national scale uses the term "self-sufficiency". What does it mean?
Comparative analysis of natural and commodity production
A. Contrast, subsistence and commercial production for the following criteria:
- Closed or open economy;
- Developed or undeveloped division of labor;
- Direct or indirect link between production and consumption of products.
B. Set is compatible or incompatible with each other and the natural commodity production.
C. Specify which main feature is critical to the division management on its two types.
Adventures scientist W. Cameron
In 1873, English explorer of Central Africa Verne Cameron had to buy a boat. The market in Kevel, on the shore of Lake Tanganyika, he found the right boat. But the owner of the boat required for her ivory, which Cameron was not. So he had to make a number of transactions. At Cameron was a copper wire, he traded it in cloth, then shelved - for ivory. Only after that he got a boat. Explain the difficulties of commodity exchange, which has faced Cameron?
Find the right answer
To the term in the left column find the definition in the right column:
check | а. exchange of goods on toavr with money |
bill | b. function of money associated with the repayment of the money lender |
instrument of payment | c. security is intended for non-cash payments for the purchase and debt |
measure of value | d. debt liabilities used instead of money |
appeal | e. money function of the measurement of the cost of goods |
Function of money
Determine which functions of money used in the following cases:
a) an enterprise pays for delivered products;
b) the firm provides workers wages;
c) The company calculates the efficiency of the new technology;
g) the company repays the loan;
e) The company buys the car.
The design task
The amount of money required for treatment can be determined by the formula:
M • V = P • G
where, M - the amount of cash in circulation, V - the velocity of money, P - the average price of goods and services, G - the volume of goods and services.
Determine how much cash is required for treatment, if each currency turns 10 times a year, and the country for the year produced goods and services worth 20 trillion. euro.
Independent work of the student
Questions for self-study:
1. The development of entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan.
2. The problems of small and medium business in Kazakhstan.
3. State support of entrepreneurship
Form of control:
- Problem solving
Theme 5. Fundamentals of the theory of supply and demand
(2 hours)
The seminars № 1
The purpose of the lesson:
- study the laws of supply and demand
- address factors affecting the supply and demand
- consider the types of market equilibrium
- explore types of elasticity
Topics for discussion:
1. The market mechanism as the relationship and interaction of the elements of the market: demand, supply and prices.
2. Demand as an integral part of the market. The law of demand.
3. The proposal - an element of the market. The law of supply.
4. Elasticity of demand and supply.
Questions and tasks:
1. Demand for the product is presented in the form of the equation P = 10 - 0,2 Qd, and the supply equation P = 2 + 0,2 Qs. To determine the equilibrium price and the equilibrium volume of sales.
2. Supply and demand for meals in the student dining room by the equations:
Qd = 2400 - 100P,
Qs = 1000 + 250P,
where, Q - the number of meals per day, P - price lunch (on units).
A) Calculate the equilibrium price and quantity sold at that price lunches.
B) concern about the students, the administration has set a price on a 3 units. for lunch. Describe and calculate the consequences of the decision.
3. Function of demand for this product Qd = 7-P, the supply function of the product Qs = -5 + 2P, where P - the price of the product in tenge. Determine the equilibrium price and the equilibrium volume of sales. What will be the income of producers? If the price is set by the government at 3 Tenge, what would happen?
4. The demand curve for soft drinks has the form: Qd = 600 - 4P, gdeQd-volume demand. If the supply curve is of the form: Qs = 200 + 4P, then what will be the equilibrium output and the equilibrium price?
5. Suppose that the supply curve has the form of bread: Qs = 200 + 3P, where Qs - the volume of supply of bread, P - the price of bread.
If the demand curve - the horizontal line, and Qd = 320, then what will be the equilibrium price of bread?
6. If a price reduction of 5% will reduce the overall supply of 8%, the proposal: a) inelastic b) elastic.
7. The elasticity of demand for this product at a price equal to - 0.25. Income elasticity of demand - (- 0.8). By what percentage will change the demand for this product, if its price fell by 8%, while revenues grew by 5%. It is assumed that the price level remains unchanged.
8. Price elasticity of demand for the goods is 0.5, and the income elasticity of demand for the same product is 1.6. How will the demand for this product, if the price increases by 10%, and revenues increase by 15%?