Structure of formal letter

Government of Canada1

Office of the Chairman Public Service Commission2

Ottawa, Ontario K1A ON7

Attention: P. Smith3

Decembers 8, 1996 4

Dear Sir: 5

Ref: PC Program analyst 6


Yours sincerely, 8

2) Robertson Director9

General Services Division

AP/CL 10

Encl. 11

cc : D.Dube12


2. Внутренний адрес. Адрес того, кому предназначено письмо, размещается вверху. Если Вам известно имя человека, которому предназначено письмо, то его звание и полное имя указываются здесь же.

3. Строка: внимание.Включается в тех случаях, когда письмо отправляется, например, в компанию, но адресовано кому-либо лично.




Основная часть

8. Комплементарная концовка. Обычные окончания:

British American
Yours truly, Truly yours,
Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours,
Yours faithfully, Faithfully yours,


9. Подпись, должность, отдел. Подпись, расшифровка подписи, должность следуют друг за другом в строку в левом или в правом углу письма.

10. Посылочные инициалы. Посылочные инициалы указывают на тех, кто писал / печатал / переводил письмо.

11. Вложения. Если к письму прилагаются какие-либо материалы, то об этом упоминается после посылочных инициалов.

12. Копии. Указания на адресатов копий письма даются в самом конце.


Structure of informal letter





Salutation: Body:


Closing: Signature:



316 Indiana Drive

Glenshaw, Pa. 11651

February 26, 1975

Dear Mary,

As you may have heard by now, I’m planning to attend Indiana University in the fall. I’m not certain about my major yet, but I’m very much interested in ecology. Does Indiana have such a major? Maybe I’ll have to settle for biology and specialize later. Un­doubtedly the catalogue will answer this question and similar ones. Could you send me a copy?

I have a million questions I would like to ask about dormitory living, social life, etc., but I’ll wait till you get home for vacation. Let me know when you’re coming. I want to plan a welcome home party.



Sample of report

Site accident report Executive summary Damage has been caused to the emergency generator on the Witherby power plant site. It was caused by a fire started by the electrical contractors Mullet & Sons. Although the packing material that caught fire was left by another subcontractor, the personnel from Mullet started work before clearing the waste matter away, in contravention or contract regulation 2.3.8. Mullet & Sons should therefore pay for the replacement of the damaged equipment. Introduction This report will look at: • the sequence of events • the subcontractors involved • the responsibilities of the subcontractors • the financial compensation from the subcontractors • recommendations to avoid future incidents of this nature Findings 1. Fire broke out at 17.30 on Friday 13 October in the working area around the emergency generator. Ail personnel were cleared from the site and the fire service informed by 17.45.The fire-service arrived at 18.00 and the blaze was extinguished by 18.30. 2. The electrical contractors Mullet & Sons started the fire accidentally when carrying out the connection work of the generator to the main power line. Packing material left on the ground by another subcontractor Harvest Macdcugail plc caught fire and this quickly spread. 3. Although Harvest Macdcugail are obliged to remove any packaging material they bring with them it seems that the electricians from Mullet told them to just leave it. We assume they wanted to get their own work done as quickly as possible so that they could finish for the weekend. Starting welding work without first making sure there is no inflammable material around is in direct contravention of contract regulation 2.3.8. Conclusion Mullet & Sorts must pay for the replacement of the generator (€ 90,000) as they are solely responsible for the damage. Recommendations 1. Moist & Sons should not be offered any more work on site if they do not accept these terms. 2. Harvest Macdougoil should receive a formal warning. 3. All subcontractors must be reminded of their obligation to follow all fire and safety regulations.     Normal Poole Site Manager 19 October