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Федеральное агентство по образованию

Елабужский государственный педагогический университет

Факультет иностранных языков

Контрольная работа № 1

Для студентов III курса заочного отделения.

(практика устной и письменной речи)

Елабуга, 2006

Control Work N 1.

For the third course on topic “Hiking”

I.1.Before you read this newspaper article, look at these sentences & see if you can guess the missing words. Then find the answers to the questions in the text below.

¨ The most popular sporting activity in Britain is ....

¨ Over the past 20 years, 1.500 private ... have been built in Britain.

¨ The second most popular sporting activity in Britain is ...

¨ Over the past 20 years ... public leisure centres have been built in Britain.

2. Read & translate the following text & be ready to fulfill the exercises below.

Fitness or Fun ?

n WE BRITISH as a nation do all kinds of things in our spare time: we go shopping or jogging, we play darts or football, we collect records or stamps, we go to church or to the pub. The averange working person has 40 hours of free time a week, sleeps for 49 hours, spends 45 hours at work or travelling to & from work. The remaining hours are spent on “essential activities” (food shopping , housework, child care, cooking, etc.). Of course, some of our free time activities, like visiting relatives or taking driving lessons, may not be fun, but whatever we do, the way we spend our free time is probably providing other people with work. Leisure is our fastest growing industry.

n ACCORDING TO the latest figures, during the past year, the most popular activity of all was walking: 35 million British people regularly walked two miles or more. More energetically, ten million people went to keep fit classes or took part in aerobics or yoga & half as many did some kind of weight training in a gym. Not only did nine million people go cycling but four million went jogging & the same number played football & played golf. Other popular sports were bowling (six million), badminton (five million), tennis (four million) & squash (three million). Less actively, twelve million people played snooker or pool, seven million played darts & three million went fishing.

n WATCHING OTHER people playing is also a popular leisure activity: the favourite sprots among TV viewers are football, horseracing, snooker, cricket & tennis. But although millions watch the matches on TV, not so many regularly go to watch football matches. “New” television sports like American football, basketball & even darts are attracting loyal armchair experts.

n THE FITNESS boom of the eighties led to a big rise in the numbers of people participating in sports. To cater for this boom & provide the up-to-date facilities people want, over 1.500 private health & fitness clubs & the same number of public leisure centres have been built during the past twenty years. These modern centres, with their swimming pools (22 million people went swimming last year), squash courts, gyms and indoor courts for tennis and other sports , are competing with clubs,pubs and cinemas as places for people to go to spend their leisure time-and thier money. Now practically every town has a leisure pool, often with a wave machine, water slides and tropical plants. Families can even spend their holidays at huge indoor water parks, where they can play or relax all day long in warmth & comfort without worrying about the weather outside. But this may not be helping us to get fitter: we may be becoming a nation of splashers, but not a nation of swimmers. The big question fitness experts are asking is: should sport be taken seriously or should it just be fun?

2. Fill the gaps in this chart with information from the article.

Number of the people who took part in sports and leisure activities in the last year: walking 35 million.

Swimming ...; snooker and pool ...; cycling ...; keep fit, aerobics and yoga ...; darts ...; golf ...;bowling...; running and jogging...; football..., weight training...; badminton...; squash ...; tennis...; fishing.

3. Look again at the last paragraph of the text . Where could you split it into three shorter paragraphs? Ask 2-3 key questions to each paragraph.

4. Answer the following questions in a written form.

¨ What are your country’s national sports? Why are they popular?

¨ Which of the leisure activities mentioned in the article are not popular in your country?

¨ What non-sporting leisure activities are most popular among your own frinds and the people you know?

¨ Should sport be taken seriously-or should it be fun? Can it be both?

II.1.Read and translate the following text:

Backpacking is best described as advanced camping and should be undertaken only by those who have hiked mountain or forest trails. It requires physical stamina and a genuine liking for the isolation of remote country. The Rupes had hiked often in their California mountains, but as Jack said, “It took us a long time to get up the courage to try backpacking. The one thing that pushed me into it was fishing. I wanted a chance to tie onto those big fish people talked about.”

Equipment presented some problems, but the Rupes found that by shopping around and asking a lot of questions, they could get a shelter that was rainproof; a bed that was warm; and food that was nourishing and easy to prepare at a reasonable price.

Experienced backpackers pride themselves on being able to travel light. With many weight saving is almost a fetish; with all it’s a game. Rugged, sure-footed men will seriously explain that they cut towels in half and saw the handles off tooth-brushes to save ounces. There are dozens of such tricks to save the ounces that add up to pounds.

2. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases:

Backpacking, physical stamina, genuine liking, to get up the courage, to travel light, a fetish,to pride oneself on being able to do smth, a shelter, rainproof.

3. Make up your own questions to this text (7-8)

III.1.Read a traveller’s tale about being taken unawares by a sudden storm.

“What a mad place to pitch a tent!” Bill remarked as we scrambled down the rough paths from the cliffs above.

Some inexperienced campers had perched their set-up almost on the adge of a bit of land overlooking a huge drop to the beach below. We thought nothing more of this until suddenly, as we sat fishing, Bill noticed the clouds above us.

“Don’t like the look of the sky,” he said. “Think we’ll make for home.”

Funny how quickly one’s tent becomes “home”! As we hurried up the long, steep track from the beach, the sea began to look menacing, and soon we were in for a real “whirlygig”. The waves rose higher and higher, the wind whipped everywhere at once, and spirals of sea water were hurled skyward.

We reached the top of the cliffs when the wind was at its highest. Bill raced towards that tiny tent perched on the cliff like a bird about to take off. A woman rushed out of the bush simultaneously as he yelled to her:” Flatten your tent!”

She seemed in a daze. She said afterward they had been taken unawares by the fast approaching storm.

Bill and the woman managed to lay the tent flat, and I grabbed the teapot just as it was about to be whirled away by the gale. As soon as the woman was safe we made for our camping ground.

“Don’t like to think how the camp will be,” Bill muttered.

“Do you think our tent can make it?” I asked.

“God knows!” he said.

But there stood our tent, staunch and true while most of camp was dishevelled and sorry looking.

“Our tent is weatherproof!” I cried.

2. Give the English equivalents of the following words and use them in your own sentences:

to pitch a tent, to look menacing, to be hurled, to be at one’s highest, to yell to smb, in a daze, to be taken unawares, to be about to do smth, to be dishevelled.

3. Recount briefly what happened to the campers. Have you ever experienced any exciting incident during a hike or a picnic? What would you do if you were taken unawares by a sudden storm. Give your answer in some 5-6 sentences.

Контрольная работа № 1

для студентов Ш курса заочного отделения.

(практика устной и письменной речи)

Составители: Соловьева Г. В.


Федеральное агентство по образованию