Citizens of Russia have the right to education which is guaranteed by the Constitution and ensured by the broad development of compulsory secondary education, vocational, specialized secondary and higher education, by the development of extramural, correspondence and evening courses, by the provisions of state scholarships, grants ard previleges for students.
In Russia there is a nine-year compulsory education, but to enter a university one has to study two years more.
School starts at the age of six for Russian children. But most of them have leamt letters in kindergarten which is now part of primary school. Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years of study. School has a "core curriculum" of Russian, mathematics, science, FT. A variety of elective subjects are taught at lyceums ard gymnasiums.
After finishing secondary school, lyceum or gymnasium one can go on to higher education. All applicants must take competitive examinations. Entrence examinations are held in July and August. Higher educational institutions are headed by Rectors. Prorectors are in charge of the academic and scientific work. Higher educational unstitutions train undergraduates and graduate students in one or several specializations. The faculties are headed by the Deans. There are departments within faculties. The system of higher education in Russia is going through a transitional period. The main objectives of the reform are: decentralization of the higher education system, development of the autonomy of higher educational institutions, expantion of academic freedoms of faculties and students, development of new financial mechanism. All Russian schools until recently have been state-subsidized.
In the terms of the ration of students to the total population Russia ranks among the top ten countries in the world.
The Russian educational policy is a combination of economic and social objectives. An educated person contributes more to the society and education on the otiher hand gives a person the prospect for professional advance. The citizens of Russia show a great concern for education for themselves and their children. Institutions of higher education include: technical training schools, teachers training colleges, universities which offer master's and doctoral, degrees programmes. The faculties have specialized councils for conferring advanced academic degrees.
Teacher’s Profession
Teacher’s Profession
It is not an easy thing to choose a profession but I've made my choice and decided to become ateacher. My parents are also teachers and I know that teaching is a very specific and very interesting job. A teacher is a person who is learning as well as teaching all his life. Most jobs can be done within the usual office hours of 9 a. m. - 5 p.m., but teacher's work is never done. When classes are over teachers stay at school to hold competitions, discoes, meetings of clubs and societies and are busy doing other kinds of extra-curriculum (out-of-class) work. Evenings are mostly spent marking exercise-books and preparing for the next lesson.
While teaching you have to encourage your pupils and keep them interested. A good teacher is a model of competence. He studies his children closely -to discover their interests, their needs and abilities. He plans his work upon what he he learns about his children. The relationships between him and his pupils should be based on cooperation and respect for a person.
The function of education is to prepare children for real life situations, to help them live in the community, to bring them up in the spirit of high moral ideals. It is a great responsibility. Teachers develop their pupils' intellect, form their views and characters. They teach children to be honest and kind, to be active and industrious, loving their native land.
To be a teacher is not so easy as it may seem at first but love for children and great patience combined with deep knowledge would be quite enough to succeed in work.
This teacher's profession is a very hard job, but it is also very interesting and creative. That is why thousands of young people choose this profession and dedicate their lives to the education of younger generation. The schools of Russia are proud of such outstanding pedagogues as Ushinsky, Makarenko, Amonashvili, Shatalov and others.
choose (chose, chosen) – выбирать
hold (held, held) – проводить (мероприятие)
encourage– подбадривать, поощрять
abilities – cnocoбности
relationships – отношения
respect – уважение
community – общество
bring up (brought, brought) = educate – воспитывать
in the spirit of – в духе
responsibility – ответственность
views – взгляды
industrious – трудолюбивый
patience – терпение
succeed – преуспевать