В)амер. наймати (людей на роботу); набирати (студентів)
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Підготовка сержантів і кваліфікованих солдатів здійснюється у навчальних військових частинах (центрах) Збройних Сил України.
Військовослужбовці, які мають вищу освіту, направляються, як правило, до навчальних частин для підготовки сержантів і кваліфікованих солдатів за фахом, спорідненим з їх освітою. Вони також можуть проходити відповідну підготовку у військовій частині і призначатися на посади, споріднені з їх освітою.
Солдати (матроси), які навчаються у навчальних частинах, іменуються курсантами.
Курсантам, які закінчили підготовку в навчальних частинах за програмами підготовки сержантів і склали встановлені іспити, військове звання молодшого сержанта присвоюється після їх призначення у військових частинах на посади сержантів.
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When you arrive at Lackland, you will be referred to as “trainee.” Your reporting statement will be, “Sir/Ma'am, Trainee XXXXX, reports as ordered”. After completion of the 5th week of training, you will be referred to as “Airman”. It's a good idea to rehearse your reporting statement before you arrive. You will be assigned to a “flight,” a group of 30-60 trainees within a “Squadron.” Each flight will have several TI's (Training Instructors) assigned to guide the trainees through BMT.
The first few days (Zero week) will be spent getting haircuts, issuing equipment and clothing, and explaining the basics of dorm life. Most days begin at 0445 (4:45a.m.) and end at 2100 (9:00 p.m.). You will receive three meals per day.
In addition to the specific weekly topics, you will have daily physical conditioning (PC), time for dormitory maintenance, study, and hygiene.
There will be two PC assessments during BMT. The first will be on the weekend after arrival and the second will be during the fourth WOT. You must pass the final assessment in order to pass BMT.
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All midshipmen begin the four-year program with Plebe Summer, a period designed to turn civilians into midshipmen. Plebe Summer is no gentle easing into the military routine. Soon after entering the gate on Induction Day, you are put into uniform and taught how to salute by the first class midshipmen and officers who lead the plebe indoctrination program. For the next seven weeks, you start your days at dawn with an hour of rigorous exercise and end them long after sunset, wondering how you will make it through the next day. Forget television, leisure time or movies. You will have barely enough hours in the day to finish your assigned plebe tasks.
The frantic, exhausting pace of Plebe Summer leads you somewhere. It gets you ready for your responsibilities when the brigade returns from summer training and the academic year begins. The summer also builds the foundation for the tangible and intangible qualities that make an outstanding naval officer. You learn self-discipline. You learn to organize your time and decide which things are most important. You reach top physical condition. You develop your ability to think clearly under stress and to react quickly when the unexpected comes your way. Any officer who has stood the watch on the bridge of a ship in a storm or landed a jet on the deck of an aircraft carrier at night can tell you the importance of these qualities. Plebe Summer introduces you to the basic how-to’s of the Navy as well. Aboard Naval Academy sailboats, you learn to respect the power of wind and current. In motor boats and yard patrol craft, you learn the basics of seamanship, navigation and boat handling. On the weapons range, you learn how to fire small arms safely and accurately. You also learn why we have high standards of honor, character and morality. And, you begin to develop your own ideas about leadership and the techniques that will make you an effective leader when your turn comes.
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Чи важка первинна військова підготовка? | Yes. Recruit training will be one of the most physically and mentally challenging experiences of your life. But it is not impossible. The sense of accomplishment upon completing training is very rewarding and worth it. |
Чи використовується біг на великі дистанції? | To begin training, you need to be able to run 1.5 miles in 13 minutes. Developing your running strength is an important part of recruit training. The longest run in recruit training is the five-mile motivation run. |
Скільки триває відпочинок новобранця? | Recruits are scheduled for eight hours of sleep each night. The only exception is during the 54-hour Crucible test at the end of recruit training, which has scheduled but limited hours of sleep. |
Чим відрізняється підготовка офіцерів від загальної ПВП? | Training at all levels is designed to make men and women into Marines. Training for enlisted recruits is more mentally oriented. Officer training tends to be more physically demanding and leadership-oriented. |
Що Вас чекає по закінченні ПВП? | You will receive some time off! After your time off, you will begin more advanced combat training and basic skills training for your Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). |