D) Perfect Continuous Infinitive Active


Model: to translate – to have been translating


to discuss to live to paint to run to study
to drive to read to rain to ski to watch


Exercise 2. Analyse the form of the infinitive. Translate the sentences.


1. That work must be completed before tomorrow night.
2. They claim to have solved the problem.
3. He pretended to be reading the newspaper.
4. A new supermarket is going to be built next year.
5. The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days.
6. He seems to have been looking for her all morning.
7. Ann is very tired. She is said to have been working hard recently.
8. We’d better not bother him; he seems to be repairing his car.
9. Two people are reported to have been injured in a serious car accident.
10. He is old enough toanswer for his own actions.


Exercise 3. Use the infinitive active or passive.


1. That fellow seems ____ (to trust) by everyone.
2. Mr. Foster hopes ____ (to transfer) to Chicago by his company.
3. Of course, we intend ____ (to pay) in full for all our services.
4. Recycling is a popular way ____ (to conserve) natural resources.
5. Naturally, I would like ____ (to promote) to a higher position.
6. The theme is too important ____ (to publish) in popular papers.
7. Do you mean____ (to invite) me to a circus show?
8. The whole problem certainly needs ____ (to consider) very carefully.
9. The British Museum is much too big____ (to see) in an hour or so.
10. I really didn’t expect____ (to introduce) to the president.


Exercise 4. Use the correct form of the infinitive.


1. There are many explanations of how the leek came ____ (to adopt) as the national emblem of Wales.
2. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of Thanks giving ____ (to celebrate) on the last Thursday in November.
3. Kids today seem ____ (to do) a lot less housework and chores.
4. For about three days he seemed ____ (to live) on nothing but bread and water.
5. Why not allow her ____ (to do) as she likes?
6. She was seen ____ (to come) to the corner and ____ (to turn) to the left.
7. Clyde was very sorry ____ (to forget) to congratulate me on my birthday.
8. The children seem ____ (to play) since morning.
9. The children were happy ____ (to take) to the zoo.
10. Music can ____ (to enjoy) at the Royal Opera House and the Royal Festival Hall, among other places.


Exercise 5. Use the infinitive with or without the particle “to”.


1. We expect ____ (to visit) Switzerland in the summer.
2. I think you’d better ____ (to change) that last statement.
3. Those students used ____ (to complain) about their work.
4. There is one more thing I must ____ (to tell) you about.
5. The foreman let the men ____ (to leave) before 5 o’clock.
6. I had ____ (to ask) them ____ (to smoke) in the other room.
7. We usually have that man ____ (to wash) our car once a week.
8. The girl’s mother doesn’t make her ____ (to study) every night.
9. I would rather ____ (to walk) downtown this afternoon.
10. I would like ____ (to eat) dinner earlier than usual tonight.


Exercise 6. Put the negative infinitive in each sentence.


to apply to go to listen to play to repeat
to be to laugh to make to prefer to run


1. He is considering whether or ____ for that job.
2. You must try to learn from your mistakes and ____ them.
3. You must ____ across the road.
4. It’s awfully cold today. Let’s ____ out.
5. Tell John to behave, and ____ rude.
6. Please, try ____ at him.
7. He promised ____ noise in class.
8. The police have decided ____ charges against them.
9. I am tired. I would rather ____ football this evening.
10. She pretended ____ to them.


Exercise 7. Find the infinitive in the sentences, define its function.


1. Some acids are strong enough to burn your skin.
2. Unfortunately, the devices to reduce the acid gases are expensive.
3. It is important to conserve water so that everyone has enough to drink and use for watering crops.
4. Governments set up national parks to preserve unusual areas.
5. You can drive to many campsites in your car.
6. To study a language takes a lot of time.
7. It takes about seven hours to drive from here to Seattle.
8. My desire is to fly to Caracas, Venezuela.
9. He advised me to travel by car.
10. She was sorry to have missed so many classes before the exams.


Exercise 8. Paraphrase the following sentences using the infinitive as a subject.


Model: Learning English is really quite easy. It is really quite easy to learn English.


1. Writing good compositions in English is not so easy.
2. Seeing our old friends again was wonderful.
3. Complaining about that matter now is useless.
4. Sitting in one place for so long was very uncomfortable.
5. Going to that party next week will be a lot of fun.
6. Finding examples of that is almost impossible.
7. Travelling to Italy by boat will be interesting for us.
8. Understanding that fellow was very difficult for me.
9. Meeting the president in person was exciting.
10. Travelling during the rush hour is not a good idea.


Exercise 9. Translate these sentences with the infinitive used as a part of predicate.


1. The aim of my life is to become a programmer.
2. He is to get extra money for his work.
3. My brother’s life ambition is to work for the Apple Company.
4. My advice is to go on a diet.
5. We were to have arrived earlier, but we were delayed on the road.
6. The next point of our meeting is to discuss environmental protection and the careful use of resources.
7. I am to fly back to Greece this Wednesday morning.
8. We are to reach the place of destination at midnight.
9. My plan for today is to translate this article.
10. We were to have bought a new TV before Christmas came but we hadn’t saved enough money.


Exercise 10. Use each infinitive below as a part of predicate.


to become to fight to pay to use
to complete to get rid to remember to visit
to control to grow to take part  


1. One way to save fossil fuels is ____ less of them.
2. The speaker’s job is ____ the discussions in a parliament.
3. The main purpose of this folk feast is ___ of everything that is bad in one’s life.
4. Royal duties are ____ many parts of the UK and ____ state visits to foreign countries.
5. A soldier’s duty is ____ for his country.
6. Our aim was ____ the work before the end of the month.
7. My aim is ____ a programmer.
8. His only chance to break a record is ____ in winter competitions.
9. During the next five hundred years, London continued ____ rapidly.
10. This fact is difficult ____.


Exercise 11. Give some advice or recommendation, using the infinitive with had better”. Sometimes you need the negative.


Model: Ann doesn’t look very well. (togo to work). She’d better not go to work.


1. I’m going to visit Spain. (to learn a few words of Spanish)
2. I’m afraid I’ll miss the train. (to take a taxi)
3. I have a bad toothache. (to go to the dentist)
4. Pete rides his motorcycle at night without lights.(not to do it)
5. It is very cold, but Alex is walking without a coat. (to put a coat on)
6. You are going to a restaurant tomorrow. (to reserve a table)
7. I have to meet Susan in ten minutes. (to go now)
8. There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. (to take an umbrella)
9. Alison is terribly overweight. (to stop eating too much)
10. I’m afraid my car might be stolen. (to install an alarm system)


Exercise 12. Complete the sentences with a full infinitive and any other necessary words.


Model: Everyone was sorry to hear the bad news.


1. Miss Williams was pleased ____
2. The students are anxious ____
3. You were very fortunate ____
4. His parents were ashamed ____
5. Everyone was disappointed ____
6. I think you will be surprised ____
7. Professor Moore is certainly qualified ____
8. Yes, I’m fully prepared ____
9. That man was very polite ____
10. In my opinion, that man is unfit ____


Exercise 13. Use the infinitives given below as objects.


to change to participate to show to teach
to finish to play to speak to think
to help to return to stay


1. How long do you plan ____ in Puerto Rico?
2. She promised ____ the book just as soon as possible.
3. Our teacher encourages us ____ for ourselves.
4. They have offered ___ us how to work the machine.
5. He wants ____ the students ____ English correctly.
6. We hope ____ painting the house by Thursday.
7. Mr. Moore advised me ____ my method of doing it.
8. I am trying ____ you with your English lesson.
9. Our dog likes ____ with a rubber ball.
10. She allowed Albert ____ increasingly in British politics.


Exercise 14. Respond to the following by using the infinitive and the adjectives.


foolish impolite reasonable silly
generous kind rude wise


Model: My warmest congratulations on your birthday! It is nice of you to remember my birthday.


1. Yesterday Pete met me at the airport and carried the luggage for me.
2. Mike lent me $ 500.
3. He didn’t tell the police about the accident.
4. Susan declined Mike’s proposal to become his wife.
5. Nick repaired my computer.
6. I’m leaving my job.
7. He gave up smoking.
8. Mary walks alone at night in this district.
9. Sally didn’t pay much attention to you at the party.
10. He refused to help me.


Exercise 15. Paraphrase the following sentences.


Model: It’s hard to please you. You are hard to please.


1. It was interesting to visit the castle.
2. It is advisable to practice each exercise individually at first.
3. It’s very difficult to read your writing.
4. It’s just not physically possible to finish all this by the end of the week.
5. It is particularly interesting to compare the two versions.
6. It was always interesting to hear his stories.
7. Do you think it’s safe to drink this water?
8. It’s very interesting to talk to Mary.
9. It’s expensive to maintain a car.
10. It’s very difficult to open the door.


Exercise 16. Paraphrase the following sentences using the infinitive as an attribute.


Model: Victoria was the first queen who lived in Buckingham Palace. Victoria was the first queen to live in Buckingham Palace.


1. Many big cities have evening papers which give the latest news.
2. Earth is the only planet that has so much oxygen in its atmosphere.
3. They look for ways which can save endangered plants and animals.
4. The first people who built a city near the mouth of the Thames River were not from England; they were from Rome.
5. London has many religious, governmental, and scenic places which you can visit.
6. Henry VIII was the last monarch who lived in the Palace of Westminster.
7. To reduce pollution, in 1977 Oregon became the first state which made a law against selling aerosol sprays.
8. Protecting plants and animals in the environment is a worthwhile thing which must be done.
9. Animals and plants also need places where they can live.
10. One of the first efforts which could protect certain species of animals was the 1916 Migratory Bird Treaty between the United States and Great Britain.


Exercise 17. Paraphrase the sentences using the infinitive as an adverbial modifier of purpose.


Model: Ben bought a yacht so that he could sail around the world. Ben bought a yacht to sail around the world.


1. Bill needs some money so that he can buy a new suit.
2. I moved to the front row so that I could hear the speaker.
3. I didn’t phone him because I didn’t want to disturb him.
4. I borrowed ten dollars from Ed so that I could pay for my disks.
5. We should leave for home early so that we won’t be tired tomorrow.
6. Mary took her credit card with her so that she could buy a dress.
7. She asked for the manager so that she could complain about the service.
8. I’ll take a swimming costume so that I can go swimming.
9. We bought some more coffee so that we wouldn’t run out.
10. He learnt German so that he could get a job in Germany.


Exercise 18. Rewrite these sentences without changing their meaning, using the words in brackets.


Model: She put the notice in her bag because she didn’t want to lose it. (so as) She put the notice in her bag so as not to lose it.


1. They moved out of the city because they wanted to have a quieter life. (in order)
2. We don’t want to waste any time, so let’s start the meeting now. (so as)
3. If you want to pass the exam, you will need to study very hard. (in order)
4. Everybody stopped talking because they wanted to hear her sing. (in order)
5. I’ll leave work at 4 p.m. so I won’t be late. (so as)
6. She locked the door. She didn’t want to be disturbed. (so as)
7. The bank contacted me. The informed me that I was overdrawn. (in order)
8. He left early. He didn’t want to miss the train. (in order)
9. He studied hard. He wanted to be the first. (so as)
10. He opened an account. He wanted to save money to buy a car. (in order)


Exercise 19. Answer the questions. Use the infinitive to show the reason or purpose.


Model: What did you close the window for? I closed the window to keep out the loud noises.


1. Why did you enroll in this course?
2. Why did Mr. and Mrs. Hilton go to Los Angeles?
3. Why did you have to go to the grocery store today?
4. What did you go to the post office for?
5. What should we go to that lecture for?
6. Why are those two boys running so fast?
7. Why did Father go down to the basement for?
8. Why did the guests go home so early last night?
9. Why did Mr. Anderson go to the bank this morning?


Exercise 20. Complete the sentences with the word “too”, a full infinitive, and any other necessary words.


Model: The examination was too long to finish in an hour.


1. Mr. Johnson was ____ angry ____.
2. That dress is ____ formal ____.
3. Fifty miles is ____ far ____.
4. Is that method ____ dangerous ____?
5. That man was ____ stupid ____.
6. That actor was ____ nervous ____.
7. Fred is ____ careless in his work ____.
8. That work is ____ difficult ____.
9. Will the director be ____ busy ____.
10. At the moment I was ____ confused ____.



Инфинитивные обороты

(The Infinitive Constructions)