Перевод разных случаев употребления многофункционального глагола to do
Глагол to do в предложении может быть:
1. Смысловым глаголом со значением «делать».
Scientist dideverything to improve the method of measurement.
Ученые сделали все, чтобы улучшить метод измерения.
2. Вспомогательным глаголом для образования вопросительной и отрицательной формы в Present и Past Indefinite.
What doesour Government doit in order to supply water to dry regions?
Что делаетнаше правительство для того, чтобы поставлять воду в засушливые районы?
Не didn`tknow about this important experiment.
Он не знал об этом эксперименте.
3. Глаголом для усиления значения действия, выраженного глаголом-сказуемым. В этом случает перед смысловым глаголом стоит do (does) в настоящем времени и did— в прошедшем. Усиление значения передается в русском языке частицами «же», «ведь», словами «фактически», «действительно» и др.
Now, we dounderstand what great importance the computer has in our life.
Теперь мы действительнопонимаем, какое большое значение имеет компьютер в нашей жизни.
4. Глаголом для замены смыслового глагола во избежание его повторения. В этом случае to do стоит в том же времени, что и смысловой глагол и переводится тем же смысловым глаголом или совсем на переводится.
Perhaps you are wondering that such an atomic power station might explode as a bomb does.
Возможно, вы удивляетесь, что такая атомная станция могла взорваться как бомба.
The term "semiconductor"' means "half-conductor", that is, a material whose conductivity2 ranges between that of conductors and non-conductors or insulators.
They include great variety of elements (silicon, germanium, selenium, phosphorus and others), many chemical compounds (oxides, sulphides) as well as numerous ores and minerals.
While the conductivity of metals is very little influenced by temperature, conductivity of semiconductors sharply increases with heating and falls with cooling. This dependence has opened great prospects for employing semiconductors in measuring techniques.
Light, as well as heat, increases the conductivity оf semiconducting materials, this principle being used in creating photo resistances. It is also widely applied for switching on engines, for counting parts on a conveyer belt, as well as various systems of emergency signals and for reproducing sound in a cinematography. Besides reacting to light, semi-conductors react to all kinds of radiations and they are therefore employing in designing electronic counters.
Engineers and physicists turned their attention to semiconductors more than fifty years ago, seeing in them the way of solving complicated engineering problems. Converting heat into electricity without using boilers or other machines was one of them. This could be done as means of metal thermocouples, but in this way impossible to convert more one per cent of the heat into electricity. The thermocouples made later of conductors more generated ten times as much electricity as the metal ones.
Sunlight like heat can feed our electric circuit. Photocells made of semiconducting materials are capable of transforming ten per cent of sunray energy into electric power. By burning wood, which has accumulated the same amount of solar energy, we obtained only heat fractions of one per cent of electric power.
The electricity generated by semiconductor thermocouples can produce not only heat but also cold, this principle being used in manufacturing refrigerators.
Semiconducting materials are also excellent means of maintaining a constant temperature irrespective of the surrounding temperature changes. The latter can vary over a wide range, for example, from 50° below 0° to 100° above 0°.
Semiconductors are the youngest field of physical science. Yet even now they are determining the progress of radio engineering, automation, chemistry, electrical engineering and many other field of science and technique.
Vocabulary notes
semiconductor - полупроводник
conductivity - проводимость
to range between - колебаться (в пределах)
oxide - оксид
sulphide – сульфид
ore - руда
emergency signal -аварийный сигнал
to turn one's attention (to) - обратить чье-либо внимание (на что-то)
insulator - изолятор
silicon - кремний
coating parts- элементы покрытия
I. Make up different kinds of questions to the following sentence.
Light increases the conductivity of semiconducting materials.
II. Answer the questions.
1. What does the term “semiconductor” mean?
2. When does conductivity of semiconductors sharply increase?
3. Can sunlight like heat feed our electric circuit?
4. Can the electricity generated by semiconductor thermocouples produce heat or cold?
5. Semiconductors are the youngest field of physical science, aren’t they?
III. Find in the text the verbals and analyse them,
IV. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the functions of the Gerund:
1. Increasing the number of power stations in our country means the improving living standards of people. 2. Testing a new receiver for the application in the system was the prime task of the laboratory. 3, The new means of improving radio communication has been discovered by our engineers. 4. Iron and zinc plates are used for producing negative electrodes since these materials produce a high charge. 5. Important results on the ionization were obtained by measuring those particles. 6. In designing electronic computers we have passed from valves to transistors. 7. The transistors are successfully used for transforming heat energy into electrical energy by means of thermal elements. 8. Without increasing the temperature of metals it is impossible to increase their resistance. 9. Radiation is usually detected by measuring the amount of ionization. 10. After investigating many materials engineers selected aluminium for constructing this device. 11. By raising the cathode temperature we increase the number of emitted electrons.
VI. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the Gerundial Constructions.
1. We know of all substances consisting of atoms. 2. We knew of glass having been invented some hundreds years ago. 3. Every student knows of copper being one of the first metals used by man. 4. The explanation lies in the product being more stable. 5. We insisted on their being offered favourable terms of payment. 6. The possibility of ethylene being converted into aromatic hydrocarbons is slight. 7. We object to their being denied the aspiration to test such new methods as may be suggested by fresh knowledge. 8. He objected to the goods being paid in advance.
IX. Translate the following sentences, observe different meanings of the verb to do
1. When the molecule is placed in the electric field, the electrons try to move and do so for instant. 2. If only a few of the insulator's molecules do release one electron each, the insulator at once completely breaks down and becomes a conductor. :3. If by some means we can change the current in a coil without changing the flux rapidly, then the current may rise and fall as suddenly as it does in a purely resistive circuit. 4. The electrons, the motion of which constitutes the current, do not actually pass from one plate of the condenser to the other through the dielectric. 5. An important question for the radio engineer to consider has to do with the shape of current, which flows in a circuit connected to an alternator. 6. The emission or evaporation of electrons takes place at lower temperatures than does that of atoms.
X. Translate into Russian, paying attention to the ing- forms.
1. One of the most outstanding advances has been the use of
computers in [simulating management problems. 2. One major institution is now working on a program for adapting this new system to the problem of planning. 3. Special-purpose computers are already controlling irk power-generating stations. 4. The beginning of a manufacturing process is normally product design. 5. Naturally, in introducing at integrated manufacturing system of any sort, there is a great deal of resistance to change on the part of all concerned.