Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужную форму

a) I really miss (play)...playing...tennis like I used to.

b) I'm sorry. I meant (write).................to you, but I've been busy.

c) Harry says he doesn't remember (meet).................Sally before.

d) Martin failed (pay).................the rent on time yet again.

e) It's not worth (buy).................a return ticket.

f) Have you ever considered (work).................as a teacher?

g) I promise I won't forget (feed).................the cat.

h) We've arranged (meet).................outside the school at 4.30.

i) If you've got a headache, why don't you try (take).................an aspirin?

j) I can't imagine (not have).................a car!

Закончите второе предложение так, чтобы оно имело тот же смысл, что и первое, используя выделенное жирным шрифтом слово.

a) Jack said that he hadn't cheated in the exam.


Jack denied cheating in the exam.

b) It was difficult for me not to laugh at Wendy's letter.


I.........................................................................................at Wendy's letter.

c) I'm sorry but you have not been appointed to the post.


I..................................................you have not been appointed to the post.

d) I needed a drink of water and so I stopped running.


I stopped running..............................................................................water. I

e) Luckily Peter didn't pay a fine.


Luckily Peter...................................................................................a fine.

f) I think it would be a good idea to take the train.


I....................................................................................................the train.

g) Don't forget the lights when you leave.


Don't forget.....................................................................when you leave.

h) I can hear voices upstairs.



i) I think Derek has forgotten the meeting.


Derek.....................................................................................the meeting.

j) My neighbour said he would call the police!


My neighbour...........................................................................the police.

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужную форму.

a) Pauline couldn't manage (eat) to eat all the ice cream.

b) I've decided (not sell) ..................... my bike after all.

c) A witness reported (see) ..................... Terry at the scene of the crime.

d) William pretended (not notice).....................the 'No Parking' sign.

e) One of the boys finally admitted (start).....................the fire.

f) I suppose I tend (buy).....................more books than I used to.

g) Bill told Christine that he couldn't go on (live).....................without her.

h) Sometimes I regret (move).....................to this part of the country.

i) Did you notice anyone (wait).....................outside when you left?

j) Mark expects (finish).....................work round about 6.00.

Раскройте скобки и поставьте один из предложенных глаголов в нужную форму.

a) Mary was so angry that she demanded to see the manager.

(demand, hope, risk, stop)

b) The weather is so awful that I don't.....................going out this evening.

(fancy, like, try, want)

c) The children could hardly.....................to leave their pets behind.

(bear, forget, regret, seem)

d) You don't.....................looking after the baby, do you?

(agree, stand, mind, notice)

e) Do you.....................to know when this castle was built?

(ask, happen, imagine, like)

f) John.....................to let his children go to the concert.

(afford, avoid, refuse, stop)

g) If I give you the information, I.....................losing my job!

(expect, mean, prepare, risk)

h) What do you.....................to be doing in ten years time?

(begin, expect, remember, suggest)

i) Do you.....................to tell the police about the missing money?

(admit, confess, deny, intend)

j) Why does Basil.....................looking at his watch?

(appear, attempt, keep, mean)

5.Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в правильную форму.

I tried to wake up my wife by (ring) the door-bell, but she was fast asleep, so I got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it against the wall, and began (climb) towards the bedroom window. I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said, ' I don't think the windows need (clean) at this time of the night.' I looked down and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman. I immediately regretted (answer) in the way I did, but I said, ' I enjoy (clean) windows at night.'

'So do I,' answered the policeman in the same tone.' Excuse my (interrupt) you. I hate (interrupt) a man when he's busy (work), but would you mind (come) with me to the station?'

'Well, I'd prefer (stay) here,' I said. 'You see, I've forgotten my key.'

Дополните следующие предложения.

1. On ... he smiled with pleasure.

2. I am not looking forward to ...

3. Instead of ... you should see a doctor.

4. Don't you think this room needs ...

5. You should avoid …

Выберите правильный вариант, как показано в первом предложении.

1. Don't forget to switch off the light before you go out.

A switch B to switch C switching

2. It's late. I must............................................................now.

A go B to go C going

3. I'm sorry but I haven't got time.................................................to you now.

A for talking B to talk C talking

4. Bill is always in the kitchen. He enjoys.......................................................

A cook B to cook C cooking

5. We've decided..........................................................away for a few days.

A go B to go C going

6. You're making too much noise. Can you please stop...........................?

A shout B to shout C shouting

7. Would you like.........................................................to dinner on Sunday?

A come B to come C coming

8. That bag is too heavy for you. Let me..................................................you.

A help B to help C helping

9. There's a swimming pool near my house. I go............................every day.

A to swim B to swimming C swimming

10. Did you use a dictionary............................................................the letter?

A to translate B for translating C for translate

11. I'd love..............................................................a car like yours.

A have B to have C having

12. Could you........................................................me with this bag, please?

A help B to help C helping

13. I don't mind..............................here but I'd prefer to sit by the window.

A sit B to sit C sitting

14. Do you want..............................................................you?

A that I help B me to help C me helping

15. I always read the newspaper before..........................................work.

A start B to start C starting

16. I wasn't feeling very well but the medicine made me.....................better.

A feel B to feel C feeling

17. Shall I phone the restaurant.......................................a table?

A for reserve B for reserving C to reserve

18. Tom looked at me without........................................anything.

A say B saying C to say


1. Проверяйте значения новых глаголов по словарю, чтобы уточнить особенности их употребления.

2. Не забывайте, что значения некоторых глаголов кардинально меняются в зависимости от формы глагола, следующего за ними.

Смотри также:Unit 33Промежуточный тест 6