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III. Прочитайте текст и переведите его письменно на русский языкII. Проверьте понимание прочитанного текста, выполнив задания 1-5. 1. Подберите к следующим терминам (a-h) определения (1-8).
2. Завершите предложения, используя новую лексику.
1. This cleaning product kills … . 2. As tomatoes … , they change from green to red. 3. A solid white or yellow food made from … is cheese. 4. … is a food derived from milk by coagulation of the milk protein. 5. A milk protein which does not dissolve in water is … . 6. The lactic acid and the rennet cause the milk to … . 7. Milk is … with lactic acid bacteria and rennet.
3. Выразите согласие (True) или несогласие (False) со следующими утверждениями. 1. ____. Cheese is way of preserving milk for short periods of time. 2. ____.Cheese-making makes use of bacteria,enzymes and acids. 3. ____.The lactic acid bacteria convert the sugar in to lactic acid. 4. ____.Casein easily dissolves in water. 5. ____. In cheese-making milk proteins and sugars are preserved with vinegar. 6. ____.The rennet contains enzymes that modify proteins in milk. 7. ____.The casein gel captures most of the fat and calcium from the milk. 8. ____.The holes in cheese occur due to oxygen bubbles during ripening.
4. Укажите абзац, в котором говорится о времени созревания сыра «Чеддар». 5. Из глаголов, данных в скобках, выберите требуемую по смыслу видо-временную форму. Обратите внимание на особенности пассивных конструкций. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. Milk proteins and sugars (are preserved / are preserving) with acids and salt. 2. Bacteria,enzymes and acids (have been used / was used)in cheese making. 3. About 1.25 pounds of cheese (are yielded / yields) from 8 pounds of milk. 4. Swiss cheese (has been ripened / will ripen) in a cool place for several weeks. 5. Milk (has to be inoculated / have to be inoculated)with lactic acid bacteria and rennet. 6. Delicious properties (is imparted / are imparted) to milk during cheese-making. 7. The basic steps (must be taken / must take) for making any kind of cheese. 8. The weight that (have been lost /is lost) during cheese-making is all the water in milk. 9. The curds (are severely pressed / severely press) in a cheese press.
III. Прочитайте текст и переведите его письменно на русский язык.
Cheese ripening is basically about the breakdown of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates (acids and sugars) which releases flavour compounds and modifies cheese texture. The biochemical and biophysical processes involved have only partly been studied. Here we include only a few practical principles of ripening. General Principles · Ripening varies from nil for fresh cheese to 5 years for some hard ripened cheese. Like a good wine, a good aged cheese should get better and better with age. · Ripening processes are broadly classified as interior and surface. Cheese which depend mainly on interior ripening (most hard ripened cheese such as Cheddar and Italian types) may be ripened with rind formation or may be film wrapped before curing. Cheese which depend mainly on surface ripening include smear ripened and mould ripened · In the broadest terms there are three sources of cheese flavour: Flavours present in the original cheese milk, such as natural butter fat flavour and feed flavour. Breakdown products of milk proteins, fats and sugars which are released by microbial enzymes, enzymes endogenous to milk, and enzyme additives. Metabolites of starter bacteria and other microorganisms. These include products from catabolism of proteins, fats and sugars. · Flavour and texture development are strongly dependent on: pH profile Composition Salting Temperature Humidity Experience. · As a general rule factors which increase the rate of ripening increase the risk of off flavour development, and reduce the period of time when the cheese is saleable. interior – внутренний, surface - поверхностный rind –корка butter fat- молочный жир curing-созревание endogenous- внутриклеточный smear- слизь , mould- плесень starter bacteria –заквасочные культуры off- flavor - привкус |