Ways of mixing with other people
Ø to be good at persuading people
Ø to be confident in one’s dealing with other people
Ø to enjoy being a leader
Ø to have qualities of a good leader
Ø to practise qualities of leadership
Ø to be persuaded by majority opinion
Ø to feel comfortable in most social situations
Ø to feel anxious in a new group of people
Ø to dominate in collective decisions
“Meals ”
Vegetables: | Fruit: | ||
cabbage cucumber beetroot garlic lettuce peas potatoes | carrots onions beans tomatoes radish leeks | apple peach orange banana pear melon dates – финики tangerine - мандарин | plum apricot pineapple lemon grapes water-melon |
cauliflower – цветная капуста French beans – фасоль aubergines (egg plants) – баклажаны marrows – кабачки Brussels sprouts [‘br ^ sl ‘sprauts] | cerry strawberry raspberry gooseberry blackcurrant | ||
mshrooms | raisins – изюм walnuts – грецкий орех peanuts - арахис | ||
Herbs: parsley – петрушка fennel (dill) – укроп celery – сельдерей sage – шалфей | Spices: cinnamon – корица curry ginger – имбирь vinegar - уксус | ||
Meat: pork – свинина veal – телятина beef – говядина mutton – баранина venison - оленина chicken duck lamb liver minced beef – фарш kidneys – почки | Drinks: Soft drinks: juice lemonade coke (pepsi) tea coffee mineral water spring water Hard drinks (spirits): whiskey cherry liqueur vodka cognac scotch beer (bitter, lager) champagne wine (red, white, sparkling] | ||
Fish: salmon – лосось cod – треска flat-fish, flounder – камбала trout – форель perch – окунь pike – щука herring – сельдь caviar – икра Seafood: prawns – креветки crab lobster – омар crayfish – рак oysters – устрицы shellfish - мидии | Dessert: a tart a cake a pudding rolls jam marmalade a pie a sponge [sp^nd ] – бисквит cookies (Am) / biscuits scones (Am) / buns jelly | ||
Flavours and tastes: | ||||
It tastes | delicious fantastic fine disgusting | shocking boring unumbitious unimaginative | ||
sweet – bitter, sour hot, spicy – mild, bland salty – sugary, sickly tasty – tasteless savoury | ||||
Quality, appearance: overdone – underdone overcooked – undercooked stodgy (heavy, hard to digest) greasy | ||||
Verbs: to fry – жарить to roast (compare with “to fry”) to grill to broil – жарить на огне to heat up to stir to simmer – закипать to barbecue to roast – жарить to bake to casserole – тушить to stew – тушить, варить на слабом огне to steam – варить на пару, тушить to scald – ошпаривать, пастеризовать to smoke – коптить to beat отбивать (мясо) взбивать (белки) to whip – взбивать (белки) to cream together to blend – смешивать to mash – разминать to season – выдерживать (вино) to scrub to blanch – чистить (миндаль) to slice to grate – тереть на терке to cut to mince – рубить, крошить (мясо) to peel – снимать кожуру, чистить to scrape (off) – отчищать to shell – снимать скорлупу, лущить to shred – шинковать (нарезать полосками) to chop – резать, крошить to carve – резать (мясо на стол) to stuff – начинять, фаршировать | to inventsauces complex recipes to disguise the natural taste of to drown smth in wine sauce cream yoghurt spices | |||
Speech patterns
At the restaurant (cafe)
What are you going to have?
What would you like to eat (drink)?
What can I get you?
What do you want to drink?
May I suggest you something?
What’s it to be?
Wouldn’t you like some…?
Do you fancy…?
Are you sure you won’t have…?
Why don’t you try…?
You won’t refuse to have…?
Why don’t you try…?
You won’t refuse to have…?
Anything to follow?
Do you mind having…?
Any vegetables?
And the main course?
*Wouldn’t you care for…?
*Won’t you make it… (a pint) this time?
* I’ll see if I can catch the waitress’s eye.
If I were you, I’d take…
I wonder if there’s anything to your taste on the menu?
What do you say to…?
At home:
What about…?
How about…?
Will you have (some, another)…?
Have some more (another)…
Do you have some more (another)…?
Help yourself to…
We are going to have… Will you have some?
Why aren’t you eating anything? Have…
Let’s have some…
Shall I give you…?
What do you say to…?
Would you like…?
I’d like…
I’d rather like…
I feel like…
I’d love…
I think I’ll have…
I’ll try…
I could do with…
I’d like some… instead (to start with)
*… will (would) go down well.
Could you give me…?
Give me some…
Will you give me some…?
Do you think I could (can) have some (another)…?
Could I have some more…?
No, I think I’d better (rather)…
I don’t think I’ll have any…
I never have…
Thanks very much, but I’m driving (I must go).
No, thanks, I’d prefer…
No, … is out of the question.
Can we order that letter?
That’s very kind of you, but I don’t think I will.
*No, thanks. But I’d better stick to halves.
That’s a good idea. I think I’ll join you.
Half a bitter, please.
The same again, please.
I’d better not, thank you all the same.
Just a light ale for me, please.
*… will go down well.
*It certainly looks tempting; I wouldn’t mind it myself.
“Daily routine. Life-style.”
I. Routine
to lead a normal life
to fill the time
to keep oneself busy
to | be used to | smth doing smth |
to adapt to smth (a new way of life, place)
My life has changed a lot
to get up at… | a.m. every day noon | ||
to be | asleep up | ||
to take ashower
to have awash
to open the window
to turn on the radio
to do morning exercises to the music
to dry oneself on a towel
to clean one’s teeth
to do one’s hair before the looking-glass
to (un)dress
to brush one’s clothes
to do one’s bed
*to turn in for the night = to go to bed / sleep
to go to bed early
to drive children to school
to do some work about the house
to iron clothes (mind the pronunciation)
to wash the linen
to repair put right fix (Am.) | the TV set, etc. |
to make a dress
to knit
to make dinner
to clean the house
to wash the car
to do the laundry
Something has gone wrong with…
There is something wrong with
There is | something nothing | thematter with |
to listen to the news (singular in meaning)
to read newspapers
to watch television (TV)
*to get (an enormous pile of) newspapers delivered
to play the piano
to have a short rest
to be a good excuse to go for a walk
to go shopping
to shop at (the Italian grocery store)
*to race to reach the supermarket by (some time)
*There are all sorts of services to make life easier.
to help smb. with the shopping
a department store
a food shop
a supermarket
a chemists
a groceries
to go to a restaurant
*to buy coffee “to go” – the kind you can take with you (на вынос)
II. Routine at work
to have a full working life
the working day
to work | in a factory at school | ||
to go | to work to the factory | by bus by car | |
It takes her 1 hour to get to work.
to walk to work
to start work | …p.m. in the morning |
to be very busy during the week
*to tend to be very busy (about days, weekends)
not to have any | spare free | time |
to deserve some rest
to be tired
to come home from | work school |
to study at home
to go to school (night school)
to go to school from ... to...
to be late for (classes, work)
The classes are over.
to bring some food from home
*to miss the direction and dicipline that work gives
to start doing smth
III. Special habits, life-style.
to retire to (some place)
to be retired for some period
to enjoy retirement
*I just take each day as it comes - принимаю все как есть
to spend 2 hours over | brunch (breakfast + lunch) dinner, etc. |
to be an active type of person
to need a lot of stamina - запас жизненных сил
to be a vegetarian
to be an early bird (those who are used to getting up early)
to get serious about smth (computing, music, etc.)
to drive a | Mini Rolls-Roice |
to feel most comfortable in jeans, etc.
*to live locally - в небольшом городе, за городом
*to be regarded as (just | another mother another neighbour) |
to pick out things made of natural fibres
to have to save for ages to buy smth
*to get into | English Russian | habits |
a spinster
a bachelor
to live alone
to have a family
IV. Passions, Interests in life.
to be fond of
to be interested in = to have a wide range of interests
to take up sport / painting
*to have the health to do things you have always wanted to
to give the whole life to
Her greatest passion is...
She lives for... from morning till night
I’m a real baby that way - В этом я как настоящий ребенок
to go | jogging (бег по утрам) etc. |
V. Friends.
to make see | friends |
We’ve got very friendly - мы очень подружились
to mix with
to share closely some interests
to meet smb socially = to socialize - встречаться с друзьями и знакомыми
to miss smb
not to see smb for ages (in Pr. Perfect usually)
to call | on (smb) - short visit or on business for - to go with a person to another place |
to get in touch with smb (friends, relatives)
VI. Occations.
to move to
*to leave | a fortune everything in a will |
“Studying at the University”
I. Education
further education - продолжение учебы после выпуска из ВУЗа
to educate smb.
to teach smb.
![]() | smth. some subject | ||||
to learn | smth. some facts | ||||
one’s studies
a school
a University
a college
a department
a faculty (the faculty of Medicine) in the University)
private state alternative part - time | school University college studies | |
a Teacher - training | college University | |
To | sent put | to school |
to enter the University (Vt.)
to attend the University (Vt.)
to start school at the age of...
to be atthe University
to be in one’s | last first | year of high school |
to leave (school)
to graduate from
but: a graduate (see the pronunciation difference)
A | term semester (Am.) - becoming common also in Gr. Britain |
classes, lectures, courses, evening classes
a correspondence course
to do a correspondence course with some University
examinations - exam (colloq.)
entrance exams for some college
school - leaving exams
the finals
to | take do sit resit | an exam +to pass an exam - -to fail an exam do well in do badly in | ||
to sit revise | for an exam | |||
to hold an exam
to examine
an examiner
a | mark grade | for an answer (Am.) in a subject |
to give a mark
*to get grants (стипендия при продолжении высшего образования)
to offer a scholarship
a (an) | essay task exercise project | |
a | professor lecturer tutor teacher | |
(the) Principal of the college/school = Head Teacher
(the) Dean of some Department
to be a qualified teacher
IV. Subjects
(mind the capital letter)
Mathematics (Geometry, Calculas, Algebra)
Foreign Languages
(English) Grammar
Nature studies
*The 3 Rs: reading, writing, arithmetics
*to have a curriculum
a library
gymnasium = gum
language laboratory
to master | the language a profession |
to work at
to make | good fast | progress |
to do well in a subject at college
*to come a clear first out of ... candidates - to do best in a task
*to keep up with the school peers - успевать за сверстниками
to achieve an ambition
to show genuine originality
to share the knowledge
to feel out of place at | University college |
to face tansions and disappointments
to be happy with the task = to know exactly what to do
to | find out get rid of | one’s mistakes | |
to | work with listen to | tapes | |
Beginning of conversations:
1) Hello. Dr. Smith's office. Can I help you?
2) Hello. 346 58 23.
3) Hello. Health clinic.
4) Good morning. Dr. Smith's office.
5) Hello. Legal aid.
6) Good afternoon. Appointments desk.
May I help you?
7) Personnel department. May I help you?
1) Hello. Is Mary Johnson here?
This is John Smith.
2)Hello. Is Barbara there?
(Hello. Barbara. This is Bill.)
3) Hello. This is .... I suppose
Mr. Johnson is there?
4) Hello. This is Gloria Nelson.
Is Mr. Johnson there?
5) Hello. This is....Could I speak to Barbara?
6) Hello. This is ... .I'm returning
your call from Mr Johnson
![]() |
I'm sorry. He's out. 1) Any message?
Asking about 2) Can I take a message?
a message. 3)Do you want to leave a message?
4) (Can I give him a message? 5) Would you like to leave a
6) Canhe return your call?
1) Please tell him I'll call him back
2) Would you have him call me?
Leaving a message. 3) Yes. I ask him to call me at
503 227 75 83
4) Well. I'll call him later.
Nothing urgent.
5) Not in his office? Tell him I
called. He has my number or
have him call me.
It's, really important.
6) Well. Please tell him I'm in ... & I want to see him. I'm at the Plasa 587-6900 . .. You know what? I'll call him tomorrow.
7) Please tell him. I'll call him. I'll give you my number just in case. 336 98 97.
-Fine. Thank you for calling. - OK. I'll have him call you first thing this afternoon. -I sure will. -Sure, thanks. -OK. fine, thank you for
Talking with the answering machine.
1) I'm not able to come to the phone right now. But if you leave your name, number, approximate to time of your call and any massage, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
2) Hello. This is Mary. I'm not able to come to the phone right now. But if
you leave your name, number, approximate time of your call and any
massage, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
3) Hello. This is ... I'm presently unable to converse with you. If you be so
kind as leave your name, number, the time of your call and a brief message
I'll return your call promptly.
4) Hi. This is Sally. I can't come to the phone right now. I'm busy. But leave
your name, address, the telephone number, what time it is and tell me what
you want, I'll call you back.
5) This is ... .No one is in the office right now. But we can get to you
shortly, if you leave your name, phone, time of your call and any other
message. Thank you for calling.
6) Hello. This is Felloni residence. No one is able to come to the phone right
now. But if you leave your name . . . well get back to you as soon as
Leaving messages with the answering machine
1) Hi. This is Susan. I'm at 987 23 76. But not for long. We are going dancing. Call me before it.
2) This is Mary. At 987 54 67. I'm returning your call. It's about 6.30.
3) This is Bill ... returning your call. As you know our number is 522 67 93. It's 1.30 now. I’ll call you back later this afternoon.
4 ) This is Barbara. I got your call. Call me tonight. I'll be at m sister's. Her number is 243 76 76. It's about 7 o'clock now.
5) Hi. This is Mike. It's 2.30. I've just got home. You know my number is 433 24 56. Call me later.
Business Telephoning
- Hello, Johnson & Gloom. Can I help you?
-This is Mr. Smith. I suppose Mr. Johnson is there.
-Oh, Hello, Mr. Smith. I'm sorry, Mr. Johnson isn't in.
-Well I'm returning his call. I'm at 22 5 831 9. Would you have him call me?
-Hello. Johnson & Gloom.
-Hello. This is Mr. Carter. Is Fred Johnson there?
-Mr. Johnson is on the other line. Can he return your call?
-Yes. Ask him to call me at 503 22 7 75 83.
-Hello. This is Gloria Nelson. Is Mr. Johnson there?
-Oh, I'm sorry. He's not in his office right now. Not in his office? Well ... Tell him I called. He has my number or have him call me. It's really important. OK.
-Hello. This is Fred Edwards. I'm returning a call from
Mr. Johnson.
-I’m sorry Mr. Edwards. Mr. Johnson isn't available.
-I want to see him. When will he be free?
-After 3.30
-OK. Please tell him, I'll call him. I'll give you my
number just in case 336 98 98.
-OK, fine.
Wrong number.
-Hello. Is Jane there?
-Jane? What number are you calling?
-833 28371
-Oh, this is 834 . . . You dialed the wrong number.
-Oh, I’m sorry.
-That's OK.
-Hello. Is Brian there? -What number are you calling?
-Brian? Brian who? - 561 346 78.
-Brian Johnson. -That's this number, but there is
no one by the name Brian here.
Telephone Appointments
-Hello. Dr. Smith's office.
-Hello. This is Frank Jones. Can I make an appointment with Dr. Smith? -All right. How about September 1st?- Yes, that's fine.
-All right. Is October 2d all right? -Well. Let's see. We have an opening on November 3d.
-OK. Is December 4th all right.
-All right. Let's see. Dr. Smith has a cancellation on January 6th.
-How about February 20th?
-An appointment? All right. How about March 26 th.
-Fine. How's April 27th sound.
-Dr. Smith's next available appointment is June 29th.
-Just a moment. Dr. Smith could see you on July 30th.
-Morning or afternoon? (What time of day)
-OK. In the afternoon on May 7th we have an opening.
-With Dr. Smith? Could you wait a minute? Thanks for waiting. Is morning or afternoon better for you?
-Oh. We have something open in the morning October 3d.
-Dr. Smith is out of town this week. But I can fit you in on March 30th.
-How's 3/30 sound?
-Is morning or afternoon more convenient to you?
-OK. Mr. Smith is free in the afternoon on August 26th.
-Yes, 10.35 is fine
-Yes, that's fine.
-Yes. 10.30 is fine with me.
Calling to cancel an appointment
1. - Hello. This is Sara Jenkins. I'm calling to cancel my appointment. It's
for 9.15 on September 16th.
-All right. Thank you for calling to cancel.
-You are welcome. Good-bye.
2. -Hello. Frank Anderson's office.
-Hello. I'm calling to cancel my appointment with Mr. Anderson.
It's for 9.15.
-9.15? All right. We appreciate your calling to cancel. Good-bye.
3. -Good afternoon. Appointment desk ....
-With Dr. Heath? All right. When was that appointment?
-December 12th at 7.45. All in the evening clinic?
-OK. I’ll get it. Bye.
![]() |
I year, II semester
I. Rain
1. downpour
scattered showers
torrential rain
sleet- snow mixed with rain
2. to rain(hard, heavily)
to pour(down)
to drizzle
to fall heavily(about the rain)
3. it's raining a little
it's raining cats and dogs
it's drizzling Proverb: it never rains but it pours
it's absolutely pouring(down)
it begins to rain/raining
it's beginning to rain
it's coming on to pour
it looks like rain
it's going to rain
a thunderstorm is coming
it's clearing up
the clouds are lifting
4. to get soaked to the skin
to get wet through
to be caught in the rain
to look for (a) shelter
to get f1ooded(about roads)
5. rainbow
slush- rain and snow on the ground
a local
occasional thunderstorm
a clap of thunder
a flash of lightning
flood- наводнение
hail- град
II. Snow
1. to snow hard(heavily)
it's beginning to snow
it's snowing. It's snows
the snow is just sprinkling
it's thawing-установилась оттепель
to melt
the snow is falling thick
it looks like snow
there has been a good fall of snow
it's a rather snowy winter
2. snow(n)
slush - half-snow, half-water
blizzard - метель, пурга
flakes of snow
snowdrifts- снежные заносы
a green winter- зеленая зима
a heavy snowfall
III. Cold weather
Cold weather
Chilly weather-cold, but not very
Frosty weather
It's cold
It's frosty
It's freezing (hard)
Cold (n)
Frost (n) (severe, hard, biting, sharp, bitter)
To be cold (about a person)
To be chilled (to the bones)
To be frozen over (about rivers and ponds)
15 below zero (15 degrees of frost)
IV. Fog
1. (a) fog( a thick fog)- quite thick, associated with cold weather
(a) haze (light mist caused by heat)
(a) mist -little fog, often on the sea, or caused by drizzle
smog -mixed of fog and pollution
adjectives: hazy, misty, foggy
to spread over
to cover
to lift
to clear up it's clearing up
V. Clouds
the sky is overcast (with heavy clouds)
light scattered clouds
there's hardly a cloud in the sky
the sun's going in
it's clearing up
the clouds are lifting
VI. Sun
To shine( sunshine-noun)
Go in
Rise – set
To see not much of the sun
VII. Air
Close, stuffy
Fresh, chilly
Muggy (damp and warm)
A breath of air
A heat wave
to stir (Not a leaf is stirring)
VIII. Warm weather
close - warm and uncomfortable
stifling - hot, you can hardly breath
humid - hot and damp
scorching - very hot, often used in positive contexts
boiling- hot in negative contexts
a heat wave (to spread to...)
heat to keep, to last
We are in for a heat wave
IX. Wind
a breeze -a wind from the sea
a bluster(n)- violent wind
a gale- strong, violent wind
a hurricane - violent wind, storm, ураган (mind the difference btw the Br. and Am. pronunciation)
a tornado- violent and destructive whirlwind ( смерч)
windy weather
blustery weather
to spring up( about a wind)
to start to blow to keep on steadily
to move (to the) North
to change direction
to die away
to blow steadily
to drive clouds across the sky
a cold wind
a chilly wind
a bitterly cold wind
XI. Seasons
1. to come
to set in
to be over
to begin
to last
2. an early
a marvelous winter
XII. Day
beastly, nasty
shiny, sunny
gloomy - cheerful
muggy (dump and warm)
cloudy - clear, fair
set —fair
XIII. Weather
fine lovely bright pleasant mild marvelous, beautiful gorgeous superb | dismal, dull unpleasant changeable, broken, unsteady, unsettled windy chilly beastly stormy miserable humid (сырая) muggy foggy, misty frosty rainy damp filthy = nasty |
2) to go from bad to worse
to change for the better
to stay dry
to keep fine
to see the best (worst) of today's weather (about some area)
the weather forecast for the next week (24 hours) for some area
It's a lovely morning, isn't it?
It's a lovely day, isn't it? Lovely day, isn't it?
It'slovely weather, isn't it? Lovely weather, isn't it?
It's wonderful weather (we are having)!
Isn't it a beastly day?
Fancy such a day in July
Nasty weather!
Isn't it ghastly!
It's hot (cold, sunny...).
I hope it will keep fine.
It seems almost too good to last.
There’s hardly a breath of air.
a cloud in the sky.
a leaf stirring
What's the weather like...?
What kind of weather are we having?
How's the weather?
The rain! I hate rain!
(It) looks like rain( snow, thunderstorm)
It is going to rain
It looks as if we are going to have snow
The weather is getting worse and worse
Is it likely to clear up?
The weather is improving.
We are in for a spell of good weather
I hope it will keep fine (it keeps fine)
I hope this kind of weather will last (lasts)
Vocabulary "LEASURE"
1. to enjoy oneself
to have a good time
to have some spare time
to look for a happiness in life (aspective meaning)
to relax
to have a nice morning
to get fresh air
2. to be fond of
to be interested in
to love cooking
to like sport
to prefer music to smth.
to do smth. in one's free time
to go in for smth увлекаться.
to take up smth.
It's just the right sport for a old man
hobby a young lady
to play tennis, volleyball, etc.
to go jogging - бег по утрам
to collect stamps from all over the world
This is my idea of fun - Это мое представление о развлечениях.
II. At the weekend. In the evening.
It's a time to play (about weekends)
to go for a walk on the beach
to be a good excuse to go for a walk
to go fora run
to go out for lunch/ brunch
to go out - ходить вечером в кинотеатр, ресторан и т.д.
to go to thetheatre, theopera
a restaurant
*an all-night restaurant - which is open all night *to go to all-night parties
*to go to a bar for the happy hours - when the drinks are half price
to go to the pub for a pint
to have a continental breakfast - a light breakfast (bread, butter, jam and coffee)
typical for various European countries
to go to a movie (informal)
thecinema (neutral)
to watch a band =the concert in bar
to listen to music
to sit in the garden (over a cup of coffee)
to deserve some rest
*to tend to be very busy (about weekends)
*to have an early night on Sunday
III. Holidays
to go away on holiday
to be on holiday with somebody
to visit smb. in (some place)
to come back (from visiting smb. in)
*to go on_a cruise to_(some country) [kru:z]
I've been to all sorts of places.
To lie in the sun
on the sand
to be very brown
a bathing suit
IV. Friends to call on - for a short visit
to visit smb.
to make friends
to chat with smb.
Asking the way. Showing the way"
1. Excuse me
Can you tell me where South Street is?
Could you tell me the way to the station?
Could you tell me how to get to Trinity Hotel?
Can you tell me the way from here to... ?
Could you direct me to... ?
I'm trying to find the Town Hall.
Where's the nearest post office?
How do you get to the cathedral?
I wonder if you could help me. I'm looking for…
Tell me the way to.,.
I've got to know...
I need to find (out where)…
I was wondering if you could help me.
Do you happen to know?
Is it worth visiting?
Could you give me a hint where.. .is situated?
2. Riding
Is there a bus from here to...?
Does this bus go to...?
Where do I get off?
Is it easy to get a taxi during rush-hours?
Could you tell me if it is the right way to... ?
What/ How much is the fare?
3. Directing
1. At the moment you're standing at/in/near
I'm going in the same direction
I'm not much of a help
It all depends if you are on foot or going by car
I've never actually been there
It's quite easy to get there
Take care to look to your right/left
It's just over there
It's over there on the right
It's just on the right
It's round the corner- за углом
It's at the corner- на углу
First right, second left
Take the second on the left
Take the second (turning) on the right
Turn left at the traffic lights/second set of...
Turn right into Orchard Street
The first turn is Bromley Street
Turn right at the Bank
You turn right as you come out of the tube
Third house on the right
Pass the church on the left side and you'll find the park on the left-hand side
Cross over the traffic lights
Cross over the bridge
any bus'll take you to...
ask the conductor to put you down at...
you'd better go back and take a bus
*you'd better take a north-bound train
ride as far as...
change for bus № 7
III. Straight
Go straight on
Carry straight on
Carry on till...
Carry straight on as far as...
You walk straight up this road...
Walk all the way down... Keep along this route
Stay on that road
You carry on up Bromley Street
Then over, straight over the main road...
If you carry straight along this road...
Go through the cross roads
Go through one set of traffic lights
You cross the street...
You pass...
The street is ended by...
IV Distance
It's only about 5 minutes walk
It's no distance at all
You can walk it in under 3 minutes (меньше, чем за...)
It's only a couple of hundred yards
It's only 2 blocks from here
It's just a little way from there
It'll take you 5 minutes to
In less then a minute you'll be...
Is it far?
Will it take me long...?
Is it too long/far to walk...?
Is it a long way to... ?
How long is it from here?
*Does it make sense to go on foot?
V In the street
1. Verbs:
To go up and down
To get by car/train to somewhere
To take a drive/ride
To hire a taxi/ a car
To make a tour
To get on/off
To walk on foot
To catch a taxi/a train
To carry along
to park the/a car
To put smb down at...
2. Nouns:
A stranger
A passer-by
A driver
A conductor
A police-officer
A guide
A bus
A train(* downtown train=train from London)
A tram uptown train=to London
A route
A way
A road
An avenue
A street
A square
A pavement
A roadway
A theatre
A cinema
A tower
A monument
A building(many-storied)
A house
A store
A hotel
An industrial area
A shopping area /center
a motorway(Br.)-freeway(Am.)
traffic lights(перекресток)
right/1efthand traffic
downtown-the business centre(Am.)
a sign
the Underground railway
a tourist attraction
heavy /light traffic
6. Adjectives:
7. Word-combinations:
A ride in the city by...
To be taken on_a ride about the city
To take a tour of...
Halfway along Oxford Street
The entrance to the subway leading to the Underground railway
Oneach side of the road
To manage to find
Down/up the street
In the distance
In the direction of
To be situated
*to go up=to go to the north from London
*to go down to the South from London