TEXT 2. The Development of Telecommunications


11. Выучите следующие слова и выражения:

associate [ə'səuʃɪeɪt ], [ə'səusɪeɪt] - связывать

encompass [ɪn'kʌmpəs ], [en-]- охватывать

assume [ə's(j)uːm] - принимать

release [rɪ'liːs] – освобождать; выпускать

time-released [rɪ'liːzd] - периодически выпускаемый

relay ['riːleɪ ], [riː'leɪ] — (v) передавать; посылать

(n) смена; эстафета

relay fire =beacon ['biːk(ə)n] сигнальный огонь

in succession - подряд

sophisticated [sə'fɪstɪkeɪtɪd] - сложный, сложно устроенный

advent ['ædvənt] - наступление (эпохи, события), прибытие, приход

heliograph ['hi lɪəugrɑːf] гелиограф

core [kɔː] - центр; сердцевина; глубинная часть; суть, сущность; сердечник

expansion [ɪk'spæn(t)ʃ(ə)n ], [ek-] - распространение, рост, развитие

tremendous [trɪ'mendəs] - огромный, гигантский, громадный


12. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст:

While most people associate telecommunications with modern technologies, the strict definition of the term encompasses primitive and even ancient forms of telecommunication. Among these is the use of smoke signals as a kind of visual telegraph. Puffs of smoke were time-released by smothering a fire with a blanket, then quickly removing and replacing the blanket. Widely used by the American Indians, smoke signals could communicate short messages over long distances, assuming a clear line of sight.

At the same time, other visual signals have been in use since ancient times. These were relay fires or beacons. Used foremostly in warfare, relay fires required a handful of men posted along a range of hilltops, with the last man closest to the area where troop movement was expected. When armies were spotted in the distance, he would light a bonfire. The fire could be seen from a good distance away by the next man in the relay, who would in turn light his own bonfire, and so the fires were lit in succession along the range, creating an effective telecommunications signal that travelled back over several miles in a relatively short period of time. Finally, the last man in the relay would light a beacon to signal his army below that the opponent was en-route.

The arrangement of a ship's flags and semaphores were other forms of telecommunications. A semaphore was a mechanical device atop a tower with paddle-like blades or flags. The device would be set in a specific position to communicate information.

Throughout the 19th century, telecommunications devices became more sophisticated with the advent of electricity, leading to telegraph, Morse code, and signal lamps. A signal lamp, the optical version of the telegraph, is a powerful lamp with shutters that block the light in long or short durations to translate to the dots and dashes of Morse code. A heliograph is another optical telegraph -- a mirror used to reflect light to mimic a signal lamp.

A revolution in wireless telecommunications began at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries with pioneering developments in wireless radio communications by Nikola Tesla, Guglielmo Marconi, and Alexander Popov. In the 20th century, telecommunications reached beyond our planet. In June 1969, the world watched and listened as astronauts walked on the moon. Twenty years later, in August 1989, we would see pictures of Neptune arrive back from the Voyager 2 spacecraft, riding radio waves that travelled over roughly three billion miles (4.8 billion km) to reach us in a matter of a few hours.

Today, the core of modern communication is computer networks. All modern aspects of the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) are computer-controlled, and telephony increasingly runs over the Internet Protocol, although not necessarily the public Internet. Computer networks, and the technologies needed to connect and communicate through and between them, continue to drive computer hardware, software, and peripherals industries. This expansion is mirrored by growth in the numbers and types of users of networks from the researcher to the home user.

Strides in telecommunications have changed the world immeasurably. People now have multiple ways to see and hear what is occurring on the other side of the world in real time. Satellite technology, television, the Internet and telephony keep the globe connected in a humming buzz of interactive voices and pictures. Telecommunications has come a long way from smoke signals and grown up from a line telegraph via wireless radio messaging to e-mail, e-commerce, and elearning. These steps are tremendous but we are just at the foothills of this change. The future of telecommuncations has only begun.


13. Ознакомьтесь с дополнительными словами и выражениями:

puff [pʌf] - облако дыма

smother ['smʌðə] - гасить, тушить

foremostly['fɔːməustli] - главным образом

warfare ['wɔːfɛə] - война

troop [truːp] - отряд, группа людей войска, армия

bonfire ['bɔnfa(ɪ)ə] - костёр

be en-route [ɔn'ruːt] - быть в пути

atop [ə'tɔp] - на вершине

paddle ['pædl] - весло

blade [bleɪd] - лопасть

shutter ['ʃʌtə] - задвижка, заслонка

dot [dɔt] - точка

dash [dæʃ] – тире

stride [straɪd]- шаг вперёд, продвижение, прогресс

pioneering [paɪə'nɪə(r)ɪŋ] - новаторский, первопроходческий

Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) - телефонная коммутируемая сеть общего пользования

Internet Protocol = IP - протокол Internet, протокол IP протокол сетевого уровня, отвечающий за передачу и маршрутизацию сообщений между узлами Internet

peripherals - периферийное оборудование, устройство


14. Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию текста:

1. What visual signals have been in use since ancient times? 2. How was the communication with the help of fire organised? 3. What did the advent of electricity lead to in telecommunications? 4. The core of modern communication isn’t computer networks, is it? 5. What do the letters PSTN mean? 6. How is the globe connected today?


15. Найдите в тексте слова и выражения, эквивалентные следующим:

Древний; при условии, что...; зажигать костер; наверху, на вершине; система корабельных флагов; наступление (эпохи) электричества; космический корабль; копировать, симулировать; исследователь; домашний пользователь; у подножия.


16. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания на русский язык:

Smoke signal; troop movement; Morse code; signal lamp; pioneering developments; computer hardware; peripherals; line telegraph; e-commerce; elearning.


17. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги:

1. Smoke signals were widely used … American Indians. … the same time, other visual signals have been … use … ancient times. 2. Relay fires were lit … succession and were an effective telecommuncations signal that travelled back …. several miles … a short period of time. 3. … the 20th century, telecommuncations reached … our planet. 4. Pictures of Neptune sent from the Voyager 2 spacecraft travelled … four billion kilometers … just a few hours. 5. Today people can see and hear what is happening … the other side of the world … real time.


18. Вставьте пропущенные слова: