Static and Dynamic IP Addresses


There are two ways to configure a computer’s TCP/IP settings:


Server-assigned IP address—Provided by the DHCP server on the network


Static IP address—Assigned manually to each computer by editing the properties for thenetwork adapter


Table 2-4 compares the differences in these configurations.

    Chapter 2: Networking 47
Table 2-4 Static Versus Server-Assigned IP Addressing  
Setting What It Does Static IP Address Server-
      Assigned IP
IP address Identifies computer on Unique value for each Automatically
  the network computer assigned by
      DHCP server
DNS Identifies domain name IP addresses of one or Automatically
configuration system servers more DNS servers, host assigned by server
    name, and domain name  
    must be entered  


Gateway Identifies IP address


of device that connects


computer to Internet or


other network


IP address for gateway Automatically


must be entered; same assigned by server


value for all computers on







Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server (which provides IP addresses automatically) is also used to provide the Domain Name System (DNS) servers and gateway device IP addresses. A DHCP server is typically built into small office/home office (SOHO) routers, cable modems, satellite modems, and digital subscriber line (DSL) modems.


Subnet Mask


A subnet mask is used to distinguish between the network portion of the IP address and the host portion. The subnet mask is also used to define subnetworks if subnetworking is being implement-ed (see Table 2-5).


Table 2-5 An IP Address and Corresponding Subnet Mask

IP Address/Subnet Mask Network Portion Host Portion 192.168.1 255.255.255  





A gateway is the IP address of the router or other device to which that PC is connected. It is the “gateway” to the rest of the World Wide Web.


To see the current IP address, gateway, and DNS information for your system, open a command prompt window and run the IPCONFIG.EXE program with the /all switch:


ipconfig /all


Refer to Figure 2-6 for a typical listing of information for a laptop with a wireless adapter.

48 CompTIA A+ Quick Reference


TCP and UDP Ports, Protocols, and Uses


Table 2-6 lists the most common networking protocols, their ports, and gives a brief description. The port numbers in Table 2-6 are used to set up firewall hardware or programs to permit traffic.


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