Раскройте скобки, употребляя Future Perfect Continuous и Present Perfect Continuous

1. He (repair) his car for two weeks on Monday.

2. He (work) on his books for a two year soon.

3. Tomorrow it will be a month as they (work) on this project.

4. When the boss will see me, I (wait) for him for 2 hours.

5. They (sit) here for 20 minutes when I come.

6. In ten minutes time I (hang) around here for exactly four hours.

7. When they finish I (wait) for them for waiting for 30 minutes.


Модальные глаголы –can, -must, -may, -should

В английском языке есть группа глаголов, которые выражают не действия, а только отношение к ним со стороны говорящего. Они называются модальные глаголы. С их помощью говорящий показывает, что то или иное действие возможным или невозможным, обязательным или ненужным и т.д. К числу модальных глаголов относятся:

Прошедшее Настоящее Будущее
Could I could do it when I was younger. Can– мочь, уметь, смочь; I can play the piano. -
Might May-иметь возможность, мочь;May I come in? -  
- Must - нужно, должен; You must do it. -  
- Should–следует (рекомендация, совет);You should talk to him. -
You needn't have protested. Did you need to read all those books? Need-нуждаться, иметь надобность.She needs to swim. -
Had to He had to leave for Moscow earlier. Have / has to – должен We have to sign a contract. Shall / will have to
Was / were able to We were able to do this work in time. Am / is / are able to – мочь, смочь; Who is able to do this work? Shall / will be able to Will you be able to fulfill all contract obligations?
Was / were to I was to meet him in the evening. Am / is / are to – быть должным; The train is to come soon. -
Was / were allowed to He was not allowed to pay by his credit card. Am / is / are allowed to You are not allowed to smoke here. Shall / will be allowed to You will be allowed to open a current account.


1) Задайте вопросы к следующим словам по образцу:

Образец: - When must you go to the customer’s plant?

- After lunch.

1. to meet the director of the company

2. to start the talks

3. to show the machines to our partners

Образец: - When can you go to the office?

- Just now.

1. to study the catalogues for chemical equipment

2. to tell the Director about the talks with the company

3. to discuss the contract

Образец: - What should you do?

- Much work.

1. to translate from English into Russian

2. to talk to the manager of the company

3. to sell to this businessman

Образец: - May I invite you to my place on Sunday?

- Yes, you may/ No you may not.

1. to go to the South in July

2. to make an appointment with the director of your company

3. to speak with Mr. Blake

2) Выберите правильные модальные глаголы:

1. We (can, must, may) deliver the goods only next September.

2. –(can, must, may) I smoke here?

-Yes, you (can, must, may).

3. Passengers (can, must, may) come to the airport an hour before the take-off time.

4. –(can, must, may) I open your suitcase?

-No, you (cannot, mustn’t, may not)

5. –(can, must, may) I watch television, mum?

-No, you (cannot, mustn’t, may not). Tom, it’s too late.


3) Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Вы можете торговать с иностранными компаниями.

2. Ему следует интересоваться самыми последними политическими и деловыми событиями.

3. Можно мне начинать рабочие часы в 9 часов? –Нет.

4. Она нужно выполнять очень много работы каждый день.

5. Когда вы можете назначить деловую встречу с мистером Брауном?

6. Вы должны просматривать все журналы и газеты? –Да.

7. Могу я поговорить с мистером Блейком? –Блейк говорит.

8. Вы должны были отправить этот запрос на химическое оборудование вчера.

9. Компании следует заинтересоваться этой моделью.

10. Могу я встретиться с вами в понедельник?

11. Ей следует просмотреть их самые последние каталоги и расценки.

12. Он может часто ездить за границу.

13. Директору фирмы следует поехать на завод сейчас.

14. Могу я встретиться с вами сегодня? – Да, конечно.

4) Прочитайте и разыграйте диалоги:

- Can I have a single room on the second floor?

- I’m sorry, we won’t be able to give you a room on the second floor. The hotel is full up.


- Can I book a ticket for my business trip to London for tomorrow?

- I’m sorry, the tickets have already been sold. But you’ll be able to buy one for the day after tomorrow.


- We couldn’t sign the contract yesterday.

- Will we be able to do it tomorrow? –Yes, of course.


- We weren’t able to make an appointment with Mr. Green yesterday.

- When will you be able to do that?

- I don’t know. Maybe tomorrow morning.


- Were you allowed to stay at home without your parents when you were a child?

- Of course not. My grandmother looked after me.


- Are you allowed to make enquires by yourself?

- Of course not. I must discuss them with the president of the firm.



Прочитайте, запишите и выучите лексику по теме:

relation - отношения

to do business with - заниматься коммерцией, торговать

trade - торговый

to be busy - быть занятым

to have got much work to do - иметь много работы, которую нужно сделать

office hours - часы работы

to look through - просматривать

journal - журнал

latest - самый последний

event - событие

to discuss - обсуждать

price - цена

goods - товары

term - условия

payment - оплата

shipment - отгрузка, погрузка, отправка

delivery - поставка

business matters - деловые вопросы

matter - вопрос, дело

on the phone - по телефону

plant - завод, фабрика

outside - вне, за пределами, снаружи

to receive - получать

(a) few - немного, мало

an enquiry - запрос

equipment - оборудование

to sell - продавать

appointment - свидание, условленная встреча

to make an appointment- назначать деловую встречу

manager - управляющий

Blake speaking - Говорит Блейк

to be interested in- интересоваться чем-либо

quotation - расценка, цена

How about… - Как насчет…



Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Business trips

This is Mr. Voronin. He is a successful Russian businessman. He has been in business for about 10 years. He often goes to different countries to do business with foreign companies. Now Voronin is in London. He works at the Russian Trade Delegation.

Voronin is usually very busy. He has got much work to do every day. His office hours begin at 8:30. In the morning he looks through Russian and English newspapers and journals. He is interested in the political and business events.

During the day Voronin meets English businessmen and discusses with them prices for different goods, terms of payment, shipment and delivery. Sometimes he discusses business matters on the phone. Together with Russian businessmen he often goes to plants and outside London.

Now he is in his office in Highgate. It’s 2 o’clock in the afternoon. He is looking through the mail. He usually receives much mail but today he has got few letters and telexes on his desk. He is reading a letter. It is an enquiry for chemical equipment from his company. Voronin knows “Blake and Co” are selling model of this equipment.

Now Voronin is making an appointment on the phone with Mr. Blake, the manager of the company.

Secretary: Blake and Co. Good morning!

Voronin: Good morning! This is Voronin of the Russian Trade Delegation. I’d like to speak to Mr. Blake.

Secretary: Just a moment, please.

Blake: Blake speaking.

Voronin: Good morning, Mr. Blake. I’ve got an inquiry for chemical equipment from my company. We are interested in your new model. I’d like to have your latest catalogues and quotation. Could I meet you at our Trade Delegation on Monday.

Blake: Oh, I’m very busy on Monday. How about Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock.

Voronin: Good. See you on Wednesday. Good bye!

1) Согласитесь или не согласитесь с утверждениями:

That’s true. That’s false.

1. Voronin is in London now.

2. Voronin is usually not very busy in the morning.

3. Voronin discusses matters only on the phone.

4. He often goes to English plants.

5. Voronin always receives much mail.

6. He is reading an offer.

7. Blake and Co don’t sell chemical equipment.

8. Voronin is making an appointment with Mr. Blake.

9. They are making an appointment for Monday.


2) Продолжите предложения из текста:

1. He often goes to different countries … .

2. In the morning he looks through … .

3. He is interested in … .

4. During the day Voronin meets … .

5. Sometimes he discusses … .

6. Together with Russian businessmen … .

7. He usually receives … .

8. It is an enquiry for … .

9. Voronin knows … .

10. Now Voronin is making … .

11. This is Voronin of … .

12. I’d like to speak … .

13. I’ve got an enquiry … .

14. I’d like to have … .

15. Could I meet you … .

16. How about Wednesday … .


3) Найдите английский перевод следующих словосочетаний в тексте:

удачливый русский бизнесмен; заниматься бизнесом примерно 10 лет; торговать с зарубежными странами; Российская торговая делегация; очень занят; иметь много работы; рабочие часы; просматривать русские и английские газеты и журналы; интересоваться политическими и деловыми событиями; встречать английских бизнесменов; обсуждать с бизнесменами цены на различные товары; условия оплаты; условия отгрузки; условия поставки; обсуждать деловые вопросы; по телефону; ездить на заводы; вне Лондона; просматривать почту; получать много почты; несколько писем и телексов; запрос на химическое оборудование; продавать новую модель этого оборудования; назначать деловую встречу; управляющий компании; мне бы хотелось поговорить; говорит Блейк; интересоваться; самые последние каталоги и цены; как насчет … ; увидимся.


4) Прочтите и переведите английские словосочетания:

successful businessman; to do business with foreign companies; Russian Trade Delegation; to be busy to have much work to do; office hours; look through the mail; business events; discuss prices for different goods; terms of payment; terms of shipment; terms of delivery; business matters; on the phone; in and outside London; to have got few letters and telexes; an enquiry for chemical equipment; “Blake and Co” are selling; a new model equipment; to make an appointment; the manager of the company; I’d like to speak; Blake speaking; the latest catalogues; the latest quotation; Could I meet you …; how about … Wednesday morning; see you

5) Прочтите модели и задайте подобные вопросы:


  to do business with smb.  

- What company do you do much business with?

- We do very good business with “Bell and Co”

(“James and Sons”; “Brown and Co”; “Green and Co”; “Thomas and Co”; “Black and Co”; “Hartley Enterprises Inc”; GMS)

- Do you know the goods of Bell and Co well?

- No, we don’t do business with them.

(GML; “Green and Co”; “Blake and Sons”; “White and Co”; “Brown and Co”; “Thomas and Co”; “James and Co”; “James and Sons”)

  to look through  

- When do you usually look through the mail?

- I always look through the mail in the morning.

(cables, journals, letters, telexes, newspapers, catalogues, leaflets, messages, contracts)

- “Blake and Co” do very good business don’t they?

- Yes, many countries are interested in their goods.

(carpets, coffee, tea, picture books, desks for offices, colour pencils, clothes)

- What goods is your company interested in?

- We are interested in the latest models of tractors.

(cars, planes, bicycles, glasses, kettles, mixers, sofas, tables)

  to make an appointment with smb. for some day  

- Could you help me?

- Yes, certainly!

- I’d like to make an appointment with Mr. Brown for Tuesday.

- No problem.

(The manager of “Blake and Co”; the President of GML; Mr. Bell; the office manager; the inspectors; the English businessman; the economist; Mr. Blake)

6) Переведите и перескажите сообщение по теме “Business trips”:

1. Это мистер Воронин

2. Он удачливый бизнесмен

3. Он занимается бизнесом 10 лет

4. Он часто ездит в дальние поездки в различные страны

5. Он торгует с иностранными компаниями

6. Он обычно очень занят

7. Его рабочие часы начинаются в 8:30

8. Он всегда интересуется политическими и деловыми событиями

9. Он часто встречается с иностранными бизнесменами

10. Он обсуждает с ними цены на различные товары, условия платежа, погрузки и доставки товаров

11. Иногда он обсуждает деловые вопросы по телефону

12. Сейчас он в Лондоне

13. Он собирается купить новую модель оборудования

14. “Blake and Co” продают это оборудование

15. Он назначает деловую встречу с (Mr. Blake) мистером Блейком, чтобы обсудить этот вопрос.


7) Найдите слова и переведите их:

r e l p p i h s d e
t r a a m e n t i l
b a t y m e n t v e
u d i m r a l p y r
s e o a e n f e w r
i j n t t t m a i e
n o u r n a l e l c
e e i d o u t v i e
s v s c u t e r m e
s e n t s s p r i c

8) Прочитайте и переведите текст:

People travel on business or for pleasure. Thousands of people spend their holidays traveling. There are many ways of traveling: traveling by air, sea, train, car, hiking. Traveling is very interesting and useful because you get to know our beautiful nature and people. You always enjoy picturesque places, monuments of history and culture.

Most people travel by train. Trains take a lot of passengers, they are comfortable and quick enough for most people. You must book a ticket beforehand in the booking office, look at the schedule to learn the time of the departure, pack your things and arrive at the railway station. The conductor will show you to your compartment. When the train starts you can take your berth and watch everything through the window.

Many people prefer traveling by air as it is the most convenient, comfortable, quickest means of traveling. There is no dust or dirt of the railway or car journey. You must book the ticket in the booking office beforehand and register at the airport. Your luggage is weighted. You can have 20 kilograms of luggage free of charge. Before the plane takes off the stewardess gives all the information about the flight, the speed and the altitude. But some people get air-sick.

If you want to get the most delightful impressions on holidays, you can travel by sea or river. You book your passage on board a modern liner. These liners are real floating cities with all modern conveniences and a wide choice of sport and entertainment facilities. Every modern liner has a number of decks. Passengers occupy cabins. A cabin looks like a compartment of a railroad sleeping car, but the windows are round and are called portholes. You needn’t worry about your meals on board the liner. If you are not sea-sick the voyage will give you many moments of joy. But this is the most expensive way of traveling.

If you travel by car you can start and stop when and where you like. Many people travel by car and rest at campings near a lake or a sea.

As for me I prefer traveling on foot. Fresh air does people a lot of good. You can go to the places where no ship, no car, no train can get. You can climb a mountain and walk in a forest, you can enjoy the beauty of nature, a pleasant company of friends. The only disadvantage is your heavy rucksack.

Лексика к тексту

Прочитайте, запишите и выучите лексику:

to travel – путешествовать

to make a trip – путешествовать

to make a journey – путешествовать

voyage – путешествие

customs – таможня

cruise – путешествие по морю

hovercraft – судно на воздушной подушке

ferry – паром

to hitchhike – путешествовать, пользуясь бесплатно

попутными машинами

itinerary – маршрут, путь

to check in – регистрироваться

to book a ticket – заказывать билет

to be in time (for) – не опаздывать, приходить вовремя

fare – плата за проезд

a reservation – предварительный заказ

information desk – стол справок

luggage – багаж

in advance – заранее

an announcement – объявление

to take off – вылетать

to land – приземляться

on board a plane – на борту самолета

a boarding pass – посадочный талон

a departure lounge – зал ожидания

non-stop flight – беспосадочный полет

a delay on one hour – задержка на один час

extra payment – дополнительная плата

to get off – сходить с

platform – перрон

porter – носильщик, проводник спального вагона, портье

a sleeper – спальный вагон

fast train – скорый поезд

passenger train – пассажирский поезд

compartment – купе

berth – полка, спальное место

9) Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Do people travel only for pleasure?

2. What ways of traveling do you know?

3. Why do people like to travel?

4. What is the first thing you do before starting off a trip?

5. Do you like traveling by train?

6. What are the advantages of traveling by train?

7. How often do you travel by train?

8. What do you think is the flying time from Moscow to London?

9. What are the duties of the stewardess?

10. Do you sleep on a plane or do you prefer to read?

11. Do you always watch the in-flight film?

12. Are meals served on board the plane?

13. What are passengers talking about on the plane?

14. Is it easy or difficult to go through customs?

15. What does the customs officer usually say to those who have just arrived in the country?

16. What is the most comfortable and expensive way of traveling?

17. Do you like traveling by car?

18. When did you last travel on foot?


10) Переведите на английский язык следующие словосочетания:

Проводить выходные путешествуя, наслаждаться живописной местностью, заказывать билет заранее, посмотреть расписание, упаковать вещи, показывать купе, занимать полку, смотреть в окно; самые удобные, уютные и скорые средства для путешествий; восхитительные впечатления, путешествовать по морю или по реке, выглядеть как купе, самый дорогой способ путешествовать, путешествовать пешком, забираться на гору.

11) Решите кроссворд и переведите слова:

t r a v e l h o v e r
v i t i n e r a f e c
o r e s e r v r b r r
y i n o i t a y o r a
a u g g a g e a o y f
g e c n u o n n k f t
e m e n t l a n d a r
h t a l p p a y m e e
i f o r m t r i p n t
t c o m a p t m e n t
c h h i k e b e r t h


13) Прочитайте и переведите диалоги, какие времена встречаются в этих диалогах?

Dialogue I

A. K.: Good morning!

J. R.: Good morning! Can I help you?

A. K.: Yes, It’s my first time in the United Kingdom and I don’t know where to go and what to do. Besides my English is not good enough.

J. R.: No, no it’s all right/ you are quite fluent. Where are you from?

A. K.: I am from Moscow.

J. R.: Are you on business or on holiday?

A. K.: It’s a business trip. I am taking part in the “Wonder World” Exhibition.

J. R.: Really? I’m going to work at this exhibition too. I’m Joy Royal, a BBC correspondent. And this is Mr. Terry Trade, managing director of Electronics Ltd. His company is one of the main participants in the exhibition.

T. T.: How do you do?

A. K.: How do you do. I am happy to meet you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Alexander Krasnov. I’m executive director of the Russian School of Business.

T. T.: Are you planning to show something at the Exhibition?

A. K.: No, I have come to buy not to sell. I’m interested in teaching equipment for our School. If possible, I’d like to see your products, Mr. Trade. I have heard a lot about your firm.

T. T.: Please, come to our stand. By the way, Mr. Krasnov. Today our company is giving a cocktail-party for our foreign partners. It would be nice if you could come. You’ll meet a lot of people of Big Business there: men and women, buyers and sellers, importers and producers, scientists and businessmen, lawyers and bankers, engineers and inventors.

A. K.: Thank you. I’ll come with pleasure.

T. T.: Here’s an Invitation Card for you. You’ve got yours, haven’t you, Joy?

J. R.: Yes, I have.

A. K.: Now, I must be going. I hope to see you later. Good-bye.

T. T. See you later. Good-bye.

J. R.: See you later. Good-bye.


Лексика к диалогу I

Прочитайте, запишите и выучите лексику:

You are quite fluent - Вы говорите вполне свободно

to be on business - быть в командировке

to take part in… - принимать участие в …

“Wonder World” - «Мир чудес»

exhibition - выставка

BBC (British Broadcast Corporation) -Британская радиовещательная корпорация

managing director - генеральный директор

participant - участник

to introduce - представиться

executive director - исполнительный директор

teaching equipment - учебное оборудование

If possible - Если (это) возможно

I have heard a lot - Я много слышал

stand - стенд

a cocktail-party - коктейль вечер

foreign partner - иностранный партнер

It would be nice if you could come - Было бы хорошо, если бы вы смогли прийти

customer - заказчик, клиент, покупатель

producer - производитель

scientist - ученый

inventor - избретатель

engineer - инженер

I’ll come with pleasure - Я с удовольствием приду

invitation card - пригласительный билет

You’ve got yours, haven’t you? - У тебя есть твой (билет) не так ли?

I hope to see you later - Надеюсь, увидимся попозже

See you later - Пока. Увидимся позже


Dialogue II

Belov, a representative of the foreign trade company has arrived in New York to discuss some business matters with the people of Black and Co. The foreign trade company is interested in buying the Model BS 25 machines.

Mr. Blake, a representative of Blake and Co, a leading manufacturer of the type of machines, meets him at this office.

Blake: Good morning Mr. Belov, glad to see you in New York. Did you have a good trip?

Belov: Oh, yes. Thank you. Everything was all right.

Blake: Is it your first visit to New York?

Belov: Yes, it is.

Blake: Oh, I’m sure New York will impress you greatly. There are many places of interest here and you’ll enjoy sightseeing I think.

Belov: I’m sure, I will. Thank you. And now I’d like to discuss with you some points of the contract.

Blake: Good. What is your problem?

Belov: During our talks in Moscow you promised us to deliver the goods in December, but our customers require the goods urgently. Could you deliver the goods sooner?

Blake: I’m afraid we cannot do it at the moment as we are heavy with orders. But I think we can help you if you agree to take part deliveries.

Belov: When could you deliver the first lot?

Blake: Probably not earlier than in June, and will ship the balance of the goods in three lots at regular intervals within six months. Will it suit you?

Belov: Yes, thank you, Mr. Blake. It was nice to have seen you. Good-bye for now.

Blake: Good-bye Mr. Belov.


Лексика к диалогу II

Прочитайте, запишите и выучите лексику:

a foreign trade company - компания по зарубежной торговле

a representative - представители

business matters - деловые вопросы

to buy - покупать

a leading manufacturer - ведущий производитель

to impress - производить впечатление

places of interest - достопримечательности

to enjoy - получать удовольствие

points of the contract - пункты контракта

talks - переговоры

to promise - обещать

to deliver the goods - поставлять товары

customer - клиент

to require - требовать

urgently - срочно

an order - заказ

to take part deliveries - принимать частичные поставки

a lot - партия товара

the first lot - первая партия товара

to ship the balance of the goods- отгрузить остаток товаров

at regular intervals - через регулярные промежутки

to be heavy with orders - быть загруженным заказами, иметь очень много заказов

Will it suit you? - Это вас устроит? Это подойдет вам?

It was nice to have seen you- Было приятно повидаться с вами. (эта фраза употребляется при прощании)

13) Разыграйте диалоги:

1.—Good evening, Mr. Krasnov. I’d like to introduce you to my guest.

— Meet Mr. Frank Stanley from Canada.

— Nice to meet you Mr. Stanley. What do you do for a living?

— I’m a bank manager. My bank has a first-class reputation.

— That’s great. Nice to hear it.


2.—Please, meet Peter Britten from UK.

— Please to meet you Peter. What do you do for a living?

— I am a manufacturer of computers, microprocessors and so on.

— Oh, that’s what I want to buy.

— I’ll be happy to do business with you.

3.—Hello, Mr. Brown! Nice to see you again.

— Hello, Mr. Trade! Glad to see you too.

— How is your business?

— My business is doing well. It’s the best kind of trade for me.

— I know. Your equipment is used in all fields of economy: industry and agriculture, medicine and space research transport and sport …


4.—Let me introduce myself, Mr. Krasnov. I’m James Blake, I’m Mr. Trade’s

agent here in the UK.

— Nice to meet you, Mr. Blake. What sort of products do you sell?

— Electronic equipment, of course.

— I’d like to buy computers for the Russian School of Business.

— Great. I hope to cooperate with you too.


5.—I’d like to introduce you to Mr. Wallace. May I introduce Mr. Krasnov to you?

— How do you do, Mr. Krasnov. Glad to meet you.

— How do you do, Mr. Wallace.

— I’ve been looking forward to meeting you. Are you on business or on holiday?

— I’m on a business trip here. I’m interested in teaching equipment for our School.

— Hope to work with you.

— I hope to cooperate with you too.


6.—Glad to meet you, Mr. Brown.

— Pleased to meet you too Mr. Krasnov. I’ve heard a lot about the Russian School of Business.

— Thank you, Mr. Brown. And what do you do!

— I work in the bank. I’m a manager.

— Are you planning to take part in the exhibition?

— Yes I am. I’m going to buy computers and microprocessors at the exhibition “Wonder World”.

— And I’m looking for teaching equipment for our School.

— I wish you good luck, Mr. Krasnov.

— Good luck to you too, Mr. Brown.


14) Что вы узнали из диалога:

а) о цели деловой поездки Белова в Нью-Йорк

б) о деловых вопросах, которые Белов и мистер Блейк обсуждали во время переговоров

в) на каких условиях будут осуществляться условия поставки

15) Напишите диалог, используя следующие слова и словосочетания, разыграйте его:

At the station

Porter, to see to one’s luggage, the trunk labeled, in the luggage-van, suitcase, on the luggage-rack, the booking office, to come along with smb., platform.


At the booking office

To hire a taxi, to get to the station, to have a single ticket, the train is packed, fare, to make a report on a conference, a businessman, to be in a hurry.

At the Compartment

To fix, to fetch, to hang, to please, comfortably, what can I do for you, can I have, an upper (lower) berth, can I be of any service to you, to see the luggage-rack, the porter.


1) Найдите эквиваленты английских слов в правой половине:

1. to do business 1. запрос
2. to look through 2. товары
3. to be interested in 3. управляющий
4. business matters 4. условия платежа
5. an enquiry 5. просматривать
6. equipment 6. увидимся
7. to make an appointment 7. торговля
8. to be busy 8. рабочие часы
9. price 9. цена
10. goods 10. условия отгрузки
11. terms of payment 11. деловые вопросы
12. business trip 12. интересоваться
13. terms of shipment 13. условия поставки
14. trade 14. расценки, цены
15. mail 15. деловая поездка
16. terms of delivery 16. заниматься торговлей, бизнесом
17. quotation 17. оборудование
18. See you 18. назначать деловую встречу
19. manager 19. быть занятым
20. office hours 20. почта


2) Выберите необходимый модальный глагол:

1. Mr. Voronin … do business with many foreign companies.

a) can b) could c) must d) had to

2. He is very busy. He … do much work every day.

a) may b) might c) must d) is allowed

3. His employees (служащие) … not come to work later than 8:30.

a) has to b) may c) are to d) were able to

4. The businessman … look through newspapers and journals.

a) are allowed to b) are to c) must d) should

5. They … discuss prices for different goods with their partners next time.

a) will be to b) were able to c) are allowed to d) can

6. Yesterday he … discuss business matters on the phone.

a) might b) must c) can d) had to

7. The business partners … to discuss the enquiry tomorrow morning.

a) were able to b) will be able to c) can d) should

8. The secretary … to come to the office later yesterday.

a) must b) is allowed c) was allowed d) may


3) Переведите на английский язык:

1. Она уже два года изучает испанский. 2. Она разговаривает по телефону уже 20 минут. 3. Он пишет письмо своему коллеге. 4. Он уже решил эту задачу. 5. Они обсуждают это событие уже 15 минут. 6. Она только что получила посылку. 7. Я решаю много задач каждый день. 8. Она все еще пишет свою новую книгу. 9. Он красит стену уже 3 часа. 10. Он уже покрасил эту стену.