VOCABULARY. LEARN THE WORDS. a food and beverage manager, a specialist chef, a pastry chef, to peel, china, dishes, a napery, a storekeeper
a food and beverage manager, a specialist chef, a pastry chef, to peel, china, dishes, a napery, a storekeeper, a busboy, a bartender, a wine steward
Assignment 5.1 Read and translate the text:
All the hotels have a restaurant or a few restaurants. There are a lot of employees working in them.
The restaurant manager is in charge of the restaurant policy and operations. He decides on the image of the restaurant. He has to plan its business. The restaurant manager has to decide on purchases and sales. He hires the restaurant staff and provides their training. Often the restaurant manager has to decide on the type of cuisine and the types of menus.
At the head of the food and beverage department is the food and beverage manager. He manages the department and is in charge of the work of the chefs, the kitchen and the pantry.
The chef works in a restaurant or in the food and beverage department of the hotel. The kitchen supervisor is the head chef. He is in charge of specialist chefs, cooks and kitchen helpers.
A restaurant may have different specialist chefs in charge of different dishes. There is a soup chef, a sauce chef, a vegetable chef, a pastry chef and others.
The cooks do the actual cooking of meals. The chefs supervise them. The kitchen helpers wash, peel and cut up the vegetables, wash and cut the meat.
All the necessary things for serving guests such as china, dishes, glassware, napery, facilities for warming up the dishes are kept in the pantry. The pastry chef also dispatches food and beverages within the department.
The wine steward recommends and services wine to the guests. The main person in the wine-hall is the maitre d´hotel. He meets, greets and seats the customers.
Waiters and waitresses serve food to the customers. They take orders and bring food to the tables.
The busboy cleans the tables, pours water and brings rolls for the customers.
The duty of the bartender is to mix and pour alcoholic drinks for customers at the bar.
The caterer is at the head of the catering department. He provides different services from the restaurant. A caterer arranges and prepares parties, banquets and large group meals. He deals with large quantities of food and beverages. He manages the employees who serve conventions. Conventions use a lot of hotel facilities and catering services.
The good name of a restaurant or a hotel´s kitchen depends on the work of all the people in catering. The reputation of the hotel also depends on it.
Assignment 5.2 Answer the following questions:
1. What are the duties of the restaurant manager?
2. Who decides on the type of cuisine and the types of menus?
3. Who hires the restaurant staff and provides their training?
4. Who is in charge of the work of the chefs?
5. Who manages the work of the specialist chefs?
6. What kinds of specialist chefs work in the kitchen of the restaurant?
7. What do the cooks do?
8. Where are the dishes kept?
9. Who is in charge of the pantry and what does she do?
10. Who recommends and serves wine to the guests?
11. Who is the main person in the dining-hall?
12. What do the waiters do?
13. What are the duties of the busboy?
14. Who mixes and pours alcoholic drinks?
15. What does the caterer do?
16. What does the success of the hotel depend on?
Assignment 5.3 Use the appropriate words from the list:
serve food, dishes, busboy, kitchen supervisor, the maitre d´hotel, pastry, in charge, purchases and sales, to the tables, actual cooking, cuisine, staff, supervise, wine, peel and cut up, seats,
1. The restaurant manager has to decide on … .
2. He hires the restaurant … and provides their training.
3. Often the restaurant manager has to decide on the type of … and the types of menus.
4. The … is the head chef.
5. He is … of specialist chefs, cooks and kitchen helpers.
6. A restaurant may have different specialist chefs in charge of different … .
7. There is a soup chef, a sauce chef, a vegetable chef, a … chef and others.
8. The cooks do the … of meals.
9. The chefs … them.
10. The kitchen helpers wash, … the vegetables, wash and cut the meat.
11. The … steward recommends and services wine to the guests.
12. The main person in the wine-hall is … .
13. He meets, greets and … the customers.
14. Waiters and waitresses … to the customers.
15. They take orders and bring food … .
16. The … cleans the tables, pours water and brings rolls for the customers.
Assignment 5.4 Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:
1. Менеджер ресторана отвечает за политику ресторана и его работу. Он занимается вопросами имиджа ресторана. Ему приходится планировать работу ресторана и решать вопросы закупок и продаж.
2. Менеджеру ресторана часто приходится решать вопросы выбора кухни и меню.
3. Менеджер отдела еды и напитков отвечает за работу шеф-поваров, кухни и кладовой.
4. Пищу для ресторана готовят на самом деле повара. Шеф-повара руководят ими. Помощники по кухне моют, чистят и режут овощи, моют и режут мясо.
5. Все необходимое для обслуживания гостей: фарфор, тарелки, рюмки, стаканы, салфетки, средства для мытья посуды, - хранятся в кладовой.
6. Сомелье рекомендуют и подают гостям вино.
7. Официанты и официантки подают гостям еду.
8. Руководитель отдела питания организует и готовит вечера, банкеты и еду для большого количества гостей.
9. Доброе имя ресторана или кухни зависит от работы всех сотрудников отдела питания.