Text Higher Education in Ukraine

The Constitution of Ukraine (1996), the Law on Education (1996), and the Law on Higher Education (2014) constitute the legal framework for Ukrainian higher education.

During the last years the system of education in Ukraine has undergone deep changes and transformations, the long-term aim of which is to create a system based on the European model of higher education.

According to the Constitution of Ukraine, access to education is granted equally to all citizens. Education in Ukraine comprises a complex structure of the European type. It includes pre-school education, comprehensive secondary education, vocational technical education (Junior Specialist) and higher education (Junior Bachelor, Bachelor and Master). The structure of higher education also includes a postgraduate research education system for science degree (Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science).

Secondary education is compulsory. As a rule, schooling begins at the age of six. In the last grade, pupils take External Independent Testing in core and optional subjects. These tests are later used to determine university admission.

The new law 'On Higher Education' adopted in July 2014 introduces changes to the system of higher education:

- the elimination of the level of higher education "Specialist";

- the introduction of 3 cycle system including the level of PhD;

- the establishment of the Independent Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (it will monitor the quality of education in universities)

- the expansion of autonomy and academic freedom, student self-governance in higher education institutes;

- the introduction of a new mechanism for online application to universities and automatic display of state budget spots per major

- "Junior Bachelor" becomes the short-cycle within higher education 1st cycle;

- “Junior Specialist” moves to the vocational education and training;

- academic standards should comply with National Qualification Framework (NQF as an basic for development of academic standards and curricula);

- the curricula should be developed on competence-based approach using learning outcomes (ECTS implementation);

- for the period of academic mobility the status and stipend, salary and work place at the university will be retained for students and academics;

- universities are to recognize the degrees/diplomas of foreign universities.

The academic year in the higher educational institutions in Ukraine starts on the 1st of September and is divided into two semesters, from September to the end of January and from February to the end of June.

Training is based on scientific principles: lectures and theory are combined with practical classes in every subject. Senior students major in those subjects which are essential for their future activity. Those who work with diligence and pass exams with flying colours are conferred honours degree.

Higher education is either state funded or private. Students that study at state expense receive a standard scholarship. All students are provided with hostel accommodation, libraries, laboratories, workshops and sports and recreation facilities.


Exercise 11. Translate the following word-combinations:

a) legal framework, deep changes and transformations, access to education, pre-school education, postgraduate research education system, to determine university admission, introduction of 3 cycle system, vocational education and training, state budget spots per major, to monitor the quality of education, development of academic standards and curricula, essential for future activity, to work with diligence, to pass exams with flying colours.


b) закон про вищу освіту, довгострокова мета, Європейська модель вищої освіти, складна структура, професійно - технічна освіта, останній клас, ЗНО, предмети на вибір, короткий цикл, агентство з контролю якості вищої освіти, студентське самоврядування, результати навчання, визнавати дипломи іноземних вузів, навчальний рік, практичні заняття, студенти старших курсів, захист дипломної роботи, отримувати стипендію.


Exercise 12. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the main aim of the system of education in Ukraine?

2. Why do pupils take External Independent Testing in the last grade?

3. What system does higher education include? List its levels.

4. What subjects do senior students major in?

5. When do students receive their diplomas?

6. What does Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education do?

7. Where do children get pre-school/secondary/vocational technical education?

8. How many terms are there in the academic year of the higher educational institutions?

9. What degrees is it possible to get upon graduating from the University?

10. Is higher education state funded or private?