Тема 1. Предмет исследования международной экономики

1. International economics (международная экономика) deals with the flow of commodities, services, and capital across national boundaries.

2. The subject matter of international economics (предмет исследования международной экономики) consists of issues raised by the special problems of economic interaction between sovereign states: the gains from trade, the pattern of trade, protectionism, the balance of payments, exchange rate determination, international policy coordination, and the international capital market.

3. Gains from trade (выгоды от торговли) means that when countries sell goods and services to one another, this is almost always to their mutual benefit.

4. Protectionism (протекционизм) - a policy position favoring aid to import-competing industries by tariffs, subsidies, quotas, other restrictions on imports, and sometimes also aid to export industries by direct or hidden subsidies.

5. Balance of payments (платежный баланс)- a record of all economic transactions between residents of one country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time period.

6. Internationally traded goods (товары, участвующие в международной торговле)- primary commodities (agricultural commodities, minerals, and fuels) and manufactured or processed commodities (steel, chemicals, cars, etc.)

7. Nontraded goods (неторгуемые товары) - goods, which each country produces for itself.

8. The law of comparative advantage in case if international economics (закон сравнительного преимущества применительно к международной экономике) - states that countries specialize in producing and exporting the goods that they produce at a lower relative cost that other countries.

9. Commercial policy (торговая политика) - is government policy that influences international trade through taxes or subsidies or through direct restrictions on imports and exports.

10. Exports (экспорт) - spending for the goods and services produced in an economy by foreign individuals, firms, and governments.

Exports- goods and services produced in one country and sold in other countries in exchange for goods and services, gold, foreign exchange or settlement of debt.

11. Export transaction (экспортная сделка)- a sale of a good or service, which increases the amount of foreign money (or of their own money) held by the citizens, firms, and governments of a nation.

12. Imports (импорт)- spending by individuals, firms, and governments of an economy for goods and services produced in foreign nations.

Imports - the inflow of goods and services into a country's market for consumption.

13. Import transaction (импортная сделка) - the purchase of a good or service, which decreases the amount of foreign money (or of their own money) held by the citizens, firms, and governments of a nation.

14. Trade controls (торговый контроль)- tariffs, export subsidies, import quotas, and other means a nation may employ to reduce imports and expand exports in order to eliminate a payments deficit.

15. Payments deficit (balance of payments deficit) (дефицит платежного баланса) - the outpayments that result from the autonomous transactions exceeding the inpayments from these transactions.

16. Outpayments (выплаты за границу)- the expenditures of (its own or foreign) money which the individuals, firms, and governments of one nation make to purchase goods and services, for remittances, for government loans and grants, and capital outflows abroad.

17. Remittance (денежный перевод) - a gift or grant; a payment for which no good or service is received in return.

18. Autonomous transaction (автономная сделка)- a nation's exports of goods and services, imports of goods and services, remittances, government transactions, and capital movements; the transactions in the international balance of payments caused by basic economic considerations.

19. Inpayments (денежные поступления из-за границы)- the receipts of (its own or foreign) money which the individuals, firms, and governments of one nation obtain from the sale of goods and services, remittances, government loans and grants, and capital inflows from abroad.

20. Payments surplus (профицит платежного баланса) - the inpayments that result from the autonomous transactions exceeding the outpayments from these transactions.

21. The principle of targeting (принцип целеполагания)says that the most efficient way to attain a given objective is to use a policy that influences that activity directly. Policies that attain the objective but also influence other activities are second-best because they distort these other activities.

22. Terms of trade (условия торговли) - indicate how much of one good will be exchanged for a unit of another good.

23. World price (мировая цена) -is the price determined by the world supply and world demand for a product.

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