Weaknesses, e.g. limited financial resources


Opportunities, e.g. increased demand for a product from a particular market sector.

Threats, e.g. a downturn in the economy, reducingoverall demand.


Spotlight SKILL


• Advertising he activity of telling people about a product to try to make them buy it. advertise .

• strength a good quality or feature, oppweakness.

• opportunity a situation in which it is possible to achieve sth.

• threat a possible danger or problem,

• limited small in number or amount, opp unlimited.

• resources (usu pl) the supply of sth that you need, such as money or skills.

• demand (for sth) the need for sth from a particular group of people.

• sector a part of an economy, society, or area of activity.

• downturn a time when an economy or industry is weaker than normal, opp upturn

• reduce sth make sth less or smaller, opp increase sth. reduction n.



1. Goodnews or badnews for the company? Write G or B.


► Limited demand _B_


1) A number of opportunities. ____

2) They have a lot of skilled workers. ____

3) There are a number of threats. ____

4) Unlimited financial resources. ____

5) A reduction in demand. ____

6) An upturn in the economy. ____



2. Replace the underlined word or phrase with a single word. The meaning must stay the same.


►We only have a small number of products available at the moment _____limited______


1) There is a lot of competition in this part of the market. ___________

2) There isn't much need for beach umbrellas in the winter. _________

3) They have a number of good qualities. _______________________

4) There is another company in the market, which could be a real danger. ________________________________________________

5) Do we have the money and skills to make this product?______ _



3. Complete the sentences.


► New markets in Asia could be a great ____opportunity____ for us.



1) If you work with advanced technology, you need people with the right __________________________________________________

2) More people will know about the product if we _________it on TV.

3) Is there still a growing ____________________ for mobile phones?

4) If there is more competition, we may have to ___________ the price.

5) First we must analyse our strengths and __________________.


Unit 6




Applying for a job with FamAid UK

Wherever you are based, you can apply for any advertised vacancy.


Work permits

For jobs in the UK, you will usually be expected to have a valid UK work permit. For jobs outside the UK, the local FamAid office will advise you about the permit you may need.


Closing dates

Your application must reach us by the advertised closing date. Online applications will be acknowledged automatically by email.


Selection process

If we would like you to attend an interview, we will contact you. At that time, and if required, we will also assessother skills you may have or need.

If you are not successful, we will contact you and, wherever possible, giveyou feedback.

If you are the successful candidate, we will offer you the position, but this is subject to satisfactory references. We shall also request confirmation that you are medically fit to do the job and have the necessary permit/visa.



• apply for sth ask for sth in writing (often a job or course), application n.

• be based somewhere » If you are based in a place, that place is the centre for your work,

• vacancy a job that is available for sb to do

• work permit an official document which says you are allowed to work.

• valid If sth is valid, it is legally acceptable and can be used.

• advise sb tell sb the best thing to do. syn give sb advice (advice n, u).

• acknowledge sth let sb know that you have received sth from them, acknowledgement n.

• automatically without any human control.

• Process a series of things that are done for a particular reason.

• interview a meeting in which sb is asked questions to find out if they are suitable for a job, course, etc. (the person who asks the questions is an interviewer), interview sb v.

• contact sb phone or write to sb

• assess sth/sb decide on the quality or ability of sth/sb. assessment n.

• give sb feedback give sb advice or criticism about how they have done sth

• candidate a person who makes a formaI application for a job.

• reference a statement or letter which describes sb's character and ability to do a job (a person who writes this is a referee).

• confirmation a statement in writing which says that sth is true or accurate, confirm

In a written text like this, some language will be formal. For example: attend sth (= go to/for sth) subject to sth (= depending on sth) require sth (= need sth). position (= job) request sth (= ask for sth) shall (=will) The words in bold are more formal than the words in brackets, which we would normally use in spoken English.

Spotlight Formal language