Ex.17 .These are several personality types

a)You want to find out what kind of person your partner is. What other questions could you ask ?

b) Interview your partner. What kind of person is he/she ?

c) Name the personality types in the pictures :


social type, out-going type,

home-lover, culture-vulture


(Language in Use Intermediate Classroom Book, Cambridge University Press, 2000)


Ex.18. Describe your friend or yourself in accordance with his/ your horoscope.

The 12 astrological signs of the zodiac represent animals, the ancient Greeks called its zone "circle of animals". The list below gives the signs of the zodiac, with the dates. Look up the transcription of the signs in the dictionary and put down the names of people born under each of the signs.

Aries (Ram): March 21-April 19 [ ] an Arian/ Arians

Taurus (Bull): April 20-May 20 [ ] a Taurean/ …

Gemini (Twins): May 21-June 21 [ ]

Cancer (Crab): June 22-July 22 [ ]

Leo (Lion): July 23-Aug. 22 [ ]

Virgo (Virgin): Aug. 23-Sept. 22 [ ]

Libra (Balance): Sept. 23-Oct. 23 [ ]

Scorpio (Scorpion): Oct. 24-Nov. 21 [ ]

Sagittarius (Archer): Nov. 22-Dec. 21 [ ]

Capricorn (Goat): Dec. 22-Jan. 19 [ ]

Aquarius (Water Bearer): Jan. 20-Feb. 18 [ ]

Pisces (Fish): Feb. 19-March 20 [ ]

(Encyclopedia Brittanica)

Ex.19. An individual horoscope usually plots the moment of birth and is used by astrologers to analyze character. Describe your Zodiac sign in terms of your Traditional Personality Traits, e.g. ( http://www. astrology-online.com)

Taurus Traits

Patient and reliable

Warmhearted and loving

Persistent and determined

Placid and security loving

Jealous and possessive

Resentful and inflexible

Self-indulgent and greedy


Taureans are faithful and generous friends with a great capacity for affection, but rarely make friends with anyone outside their social rank, to which they are ordinarily excessively faithful. In the main, they are gentle, even-tempered, good natured, modest and slow to anger, disliking quarreling and avoiding ill-feeling. If they are provoked, however, they can explode into violent outbursts of ferocious anger in which they seem to lose all self-control.


Sagittarius Traits

Optimistic and freedom-loving

Honest and straightforward
Intellectual and philosophical

Blindly optimistic and careless
Irresponsible and superficial
Tactless and restless

Sagittarians have a positive outlook on life, are full of enterprise, energy, versatility, adventurousness and eagerness to extend experience beyond the physically familiar. They enjoy travelling and exploration, the more so because their minds are constantly open to new dimensions of thought. They are basically ambitious and optimistic, and continue to be so even when their hopes are dashed. Their strongly idealistic natures can also suffer many disappointments without being affected. They are honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous and sincere, with a passion for justice.


Ex.20. Look at the “contact ads” (the ones in which people are advertising for friends).

Nice woman, 42, seeks close, affectionate friendship with independentish man. Non-smoker, sense of fun, creative. Enjoys walks, talks, sensuality. Photo, please. London area. Box (50) 2059.


From Lille, seeks an Englishman, tall, 50s, open-minded, with whom she can have a close , but stable relationship. Box (50) 2051.

OXFORD : lively divocee, mid forties, bored with solitude and the cat, seeks male, preferably tall, to share local pleasures and pastimes, music, the arts etc. Box ( 50) 2050.

VERY PERSONABLE, attractive, charming, amusing, considerate graduate, professional – 40 – own lovely coastal home, seeks a lady – friendship/ marriage – personality more important than age. All nationalities welcome. Box (50) 2052.

WARM, ATTRACTIVE, humorous woman, 35, lover of music, literature, cinema, theatre seeks a man of similar inclinations, to share it all with. Box (46) 1899.

SENSITIVE, TALL, caring, unattached man, 55, likes people, music, walking, seeks intelligent, helpful woman, mid forties. Box ( 49) 2011.


Write your own contact ad for a newspaper like this:

Contact Ad

My name is Lilly. I seek an experienced man of thirty with good living conditions, a steady and very well-paid job. He is tall, powerfully-built, broad-shouldered, with black curly hair. Some words about the face: it should be fleshy, expressive with a narrow forehead, a firm chin, a small straight nose, plump lips and perfect teeth and a smile of his. He must be clever, intelligent, kind, caring, forceful, confident, faithful, romantic etc. Some words about myself: I am a pretty young girl of 1.80 m tall. I have long blonde hair, it is very smooth and soft to the touch and I wear it loose or in a pony- tail. I am slim (I work as a model), erect, with a shapely figure, long slender legs and delicate hands. My face is oval and expressive. The complexion is rosy but with some freckles. I have a narrow forehead, a turned-up nose, a tiny chin, and cheeks with dimples, plump scarlet lips, even teeth and a mole above the upper lip. I have beautiful blue eyes, long thick eyelashes and well-marked eyebrows. I like expensive things and presents. I am romantic and believe in horoscopes, I really believe that stars can seriously control our actions; I am interested in the art of physiognomy. That is why I can tell the character from physical features. For example, my pointed turned up nose reveals curiosity, my prominent cheekbones show the strength of my character, and the arched eyebrows signal my restless and active personality. Well, if you meet my demands and want to learn more, contact: 123-978-0675.


Ex.21. The Egg Test

Many countries have a tradition of painting patterns on eggs at Easter time.

Before you start the activity, choose two of the eggs below: the one you like most, and the one you like second best.

a) The eggs in the picture were used as part of a personality test in a magazine.

Here are two of the interpretations. Which of the eggs do you think they go with?


You're a naturally cautious person, and sometimes you tend to be a bit too precise and fussy. You always make sure you do everything thoroughly. In fact sometimes you're so afraid of making mistakes that you're not satisfied until you've cleared up every single point.


You're an active and sociable person who likes fro take part in things and enjoys being the centre of attention. Although you have a tendency to be rather vain and self-centred, other people don't seem to mind, probably because you give people at least as much as you take from them.


b) These sets of character adjectives go with the other eight eggs. Which do you think go with which?

- superstitious, optimistic - sensitive, insecure

- calm, reflective - inquisitive, nosy

- placid, easy-going - light-hearted, carefree, optimistic

- cheerful, sociable, talkative - passionate, aggressive, determined

Now check your answers against the magazine's interpretations on page 48.


c) Look again at what the magazine says about the two eggs you’ve chosen. Does it describe what you're really like? ( Language in Use- Upper Intermediate

Cambridge University Press, 2000. Classroom Book)

Ex.22. Translate into English:

1.Малыш Дени был развит не по годам, уверен в себе и обладал большим чувством ответственности. 2. Я никогда не видел ребенка более терпеливого и снисходительного к другим. 3. Все считали его образцом для подражания и всячески стремились походить на него. 4. В математике Дени делал потрясающие успехи и учителя считали его одаренным. 5. Бесхарактерные люди часто неуверенны в себе и нерешительны. 6. Чтобы выиграть в конкурсе участникам пришлось проявить различные черты характера: прежде всего нельзя быть рассеянным и слабовольным, а наоборот – самоуверенным и решительным. 7. Я никогда не доверяю людям, которые не держат слова. 8. Шел дождь и Нелли с задумчивым лицом вглядывалась вдаль. 9. После того, как Мэри узнала, что ее жених оказался трусливым и вспыльчивым, они разорвали отношения. Ей всегда нравились мужчины с характером. 10. Несмотря на то, что они были женаты несколько лет, Марк оставался нежным, искренним мужем. У его любимой был мягкий характер. Она была мечтательна и великодушна, ею нельзя было не восхищаться. 11. Он был тактичный молодой человек, хорошо воспитанный, любознательный, поэтому легко влился в компанию этих ярких рассудительных личностей. 12. Суетливые люди, как правило недалекие, и поэтому производят на меня плохое впечатление. 13. Новичку было трудно привыкнуть к новым людям, т.к. он был необщителен и слишком сдержан. 14. Сестры были похожи как две капли воды, но их характер чрезвычайно различался. Белокурая Лизи была уравновешенной и заботливой, а ее сестра – полная ей противоположность: упрямая, эгоистичная и злая. 15. К сожалению, Джон попал под влияние своих расточительных и легкомысленных друзей. Общаясь с ними, он изменился к худшему и стал таким же лицемерным, безответственным как они.


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