Highlights of motor vehicle history
The idea of a self-propelled vehicle occurs in
Homer’s Iliad. Vulcan, the blacksmith of the gods,
in one day made 20 tricycles which ‘self-moved
obedient to the beck of the gods’. The landmarks in
more modern motor vehicle history are as follows:
1688 Ferdinand Verbiest, missionary in China,
made a model steam carriage using the
steam turbine principle.
1740 Jacques de Vaucansen showed a clockwork
carriage in Paris.
1765 Watt developed the steam engine.
1765 Nicholas Joseph Cugnot, a French artillery
officer, built a steam wagon which carried
four people at a speed of 2.25 mile/h. It
overturned in the streets of Paris and
Cugnot was thrown into prison for endangering
the populace.
1803 Richard Trevithick built a steam carriage
and drove it in Cornwall.
1831 Sir Charles Dance ran a steam coach (built
by Sir Goldsworthy Gurney) on a regular
1992 Rover 220 Coupé
1992 MG RV8
Figure 1.2(continued)
Figure 1.3First Vauxhall, tiller operated, 1903
(Vauxhall Motors Ltd )
The history, development and construction of the car body 9
service from Gloucester to Cheltenham.
Sometimes they did four round trips a day,
doing 9 miles in 45 minutes. The steam
coaches were driven off the road by the
vested interests of the stage coach companies,
who increased toll charges and piled
heaps of stones in the roads along which
the steam coaches passed. This, combined
with the problems of boilers bursting and
mechanical breakdowns and the advent of
the railways, contributed to the withdrawal
of the steam coaches.
1859 Oil was discovered in USA.
1865 The Locomotive Act of 1865 (the Red Flag
Act) was pushed through by the railway and
coach owners. One of the stipulations was
Figure 1.41905 and 1909 Vauxhalls with wooden spoked artillery wheels with pneumatic tyres
(Vauxhall Motors Ltd )
Figure 1.5Twin concept car with interchangeable
engines (petrol/electric motor drive module)
(Vauxhall Motors Ltd )
10Repair of Vehicle Bodies
that at least three people must be employed
to conduct the locomotive through the
streets, one of whom had to walk 60 yards
in front carrying a red flag. Speeds were
restricted to 2–4 mile/h. This legislation held
back the development of the motor vehicle in
Great Britain for 31 years, allowing the continental
countries to take the lead in this field.
1885 Karl Benz produced his first car. This is
recognized as being the first car with an
internal combustion engine as we know it.
1886 Gottlieb Daimler also produced a car.
1890 Panhard and Levasser began making cars in
1892 Charles and Frank Duryea built the first
American petrol-driven car, although steam
cars had been in use long before this.
1895 First motor race in Paris.
First Automobile Club formed in Paris.
1896 The repeal of the Red Flag Act. This is
commemorated by the London to Brighton
veteran car run. The speed limit was raised to
12 mile/h and remained at that until 1903,
when the 20 mile/h limit in built-up areas
was introduced. There was much persecution
of motorists by police at this time, which led
to the formation of the RAC and the AA.
1897 The RAC was formed, largely through the
efforts of F. R. Simms, who also founded
the SMMT in 1902.
1899 Jenatzy set world speed record of 66 mile/h.
1900 Steering wheel replaces tiller.
Frederick Lanchester produced his first car,
a 10 hp model. He had built an experimental
phaeton in 1895.
1901 Front-mounted engine.
Mercedes car produced.
1902 Running board.
Serpollet did a speed of 74 km/h in a steamcar.
1903 Pressed steel frames.
First windshield.
The Motor Car Act resulted in considerable
persecution of the motorist for speeding,
number plates and lights, so much so that
the motoring organizations paid cyclists to
find police speed traps.
1904 Folding windshield.
Closed saloon-type body.
A petrol car reached 100 mile/h and, in the
same year, a Stanley steam car achieved a
speed of 127 mile/h. Stanley steam cars
used paraffin in a multitube boiler and had a
chassis made from hickory.
Rolls-Royce exhibited their first car in Paris.
The motoring press were impressed with its
Veteran cars are cars up to and including
this year.