Outlining the presentation

First, I’ll give you some basic information/ There are some important issues I want to go through this morning. Firs, I’d like to outline the main areas of growth.

Next, I’ll talk about our products./After that I’d like to explain how this growth will effect the company’s five-year plan.

Then, I’ll discuss the reasons for our success.

Finally, I’ll tell you about our advertising and marketing./ Finally, I want to focus on the next financial year.

Questions at the end

After you have heard my presentation, I am sure you‘ll have questions. I’ll leave fifteen or twenty minutes at the end for questions, so if anything is unclear please ask me then.

I am very happy to take any questions.

There will be time for questions at the end.

Please save any questions for the end of the talk.

There will be time for questions and comments

Introducing new information

Here are some basic facts

Here are some key facts about our company.

Changing to a new section of the talk

Moving on now to our mission

OK/Right. What about our distribution system?

Ending the presentation

Thanks very much for listening to my presentation

Thanks for coming to my talk.

Are there any questions?

Concluding a section and moving on

To sum up, last month’s sales doubled and this is excellent for this time of the year. Next I’ d like to move on and look at the sales for the following six months.

Ways of telling people that you have information to give them

I have copies of the statistics and tables. I’ll give these to you later./The figures are on the sheet which you can have later.

The handout also contains all the statistics. Please take one each and pass them round. Did everyone get a copy?

Explaining the meaning of abbreviations

IMF – stands for International Monetary Fund.

WTO – stands for World Trade Organization.

Dealing with numbers

From this table you can see that 69 per cent of male shoppers only buy …

Two thirds of those questioned said …

Next year we hope to have 1530 students in nine schools.

For this model of the fridge the temperature must be between 4.3 and 5.6 degrees centigrade.

We expect to make a profit of…

We’ll make a loss of …

You can see the number 50 000 in the third column.

Around 300 people responded to our question.

About 30 per cent were between 18 and 40 and less than 20 per cent were over 40.

The chart shows a significant rise in the number of companies selling cheap modern furniture.

This year the number has gone up to seventy

There has been a significant decrease in the number of people…

The number of staff has stayed the same

Sales of our toothpaste peaked in May.

I believe there’ll be a dramatic rise in private car owners over the next two years

Sales fell dramatically.

Sale began to increase gradually. After April sale fell again and then stayed more or less the same for the rest of the year.

When using visual aids

From this slide you can see… On the next slide you can see …

Let’s look at these figures more closely

Looking at the graph it is interesting to note that the increase in sales happened …

This graph shows the cash flow for the last quarter.

The graph shows our sales figures. The vertical axis represents sales in Australian dollars. Each line on this graph shows one of our top brands.

Let me show you that clip again

This table shows the extra features that come with the new sport car. The features of each model are clearly shown in the table.

The extra features appear in this table.

The models are listed across the top of the table

….on the left in the first column…

The first and second cells …

Survival language

If you get your facts wrong: I am terribly sorry. What I meant to say was this

If you have been going too fast and your audience is having trouble keeping up with you: Let me just recap on that/I want to recap briefly on what I have been saying.

If you have forgotten to make a point: Sorry, I should just mention one other thing.

If you have been too complicated and want to simplify what you said: So, basically, what I am saying is this.

If you are short of time: As we are short of time, this is just a quick summary of the main points.