Ex.4. Find synonyms in the text to the following words

Section I. Reading material.

Text A. Highways and the national transport system.

The transportation of passengers and goods is accomplished, inpractice, by means of a communication network consisting of railways .highways, aircraft routes, and river and sea routes. In countries with a planned economy all means of transport form asingle transportation system and their operations are coordinated, thus complementing each other's services and providing an opportunity to rationalize the use of each service.

The main volume of long-distance commercial and passenger traffic is carried by rail transport. However, goods handled by rail are received and delivered at special freight stations. Therefore, railways have to operate in conjunction with other forms of transport, which function on the approach roads to the railway lines. Approach roads are also required to service sea, river and canal transport and airports, the role of approach roads being played by motor roads and highways.

Goods may be loaded on to motor vehicles directly at the place of their production, and these goods may then be carried without transfer directly to their respective destinations. Because of this, motor transport is the most efficient form of transportation over comparatively short distance. Depending on the nature of the road network, the delivery of freight for a distance of 200 to 400 km is accomplished more quickly by road than by rail.

The total volume of goods by motor transport isappreciably greater than that transported by all other means of transport.

Motor transport plays an important part in the development of sparsely populated districts, providing for the transport of goods.

In recent years, with the construction of modern highway network, motorized transport has also acquired importance as а means for the long-distance transportation of passengers and freight.


Comprehension check

Ex.1 Decide whether the following comprehension statements are true or false according to the text.

1. A communication network, consisting of railways, highways, aircraft routes and river and sea routes transport passengers and goods.

2. Though in countries with planned economy all means of transport form a single transportation system it is rather difficult to coordinate their operations.

3. The main volume of long distance commercial and passenger traffic is carried by rail transport, because goods may be loaded at the place of their production.

4. Motor roads and highways are necessary to service sea, river and canal transport.

5. The total volume of goods by rail transport is greater than that transported by all other means of transport.


Ex.2. Answer the questions.

1. What does this text discuss?

2. By what means of transport is the transportation of passengers and goods accomplished?

3. How do services of each transport means complement each other?

4. Why is motor transport the most efficient form of transportation over comparatively short, distances?

5. What transport delivers goods for a distance of 200 to 400 km more quickly?

6. Why does motor transport play an important part in the development of sparsely populated districts?

Language focus

Ex.3. Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

1. совместно с другими видами транспорта; 2. подъездные дороги; З. при помощи; 4. все средства транспорта; 5. единая транспортная система; 6. дополнять; 7. играть роль; 8. без перегрузки; 9. из-за этого; 10. на короткое расстояние; 11. в зависимости от; 12. доставка груза; 13.общий объём; 14. редко населенные районы.

Ex.4. Find synonyms in the text to the following words.

1. to make-

2. with the help of-

3. supplement-

4. to realize-

5. to get-

6. in connection with-

7. gain-

8. provide-

Ex. 5. Fill in the correct prepositions.

1) … means of;

2) in conjunction …;

3) to load …;

4) … short distance;

5) depend …;

6) the delivery …;

7) play part …;

8) provide …;

9) … the construction of;

10) consist …;