Говорение. Работа с устными высказываниями по теме. Отработка новой лексики

Отработка новой лексики


1.1. Найдите транскрипцию следующих слов в англо-русском словаре, если это необходимо. Проверьте произношение этих слов по транскрипции (см. Приложение1. Транскрипционные значки и их произношение) или прослушайте их (см. Введение. 2. Рекомендации по слушанию на английском языке). (Find a transcription of the following words in the English-Russian dictionary if it is necessary. Check up a pronunciation of these words on a transcription (see Application1. Transcription symbols and their pronunciation) or listen to them (see Introduction. 2.Recommendations for the hearing in English).


by hand - вручную

manual typewriter - механическая пишущая машинка

differences - различия

word processor - текстовый процессор

text editor - редактор текста

features – функции, особенности

coding system - система кодирования

advantages - преимущества

disadvantages - недостатки

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) - ASCII (Американский стандартный код для обмена информацией)

1.2. Найдите указанные в задании 1) слова в тексте «Computer: for and against» и запишите их в контексте (см. Введение. 1.Рекомендации по заучиванию слов. Пример перевода слова из контекста). (Find shown in the task 1) words in the text «Computer: for and against» and write down them in the context (see Introduction. 1.Recommendations for memorizing words. Example of translating the word from the context.)


Computer: for and against

§1People use word processors for writing all kinds of documents, such as letters, school papers and reports. Word processors have many advantages over handwriting and manual typewriters. Word processing is faster and easier than writing by hand and you can store documents on your computer, which you cannot usually do on a typewriter. This makes it easier to review and rewrite your documents. You have more formatting choices with а word processor, and the spelling, grammar and language tools are useful, too. You can also print copies of your documents, which look neater than handwritten ones. Many language students use word processors to improve their writing skills and because they help them feel proud of their work.

§2Word processors do have disadvantages, however. First, it is not easy to read long documents on a computer screen. Second, sometimes the printer does not print an exact copy of what you see on the screen. Not all word processors can read each other's files, which is another disadvantage. Finally, word processors do not always work well with e-mail. If you paste a word-processed letter into an

e-mail it may lose a lot of its formatting. Many people use a text editor for the Internet, which is similar to a word processor but has fewer formatting features and cannot use graphics. Text editors, such as Notepad, use a simple coding system called ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), as does e-mail.


Чтение. Развитие навыков просмотрового чтения



2.1. Прочитайте текст «Computer: for and against» быстро и подчеркните преимущества обработки текста из первого параграфа и недостатки обработки текста из второго параграфа этого текста. Запишите их количество: Преимущества - ; Неудобства - . (Read the text «Computer: for and against» quickly and underline the advantages of word processing in the first paragraph and the disadvantages in the second. Write the number of each: Advantages - ; Disadvantages - .)


2.2. Работа в парах. Выберите из следующих предложений верные (T) и ложные (F) высказывания. (Pair work. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).


1. You can store letters on a manual typewriter.

2. You can change your documents easily on a word processor.

3. Printed documents look better than handwriting.

4. Improving your writing is more difficult with a word processor.

  1. Word processors work well with e-mail.


2.3. Найдите ответы на следующие вопросы в тексте Computer: for and against.

(Find answers to the following questions in the text Computer: for and against.)


Do you like writing by hand? Why? /Why not?

Have you ever used a typewriter or word processor? Which word processor?

What are the differences between handwriting, typing and word processing?


Говорение. Работа с устными высказываниями по теме



3.1. Прочитайте текст «Computer: for and against». Подготовьте устное высказывание по теме (см. Введение. 4.Говорение. Рекомендации по работе с устными высказываниями по теме. Пример подготовки устного высказывания по теме). (Read the text «Computer: for and against». Prepare a statement on a theme (see Application. 4.Recommendations to work with the statements on a theme. Example for preparing a statement on a theme.)

3.2. Запишите высказывание по теме текста «Computer: for and against», используя фразы для оформления высказываний (см. Приложение1. Фразы для оформления высказываний). (Write down the statement on a theme «Computer: for and against», using phrases for formulation of statements (see Application1. Phrases for formulation of statements.)

Развитие навыков письма



4.1. Прочитайте рекомендации по развитию навыков письма (см. Введение. 5.Рекомендации по развитию навыков письма). (Read our recommendations for the development of writing skills (see Application. 5.Recommendations for the development of writing skills.)


4.2. Заполните пробелы в словосочетаниях (1-6) выделенными в тексте «Computer: for and against» словами и выражениями. Запишите эти слова. (Complete the sentences (1-6) with the highlighted words and phrases in the text «Computer: for and against». Write down these words.)

1. by hand, not electronic ______________________________

2. the way a program organizes data _____________________

3. a program used for simple text files ____________________

4. the code that e-mail uses ____________________________

5. things that a program has, or can do ___________________

6. a program used for text and graphics __________________

ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ:Вы можете подготовить свою презентацию по теме «Компьютер: за и против» и продемонстрировать ее в аудитории. (The additional information: You can make the presentation on a theme «Computer: for and against» and show it in the classroom.) Успехов! Successes!


Проверьте себя по ключу (Check up yourself on a key):

2.1) Advantages - 8; Disadvantages - 4.

2.2) 1 (F) 2 (T) 3 (T) 4 (F) 5 (F)

4.1) 1. manual 2. coding system 3. text editor 4. ASCII 5. features 6. word processor