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There is a statement:”Management is getting work done through people.” Most of accomplishments of any society take place because groups of people get involved in joint efforts. Almost everyone is, have been, or someday will be a manager, that is a person who coordinates human, informational, physical, and financial resources of an organisation.


The study of management is important for everyone because many persons presently being trained to be accountants, teachers, or lawyers will one day manage accounting departments, schools and goverment agencies. A manager usually performs several roles in their daily work. The main functions of managers are planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling.


Planning is defined as the process of determining the objectives of an organization and deciding how to achieve them.


Organizingis known as the process of assigning to the appropriate position the tasks required to achieve the organization objectives.

Staffing (hiring, training, promotion, dismissing) is the process of matching the tasks assigned to certain positions with the right people.

Directingis the process of guiding, leading, and motivating people.

And, the last, controllingis called the process of measuring an organization’s performance against its plans.

There is no universal organizational structure and universal principles for its creation.

The classicalapproach to organization design, developed in the early 1990s, suggests that managers must be guided by the following principles of organization:

1) Division of labor to achieve the highest economic efficiency.

2) Unity of direction. Jobs should be grouped according to function or process.

3) Centralization of authority. Most accountability rests with top management.

4) A jobholder must have authority commensurate with job responsibility.

5) Unity of command. Each jobholder should report to one, and only one superior.

The neo-classical organizational design assumes that jobs are relatively despecialized, departments contain a mix of jobs, spans of control are wide, and authority is decentralized.

Employees are considered unique persons seeking more than monetary compensation. Neo-classical design is more adaptive and assumes more flexibility comparing with the classical one.


Every organization must operate within a specific environment (competitors, suppliers, customers, the government, ets.) when both high efficiency and high responsiveness to environmental changes are needed, matrixdesign is being used. It assumes that the best employees must focus on a particular project. So to complete the job a manager is appointed to head the project and personnel is provided with necessary skills from each functional area ( Marketing, Production, Finance, Personnel, Research and Development ).





2. Переведите на русский язык:

Accomplishment, planning, organizing, staffing, hiring, training, promotion, dismissing, directing, controlling, assigning, objective, guiding, leading, motivating, authority, accountability, command, competitor, supplier, customer, creditor.


3. Переведите на английский язык:

Правительство, эффективность, издержки, конкуренция, реагирование, штат сотрудников, навык, производство, платёжная ведомость, финансы, должность (вакансия), начальник, подчинённый, должностная инструкция, оплата труда, дополнительные льготы.


4.Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Who is manager?

2. What the main functions of manager do you know?

3. What principles of organization must manager be guided by?

4. Why jobs in the neo-classical organizational design are despecialized?

5. When is matrix design being used?


5. Составьте все типы вопросов к данным предложениям:

1. A manager usually performs several roles in their daily work.

2. Each jobholder should report to one, and only one superior.

3. Neo-classical design is more adaptive and assumes more flexibility comparing with the classical one.


6. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1.Я считаю, твой дедушка – самый щедрый человек, которого я когда-либо встречал.

2.Тот телевизионный фильм гораздо хуже, чем сегодняшний фильм. 3. Она купила часы в Швейцарии, потому что она считает, что швейцарские часы самые точные в мире.

4.Это были самые счастливые дни в её жизни. 5.Она думает, что бокс такой же опасный вид спорта, как и борьба. 6.Русский музей такой же богатый, как Эрмитаж? 7.Эта работа такая же интересная, как и твоя.


Перепишите предложения, подчеркните сказуемое главного предложения и определите видо - временную форму залог глагола. (Например, was going - Past Continuous Active от глагола to go).

1) Special attention was paid to the advantages of the metal.

2) Men have explored thoroughly the under-water world.

3) English is spoken in Great Britain as well as in some other countries.

4) We have been looking for you the whole morning.