II. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Утвердительная форма




Отрицательная форма



Вопросительная форма




1. Употребляется для выражения длительного прошедшего действия, которое началось ранее другого прошедшего действия и все еще происходит в момент его наступления или закончилось непосредственно перед моментом наступления другого прошедшего действия.

I had been writing the letter for an hour when she came.

Я писал письмо (уже) час, когда она пришла.

He felt very tired when he came home as he had been playing football.

Он чувствовал себя очень усталым, когда пришел домой, т.к. играл в футбол.

He felt tired as he had been playing football for several hours.

Он чувствовал себя усталым, т.к. играл в футбол в течение нескольких часов.

2. В случае, когда прошедшее действие закончилось непосредственно перед моментом наступления другого прошедшего действия, период времени, в течение которого совершалось действие, может быть как указан, так и не указан.


III. The Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Утвердительная форма

shall will




shall will
Отрицательная форма



Вопросительная форма

Shall Will



Употребляется для выражения длительного будущего действия, которое начнется ранее другого будущего действия и будет еще совершаться в момент его наступления. Употребляется, когда указан период времени, в течение которого действие будет совершаться.

He will have been writing the letter for an hour when she comes.

Он будет писать письмо (уже) час, когда она придет.



I. Put the verbs into the Perfect Continuous Tenses, using “for ten minutes, for two hours”, ect. ...

1. I (to rinse, to wait for; to heal; to carry on; to keep)

2. He (to operate; to apply; to put in; to remove; to examine)

3. You (to gargle; to moan; to transfuse; to cleanse; to suffer from)

4. They (to treat; to rub in; to radiate; to complain of; to sterilize)


II. Translate into Russian

1. The wound has been healing for 3 weeks.

2. The pain has been radiating to the left shoulder since morning.

3. Dr. Smirnov has been operating on for the heart for 2 hours.

4. I had been gargling my throat for some minutes before the nurse gave me the tablets.

5. The patient had been moaning since morning before he was operated on.

6. We have been waiting for Dr. Ivanov since 8 o’clock.

7. John has been keeping a thermometer in his armpit for 2 minutes.

8. Dr. Ivanov has been carrying on his medical examination since morning.

9. He had been complaining of a bad headache for an hour before we gave him a tablet.

10.I shall have been examining the patients for an hour before you come.

11.By the end of the month she will have been working at this hospital for five years.


III. Answer the questions

1. Since when have you been studying at the Gomel Medical University?

2. How long have you been learning English?

3. How long has this patient been complaining of nausea?

4. Since when have you been friendly with your friend?

5. How long has the child been suffering from lobar pneumonia?

6. How long has the surgeon been operating on this patient?

7. How long had you been doing your homework before you went to bed?

8. How long had the nurse been cleansing the wound before the doctor entered the room?

9. How long had Dr. Ivanov been treating this patient for angina pectoris before the patient recovered?

10.Since when have you been working at this hospital?


IV. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

1. My friend has been following his diet since his last visit to the doctor.

2. They had been working for three hours before they decided to have a meal.

3. They have been talking about infectious diseases since the beginning of the lecture.

4. It had been raining for two hours when I left home.

5. She has been living in Minsk since 1974.

6. We shall have been examining the patients for an hour before you come.

7. By the end of the year he will have been teaching English for twenty years.


V. Ask your fellow-student

1. - if he (she) has been studying English for 7 years;

2. - if he(she) has been living in Gomel since his childhood;

3. - if he(she) has been studying at the Gomel Medical University for two years;

4. - if he (she) has been working at the hospital for three years;

5. - if he (she) has been sterilizing syringes for an hour;

6. - what he (she) had been doing since morning before he (she) came to the University;

7. - if he (she) had been walking in the park for a long time when you met him (her) there;

8. - what he (she) had been discussing for 10 minutes before we entered the room;

9. - if he (she) had been playing chess or the guitar for a little while before you called on him (her);

10. - if he (she) had been reading since early morning before his (her) mother prepared breakfast.


VI. Combine the sentences, using the Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Model A:

They began to close the wound in layers ten minutes ago. They are still working.

They have been closing the wound in layers for ten minutes.

Model B:

He has begun to treat this patient for lobar pneumonia since Monday. He is still treating him.

He has been treating this patient for lobar pneumonia since Monday.

1. The doctor has begun to consult his patients since morning. He is still consulting them.

2. The doctor began to operate on this patient an hour ago. He is still operating on him.

3. The nurse began to apply a plaster of Paris ten minutes ago. She is still applying it.

4. He began to remove the appendix twenty minutes ago. He is still removing it.

5. This patient has begun to complain of earache since early morning. He is still complaining of it.

VII. Combine the sentences, using the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

Model: The doctor operated on the patient (an hour). Then he finished the operation. – The doctor had been operating on the patient for about an hour before he finished the operation.

1. Tom gargled his throat (5 minutes). Then he left the bath-room.

2. The nurse rubbed in the healing ointment (3 minutes). Then the doctor came.

3. Dr. Orlov examined the child (5 minutes): Then he started to cry.

4. Nick suffered from headache (a short time). Then he lost his consciousness.

5. The nurse sterilized surgical instruments (an hour). Then the surgeon began the operation.


VIII. Put the sentences into the Perfect Continuous Tenses, using the necessary adverbial modifiers of time

Model 1: I am waiting for you. (since 8 o’clock) I have been waiting for you since 8 o’clock.
Model 2: I was working when my brother came in. (for a long time). I had been working for a long time when my brother came in.
Model 3: He lives in this town. (since 1980) He has been living in this town since 1980.

1. They were sleeping when we returned (for two hours).

2. She is operating on this patient for the appendicitis (since 9 o’clock).

3. He teaches Biology (since 1994).

4. His sister was moaning with pain when the doctor came (for a long time).

5. The doctor is applying a tourniquet to the patient’s arm (for two minutes).

6. I study at the Medical University (for two years).

7. It was raining when I left home (for three hours).

8. I am suffering of nausea (since early morning).

9. Professor Belov is delivering a lecture in Histology (for an hour).

10.My friend was attending post-graduate courses when I met him. (for a year).


IX. Choose the right variant

1. Врач оперирует пациента 2 часа.

a) has operated; b) has been operating; c) had been operating

2. Он лечит ее от стенокардии 2 месяца.

a) has treated; b) have been treating; c) has been treating

3. Медсестра зашивала рану несколько минут, когда больной пришел в себя.

a) has been suturing; b) had been suturing; c) has sutured

4. Они втирают эту мазь 3 минуты.

a) has been rubbing in; b) have been rubbing in; c) have rubbed in

5. Медсестра промывает рану пациента.

a) has been cleansing; b) is cleansing; c) cleanses

6. Я работаю в этой больнице 5 лет.

a) have been working; b) work; c) have worked

7. Медсестра измеряла кровяное давление, когда доктор заполнял мою карточку.

a) has been taking; b) took; c) was taking

8. Врач уже перевязывал рану, когда пришла мать мальчика.

a) was dressing; b) had already dressed; c) has been dressing

9. К 5 часам я буду изучать эту тему 2 часа.

a) shall study; b) shall be studying; c) shall have been studying

10.Он удаляет опухоль желудка 10 часов.

a) have been removing; b) has been removing; c) had been removing

11.Врачи очищали брюшную полость от экcудата несколько минут, когда больной застонал.

a) had been cleansing; b) have been cleansing; c) have cleansed


X. Put the sentences into the Past and Future Perfect Continuous Tenses, using the adverbial modifiers of time

Model: Dr. Ivanov has been working as a therapeutist for twenty years (when I met him). Dr. Ivanov had been working as a therapeutist for twenty years when I met him.

1. These nurses have been sterilizing syringes for twenty minutes (when I came; when the doctor came).

2. Children have been swimming for half an hour (when their mother returned; by 3 o’clock).

3. He has been translating the text for two hours (before he went to bed;).

4. Kate has been cleaning her teeth for 3 minutes (before she left the bath-room).

5. The doctor has been making the daily round of visits for three hours (before his working day finished; by the time he finished his work).

6. These patients have been undergoing the course of physiotherapy for two weeks (before they finally recovered; when their district doctor came back).


XI. Open the brackets, using the necessary tenses

1. The nurse (to give) the patient injections since nine o’clock.

2. I (to stay) in bed since early morning.

3. You (to remove) the appendix yet? – Not, yet. I only (to operate on) this patient for 5 minutes.

4. The nurse (to give) injections, when the doctor came.

5. The doctor (to examine) the patient now.

6. The pain (to radiate) to the left shoulder since morning.

7. How long you (to work) at this hospital?

8. Ann (to take) her temperature for five minutes, when her brother entered the room.

9. We (to live) in this town for ten years.

10. The nurse already (to make) my blood analysis.

11. Professor Belov (to deliver) lectures in Histology for thirty years by next year.

12. I (to know) him since my childhood.

13. His brother (to suffer) from lobar pneumonia for a week, before he was admitted to the hospital.

14. We (to take) notes of the lecture in Anatomy for an hour before you came.

15. You (to dress) the patient’s hand? – Not yet.

16. You (to live) abroad for a long time? – No, I (not to live) there for a long time. I only (to live) abroad for two years.


XII. TranslateintoEnglish

1. Его мать принимает таблетки от сильной головной боли уже неделю.

2. Доктор Иванов принимает больных с самого утра.

3. Эти пациенты ждали врача полчаса, когда он пришёл.

4. К концу этого года мы будем учиться в медицинском институте уже 2 года.

5. Медсестра измеряла мне кровяное давление, когда вошел доктор.

6. Они живут в этом доме 15 лет.

7. К 15 февраля он будет проходить курс лечения уже 2 недели.

8. Я полощу горло сейчас.

9. Моя мама перевязывает мне руку уже 5 минут.

10. Сколько времени вы ее знаете?

11. С каких пор вы работаете терапевтом?

12. Вы уже подготовились к операции? - Нет, мы готовимся к операции только 10 минут.

13. Эта рана заживает уже 2 недели.

14. Медсестра уже сделала моему другу анализ крови, когда я вошел в кабинет. Медсестра накладывала швы на рану, когда доктор вышел из операционной.

15. Врач делал больному операцию по поводу аппендицита 15 минут, когда больной застонал.

16. Мой друг жаловался на слабую тошноту с самого утра, пока не почувствовал себя отвратительно.

17. Медсестра накладывала швы на рану, когда доктор вышел из операционной.

18. Мы оказывали ему первую помощь 15 минут, пока не приехала машина скорой помощи.

19. Медсестра втирает этому больному лечебную мазь уже 5 минут.

20. Как долго вы работали на заводе, прежде чем поступили в институт? – Я работал там 2 года.

21. Врач лечит её от стенокардии уже 2 недели.

22. Он чувствовал себя очень усталым, так как делал операцию на сердце этому больному несколько часов.