VII. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Воск содержит в себе вещества, препятствующие возникновению коррозии. 2. Песок и стекловолокно используются для того, чтобы защитить трубопровод от повреждений. 3. Необходимо принять определенные меры предосторожности, чтобы предотвратить появление трещин в покрытии. 4. Существуют районы, где почва насыщена углеводородами. 5. Температура эксплуатации трубопровода должна быть в пределах 300 – 1800 по Фаренгейту. 6. Асфальтовая мастика используется в промышленности более 50 лет. 7. Смоляные покрытия могут выдерживать высокую температуру эксплуатации: от 2000 по Фаренгейту и выше. 8. Пленочные покрытия не вредят экологии. 9. Эмалевые покрытия широко применяются в промышленности из-за низкой себестоимости и простоты применения. 10. Асфальт – это побочный продукт переработки нефти.


VIII. Answer the following questions.

1. What types of coatings do you know?

2. What is the origin of bituminous enamels?

3. What do enamel coatings include?

4. What is the difference between asphalts and coal tar?

5. When are mastics used?

6. Characterize asphalt mastic.

7. What is the restriction for using enamel coatings?

8. What is the function of fillers?

9. What are fusion-bonded epoxies? Where are they usually applied?

10. Name the principal advantages of fusion-bonded epoxies.

11. What types of tape coatings do you know?

12. Does the application of tape coatings raise health or environmental objections?


IX. Retell the text “Types of Coatings” using the questions from the previous exercise.

X. Find English equivalents for the following words and phrases.

1. отвечать требованиям

2. побочный продукт переработки нефти

3. дробленый известняк

4. почва, насыщенная углеводородами

5. температура эксплуатации трубопровода

6. специальное оборудование

7. тонкое покрытие

8. итоговый осмотр поверхности трубы

9. устойчивое сопротивление

10. толстый слой покрытия

11. внутренняя поверхность трубопровода

12. чувствительный к внутренней коррозии

13. технологический процесс (процедура) применения


XI. Translate the following international words.

ü special materials ü corrosion process ü function ü electrical ü factor ü specialized ü thermal ü temperature ü construction ü to minimize ü ultraviolet ü procedure ü mechanical ü inadequate ü electrolyte ü degradation

XII. Translate the following text in the written form.


Coating and wrapping pipe with special sealing materials is the main line of defense against corrosion. The primary function of pipe coatings is to prevent water from coming into contact with the steel of the pipe. The most important thing to consider when a pipe coating is being selected is its ability to resist water penetration. This is important because absorbed moisture can carry electrical current through the coating material itself and onto the pipe, initiating the corrosion process.

The moisture content of the soil as well as a number of other external factors must be considered when selecting a pipe coating. The qualities of the soil in which the line is buried may also dictate a specialized coating. For example, hydrocarbon contamination in the soil hastens the degradation of some pipe coatings. Temperature also can affect pipe coatings. Extremely hot or cold conditions during construction can affect the operational life of the coating by causing thermal expansion and contraction of the pipe.

Other things that affect the longevity and integrity of pipe coatings are the conditions under which the coated pipe is stored and the handling the pipe receives during lowering-in. Pipe with mill-applied coatings must be carefully stored to minimize coating distortion.

Whitewash is used to protect pipe that is kept outdoors for any length of time. This covering reflects ultraviolet light.

A coating is most vulnerable to damage when the pipe is being lowered in. No matter how carefully this procedure is carried out, some damage is inevitable. Wrapping is often placed over the pipe coating to provide additional mechanical support.

A common type of coating failure is disbonding, or separation, of the coating from the pipe. The problem can usually be traced to inadequate preparation of the pipe surface before the coating was applied.