Synopsis The November 2nd meeting continues with Yasukawa clarifying further points in Visitron’s proposals and then moving on to the probe the limits of its negotiating position. The main point for clarification is the question of component supplies to the joint venture. After a review of Visitron’s proposal up to this point, Yasukawa identifies the area that will be excluded from any agreement and bring up the question of Visitron’s willingness to grant global licences for new products. Parker makes it quite clear what Visitron’s final package should contain.
Read the memo and answer the questions.
1. What are Richard Hamilton’s personal views on licenses?
2. Why did Deborah Highsmith’s arguments for licenses fail to convince Parker?
3. What are Richard Hamilton’s main negotiating targets in this session?
4. What is Howard Parker’s role in this session of the negotiations?
Vocabulary Tasks
Task I. Define the meaning of the following words and expressions,
translate them into Russian:
1 anxiety
2 assembly operation
3 break-down of shareholders
4 cost safeguard
5 embattled firm
6 eventually
7 hypothetical question
8 imponderable
9 inadequate
10 indivisible package *
11 initial appraisal of proposals
12 merger
13 perception
14 precise
15 probe (to probe)
16 recess
17 sub-contracting
18 to be at cost or open to competitive tender *
19 to be on the table
20 to generate
21 to reverse a decline
22 to take a hard line on smth
23 ultimate
* definitions are available in the glossary
Task II. Translate the sentences into Russian:
1. Although I take note of Richard Hamilton’s note that a no licensing position is a high risk strategy, which may ultimately lead to no deal, it was agreed at this stage that we take a hard line on this one.
2. Our strategy must be to reinforce the other side’s perception of the dangers facing them if they fail to get an agreement with us.
3. There’s one point we must clear up here. Do you see this as an assembly operation or does it involve full production?
4. Can I sum up so far? Your objective is an immediate commitment to a global joint venture which would include both the VS10 and HHS as integrated programmes.
5. The investment needed would cover new plant costs and a contribution to further development work.
6. The division of funding and income between the partners will be subject to detailed negotiations.
7. If Kamakura were unable to enter global agreement with you, would you be willing to grant global licenses for the new products?
8. Informed sources say that further recent buying of Visitron shares by Bellair signals an improved bid by Hyperscan for the embattled scanner firm.
9. Deborah Highsmith was very precise about dates and figures.
10. She showed the present break-down of Visitron shareholders.
11. The embattled entrepreneur struck a deal with a rival businessman in an attempt to save his business empire.
Task III. Translate the sentences into English:
1. Мы должны занять твердую позицию по отношению к неделимому пакету предложений. Нам придется столкнуться с препятствиями, но в конечном итоге, мы сумеем убедить партнёров принять все наши условия.
2. Извините, но мне хотелось бы полностью прояснить вопрос. Вы говорите о слиянии или о захвате?
3. Во время небольшого перерыва в переговорах Debora Highsmith известила представителей «Kamakura» о предложении компанией «Hyperscan» купить контрольный пакет акций компании.
4. Если я Вас правильно понял, Вы будете единственным поставщиком магнитов. В таком случае, какие гарантии по цене Вы нам можете дать?
5. Задача нового совета директоров - предотвратить спад, а не оттянуть его на более поздний срок.
6. После недавних встреч и переговоров мы подготовили начальную оценку предложений, представленных нам главными производителями сканнеров.
7. Компания, вокруг которой разгорелась борьба, по-прежнему остается в центре внимания средств массовой информации.
8. Конвейерное производство – процесс, широко используемый в промышленных отраслях, ориентированных на массовое производство.
9. Нашей наибольшей заботой является предотвращение враждебного поглощения со стороны главного конкурента.
10. Компанию обвинили, что она не обеспечила защиту своих работников.
11. Вопрос о сотрудничестве на европейском рынке снимается с обсуждения.
Task IV. Make up your own sentences using the vocabulary of the unit.
Video Tasks
Task I. Answer the questions:
1. What questions does Yasukawa start with?
2. Why is he worried about supplies of magnets?
3. What is Visitron’s present position?
4. What is Yasukawa’s «hypothetical» question?
5. What is Hamilton’s views concerning global licenses?
6. What proposal by Visitron is no longer on the table? Why?
Task II. Listen and fill in the gaps with the right words:
Yasukawa tactfully raises a potential ……………… concerning the supply of …………………….. to the joint venture. Hamilton is ………………. from ……………… with this question due to an ……………………. by Parker. At this point, Yasukawa notes what he sees as an ……………….. answer and goes to ……………………. Visitron’s ……………….. to date.
Communication Tasks
Task I. Translate the following expressions into Russian, memorise them:
3.1 The long- and the short-term (Show the other side that conditions change with time)
Eventually, …
At the outset, …
In the long run, …
In the short run, …
During the first phase, …
In the final phase, …
3.2 Confirming negotiating position (Say what you think the other side’s position is and ask them to confirm it)
Is that an accurate summary of where you stand?
Does that present the picture fairly?
Is this your final offer?
Yes, that is our present position.
Yes, that’s as far as we can go at present.
Yes, that’s our final offer.
3.3 Probing(Tactful questions are needed to find out how far the other party is willing to go in making concessions)
Just for the sake of argument, what if … ?
Can we sound you out on another idea?
Supposing that … ?
Task II. Write your variants of continuing the phrases.
Task III. Find in the unit phrases, illustrating the above-mentioned steps.
Vocabulary Tasks
Task I.Define the meaning ofthe following words and expressions,
translate them into Russian:
1. at cross purposes
2. concern
3. costings
4. crucial
5. economies of scale *
6. expiration date
7. fixed price contract *
8. forthcoming
9. obstacle
10. proviso
11. securities firm
12. sole supplier
13. stalemate
14. tension
15. tie-ups (colloquial language! )
16. to have the seeds of a deal
17. to resume
18. to verify figures
19. with regard to
* definitions are available in the glossary
Task II. Translate the sentences into Russian:
1. I can also confirm that we will be presenting our considered response to the Visitron proposals at this meeting.
2. Let me say that, in principle, we are very much in favour of collaboration, but there are one or two problems.
3. Please understand for Kamakura the VS10 and HHS projects are separate issues in these negotiations. The HHS is long-term and global. We must be sure we can work together at (the) short-term, local level first.
4. Our main area of concern is the structure of the proposed joint venture.
5. When sales volumes justify it, we have no objection to producing all components within the joint venture.
6. We’d be prepared to enter into fixed price contracts within the joint venture.
7. By lunchtime, however, it was clear to Kamakura that each concession had a condition attached.
8. We would have no control over your costings.
9. Visitron and Kamakura’s teams are at cross purposes and don't seem to be able to resolve their differences.
10. The new agreement could break the stalemate.
Task III. Translate the sentences into English:
1. Если мы воспользуемся преимуществами экономии за счет масштаба на нашем предприятии, мы сможем продавать детали по себестоимости. Однако мы предвидим, что наши партнеры могут не согласиться с нами, и в этом случае производство магнитов будет выставлено на тендер.
2. Мы предвидели такой поворот событий и подготовили контракт, подписанный с венгерской фирмой пять лет назад.
3. На данный момент мы готовы обрисовать нашу позицию по отношению к Вашим начальным предложениям.
4. Как равноправный партнер совместного предприятия, Вы будете иметь доступ к калькуляции себестоимости производства магнитов в любое время. Вы сможете проверить все цифры.
5. Президент компании отказался комментировать ситуацию, заметив, однако, что на последней встрече с японской фирмой было положено начало сотрудничеству.
6. Господа, боюсь, что мы спорим вследствие того, что смотрим на проблему с противоположных сторон. Проблема в том, что преимущества совместного предприятия в Европе ограничены.
7. На приближающихся торгах будет выставлена картина молодого художника, цена которой, по предварительным оценкам экспертов, может достигнуть 2 млн. долларов.
8. Мы можем предложить вам гарантии того, что цены на магниты будут на уровне себестоимости до того момента, как их производство не будет передано в рамки совместного предприятия.
9. Я понимаю ваши опасения, мы можем заключить контракт на поставку магнитов и детекторов с фиксированными ценами на весь срок действия контракта, но, вы должны понимать, что он будет ограничен во времени.
10. Как единственный поставщик магнитов для совместного предприятия, Визитрон сможет воспользоваться эффектом масштаба и снизить себестоимость изделий.
Task IV. Make up your own sentences using the vocabulary of the unit.
Video Tasks
Task I. Answer the questions:
1. Why does Visitron present the HHS and the VS10 as an indivisible package?
2. What is Kamakura’s response to Visitron’s indivisible package?
3. Why is Yasukawa so worried about magnet supplies?
4. What safeguards does Hamilton offer?
5. What is Yasukawa’s counter-proposal?
6. Do they reach agreement on the question of magnet supplies?
Task II. Listen and fill in the gaps with the right words:
May I just stop you there, Mr. Yasukawa? We have ………………….. this. When sales volumes ……………………. it, we have no ………………….. to producing all components …………………. a joint venture. In the short run, however, we feel it makes sense to take ………………. of the economies of ……………….. in our present …………………. at Basingstoke.
Task III. Read the letter and answer the questions:
1.Why has Kamakura agreed to bring forward the day of the next meeting?
2.What is the next important stage of the negotiations?
3.What new information has Kamakura received since the last meeting?
4.What further information does Kamakura need?
5.How has Parker interpreted this letter?
Communication Tasks
TaskI. Translate the following expressions into Russian, memorise them:
4.1 Signalling the start of bargaining(Indicate clearly that you are ready to deal)
We’ve studied your proposals and …
We’ve looked at what you have proposed and …
… we’re ready to respond.
I’m pleased to say we are now able to respond to your proposals in detail.
4.2 Responding to proposals(Refer to specific proposals and outline your differences)
As far as your proposals are concerned, this is where we stand.
Regarding your proposals, the way we see things is as follows.
Our basic position is this.
4.3 Restating a position(Repetition, review and restatement allow both sides to build up a picture of the differences between them)
As I pointed out earlier, …
As I have already said, …
Let me repeat what I said before, …
4.4 Identifying bargaining points(Define the obstacles with precision)
One obstacle we see is this.
One main problem for us would be this.
One difficulty could be …
4.5 Making concessions(Make concessions provisional upon the offer of a quid pro quo)
We’d be prepared to …
We’d be quite happy to …
We’re willing to …
… offer you special terms here.
4.6 Qualifying a concession(Define the limits of a concession precisely)
There would be one condition, though.
There is one proviso here, however.
But this would be on the following basis.
4.7 Making counter-proposals(Rather than say NO to a proposal, make a counter-proposal)
May we offer an alternative?
We’d rather …
We’d like to make an alternative proposal.
Our preferred approach would be …
Task II. Write your variants of continuing the phrases.
Task III. Find in the unit phrases, illustrating the above-mentioned steps.
Task IV. Act as interpreters:
- Господа, разрешите мне поприветствовать Вас от имени нашего совета директоров. Надеюсь, пребывание в нашем городе окажется плодотворным для обеих сторон. Я думаю, нам следует начать с разработки повестки дня. Вы не возражаете?
- That’s fine with us. We’d like to propose the following procedure. Firstly, Mr. Collins will outline the scope of our proposals. Secondly, our R&D Manager will sketch the new advantages of his department. And thirdly, we would like to discuss with you the possible ways of collaboration. Is there anything you would like to change?
- Извините, но я не совсем Вас понял. Что именно Вы имеете в виду, говоря о достижениях отдела исследований и развития?
- Oh, we are talking about our new products which have been developed this year.
- Спасибо, но я хотел бы напомнить Вам, что мы рассматриваем эту встречу как предварительное заседание, и хотели бы ограничиться обсуждением первого пункта повестки, предложенной Вами.
- All right. Then let me hand you over to Mr. Collins, our Marketing Manager.
- Gentlemen, our overall objective is to achieve long-term collaboration with full cost and revenue sharing. What we are hoping for is to enter a new sector of the market, and this leads us on to the subject of your readiness to commit your resources to our project.
- Извините, но Вы не могли бы прояснить один момент? Какие гарантии мы получим, предоставив Вам свои ресурсы?
- Please let me put your mind at rest on this. We have anticipated this question. In the long run all your expenses will be justified by high returns from out state-of-the-art product. In the short run, however, we offer you a fixed-price contract with maturity date two years from now.
- Да, но предположим, что объемы продаж не оправдают наших расходов.
- In this case we’d be prepared to provide you with the licenses in the global market. There’s one proviso here, however. We’ll have to discuss ways of avoiding conflicts of interest.
- Хорошо. Это Ваше окончательное предложение?
- Yes, that’s our position at the moment.
- Спасибо. Мы изучим Ваше предложение и завтра будем готовы дать ответ.
Vocabulary Tasks
Task I. Define the meaning of the following words and expressions, translate them into Russian:
1. exclusive licences
2. front runner
3. global impact
4. hectic activity
5. hurdle (to hurdle)
6. irrelevant
7. last resort
8. leverage
9. lucrative
10. synergy
11. to bog down
12. to elaborate on smth
13. to elude
14. to get (down) to the bottom
15. to make a trade-off
16. to mediate
17. to reciprocate
18. to reconcile
19. to second
20. to slash funds / costs ( colloquial language! )
21. to undercut
Task II. Translate the sentences into Russian:
1. Gentlemen, the main obstacle at the moment seems to be the problem of the global impact of any collaboration.
2. Our board could not accept a global joint venture which does not include your magnet production and R&D. There must be a trade-off somewhere.
3. In return for exclusive licences, we would be willing to buy the magnets for world markets, direct from you, for a period of three years.
4. We appreciate your gesture. At this stage, however, we do not see this as a viable option.
5. If we did license our products, Mr Yasukawa, we would have to sell to the highest bidder.
6. You seemed to indicate that a closer involvement in the HHS might change the situation. Would you like to elaborate on that?
7. The fierce competition for the lucrative World Health Authority contact to supply scanning equipment to the World Health Watch programme is expected to be resolved this week.
8. Howard Parker pointed out that any shareholding by Kamakura could open the door to the eventual majority control, but Richard Hamilton reminded them that the alternative was immediate majority control by a hostile competitor.
9. A full transnational link-up between parent companies would cause a major shift in the global balance of power within the scanner industry.
10. Let’s get to the bottom of this issue.
Task III. Translate the sentences into English:
1. Наш успех зависит от сотрудничества производственного отдела и отдела по маркетингу.
2. Теоретически, мы не возражаем против продажи лицензий, хотя рассматриваем это как последнее средство.
3. На следующее утро первым делом был собран Совет директоров для того, чтобы критически оценить ситуацию. Настроение было мрачным.
4. Заявление в прессе ознаменовало начало лихорадочной деятельности для Паркера и его команды. В ходе многочисленных заседаний с акционерами, банкирами и консультантами была выработана новая и уверенная стратегия.
5. Если его оптимизм оправдан, возможно, Visitron нашел выход на мировой рынок, который так долго ускользал от него.
6. Существующий разрыв в позициях сторон может, в конце концов, привести к конфликту интересов.
7. Совместные усилия двух компаний в одном направлении приведут к синергетическому эффекту, и позволит совместному предприятию избежать проблем, которые преследовали компании-основательницы.
8. Мы согласны, чтобы инженеры компании Kamakura работали совместно с нашими инженерами в разработке HHS, чтобы снять ваши опасения.
9. Для переговоров между работниками и советом директоров был назначен известный адвокат.
10. Если переговоры столкнулись с трудностями, попробуйте найти препятствия, которые мешают продвижению к соглашению.
Task IV. Make up your own sentences using the vocabulary of the unit.
Video Tasks
Task I. Answer the questions:
1. What is Kamakura’s position on R&D and patents?
2. What is Visitron’s current position on R&D and patents?
3. What is Kamakura’s position on licences and the HHS?
4. What is Visitron’s position on licences?
5. What is Kamakura’s target package?
6. What is Visitron’s target package?
7. What concessions has Kamakura made so far?
8. What concessions has Visitron made so far?
Task II. Listen and fill in the gaps with the right words:
Hamilton tries to end the …………………… by suggesting that both sides make clear …………………… about their positions. While the ………………… are being made, a ……………….. …………………… a development in the Hyperscan …………… arrives and Parker …………….. strongly.
Communication Tasks
Task I. Translate the following expressions into Russian, memorise them:
5.1 Identifying obstacles(If negotiations get bogged down, identify the obstacle that is blocking progress)
The main sticking point seems to be…
The main hurdle is clear…
The thing that’s getting in the way of a solution is…
…. price.
5.2 Analysing an obstacle(Having identified the obstacle, signal the need to analyse it)
What’s the underlying problem here?
Let’s go to the root of this problem.
What’s the key to this problem?
5.3 Asking for concessions(Signal the need for movement from the other party to overcome an obstacle)
We would expect you to reciprocate here.
We would expect a quid pro quo here.
We’re looking for some kind of gesture.
5.4 Declining an offer(Justify a rejection with tact and sensitivity)
We’re grateful for your offer. Unfortunately, it doesn’t go far enough.
I’m afraid this doesn’t solve our problem.
I’m sorry but I don’t think we could agree to that.
5.5 Threatening(Disguise or soften any ‘leverage’ that has to be used)
In this case, we would have no alternative but to …
I’m sorry but, in that event, we would be forced to …
It’s in all our interests to avoid a situation where we would have to …
5.6 Mediating(The ‘honest broker’ in the team may have to intervene to suggest a bridge between positions)
I’m certain we can find a way to reconcile our differences.
I’m sure we can find a compromise here.
I think both sides have got to give a little ground here.
5.7 Asking for further information(Ask the other side to expand on things they may have said)
Could you expand on what you’ve just said?
Would you like to explain that in more detail?
Could you develop that idea a little, perhaps?
Task II.Write your variants of continuing the phrases.
Task Ш. Find in the unit phrases, illustrating the above-mentioned steps.
Task IV.Simulation
Student 1: You are discussing with your potential partner your future collaboration. Your partner is interested in buying your production (TV sets) and selling it on his market. All the problems have been settled but for the price. At the previous meeting your partner made his proposal.
He offered buying your TV sets at a price of 200 $ per unit FOB Vladivostok.
However, it’s not profitable for you to pay for the delivery, so your offer is 180$ per unit ex- works. You will not agree to change the terms of delivery but you can decrease the price. You’d like the discount not to be more than 5$ per unit but you are ready to find a compromise.
Your agreements should include the following steps:
- Signalling the start of bargaining
- Responding to proposals
- Making concessions
- Analysing an obstacle
- Mediating
Student 2: You are discussing with your potential partner your future collaboration. You are interested in buying your partner’s production (TV sets) and sell it on your market. All the problems have been settled but for the price. At the previous meeting you made your proposal. You suggested buying TV sets at a price of 200$ per unit FOB Vladivostok. However, you expect that your partner will prefer ex-works price.
You are ready to accept his terms of delivery but by your estimations it will cost you 25$ per unit to deliver the goods to Vladivostok. Your target is to achieve 170$ ex-works.
Be ready to find a compromise!
Your arguments should include the following steps:
- Restating a position
- Identifying obstacles
- Asking for concessions
- Qualifying a concession
- Declining an offer
Vocabulary Tasks
Task I. Define the meaning of the following words and expressions, translate them into Russian:
1. “A” shares
2. low-key approach
3. minority
4. non-committal
5. sombre / somber
6. special clause
7. to become insolvent *
8. to clinch
9. to commit oneself
10. to swing the deal (colloquial language! )
11. to take stock (of the situation)
12. undertaking
13. undisclosed
* definitions are available in the glossary
Task II. Translate the sentences into Russian:
1. He is considering the offer but he has not yet committed himself.
2. Partners confirm the clauses relating to Kamakura’s new shareholding in Visitron but then Hamilton brings up a final point.
3. In order to overcome the fears of Visitron’s shareholders Hamilton asks Yasukawa to make a final concession.
4. There is one thing that will clinch this deal.
5. How could Kamakura protect its interest in the company if Visitron became insolvent?
6. The mood of the Visitron’s board was sombre.
Task III. Translate the sentences into English:
1. Небольшое участие в акционерном капитале нашей компании создаст сильное синергетическое воздействие, что было бы невозможно при враждебном поглощении.
2. Единственное слабое звено в нашей новой стратегии остается 10% доля Bellair Securities.
3. Hamilton признал, что последнее опасение со стороны акционеров остается боязнь того, что Visitron станет рядовым подрядчиком в империи Kamakura.
4. Послушайте, все, что от вас требуется, – это сделать небольшой шаг навстречу нашим акционерам, чтобы успешно провернуть эту сделку.
5. Всё, что нам нужно, – это обязательство, что Kamakura не будет приобретать более 20% акций Visitron.
Task IV. Make up your own sentences using the vocabulary of the unit.
Video Tasks
Task I. Answer the questions:
1. What changes will the agreement make to Visitron’s management structure?
2. What final clause does Hamilton want to include in the agreement?
3. What decisions will have to come after the meeting?
Task II. Listen and fill in the gaps with the right words:
Before we could agree this …………… with our ………………. shareholders, you can ………………, there was a lot of hard talking. The main ………………. was the ………………. that Visitron would …………… as a manufacturing ………………….. of the Kamakura empire.
Task III. Study the draft agreement between Visitron plc and Kamakura KK and answer the questions:
Draft agreement between Visitron, plc and Kamakura KK This agreement is made and entered into on …………. by Visitron plc, a company incorporated under the law of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, having its principal office at Visitron House, London SW 35, and Kamakura K.K., a company ……. ………….. 5. Kamakura KK shall purchase 4,600,000 (four million six hundred thousand) Visitron A shares at a price of £7.50 (seven pounds and fifty pence) per share. 6. One Kamakura director shall be appointed as an executive member of the Visitron board with full voting right. 7. One Kamakura director shall be appointed as a non-executive member of the Visitron board. 8. Visitron and Kamakura shall establish a joint venture company to be called Visikam International. 9. Visikam International shall design, manufacture, and sell magnetic scanners for the Small Unit and the Handheld scanner market worldwide. 10. Visikam International shall not operate in the Large and Medium Unit sectors as described in Article10 without prior agreement of both parties to the joint venture. 11. The parties shall contribute to the capitalization of the joint venture company in the following proportions: Visitron 50% Kamakura 50% |
1. What is the value of Kamakura’s stake in Visitron?
2. How many directors will Kamakura have on Visitron’s board?
3. What is the joint venture to be called?
Communication Tasks
TaskI. Translate the following expressions into Russian, memorise them:
6.1 Checking(The cross-checking process in a negotiation reaches a critical point when the detail of the contract are discussed)
Shall we just go through …
Can we just check …
Why don’t we run through …
… these points once more.
6.2 Avoiding commitment(Signal the limits of a negotiating brief either as a tactic or as a fact)
I cannot make a decision on this.
I’m not in a position to answer that one.
I’m afraid that’s outside my brief.
I must refer this to my board.
6.3 Delaying(Buy time to think or plan a response)
We’ll have to refer back on that.
We’d have to study this.
You’ll have to give us more time on this one.
Can I give you an answer later?
Task II. Write your variants of continuing the phrases.
Task III. Find in the unit phrases, illustrating the above-mentioned steps.
Vocabulary Tasks
Task I. Translate the sentences into Russian:
1. Kamakura has to make a quick decision in order to avoid a Hyperscan takeover of Visitron.
2. Bellair’s stock of Visitron’s shares is enough to swing the vote either way.
3. His vote will go to the highest bidder tomorrow morning.
4. They buy into a company that is threatened with a takeover.
5. The matter is out of our control.
Task II. Translate the sentences into English:
1. Сражение за Visitron подошло к концу.
2. На следующий день стороны подписали окончательное соглашение об образовании совместного предприятия под названием Visikam International.
3. Все зависит от того, как будут голосовать неопределившиеся акционеры.
4. До окончания голосования остается совсем немного времени, поэтому Kamakura должна действовать быстро.
Video Tasks
Task I. Answer the questions :
1. Who is Joseph Spassky?
2. What threat has Spassky made to Parker?
3. What does Spassky want Kamakura to do?
4. Why must Kamakura’s decision be made so quickly?
5. What is Kamakura’s decision?
Task II. Study the analysis of the shareholders’ intentions and answer the questions:
1. Which shareholders hold the balance?
2. What must happen to make Hyperscan’s bid successful?
3. What must Visitron do to defeat the Hyperscan bid?
Task III. Listen and fill in the gaps with the right words:
The battle for Visitron was over. The £……………. offer by Hyperscan had been …………………….. by …………….% of Visitron’s shareholders but only after the ………… % shareholding of Bellair Securities was sold to Kamakura for an …………………….. sum.
Task I. Fill in the gaps with prepositions or adverbs where necessary:
1. Two men stayed …… late and worked ….. a negotiating plan.
2. Kamakura’s negotiating team arrives ….. Visitron’s Head office …... ….. opening …. …. negotiations.
3. Now may I begin …. suggesting …. procedure …. this morning’s session?
4. …. …. last 3 years we have seen …. major shift …. demand …. the small end of the market.
5. May I ask what your proposals are …. connection …. our company?
6. We are looking …. …. comprehensive agreement …. the small end …. …. market.
7. Have you carried …. any cash flow forecasts …. this project?
8. We would be willing to write …. your R&D investment …. …. token fee …. …. joint venture.
9. Our team will be …. California …. …. end of the month and the first date available …. …. meeting would be …. March 2nd.
10. This area will be excluded …. any agreement and it brings …. the question of Visitron’s willingness to grant global licences …. …. new products.
11. We have no …. objection …. ….. producing all components …… the joint venture.
12. Would you like to elaborate …. that?