Для студентов специальности «Правоведение»
1. Rewrite the text and translate it in a written form:
The essence of law
Law is a rule of conduct commanding what is right and prohibiting
What is wrong. Law has also been defined as the body of principles and rules which the courts apply in the decision of controversies. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said : “Law is a statement of the circumstances in which the public force will be brought to bear through courts.” Law is simply what the courts will or not order in any particular case. Law is a scheme for controlling the conduct of people; it deals with social interests.
The essence of law, its origin cannot be understood if law is considered in isolation from economic and social conditions. It is society through the state that creates law, but law in its turn exercises influence on the socio-economic system. Law is certain to operate as an important factor in consolidating the existing social relations and in some cases in promoting the establishment of new relations come into being. The more complex the economic mechanism of a society organized as a state, the stronger is the influence it exert5s in many concrete directions.
In a developed state the sphere in which the law operates proves to be extensive. It embraces all the spheres of production, distribution and exchange. Law fixes the forms of administration and the constitutional system, determines the legal status of citizens and the activity of the state mechanism (state law, administrative law). It fixes the existing property relations and operates as a regular of the measure and forms of distribution of labour and its products among the members of society (civil law, labour law). Finally, the law lays down the measures for combating encroachment of the state system, the existing order of social relations, together with the forms in which this is done (criminal law, procedural law, corrective labour law).
2. Answer the following questions in written form:
Why has labour been defined as a body of principles and rules?
What does law embrace?
What does law determine?
How can the essence of law be understood?
What creates law?
3. Write a letter of application in reply to the following advertisement:
Wanted : Junior Lawyer for work in Ukrainian Company. Previous
experience is not essential. Good typing speed, computer
literate, applicant ( age about 23) must be able to perform
secretarial duties with minimum supervision. Apply with
full particulars to PO Box 68, Kiev, Ukraine.
4. Write a resume to fit the proposed vacancy.
Для студентов специальности «Правоведение»
1. Read, rewrite, and translate the text into your native language:
Law and the Legal System
The word “law” has many meanings and it is used in many disciplines. In physics there is the law of gravity, in economics there is the law of supply and demand. Even in the field of jurisprudence – which is the scientific study of law – scholars have offered dozens of different definitions of law. Law at any given moment is a body of rules and regulations that is the product of the lawmaking process. Since business, social, and political relationships are changing daily, a flexible legal system is needed to accommodate the new and unprecedented problems that are constantly arising. Business law does not refer to a single branch of law. It describes those parts of the law most closely connected with typical business activities. Every person should have some knowledge and appreciation of the law under which she or he lives. For many college students, a business law course is the best source of knowledge about the law as a whole. Although business law is only a sample of law, that sample is a fairly representative one. The history, philosophy, functions, sources, structure, and even the shortcomings of business law are typical for law in general. And business law is representative of other law with regard to how legal disputes are resolved; how values held by legislators, judges, and society effect the development of law, and how law grows to accommodate new needs.
2. Answer the following questions in a written form:
What does business law refer to?
What is the best source of knowledge of the law?
Who has offered dozens of different definitions of law?
Why is legal system need to accommodate the new problems?
What laws are mentioned in the text?
3. Write a letter of application to the following advertisement:
A prestigious private judicial company seeks the lawyer to
maintain contacts with major clients according to high
professional standards. Main requirements : age – 24-30,
law diploma, PC literate, work experience for at least 2 years,
fluent English.
Please, fax your letter to : 52 Hanover Street
Edinburgh EH 25 LM Scotland,
to Personnel Manager,
Mrs Jane Brown
- Write a resume to fit to the proposed vacancy.
Для студентов специальности «Правоведение»
1. Read, rewrite and translate in a written form the text:
Classification of Law
Municipal law, i.e. state law, as opposed to international law, is commonly divided into categories. The chief of these categories is the distinction between public law on the one hand and private law on the other.
Public law consists of those fields of law which are primarily concerned with the state itself. Thus constitutional law, which regulates the functioning of the organs of the central government, and the relationship of the individual to them, is a branch of public law. Criminal law is also “public” law because crimes are wrongs which the state is concerned to prevent; and so is most of the ;aw created by modern statutes designed to promote social security, for these statutes cast special duties upon the state.
Private law is that part of the law which is primarily concerned with the rights and duties of individuals. Thus the branches of the law which govern private obligations such as the law of contract and of forts – are all aspects of private law. It is also the law of property, which determines the nature and extent of the rights which people may enjoy over land and other property, and the law of succession which governs the devolution of property upon death, and in certain other events.
Private law is all that body of law which pertains to the relationship between individuals in organized society. It may be classified as:
1. the law of contracts;
2. the law of agency;
3. the law of real and personal property;
4. the law of business associations;
5. the law of procedure and practice and so on.
2. Answer the following questions in a written form:
What does public law consist of?
Why does criminal law belong to “public” one?
What is private law concerned with?
Which law determines the nature of the rights?
What relations are regulated by private law?
3. Write a letter of application to the following advertisement:
A progressive electronic and soft manufacturing company
requires the service of a Confidential Attorney. Salary
attractive for right applicant. qualifications: applicant must
be a person who possesses a law diploma, has a good
command of English and minimum two years relevant
Applications in writing with full particulars to be sent to:
SW11,The Manager
10a Seah Street, Philadelfia, USA
4. Write a resume to fit to the offered vacancy.