· Bradbury, R. Fahrenheit 451. Short Stories. Raduga Publishers, 1983.

· Bronte, Ch. Jane Eyre. Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1954.

· Carroll, L. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Progress Publishers, 1979.

· Chandler, R. Farewell, My Lovely. Progress Publishers, 1983.

· Christie, A. Dumb Witness. Pan Books in association with Collins, 1979.

· Collier, J. Back for Christmas // Making It All Right (Modern English Short Stories). Progress Publishes, 1978.

· Coppard, A. The Third Prize // Stories by Modern English Authors. Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1961.

· Dickens, Ch. Martin Chuzzlewit. Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1951.

· Dickens, Ch. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1949.

· Dreiser, Th. Will You Walk into My Parlor (extract). See Zeltin et al.

· Fowles, J. The Ebony Tower. Progress Publishers, 1980.

· Galsworthy, J. In Chancery. Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1949.

· Galsworthy, J. The Broken Boot. See Zeltin et al.

· Galsworthy, J. The Forsyte Saga. The Man of Property. Progress Publishers, 1974.

· Galsworthy, J. A Modern Comedy. The White Monkey. Progress Publishers, 1976.

· Golding, W. Lord of the Flies. Progress Publishers, 1982.

· Gow, J. and d'Usseau., A. Deep Are the Roots. Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1951.

· Grahame, K. The Wind in the Willows. Progress Publishers, 1981

· Greene, G. The Quite American (extract). See Zeltin et al.

· O'Henry. The Gift of the Magi // O'Henry. Selected Stories. Progress Publishers, 1977.

· Huxley, A. Crome Yellow. Progress Publishers, 1979.

· Jerome, K. Jerome. Three Men in a Boat. Moscow Higher School, 1976.

· Leacock, S. Perfect Lover's Guide and other stories. Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1963.

· Ludlum, R. The Matlock Paper. Bantam Books, 1989.

· Mansfield, K. The Lady’s Maid. See Zeltin et al.

· Maugham, W.S. Gigolo and Gigolette//L.S.Golovchinskaya. Oral Practice in Modern English. Higher School Publishing House, 1967.

· Maugham, W.S. The Moon and Sixpence. Progress Publishers, 1972.

· Maugham, W.S. Mr Know-All. See Zeltin et al.

· Mikes, G. How to Be the Centre of the Universe // L.S.Golovchinskaya. Speak Good English. 4th Year. Higher School. 1978.

· Plain, B. The Carousel. Del Publishing, New York, 1996

· Salinger, J.D. The Catcher in the Rye. Progress Publishers, 1968.

· Salinger, J.D. Nine Stories, Fanny and Zooey, Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters. Progress Publishers, 1982.

· Shaw, G.B. Augustus Does His Bit. See Zeltin et al.

· Shaw, G.B. Selected Works. Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1958.

· Shaw, G.B. Four Plays. Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1952.

· Shaw I. Evening in Byzantium. Dell Publishing Co., Inc., 1978.

· Spark M. The Public Image. Progress Publishers, 1967.

· Steinbeck, J. The Winter of Our Discontent. Vyssaja Skola, 1985.

· Twain, M. Running for Governer. See Zeltin et al.

· Wodehouse, P.G. Mulliner Nights. Penguin Books, 1981.

· Warren, R.P. All the King's Men. Progress Publishers, 1979.

· Waugh, E. Prose. Memoirs. Essays. Progress Publishes, 1980.

· Woodehouse, P.G. Mulliner Nights. Penguin Books, 1981.

· Zeltin, E.M., Zhivotovskaya, D.I., Tenson, I.A. English Graduation Course. M.: Междунар. отн., 1972.

· The Oxford Russian Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 1995.

· Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Longman. Longman Group Ltd. 1978.

· Longman Dictionary of American English. Longman, 1983.

· The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles. Third edition. Oxford. At the Clarendon Press, 1956.

· Большой англо-русский словарь в двух томах / Под общим руководством проф.И.Р.Гальперина. М.: Сов. энц., 1972.

· Дополнение к большому англо-русскому словарю /Под общим руководством проф. И.Р.Гальперина. М.: Русский язык, 1980.

· Рум А.Р.У., Колесников Л.В., Пасечник Г.А. и др. Великобритания: Лингвострановедческий словарь. М.: Русский язык, 1978.

· Кунин А.В. Англо-русский фразеологический словарь. В 2т. 3-е изд. М.: Сов. энц., 1967.




Введение в теорию и практику перевода (на материале английского языка) Учебное пособие

Ольга Владимировна Петрова


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[1] A wonderful example of compensation is described in:

Я.И.Рецкер. Теория перевода и переводческая практика. М., 1974, стр.61-62


[2] В.Н.Комиссаров, Я.И.Рецкер, В.Н.Тархов. Пособие по переводу с английского языка на русский, т. II, М., 1965

[3] Bracketed by G.B.Shaw

[4] Words and phrases cited in [...] are given for creating the necessary context and should not be translated.

[5] mullygrabs,mulligrabs – сплин, хандра, тоска

[6] from "My Financial Career"

[7] “The Worker”, July 12, 1964

[8] from “The U.S. Political System”


[9] from “The UN in Action”


[10] New York Herald Tribune, September 10, 1963

[11] “The Times”, September 24, 1962

[12] Quotation from Rudyard Kipling’s famous poem “Recessional” (последнее песнопение) written to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the reign of Queen Victoria:

The tumult and the shouting dies.

The Captains and the Kings depart;

Still stands thine ancient sacrifice,

And humble and a contrite heart.


[13] Morning Star, December 17, 1966