Educational complex discipline



The given Chemistry Courseware is worked out specially for first year students, whose branch of study is construction, university discipline number 180100.62 «Shipbuilding, ocean engineering and system engineering sea infrastructure objects» accordingly with State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education requirements and regulations for academic educational programs for higher education.

The subject of chemistry is included in contents of mathematics and science educational course of federal component . Total workload of the discipline is 144 academic hours. According to the curriculum 36 academic hours are planned for lectures, 36 academic hours are planned for laboratory research and 72 academic hours for self-directed learning. The discipline is studied during first and second terms for first year students.


The purposes f learning the subject of chemistry are:

1.Students idea formation about physical world development, matter motion, matter structure and composition interrelation.

2.General cognitive skill formation in the filed of chemistry for both scientific tasks solution in professional occupation and for specialist foundational preparation and specialist self-actualization.

3.The formation of science view, environmental awareness skills, and the environment system view.

The course objectives are:

1.Atomic structure quantum-mechanical theory knowledge use in the context of different chemical compounds characteristics and properties description, including supermolecular structure description.

2. Studying of physico-chemical process objective laws in regard to both basic thermodynamics law and kinetics balance in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems.

3. The usage of basic knowledge of molecular and ionic solutions response for solving scientific and practical tasks.

4. Learning redox process regularities in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems for their practical use in electric cells, electrolysis processes and for solving the problems of metal construction protection from corrosion .

The subject “chemistry” is based on high school chemistry course and some branches of physics course.

Studying chemistry course is basic in a number of issues when learning such subjects as physics, material engineering, the materials of construction, ecology, engineering thermodynamics, basics of vital functions safety, welding process technology.

Mathematical devices, chemistry and physics knowledge in the size of school program and information materials (physico-chemical dimensions) are used for learning issues of chemistry course for engineering students.


The teaching materials consist of :

- trade academic program of the subject

- brief lecture materials

- materials for hands-on seminars

- materials for laboratory operations, including their procedure

- materials for the arrangement of self-directed learning with the manual

- testing materials

- bibliography (including internet sources)

- glossary

- appendix

The given teaching materials are worked out by:

chair of chemistry associate professor Minayevskaya L.

inorganic and organoelement chemistry subdepartment

subdepartment chairman Shapkin N.




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