

Task I: Read the text about students’ research and answer the comprehension questions that follow.

Students take up research while still in their early years at university. The programme of studies itself is designed in such a way as to draw students ever deeper into scientific research.

A student will become a really good engineer or researcher, only if he is engaged in scientific research on specific problems while at university. Needless to say, only students enthusiastic about their future speciality are readily engaged in research, regardless of the time it takes, they are eager to put to practical use the things they learn at lectures, seminars and laboratories.

Furthermore, research enables the students to master the basic experimental techniques, to learn to handle the modern devices and analyse the results of their experiments. Such students graduate being highly-skilled specialists and promptly become engineers in their own right. And this is actually one of the most important tasks facing the higher school.

Students are engaged in research under the guidance of professors, teachers and postgraduates. As a rule, students write their term and graduation papers on the problems of their research work. They operate experimental and industrial installations, conduct theoretical investigations, read scientific literature on their speciality. Many term and graduation papers include elements of research done at some higher school department on contract with industrial enterprises. Term papers, research work, graduation projects of practical importance to industry — such are the stages of turning students into highly-skilled and thinking engineers, ready for independent work even before they get their diplomas.


Scientific contests conducted at the institutions of higher learning help broaden the students' outlook, develop their independent thinking, enrich their knowledge of physics and mathematics.

Students' design bureaus (SDB) play a big role in promoting scientific endeavour among students. Each students' design bureau is a self-contained organization which sometimes works on orders of various enterprises and institutions.



while – пока, в то время как

needless to say – не стоит и говорить

regarless – не считаясь с

furthermore – более того

actually – действительно

as a rule – как правило



Comprehension Questions:

1. When do students take up research?

2. How is the programme of studies designed?

3. How can a student become a really good engineer?

4. What kind of students are readily engaged in research?

5. What does research enable students to do?

6. What is the major task of the higher school?

7. Who helps students in their research?

8. What do students do while they work on their term papers or graduation projects?

9. What are the stages of turning students into highly-skilled engineers?

10. What is the purpose of scientific contests?

11. What is a students’ design bureau (SDB)?


Task II:Find in the text the following word combinations:

1. приступить к научной работе

2. овладевать техникой экспериментирования

3. дипломная работа

4. промышленное предприятие

5. самостоятельная работа

6. расширять кругозор

7. договорные работы

8. оканчивать ВУЗ

9. под руководством аспирантов

10. проводить теоретические исследования

11. привлекать к исследовательской работе

12. применять на практике

13. управлять современными устройствами

14. высококвалифицированные специалисты

15. научные олимпиады

16. развивать самостоятельное мышление

17. конструкторское бюро

18. задачи, стоящие перед высшей школой

19. содействовать научным устремлениям

20. увлеченный студент


Task III:Make up 10 sentences of your own using the above word combinations.


Task IV:Sum up the ideas of the text in 3-5 sentences.


Task:Discuss the following questions with your partner.


1. Did you do any research in school? Why/ Why not?

2. Did you take part in any contests in school? Did you win any prizes?

3. Would you like to take up research at university? In what subject?

4. What qualities can students develop in themselves by doing research?

5. What could be the best motivation for your research: better grades, recognition, prizes, new skills and knowledge, etc.?




Task I: Read an article about some most amazing discoveries made by science students and complete the sentences that follow.