The more we study, the more we know.
The more we know, the more we forget.
The more we forget, the less we know.
The less we know, the less we forget.
The less we forget, the more we know.
So we study?
* * *
How did they do without oxygen?
Professor: Oxygen is essential to all animal existence. There could be no life without it. I was
discovered only a century ago.
Student: But what did they do before it was discovered?
* * *
A bright girl
Teacher: If there were four flies on the table, and I killed one how many would be left?
Little bright girl: One the dead one.
fly - муха
bright – смышленый
Урок 8
Грамматика: 1. Инфинитив
2. «Цепочки» существительных.
Текст Б Transportation of Oil and Gas. Oil and Pipelines
I. Прочтите вслух следующие слова:
[ ] – typical, system, business, below, similar
[ ] – stream, clear, steel, even, heater, treat
[ ] – operating, gathering, pumping, trunk, desalting, processing
[ ] – carbon, rather, plant
[ ] – generally, storage, range, large
[ ] – distribution, producing, suitable
2. Прочтите следующие слова, обращая внимание на ударение:
transport [ ], diameter [ ], processing [ ], suitable [ ], nydrccarbon [ ],
residence [ ], powerful [ ], maintain [ ]
3. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетание:
transportation [ ] – транспортировка, транспорт
pipeline [ ] – трубопровод
rail transport [ ] – ж/д транспорт
tanker [ ] – танкер
distribution [ ] – распределение
distribute [ ] – распределять
gathering pipeline [ ] – сборный трубопровод
trunk pipeline [ ] – магистральный трубопровод
flow line [ ] – выкидная линия
connect [ ] – соединять, связывать
treating plant [ ] – установка для очистки
storage plant [ ] – установка для хранения
large (small) diameter [ ] – с большим (малым) диаметром
long-distance [ ] – длинный
refinery [ ] – нефтеперерабатывающий завод
gas transmission line [ ] – газовый трубопровод
commercial [ ] - промышленный, торговый
residential [ ] – жилой
weld [ ] – сваривать
tank battery [ ] – резервуарный парк
separator [ ] – сепаратор
acid [ ] – кислота
hydrogen sulfide [ ] – сероводород
carbon dioxide [ ] – углекислый газ
surface [ ] – поверхность
home beating oil [ ] – мазут
link [ ] – звено
chain [ ] - цепь
storage tank farm [ ] – хранилище
operation pressure [ ] - рабочее давление
terminal [ ] – терминал
pump [ ] – насос, качать
pumping station [ ] – насосная станция
Примечание к тексту:
psi /pounds par square inch/ - фунты на кв. дюйм
2 in. – 2 inches = 2 дюйма
4. Переведите на русский язык следующие сочетания слов без словаря:
transportation of oil and gas, among them, distribution of natural gas, large diameter, long-distance trunk line, producing area, for sale, because of, gas transmission pipeline system, below ground surface, up to, even more, rather than, higher than, at the beginning of the trunk line, to maintain high pressure.
5. Определить значение выделенных слов по сходству их корней с корнями соответствующих слов в русском языке:
transportation of oil and gas, transport, tanker, economical method, distribution of natural gas, group, diameter, line, individual, central, system, distance, gas transmission line, commercial, residential, industrial, operate, typical, tank battery, contain, separator, accumulate, station, steel, section, conditions, corrosion, petrochemical industry, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, compressor, aviation gasoline, product.
6. Определите по суффиксам, какой частью речи являются следующие слова и переведите их на русский язык:
transportation – transport, tank – tanker, economical – economics, method – methodical, connect – connection, center – central, product – production, nature – natural, general – generally, type – typically, separator – separate, power – powerful, differ – different, suit - suitable, move – movement, compress – compressor, differ – different – differential.
6. Переведите на русский язык:
а) следующие наречия с суффиксом – ly:
generally, typically, individually, similarly, differently, suitably, additionally.
б) следующие существительные с суффиксом – tion, -sstion:
transportation, distribution, procession, separation, operation, station, transmission, condition.
8. Определите значение слова «field» в контексте.
field – поле, месторождение, область (знаний, деятельности).
The students who specialize in geology receive practical training in prospecting parties, in mines and oil and gas fields. As is known mining and geological conditions of oil and gas fields in our country are different. The scientists carry out researches in all fields of science. Geology is not limited to prospecting for mineral. It embraces a far wider field. Scientists and oil engineers carry out researches in the field of oil engineering as well.
9. Запомните:
Для научно-технической литературы на английском языке характерно употребление существительного с несколькими левыми определениями (так называемых «цепочек» существительного). Таких левых определений может быть несколько.
Перевод следует начинать с основного слова, а затем, идя справа налево, установить (путем вопросом) правильные смысловые отношения между словами, входящими в состав группы, и найти для них русские эквиваленты.
a satellite-carrying rocket
какая? ç ракета
что? ç несущая
Перевод следует отредактировать, расположив слова в порядке, свойственным русскому языку и стилю технической литературы. В приведенном примере окончательным вариантом перевода будет: ракета, выводящая на орбиту спутник, или ракета-носитель.
Переведите с английского языка на русский:
a control stability, a stability control, a weather satellite, a weather satellite system control, a weather satellite system control opportunity, a field plant, a tank battery.
Transportation of oil Gas
Oil and Gas Pipelines
Transportation of oil and gas can be made by road and rail transport, tankers and pipelines. Among them pipelines have proved to be the most economical method for transportation of oil and distribution of natural gas.
Most oil end gas pipelines fail into one of three groups: gathering, trunk or distribution. Small diameter gathering pipelines within an oil or gas field are called flow cines.
They connect individual oil or gas wells to central treating, storage or processing plants. Another gathering system made up of larger-diameter lines connects these field plants to the large-diameter, long-distance trunk line which moves oil from producing areas to large refineries for processing. Gas transmission lines carry natural gas from producing areas to city commercial, residential and industrial users.
Flow lines are generally small diameter pipelines operating at pressures below 100 psi. Typical flow-line diameters in the United States are from 2 in. to 4 in. The destination of most oil flow lines is a tank battery. A typical tank battery contains a separator to separate oil, gas, and water; a fired heater, metering, desalting and some other equipment.
The next link in the oil pipeline chain is gathering lines that transport oil from oil processing plant and tank battery to a large storage tank farm where it is accumulated for pumping into the long-distance crude trunk line.
These gathering lines typically consist of pipes ranging from 4 in. to 8 in. in diameter with operating pressure higher than the volume of crude to be moved, pipeline length and other factors.
From large central storage tank oil is moved through large-diameter long-distance trunk lines to large refineries or to other storage terminals. Powerful pumps are required at the beginning of the trunk line and pumping stations must also be placed along the pipeline to maintain high pressure. Crude trunk lines field-gathering systems are made of steel with individual sections welded together. These lines are almost al ways buried below ground surface.
The purpose of gas gathering pipelines and transmission lines is similar to that of oil pipelines but operating conditions and equipment are quite different. Flow lines from individual wells carry gas to the field processing plant where the gas is treated to make it suitable for sale. Water and acid gases, hydrogen sulfide or carbon dioxide are removed from the gas stream because they can cause corrosion and other problems in long-distance pipelines. Hydrocarbon liquids are removed because of their value as individual products for petrochemical industry.
From field-processing plants, dry clean natural gas goes into the gas transmission pipeline system for movement to cities where it is distributed to individual businesses, factories and residences, In general, gas pipelines operate at higher pressures than oil lines and gas is moved by compressors rather than by pumps. Gas transmission pipelines are made of steel pipe and are buried below ground surface.
In addition to all these, pipelines help to transport different other petroleum products, such as gasoline, aviation gasoline, home heating oils and even several different products in the same pipeline.
Generally, oil and gas pipeline since vary from 2 in. to 60 in. in diameter. Typically, flow lines range from 2 in. to 6 in. in diameter; gathering systems consist of pipe from 4 in. to 12 in., and long-distance crude trunk lines and natural gas transmission lines can range up to 56 in. in diameter and even more.
11. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What is the most economical method for transportation of oil and distribution of natural gas? 2. What are the three groups of oil and gas pipelines? 3. What is the function of flow lines? 4. What are the typical flow line diameters in the US? 5. What does the size of the gathering line depend on? 6. Powerful pumps are required at the beginning of the trunk line, aren’t they? 7. What are crude trunk lines made of? 8. Where does dry clean natural gas go into from field processing plants? 9. Do oil lines or gas pipelines operate at higher pressures? 10. What are the possible variations of oil and gas pipeline sizes?
12. Подберите из правой колонки правильный перевод английских слов и словосочетаний:
1) refinery 1) а не
2) gas gathering pipelines 2) размеры газопровода
3) operating conditions 3) резервуар для хранения нефтепродукта
4) crude trunk line 4) продуктивные площади
5) for sale 5) газосборные трубопроводы
6) gas pipeline sizes 6) эксплуатационные условия
7) in general 7) магистральный т/п по перекачке сырья
8) rather than 8) перерабатывающий завод
9) storage tank 9) на продажу
10) producing areas 10) в общем, вообще
13. Подберите к глаголам из списка А соответствующие существительные из списка В. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык:
A. 1. distribution of B. 1. a group
2. to fall into 2. natural gas
3. to be made of 3. corrosion
4. to bury below 4. steel
5. to cause 5. ground surface
6. to operate it 6. compressors
7. to be moved by 7. the field processing plant
8. to carry gas to 8. higher pressures
14. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на цепочку левых определения существительных:
1. The gas pipe system in the second zone functions well. 2. The institute conference programme includes many important problems to be discussed. 3. There is a side glass wall in the gas camera of the device. 4. Pipeline construction department students will have their practical training at pipeline construction sites. 5. While isotope power sources are more efficient than the electrochemical systems, they still have some limitations. 6. The chemical plant laboratories occupy a new building. 7. That modern plant machines the equipment for our oil industry. 8. These big are lamps light the streets of our new towns. 9. The participants gathered in a big institute conference hall to discuss modern trends in science.
15. Учитывая грамматические признаки, определите функцию слова «that» в следующих предложениях. Переведите их.
Помните, что если а) that занимает место левого определения оно является местоимением м означает «тот»:
Now attach that wire to the battery;
б) если that следует за существительным, а за ним сказуемое, оно является союзным словом и переводится «который»:
Chemistry is the science that deals with elements, their combinations;
в) если за that, которое следует за глаголом, идет подлежащее и сказуемое придаточного предложения, оно является союзом и переводится как «что»:
Man of stone age thought that the stars do not move;
г) если за местоимением that (those) следует правое определение, то that выступает заменителем ранее упомянутого существительного, на русский язык переводится с соответствующим существительных:
The resistance of copper is not so great of aluminium.
1. We know that any experiment must be done with great accuracy. 2. The walls of this container are not so thin as those of the receiving tank. 3. It is clear that problem cannot be solved with the help of old methods. 4. The industrial importance of that method is much greater than that of the method used earlier. 5. There is no problem more important for this series of experiments than that of keeping constant temperature of the product during the process. 6. I think that the research that is carried by them is to be finished this year. 7. The time of reaction was twice as that measured during the last experiment. 8. My friends interest in mechanics is as great as that in chemistry. 9. The days on Mars are longer that those on the Earth.10. The book that was received by me yesterday deals with the prospects of oil production during next two years.
16. Переведите сочетание слов, обращая внимание на значение предлогов:
of: the pressure of water, to speak of something, one of them;
to: to snow to the students, to go to the factory, to turn to the right;
by: to operate by hand, to speak by telephone, by means of a battery, to sit by the windows;
with: to illustrate with tables, to write with a pencil, to fill with water, to speak with our friends.
17. Определите, каким русским падежам эквиваленты английские существительные в сочетании с предлогами of, to, with, by. Предложения переведите.
1. Mr. Hall delivers lectures to the students of a technical college. 2. He always comes to his work in time. 3. The volume of a millimetre is equal to a cubic centimeter. 4. The students always try to make experiments with their own hands. 5. Sometimes they make experiments with the help of their professor’s assistants. 6. Mr. Smith tries to illustrate his lectures with numerous tables and figures. 7. By some experiments the lecturer illustrates the measurement of gas pressure.
18. Переведите предложения, обращая внимания на многозначность предлогов of, to, with, by.
1. Many pupils of out school think of space travels. One of the boys makes a model of a rocket of paper and wood with the help of the teacher. He spoke of his work.
2. At the lesson pupils listen to the teacher, give answers to the teacher in England, and put questions to each other. Lets go to the blackboard. Come to the blackboard.
3. They met the news with great enthusiasm. He works with me. With the exception of some details the facts were alike. He sharpened his pencil with a pen-knife.
4. The article was translated by our student. He is standing by the window. Ill come by 6 o’clock. He went by train. The procession slowly passed by the monument.
19. Инфинитив может выполнять в предложении все пять функций, т.е. быть 1) подлежащим, 2) частью сказуемого, 3) дополнением, 4) обстоятельством, 5) определением.
Переведите предложение, обращая внимание на разные функции инфинитива. Помните, что в начале предложения может стоять как подлежащее, так и обстоятельство цели (перевод начинаем со слова «чтобы»).
1. To group these elements is not easy. 2. To filter water solutions we usually use paper filters. 3. We must be in the library on time to prepare all the necessary materials today’s test. 4. To add acids to water is very dangerous. 5. Our aim is to become good specialists. 6. He is to study English to read special literature. 7. To prepare for the seminar students are to go to the town library. 8. To study the process is not a very difficult thing. 9. They began to write the composition. 10. The road to connect these towns crosses the tram line. 11. Symbols help us to deliver important information in short form. 12. Ivanov was the first student to solve the equation. 13. The text to read is very difficult. 14. To describe a substance means to name its properties.
A good student
Professor: Can you tell me anything about the great scientists of the 17th century?
Student: Yes, sir, they are all dead.