I. Learn the following words.

То ring alarm bells —бить тревогу, высказывать беспокойство;

bilateral agreement – двустороннее соглашение;

undersecretary - заместитель министра;

commissioner – специальный уполномоченный;

to finesse – искусно действовать;

muted responseнеуверенный ответ.

II. Answer the following questions.

1. What areas must be taken into account in bilateral trade agreements?

2. The creation of an EU-US free trade area in services is involved in trade agreement, isn’t it?

3. Why isn’t agriculture service excluded from negotiations?

4. What issue has the French president threatened to use the veto?

5. What proposals are discussed by the Transatlantic Business Dialogue?

6. Will the EU be able to agree on the scope of talks with Washington?

III. Complete the sentences with suitable words from the box

bilateral trade agreement, trade commissioner, subsidies, undersecretary, transatlantic, agenda, executive, scope of talks, to finesse


1. Any talks on a new … between the US and the European Union must "take into account" sensitive ar­eas of agricultural … and audio-visual trade.

2. The … for international trade at the US com­merce department welcomed EU proposals for talks on a "New Transatlantic Marketplace".

3. The plans, proposed by a … , involve the creation of an EU-US free trade area in services.

4. The issue should not be on the … of next month's summit unless the EU has reached its own internal agreement on the initiative.

5.The undersecretary was in Brussels for talks with Commis­sion officials on electronic commerce, and to attend a working meeting of the … Business Dialogue — the policy fo­rum of senior EU and US … — which was also ex­pected to discuss the trade talks proposals.

6. Despite French opposition, officials believe the EU will still be able to agree on … with Washington.

7. Some suggest the agriculture issue could be … through World Trade Organisation talks on farm subsidies and the EU's pro­posals on farm reform.


IV. Fill in the blanks with articles if needed.

... plans, proposed by ... trade commissioner, involve ... creation of ... EU-US free Trade area in ... services, and ... destruction of ... industrial ta­riffs by 2010 - if... other countries follow suit.

While ... EU companies have expressed ... enthusiasm, ... response from ... US business has been more muted, with some executives suggesting they were waiting for... lead from their national administration.


V. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.


The undersecretary ... international trade ... the US commerce depart­ment, said Washington welcomed EU proposals ... talks ... a "New Trans­atlantic Marketplace".

... French opposition, officials believe the EU will still be able to agree ... the scope ... talks with Washington.


VI. Explain the italicized grammar constructions in the following sentences.

He hoped the US and Brussels could "define an area for exploration" in the talks before the EU-US summit in London on May 18.

The undersecretary's comments may ring alarm bells in France, which has opposed the proposals partly because it believes it will be impossible to keep agriculture and audio-visual services out of talks.

It has also suggested the issue should not be on the agenda of next month's summit unless the EU has reached its own internal agreement on the initiative.

Some suggest the agriculture issue could be finessed through World Trade Organisation talks on farm subsidies and the EU's proposals on farm

The undersecretary was in Brussels for talks with Commission officials on electronic commerce, and to attend a working meeting of the Transatlan­tic Business Dialogue— the policy forum of senior EU and US executives — which was also expected to discuss the trade talks proposals.