Read the text to fulfill the tasks.

In our daily associations and activities, we all make agreements; some are social in nature and others commit us financially.

Contracts are agreements which create legal obligations and are enforceable in a court of law.

In civil law, the contract is the basic legal concept, the foundation of all legal relationships. Every one of our daily acts creates, in some way, a legal obligation.

When we arise in the early morning of a winter day, turn on the light or the radio, we are a party to a contract with the electric company. It makes the electric current available to us and we pay for the amount that we use.

When our newspaper is delivered in the morning, we are purchasers under a contract.

These are trivial, unimportant contracts and don’t cost much. How about some of our more important transactions – buying a car, a washing machine, a house? Do we understand the principles which underlie our actions? Do we know the obligations we incur and the rights and privileges that we acquire?

More important, in making a contract, are we certain that it is as binding on the other side as it is on us?

In terms of law, a contract is a mutual obligation between two people with a mutual right by either to demand its performance. The breach of this right, the failure to perform that promise, creates in the other person the right to relief and redress in a court of law.

A “unilateral” contract is a promise of commitment made by one party conditioned upon the performance of an act by the other. The contract does not become binding until the act is performed.

Illustration: “I promise to pay you a commission, if you will get me a buyer for my car.” When the person to whom the promise is made brings a willing buyer for the car, he has earned his commission.

A “bilateral” contract is created when mutual promises are exchanged by both parties to the transaction. The failure by either party to perform his part of the contract in accordance with his promise may subject him to damages which result from the breach of the contract.

Illustration: “I promise to pay you 15 cents a gallon for 300 gallons of fuel oil, if you will promise to deliver it tomorrow morning”. “I’ll deliver it”.

An “executory” contract is one which is not fully performed. It has been partly performed but something still has to be done by either or both of the contracting parties.

An “Executed” contract is one which has been fully performed by both sides. There is nothing further to be done. The transaction is complete.

Illustration: The 300 gallons are delivered in the morning as promised and the buyer pays in accordance with his agreement.

A “void” contract is one which is not legally enforceable and is not binding on either of the parties. The expression “null and void”, so often used, is redundant. It actually means “non-existent and not enforceable”.

Illustration: Contracts which are illegal in scope and in purpose are void and unenforceable.

A “voidable” contract is one which is valid, binding and enforceable. However, there is a right available to one or, in some instances, to both of the parties to avoid responsibility of performance. It may thus be enforceable against one of the parties but not against the other.

Illustration: A contract made with a “minor”, also known as an “infant”, a person legally under age, is enforceable by him against the other, the adult. Under certain circumstances, the minor may renege on his contract and demand the return of the money he paid. Of course, if he seeks to enforce the contract against the adult he cannot then disaffirm.

An “express” contract is one in which all of the terms are agreed upon by the parties and are specifically set forth in detail, as in a writing.

Illustration: A lease or insurance policy is a good example of an express contract.

An “implied” contract is one which is created by law, imposed upon the parties because of their behaviour, despite the fact that they had no actual or express agreement. A contract will be implied because of the particular relationship of the parties. A husband is obligated to support his wife, parents – to support and care for their infant children.


I. Learn the following words and their definitions:

Breach of contract: a legally inexcusable failure to perform a contractual obligation

Commit (here): bind or obligate

Contract: an agreement between two or more people enforceable in a court law

Damages: the award of money assessed to compensate for financial loss to the injured party in a lawsuit

Execute a contract: to fulfill all of the terms of a contract

Executory contract: the contract which still has some provisions to be complied with

Express contract: the contract which has all of its provisions agreed upon by the parties

Implied contract: the contract created by the behaviour of the parties

Lease: an agreement by which the owner of real estate rents and permits it to be used by a tenant

Void: means “without any legal or effectual force to bind”

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of contracts are our daily acts based on?

2. What is a contract in terms of law?

3. What obligations and rights are created by different types of contracts?


III. Translate from English into Russian:

Arrangement made by two or more persons; promise, duty or condition that indicates what action ought to be taken; to get up; one of the persons or sides in a legal agreement or dispute; piece of business; to bring upon oneself; to gain by one’s own efforts; something one may do or have by law, special favour on benefit; breaking or neglect of a rule, duty, agreement, etc.; inability to do something.


IV. Translate from Russian into English:

Правовое обязательство; заключать соглашения; имеющий исковую силу; участники сделки; брать на себя обязательства; заключать контракт; приобретать права; выполнять обещание; право на возмещение; взаимные обещания; нарушение договора; контракт, условия которого выполнены обеими сторонами; ничтожный и не имеющий юридической силы; избегать ответственности; контракт, выполнение которого не завершено или близко к завершению; недействительный договор; несовершеннолетний; подробно излагать; договор страхования.


V. Translate the words in brackets and complete the following sentences. While choosing the words you may consult the text.

1. Making a contract we … . (принимаем на себя финансовые обязательства).

2. Both parties to a contract have the right … . (требовать его выполнения).

3. To be a party to a contract means not only … but also … . (приобретать права, брать на себя обязательства).

4. … the particular relationship of the parties, … they have no actual agreement, they may have legal obligations under an implied contract. (из-за; несмотря на то, что).

5. … a person legally under age may … on his contract. (при определенных обстоятельствах; отречься).