There are three stages in the system of public education in the United Kingdom: Primary, Secondary and Further Education.
Primary and Secondary education is compulsory for all children. Further education is voluntary. There are different types of educational institutions: schools, colleges, universities and various courses.
All children study at school from 5 to 16-18 years old. Then they go to work, to further education or to university.
At the age of five children, go to primary school. The full secondary education age ranges from 11 to 18. There are three types of secondary schools in the United Kingdom: grammar schools, technical schools and secondary modern schools. In grammar schools, pupils have classical education. The level of education there is very high. Their graduates get higher education. In technical schools, there are various technical subjects in the curriculum. From there pupils enter technical colleges. Secondary modern schools offer a general education to children not selected for grammar or technical schools. The level of knowledge is low and their graduates go to work. The comprehensive school has in one school the courses of all types of secondary schools.
After a secondary school high school (that is a college) begins, where students enter according to their abilities (like at schools). Every year thousands of high school graduates apply to universities.
According to Universities UK (the representative organization for the UK’s universities), there are 109 recognized universities in the United Kingdom. There are 352 institutions in the UCAS system that offer accredited Higher Education courses. All universities in the United Kingdom have courses in a wide range of subjects. They are different from one another in history, tradition, academic organization. The oldest and best-known universities are in Oxford, Cambridge, London, Liverpool, Durham, Edinburgh, Bristol, Cardiff, and Birmingham.
1.How many stages are there in the system of public education in the United Kingdom?
2.Is Secondary education compulsory for all children?
3.When do children go to primary school?
4.What types of secondary schools are there?
5.Where are the oldest and best-known universities in the United Kingdom?
Вариант 3
I.Перепишите предложения, вставьте артикль, где необходимо и переведите на русский язык:
1.I am ... electrician.
2.We have …. old car.
3.Are you ... worker? - No, I am ... student.
4.What ….. color is . your new ….. hat? - It is red.
5.This is ... orange. It is from ... greengrocer’s shop.
II.Выпишите из текста шесть существительных в единственном числе и образуйте множественное число этих существительных.
III.Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Укажите, показателем, какой грамматической категории является конечная буква s в выделенных словах: признаком множественного числа имени существительного или показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного.
1.This is her parents’ flat.
2.My sister’s dresses are from Italy.
3.The economists are in Moscow.
IV.Выпишите все числительные из текста и напишите их словами.
V.Перепишите следующие предложения, найдите в них местоимения и укажите, к какой группе они относятся: личные, притяжательные, указательные. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1.Open that dictionary, please.
2.Their daughter is a nice girl.
3.He is a first-year student of the Agrarian University.
VI.Выберите нужную форму глагола to be или to have, перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Затем составьте вопросительную и отрицательную формы.
1.... this book on economy?
2.How old ... you?
3.My brother . a good dog.
4.The rooms in our hostel ... not very large.
5.These students ... five examinations.
VII.Составьте три предложения, используя слова, данные в колонках, и переведите их на русский язык
There is | a reading room | on the bookshelves |
There are | many different dictionaries and encyclopedias | not far from our village |
a river | in this building |
VIII.Перепишите и письменно переведите текст контрольной работы на русский язык
IX.Письменно ответьте по-английски на вопросы, следующие за текстом
Distance education is a popular method of learning for those people who do not have the time to go to regular classes all day. It focuses on nontraditional students, such as full-time workers, military personnel, and nonresidents or individuals in remote regions.
Distance education over the world has a history of more than 100 years. Now millions of people all over the world get it. In essence, distance learning is when students learn at a distance from the learning provider.
Many countries like China, the UK, Japan, Russia, Spain and the USA use this method, especially in higher education.
For example, the Open University in the United Kingdom offers degrees for people who do not have a formal education and qualifications. Most courses take 6 years and students get a number of credits for each year’s work. Now the Open University founded in 1969 has about 250,000 students worldwide who take about 140 courses per year. This university has 260 local teaching and 13 regional information centers.
Such factors as age, place, and daily activities are not limiting factors in distance education. Distance education has 2 main advantages over traditional classroom education. The first advantage is a solution to the problem of teaching staff shortage and the second one is the low cost of education, which gives many people an opportunity to get higher education.
It is a system of education for different people at any age. This education allows each student to have an individual scheme of study. Traditionally distance-learning materials are paper materials and books. Nowadays students of many universities all over the world rarely or never attend face-to-face for on-campus access to educational facilities, because they study online or keep in contact with your lecturers through other ways of communication.
1.What is distant-learning?
2.What countries use distance education in higher education?
3.How many regional information centers are there at the Open University in the UK?
4.What are the advantages of distance education?
5.Do students of many universities all over the world study online?
Вариант 4
I.Перепишите предложения, вставьте артикль, где необходимо и переведите на русский язык:
1.There is ... supermarket in ... next street.
2.I have . sandwiches for . lunch.
3..Moscow is ... capital of ... Russia.
4.My . father has . glass of . milk and then goes to . bed.
5.Maria is ... good tennis player.
II.Выпишите из текста шесть существительных в единственном числе и образуйте множественное число этих существительных.
III.Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Укажите, показателем, какой грамматической категории является конечная буква s в выделенных словах: признаком множественного числа имени существительного или показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного.
1.Our students’ room is large and comfortable.
2.Nick has his sister’s books.
3.My friend’s mother is a teacher.
IV.Выпишите все числительные из текста и напишите их словами.
V.Перепишите следующие предложения, найдите в них местоимения и укажите, к какой группе они относятся: личные, притяжательные, указательные. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1.My family is in Moscow.
2.This girl’s voice is loud.
3.You have a daughter; how old is your daughter?
VI.Выберите нужную форму глагола to be или to have, перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Затем составьте вопросительную и отрицательную формы
1.... you to the USA?
2.John ... a lot of work to do.
3.I …. ten years old.
4.We ... 2 lectures and 2 seminars every day.
5.His name ... James Baker.
VII.Составьте три предложения, используя слова, данные в колонках, и переведите их на русский язык
There is | many students | at the lecture |
There are | modern equipment | in this town |
only one private school | in our language laboratory |
VIII.Перепишите и письменно переведите текст контрольной работы на русский язык
IX.Письменно ответьте по-английски на вопросы, следующие за текстом