Information and didactic unit (abstract, aids)



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1. Efimova O., V. Morozov, Yu Shafrin course of computer technology, including the 1, Moscow, ABF, 1998, pp. 181-224, 266-303.

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3. Miklyayev AP, Desktop user book, Moscow, 2000, str.121-216.

4. Pasko V. Kolesnikov, Tutorial work is not a personal computer, Kiev, 2000, pp. 87-144.

Information and didactic unit (abstract, aids)

1. Desk and its basic elements: an icon, shortcut, taskbar.

Graphic, Windows shell, and then the operating system (OS) Windows is a response to the objective needs of evolving computer technology. In general, the most important are the following features of Microsoft Windows environment:

  • It provides a link between the user and the computer, creating an interface (graphically), which radically changes the computer's capabilities;
  • It is the base software product to basis whom can work numerous application programs such as text editors Microsoft Word, e tables Microsoft Excel and al.;
  • optimal control of the computer's memory capacity in the tens of megabytes;

- Multitasking, ie, the ability to simultaneously run multiple applications and easily switch from one program to another...

The main function of Windows - performance management specifically designed for this environment program. Although the first Windows look - this is just a kind of superstructure over MS DOS (a kind of graphic Norton Commander), applications designed specifically for Windows, are fundamentally different from conventional MS DOS application, Microsoft has developed a special. application programming interface that enables applications to take full advantage of Windows technology (standardized methods for creating and managing windows, the optimal use of memory, different methods of software integration, multitasking independence from the external device characteristics).

In Windows, the control center is the desktop. This is the front door to all that is in the computer. This workbench.

After turning on the computer, in the absence of fault on the monitor on the desktop ( Figure 1 ) - "cover sheet" system. Desktop called the whole surface of the screen during the Windows shell. This is the simplest, but the basic concept of Windows.

The set of pre-defined set of icons, fonts, colors, sounds, and other elements of the Windows interface, giving the desktop a holistic and original form called desktop theme.

"Desktop" is a metaphor. In fact, we can expand books, textbooks, notebooks, folders, albums, alternately using these items on an ordinary table. Roles of books and notebooks with Windows perform windows applications and documents that can be located in different places, "table" cover each other navigate the "table" and even change its size. Depending on the nature of the work can be kept on the desktop a few windows by placing them in an orderly fashion, or, conversely, "sketched" with each other ( Figure 2 ); moreover, it can be removed if desired from the table all the excess and occupy the entire surface of the screen with only one window.

The gray bar at the bottom of the desktop is called the taskbar ( Figure 1 ) on the taskbar, the Start button located on the left side, icons (buttons) programs running in the middle of some piktogrammy- indicators on the right side. Between the Start button, and icons of running programs may be shortcuts to the Quick Launch Windows objects ( Figure 1 and Figure 2 ).

Each Windows applications often designed for a specific object processing. For example, Word processor - with text documents, Excel program - a spreadsheet application information -.. With database tables, etc. As a rule, each such object is stored on disk as a single file, the format of which is determined by agreement of the program. File format is usually associated with the file name extension, for example, pictures are stored in a graphic file .BMP, .JPG or .PCX, texts - in the «Word Document" files with the extension .DOC, spreadsheets - in .XLS files, etc...

To emphasize the unity of the approaches in graphics technology, and at the same time to achieve unification in terms of, any object is called document processing (although in fact it can be, for example, a spreadsheet). The document can be loaded into the memory of the machine for processing (corresponding file actually loaded); document may be stored on the disk as the corresponding file.

In Windows, instead of concepts and directory folder directory is used, ie, Documents are stored in a folder. There are two types of folders:

normal folders - catalogs;

special folders ( . Figure 3 ) such as:

a) my computer;

b) logical drives A :, C :, D: - in fact it is the root of drive;

c) the basket;

d) the control panel;

d) printers, and so forth.

Object Windows normally supplied with a color icon - the icon that contains the name of the object (for example, Drive A :, Microsoft Word, ...) and image as something to do with the object functions ( Figure 3 ). Icons used for quick access to the program, running from under Windows, called a label or an icon (from the English word icon). Shortcut icons are different from the curved arrow in the lower left corner ( Figure 3 ). Icons documents differ from other curved upper right corner ( Figure 3 ). To start the program or document or to open the folder is enough to indicate the shortcut mouse and double-quick left-click.

2. Windows.The main elements of the standard windows

In Windows applications, designed to work in the Linux operating system, called the application.

The basic concept of the Windows environment - the window. Window - graphically severed portion of the screen, ie, a rectangular screen segment framed. Each application runs in its own window, which can take up part of the screen (standard version) or the entire screen (full version) ( Figure 4 ). Start the application - the application window is open. Close the application window - means to complete the program. At the same time it can run multiple applications - each with its own window, and the user can use the mouse to easily switch from one application to another.

To place each item on the screen, the application provides a separate window, called the document window ( Figure 5 ). If the program can simultaneously handle only one file, the window is part of the application window (and inseparable from it). If ppogpamma can simultaneously handle multiple objects (such as Word and Excel), the application window may be several document windows. When using any of these windows may be part of the application window. Document window can be moved and resized just within the application window.

The following types of windows distinguish the Windows shell:

• window (application) ( Figure 5 );

• document window (application window object processing) ( Figure 5 );

• dialog box (processing tool) ( Figure 6 ).

Furthermore windows can be:

1) arbitrary window objects (applications, folders, documents) that the following presentation options can take in turn:

- Full screen - window is maximized, and occupies the entire screen ( Figure 4 );

- Normal - the window occupies a part of the screen ( Figure 4 );

- Icon - window "folded" in the icon.

2) fixed, object window (dialog box), which do not alter its dimensions such dialogs ( Fig.6 ) ,.

To change the version of the submission of the application window and the document window used buttons to the right of the header area window ( Figure 7 ):

• Button 0 - minimize the window to an icon;

• Button 1 - expand the window to full screen;

• Button 2 - restore the normal size of the window;

• r button - close the window.

That part of the window, where the information is entered is called the Workspace window.

The first line of each window is occupied by a header (header area, the header line) ( Figure 7 ). In the left part of the header area of the system menu button is for controlling the window as a whole. In this menu, there are commands that duplicate the functions of the buttons changes the windows version.

In the normal version of the view window area can be changed ( Figure 4 ) by moving the mouse or using the keyboard vertical, horizontal, or corner of the window. The dialog box does not change its size and has only a normal version of the submission (ie. E. Takes part of the screen). The windows in the normal version and the version of the icon can be moved around the screen.

The window, which is working at any given time is called the active ( Figure 2 ). The active window is always on top of other windows, and its title is highlighted. Besides the active window icon in the task strip is allocated a light background and can not be operated with a window, a title which is not highlighted in color: it does not accept any command. If at least part of the inactive window is visible on the screen, it can be activated by simply clicking on it.

To display the hidden contents of the window apply horizontal and vertical scroll bar ( Figure 7 ). To display the hidden content, please click on the corresponding thick arrows of the scroll bar.

Status bar ( Figure 7 ) - is an optional element of the window. It highlighted background information on the current status of the work, tips on the appointment of a team.

Every Windows application has a horizontal (main) menu, pull-down menus, context (popup) menu. The Windows operating system is used virtually the same menu as in professional applications, MS DOS ..

Horizontal Menu ( Figure 7 , Figure 8 ) occupies the second line of the application window. Each item in the menu - a group of more or less the same type of application operations. Composition menu may vary depending on the application functions.

One of the letters of the name of the main menu is always emphasized - a "hot" key of the item. If the name of the item is gray (pale) color, this item is currently unavailable.

To select an item with the mouse, simply click the horizontal menu on its name or press {Alt + <x>}, where <x> - key with the underlined letters. For example, to select F Isle, you can press the Alt + F {}.

After selecting a menu bar drop-down menu appears ( Figure 9 ) operations which are related to this item. The menu items are usually called teams. The names of these commands and functions, on, standardized features. For example, an application that works with files-documents, is always in the main File menu to standard and intuitive commands About eopen, P rint .. etc. Paragraph Editing, as a rule, there are standard commands work with the clipboard:. In yrezat K opy, Paste ( Figure 9 ), and others.

If you accidentally select the unwanted item to remove the drop-down menu, you can click anywhere outside the menu or press {Esc}.

All symbols that accompany the name of the drop-down menu commands are standard:

(I) Grey color name means that this command is currently not available ( Figure 9 A - Delete, Rename, Properties, D - Undo, Cut, ...)

(2) Underlined letter - a "hot" key of this command. For example, the command About eopen (Figure 9 A), just press the {On}.

(3) Dots, closing command means that after selecting this command appears on the screen to enter additional information dialog box. For example, when you select the Assign port ... ( Figure 9 A) will open a window ( Figure 10 ), which in special boxes you must specify the device name and path.

(4) If the right of the command indicated by the arrow 4 ( Figure 9 B Arrange Icons, D- Link, ...), after you select this command, the screen will display a subordinate menu of this command.

(5) The name of a key or combination of keys to the right of the name of the team - a shortcut key ( Figure 9 B - Ctrl + Z, ... T - Alt + Left Arrow, ...). This command can be performed by pressing this key (or key combination).

(6) ü The checkmark icon ( Figure 9 A and B), which is placed in front of a flag called the command, ie, switch. Clicking on this check box disables the function represented by this team. So if there is a check box - the team is on, if not checked - the team is off.

(7) If the command is included in the selection group, the installation • (circles), the team includes the currently selected option command ( Figure 9 B). If you click on another field selection from the group of fields, the circle moves in this field.

Team List drop-down menu can be divided by horizontal lines into several sections ( Figure 9 ). Each section contains commands with similar functions.

To select the drop-down menu command, you must (1) click on its name. Other methods: (2) move the cursor to the command box and press the {Enter}, (3) click on "hot" key or (4) key (key) shortcut.

The context (popup) menu ( Fig. 1 ) appears when you click on any icon or on any blank area of the window, right-click. This menu contains the operations that you can perform on a given object in a given situation. During its work the Windows shell allocates a special memory area - Clipboard, which is used to transfer data between applications and documents. The role of data can play a piece of text or the entire text, picture, table, and so on. N.

An additional element of the application window - tools (panel Figure 11 ). This set of icons, each of which represents a function or "tool" provided for in the document window. Sometimes toolbar called "pictographic menu." The application window can be induced several toolbars for different purposes.

In some applications (for example, in Paint editor) Toolbar is an indispensable element of the application window, and without it can not perform the basic functions of the program.

In other applications (such as Word word processor) toolbar, mainly designed to maximize simplify the user experience, with many icons such panels simply duplicate the functions of horizontal teams) menu. Without such panels, in principle, be dispensed with.

To take advantage of any "tool", you just have to click on its icon.

START button ( Figure 1 ), the main starting point to any destination computer. If you click on this button will appear main system menu ( Figure 12 ). As a general rule, Windows, if the right of the menu item specified by an arrow, then there is a new subordinate menu by selecting this item.

In the Folder window, you can select single or group of objects. The object in the window folder are sub-folders, files, programs, files, documents, labels. To select an object in a folder window, you need to click on it with your mouse. By clicking on any blank area of the window, you can deselect. Related (located next to) the objects with the mouse stand holding the left mouse button and dragging the mouse over the allocated objects. Hold down the Ctrl key pressed, mouse clicks, you can select multiple non-contiguous objects.

The following types of operations can be performed on the selected objects window:

• Open the object (open a folder, run a program, open a document, ...);

• send the object (on a floppy disk A, sent by mail, ...);

• create a shortcut of the object in this folder;

• delete the object, ie, move it to the shopping cart;

• rename the object;

• cut or copy an object to the clipboard;

• give the screen the properties of the selected object.