Create a folder and label.
For storage of documents you need to create a folder. Before you create a folder you need to specify the location where the folder should be. The folder is created at the moment the open place (not within the document). To create a folder, you need to briefly press the right mouse button. Select the "Create" option in the context menu. The subordinate menu, select "Folder" and press the left mouse button ( Figure 13 A). You will see a folder with the selected name "New Folder." To rename the folder name you want to erase by pressing the Delete key, or several times separately click on the folder name, the cursor will not be established for the name of the folder and delete the name ( Figure 14 ). Then you can enter a new name. Before you enter the name you want to install the language in which the name will be inscribed. Renaming a folder can be made and from the context menu.
A shortcut is created for batch files, ie for files with the extension .COM or .EXE, which is charged with the program. Create a shortcut starts as well as to create the folder, ie You need to briefly press the right mouse button. "Create" option is selected in the pop-up menu. The subordinate menu it is necessary to select the "Shortcut", and click the left mouse button ( Figure 13 A). In the resulting "Create Shortcut" dialog box ( Figure 13 B) it is necessary to click on the button "Browse". Using the horizontal scroll bar to find the folder where the desired file. Click on it twice with the mouse. Select the desired file and click "Open" dialog box. At the command prompt, the file name will appear. He must have the extension .com or .exe. If you selected the wrong file, you have to again press the Browse button and select another file, then click "Open." If a file is selected correctly, press the "Next" button. In the window that will indicate the default label name. This name, if desired can be changed, i.e. enter a new name. If you click on "Finish" button, then the desired shortcut will be installed. Renaming can be done from the context menu.
5. Basic operations with objects (folders and documents).
You can perform the following actions on objects (folders and documents):
A) to select all objects
a) P Rawka ® Select all;
b) Ctrl + A.
B) cut, send the object to the clipboard using the steps
a) P Rawka ® Cut;
b) Ctrl + X;
c) by clicking the icon "cut" (scissors) or "Move to" toolbar;
g) by clicking on the shortcut menu click Cut.
C) to copy, send a copy to the clipboard using the steps
a) P Rawka ® Copy;
b) Ctrl + C;
c) by clicking the icon "Copy" or "Copy" (two sheets) toolbar;
g) by clicking on the Copy command shortcut menu.
D) paste, paste the object from the clipboard to the specified location
a) P Rawka ® Paste;
b) Ctrl + V;
c) pressing the Insert icon (suitcase with a sheet) toolbar;
g) by clicking on the Paste context menu.
D) Move folders and documents from one folder to another, you can:
a) drag and drop. Move the mouse cursor to the icon of the object and pressing the left mouse button, drag the folder to the other window.
b) Using the toolbar. Select the object to move by clicking on it. Click on the Cut command icon (the scissors) of the window that contains the object. Transfer the mouse cursor on the icon Paste command window, which moves the object and click on it.
c) Using the context menu. Call the popup menu for the float. Click the Cut command. Transfer the mouse cursor on the icon Paste command window, which moves the object and click on it.
d) Using the menus. Select the object to move by clicking on it with the mouse and click on the icon "Move to" and in the dialog box, specify the storage folder.
d) Use the shortcut keys. Select the object to move by clicking on it. Press the key combination Ctrl + X. Press the key combination Ctrl + V, in the window where you want to insert the object.
E) Copy folders and documents from one folder to another, you can:
a) drag and drop. Move the mouse cursor to the icon of the object and Ctrl-clicking the left mouse button, drag the folder to the other window.
b) Using the toolbar. Select the copied object by clicking on it with the mouse. Click on the icon to copy the command window in which the object is located. Transfer the mouse cursor on the icon Paste command window, which moves the object and click on it.
c) Using the context menu. Call the popup menu for the copied object. Click the Copy command. Transfer the mouse cursor on the icon Paste command window, which moves the object and click on it.
d) Using the menus. Click on the icon "Copy to" and in the dialog box, specify the storage folder.
d) Use the shortcut keys. Select the copied object by clicking on it. Press the key combination Ctrl + C. Press the key combination Ctrl + V, in the window where you want to insert the object.
F) Erase, ie remove the folder, the document (file)
a) execute the F Isle ® Delete;
b) you can by clicking on the Delete Standard toolbar; But we must first select the object to be deleted by clicking on it with the mouse.
c) another way to delete a file via the context menu, click Delete. When you delete an object will delete confirmation dialog box ( Figure 6 ), where it is necessary to either confirm clicking on Yes or cancel the removal by clicking on the No.
Before you perform these commands, you need to select to delete the object by clicking it with the mouse.
After executing these commands, you need to pop or confirm deletion dialog box by clicking on Yes or cancel the removal by clicking on the No.