1. Where is the United Kingdom situated?

2. What is the area of the United Kingdom?

3. What countries does it consist of?

4. What is the highest mountain on the British Isles?

5. What is the longest river?

6. What is the highest mountain in Wales?

7. What is the northern part of Scotland called?

8. What is the population of the United Kingdom?

9. How many people live in London?

10. What industry is developed in South Wales?

11. What kind of state is the United Kingdom?

12. What houses does the British parliament consist of?

13. What are the main political parties?

14. Who chooses the Cabinet of Ministers?

15. What is the flag of the United Kingdom called?


1. Where is the USA situated?

2. What area has the USA?

3. What mountains are there in the country?

4. What is situated between the Cordilleras and the Appalachian mountains?

5. What are the main rivers?

6. What kind of climate is there in the USA?

7. What is the population of the USA?

8. How many states are there in the USA?

9. What kind of state is the USA?

10. Who is the head of the state?

11. What is the capital of the USA?

12. What are the main parties?

13. What is the financial & business centre of the country?

14. When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?

15. When is Independence Day celebrated?


1. What is the capital of Canada?

2. What is the area of Canada?

3. Where is Canada situated?

4. What is Canada rich in?

5. What is the population of Canada?

6. What are the most important cities?

7. What are Canada’s largest ports?

8. What are the largest lakes in Canada?

9. What mountains are there in Canada?

10. What are the longest rivers?

11. What is the largest island in the north of Canada?

12. What kind of state is Canada?

13. How many provinces and territories does it consist of?

14. What houses does the Federal Parliament consist of?

15. What are Canada’s main agricultural products?


1. What is the official name of Australia?

2. What territories are there in the Commonwealth of Australia?

3. What area has Australia?

4. What is the capital of Australia?

5. In what hemisphere is Australia situated?

6. What is the population of Australia?

7. What are the biggest cities in Australia?

8. What is the main occupation in Australia?

9. What agricultural product is Australia famous for?

10. What are the longest rivers?

11. What mountains are there in Australia?

12. What does Australia consist of?

13. What houses does the Federal Parliament consist of ?

14. Who is formally the head of the state?

15. Who represents the Queen of England?


1. Where is New Zealand situated?

2. What islands does it consist of?

3. On which island are there many lakes?

4. What sea washes the western coast of New Zealand?

5. What is the highest mountainous range?

6. What is the national emblem of New Zealand?

7. What is the capital?

8. What are the main cities?

9. What is the nickname of New Zealand?

10. Which city resembles Edinburgh?

11. What is the population of New Zealand?

12. Who are the Maoris?

13. What are they famous for?

14. What houses does the Parliament consist of?

15. Who represents the Queen of England?

Додаток Д

Brain Ring “What? Where? When?”(7-8 класи)

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- розвивати інтелектуальні, мовленнєві та творчі здібності учнів;

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- формувати позитивну мотивацію до вивчення іноземної мови та до пізнавальної діяльності

Для проведення гри формується три команди з учнів 7-8 класів по 7 чоловік. На обговорення кожного питання дається 1 хвилина. Бали отримує та команда, яка першою дає правильну відповідь на запитання. Якщо відповідь була неправильною, у команди суперників є можливість на обговорення до кінця першої хвилини. Питання визначають шляхом обертання дзиґи.

Під час обдумування гравцями відповідей можна запропонувати запитання вболівальникам та оцінити їх відповіді також, бали додаються тій команді, за яку вони вболівають.

Між етапами гри пропонується музичні паузи у вигляді пісень, віршів англійською мовою. Виступи готуються заздалегідь учнями 7-8 класів.

Хід гри

1.Match parts of the UK with their capitals:

1. England a) Cardiff
2. Wales b) London
3. Scotland c) Edinburgh
4. Northern Ireland d) Belfast

2.What happened in the summer of 1666 in London?

a. The Olympic Games

b. The Great Fire

c. The Festival

3.What is the most northern capital city?

a. Wellington in New Zealand

b. Tokyo in Japan

c.Reykjavik in Iceland

Match the two parts

1. The Sahara Desert a) the coldest
2. The Gobi Desert b) the largest
3. The Arabian Desert c) there is oil in
4. The Kalahari Desert d) sand dunes
5. The Turkestan Desert e) San people
6. The Australian Desert f) Kangaroo

Музична пауза