Spelt wheat and emmer wheat

- High content of essential amino-acids in grain


46) Annual weed species reproduces:

- vegetatively


48) Soil is:

- thin layer of Earth surface

- heterogenic organic and inorganic material …


49) A symbiotic (mutualistic) association between a fungus and the roots of a vascular plant is:

- mycorrhiza

- mutualism


Test B


1)The compounds of soil organic matter are:

- microorganisms

- fulvic acids


2) Abiotic factors of the environment are:

- temperature

- salinity


3)The largest contiguous areas of high irrigation density are found:

- In Northern India and Pakistan along the Ganges and Indus rivers

- Along the Nile river in Egypt and Sudan


4) The main purposes of plant grouth are:

- aesthetical influence

- water reservoir protection


5) Two main ways how soil originates are:

- by sedimentation of solid material

- by volcanic activity


14)As a source of poppy alkaloids for pharmaceutic industry is used:

- empty dry poppy..


15)Mark infectious agents of plant damages:

- funghi

- bacteria


16) Keeping land in good agriculture and environment conditions is directly related to issues such as:

- air pollution

- soil erosion


20) Source of pathogens are:
- Manure, slurry, sewage sludge


21) Most economies of the developing world are predominantly:

- agrarian


31) Plants nutrient are:

- fertilizers

- essential elements for plants growth

- decomposition of organic matter


32) Concentration of nutrients in liquid phase decreases due to:

- irrigation by potable water

33) Which group of crops is fertilized by organic manures at most?

- Root crops


34) Crop pests include:

- insect


36) Vernalization is:

- internal process induced by cold temperature

- important for induction of flowering


Climate is

- the weather averaged…

- all abiotic factors of the environment detected in larger area


Test С


1) Solar radiation is:

- Energy emitted from the sun surface

- Unevenly distributed throughout the world


2) Liquid phase (soil silution) contains:

- Elevated amounts of sulphates and low amounts of phosphates

- Usually low amount of phosphates and high amounts of calcium



- Soil erosion, soil organic matter, soil structure

- Protection and management of water


4) Ultraviolet radiation:

- In high doses is harmful to plant tissues

- is involved in inactivation of stem elongation


5) Signs of nutrient deficiency in plants can be recognized by:

- Leaves colour changes


6) Flooding occurs when:

- Large volume of rain falls over a short period of time

- Rain can not be absorbed by soil


7) Soil is formed as:

- Several layers in the profile


8) Which are main factors of soil fertility:

- Sufficient level of soil pH

- Water retention in soil


9) Visible range of solar radiation is represented by wavelengths:

- 400-700 nm


10) How can you describe the importance of water:

- as an universal solvent due to hydrogen bonds and its polarity

- as a source of organic compounds for plants


11) Chloroplast is:

- an organelle, where photosynthesis proceeds


12) Rhizosphere is:

- thin layer of the soil surrounding plant roots


13) Agricultural production areas in the Czech Republic are:

- maize, beet, cereal, potatoes and fodder crops


14) The properties of soil are determined by enviromental factors:

- the climate, parent materials

- relief

15) Which components belong among inputs of nutrient cycle:

- fertilizers, precipitation, irrigation, seeds

- composts, wastes, imissions, residues

16) Main persistent organic pollutions are:

- Biphenyls, polyaromates, aromates, dioxins


17) Winter cereal crops with the highest frost resistance is:

- Rye


18) Soya (soybean) is cultivated for production of:

- Oil and protein


19) Soil is possibly described by:

- soil characteristic

- soil units


20) Biological control of weeds:

- involves using the bioagent to suppress an unwanted species;

- uses insects and pathogens


21) The most suitable forecrops (preceding crops) for sugar beet are:

- winter cereals


22) We find fluvisol:

- along rivers


23) To the possibilities of winter wheat cereals damage during the winter period doesn’t belong:

- disease of ears – Fusarium graminearum, production of dangerous mycotoxins


24) In terrestrial ecosystems, the highest primary productivity can be found in:

- tropical zone


25) Potatoes of the cooking type A are:

- tallowish, solid cooking consistence


26) The toxic elements for plants are:

- Cd, Pb, As



- has greatest importance in agroecosystems;

- depends on local climatic conditions


28) Achenes as an oil source have:

- cotton;

- sunflower


29) The main nutrient losses are:

- transport of mobile nutrients through the soil profile out of root zone;

- evaporation or volatilization of nutrient compounds to the atmosphere


30) The most widespread cereal crops in Europe are:

- wheat and barley


31) Principal tool used in conventional tillage:

- plough


32) During the heat:

- the rate of respiration is rising


33) The organic fertilizers are:

- manure;

- compost


34) Three-field cropping system means that:

- fields were split into thirds;

- one third was planted with winter, second with spring cereals and third one was left fallow


35) Which crops leave high amount of residues on the field after harvest?

- alfalfa;

- red clover


36) Which chemicals are used in weed management?

- herbicides


37) Main infectious agents – plan pathogens are:

- viruses, bacteria, funghi


38) Slurry is:

- partly fermented liquid and solid excrements of livestock


39) The main group of crops under irrigation in CZ:

- vegetables


40) To the turner crops doesn’t belong:

- carrot



41) Which type of tillage provides better protection against soil erosion:

- conservation tillage