A) The behavioral approach

A) Educational psychology

b) Behavioral Psychology

c) Abnormal Psychology

d) Biopsychology

e) Cognitive Psychology

2) What is the Central theme of Educational Psychology?

a) Psychology of learning

b) Psychology of understanding

c) Psychology of remembering

d) Psychology of behavior

e) Psychology of mind

3) One of major areas covered by Educational Psychology that deals with the techniques of knowing the student well:

A) The Learner

b) The learning Process

c) The learning Situation

d) The Teaching Situation

e) Evaluation of Learning Performance

4) One of major areas covered by Educational Psychology that helps learner in acquiring learning experiences with ease and confidence.

A) The learning Process

b) The Learner

c) The learning Situation

d) The Teaching Situation

e) Evaluation of Learning Performance

5) One of major areas covered by Educational Psychology that deals with the environment factors and learning situation which come midway between the learner and the teacher.

A) The learning Situation

b) The learning Process

c) The Learner

d) The Teaching Situation

e) Evaluation of Learning Performance

6) One of major areas covered by Educational Psychology that helps in deciding what learning situation should be provided by teacher to learner:

A) The Teaching Situation

b) The learning Process

c) The learning Situation

d) The Learner

e) Evaluation of Learning Performance

7) One of the oldest methods to collect data about the conscious experiences of the subject:

A) Introspection Method

b) Observation Method

c) Experimental Method

d) Instructive Method

e) Teaching Method


8) How is the process where one perceives, analyses and reports one’s own feelings called?

A) Self – examination

b) Test

c) Final Test

d) Examination

e) Monitoring

9) Who pointed out the importance of Introspection Method in these words. “Introspective observation is what we have to rely on first and foremost and always”:

A) William James

b) John Cialdini

c) Tomas Whitney

d) Robert Heath

e) Dan Heath

10) Kind of observation which is also called as uncontrolled or free observation:

A) Unstructured Observation

b) Structured Observation

c) Participant – Observation

d) Non-Participant Observation

e) Natural Observation

11) How many parties of communication are there in social psychology?

A) Thee

b) Two

c) Five

d) Six

e) Nine

12) Kind of observation where the observer becomes the part of the group, which he wants to observe. It discloses the minute and hidden facts:

A) Participant – Observation

b) Structured Observation

c) Unstructured Observation

d) Non-Participant Observation

e) Natural Observation

13) The stimulation of activity of the pupil directing him on performance of these or those educational actions:

a) The contact

B) The incentive

c) The amotivny

d) The quality

e) The training

14) When was the first psychological laboratory at Leipzing in Germany established?

A) 1879

b) 1876

c) 1996

d) 1845

e) 1849

15) What is the most precise, planed, systematic and controlled method?

A) Experimental method

b) Non-experimental method

c) Teaching method

d) Questionnaire method

e) Survey method


16) Kind of design where more than one independent variables are involved in the investigation:

A) Factorial Design

b) Small N Design

c) Matched two group design

d) Large N Design

e) I. Q. Design

17) An important factor that affects our learning is defined as “growth that proceeds regularly within a wide range of environmental conditions.”

A) Maturation

b) Attention

c) Perception

d) Motivation

e) Fatigue

18) One of the factors which is always present in conscious life and is common to all types of mental activity:

A) Attention

b) Maturation

c) Perception

d) Motivation

e) Fatigue

19) Who defined аttention as the concentration of consciousness upon one subject rather than another?

A) Ross Dumville

b) John Cialdini

c) Tomas Whitney

d) Robert Heath

e) Dan Heath

20) Kind of attention when a person actively searches out information that has personal relevance:

A) Voluntary attention

b) Selective attention

c) Involuntary attention

d) Alternating attention

e) Selective attention

21) Сomplex process which involves manipulation of information as we form concepts. It also engages in problem solving, reasoning and making decisions.

A) Thinking

b) Perception

c) Memory

d) Emotion

e) Creativity

22) A mental impression of something perceived by the senses, viewed as the basic component in the formation of concepts:

A) Percepts

b) Images /Object

c) Concepts

d) Symbols and Signs

e) Language


23) Who gave one of the most widespread definitions according to which the conflict is a situation where affect the individual at the same time opposite directed, but approximately equal forces pointed to inevitability of a choice in a conflict situation?

A) K. Levin

b) T. Jeskins

c) M. Hunter

d) G.W.Allport

e) R.B.Cattell

24) A ‘general idea’ that stands for a general class and represents the common characteristic of all objects or events of this general class:

A) Concepts

b) Percepts

c) Images /Object

d) Symbols and Signs

e) Language

25) An action or set of actions of the participants of a conflict situation provoking sharp aggravations of a contradiction and the beginning of fight between them:

A) Incident

b) Situation

c) Coincidence

d) Emergency

e) Crisis

26) This kind of thinking proceeds on the assumption that there is one single best solution to any problem, and that the solution can be arrived at on the basis of the existing knowledge.

A) Convergent Thinking

b) Divergent Thinking

c) Critical thinking

d) Reflective thinking

e) Lateral thinking

27) How many critical factors associated with lateral thinking De Bono identifies?

A) 4

b) 3

c) 5

d) 7

e) 9

28) The special ability of our mind to store when we learn something to recollect and reproduce it after some time?

A) Memory

b) Thinking

c) Perception

d) Emotion

e) Creativity

29) What is the best method of learning where by the student reads the lesson few times and then reviews the lesson without the book i.e. he recites the material learnt to him?

a) Registration

b) Rote Memorization

c) Mass Learning

D) Recitation

e) Mnemonic Devices


30) Memory which is improved by use of artificial associates:

A) Mnemonics

b) Grouping

c) Retention

d) Repetition

e) Imagination

31) How many ways can Retention be measured?

A) Three ways

b) Two ways

c) One way

d) Five ways

e) Six ways

32) The most characteristic integration of an individual structure, modes of interest, attitudes, behavior and capacities:

A) Personality

b) Character

c) Temperament

d) Trait

e) Feature

33) Important figure in the world of personality theory who credited with the development of the "real self" and the "ideal self":

A) Karen Horney

b) Heinz Kohut

c) Alfred Adler

d) G.W.Allport

e) R.B.Cattell

34) A force exerted when one body or body part presses on, pulls on, pushes against, or tends to compress or twist another body or body part:

A) Stress

b) Anger

c) Accent

d) Accentuation

e) Emphasis

35) How many types of the professional stress (distress) Samoukina defines?

A) 4

b) 2

c) 7

d) 5

e) 3

36) The power of the mind to form new ideas and thoughts. It helps to imagine something new and special:

A) Creativity

b) Memory

c) Thinking

d) Perception

e) Emotion

37) What is the stage that is characterized by absence of activity or thinking about the problem?

A) Incubation

b) Verification or revision

c) Preparation

d) Inspiration

e) Mumination

38) A unit composed of two or more persons who come together to achieve a specific purpose and consider a contact meaningful:

A) Group

b) Team

c) Course

d) Pair

e) Class

39) What is the stage when the group achieves optimum efficiency and work gets done?

A) Performing

b) Obligation

c) Norming

d) Storming

e) Operating

40) The system process showing and opening the contradictions which are already put earlier which breaks off the developed interpersonal relations and communications:

A) Conflict

b) Agreement

c) Harmony

d) Cooperation

e) Concurrence

1 Compromise solutions in conflict situations are:

a) Achievement of objectives in any way.

b) The desire to escape from conflict.

c) Compliant.

d) Adaptation.

e) Mutual concessions.

2. What is a destructive conflict?

a) Violates the effective interaction and brings harm to both parties.

b) Facilitate the identification and resolution of conflicts.

c) Expressed in collisions of various social communities.

d) deteriorating relations people.

e) Intrapersonal conflict.

3. Avoidance of conflict situations are:

a) Achievement of objectives in any way.

b) The desire to escape from conflict.

c) Compliant.

d) Adaptation.

e) Mutual concessions.

4 What is constructive conflict?

a) Violates the effective interaction and brings harm to both parties.

b) facilitate the identification and resolution of conflicts.

c) Expressed in collisions of various social communities.

d) deteriorating relations people.

e) Intrapersonal conflict.

5. Compromise is:

a) Achievement of objectives in any way.

b) The desire to escape from conflict.

c) Compliant.

d) Adaptation.

e) Mutual concessions.

6.Collaboration is

a) Achievement of objectives in any way.

b) The desire to escape from conflict.

c) Mutual concessions.

d) Adaptation.

e) Compliant.

7 The name of Freud's theory

A) Psychoanalytic theory

b) Scenario theory

c) theory of professional development

d) typological theory

e) theory of compromise with reality


1. … is a modern approach to human behaviour that focuses on how we think.

a) The behavioral approach

b) Humanistic approach

C) The Cognitive Approach

d) Psychoanalytic Approach

2. The approach considered that unconscious factors motivate our behavior

a) The behavioral approach

b) Humanistic approach

c) The Cognitive Approach

d) Psychoanalytic Approach

3. Which of the following is the most accurate description of cognition?