The cardiovascular system.
Nervous system.
1. Rp .: Tab. Piracetami 0.8 (0.5)
D.t.d. 10 N.
S. Inside of 1tab 3p per day before meals
The mechanism of action of nootropic: GABA derivative enhances the synthesis of high-energy phosphates, proteins, activates several enzymes, stabilizes the neuronal membrane damage, increases the activity of adenylate cyclase and inhibits nucleopeptide increased synthesis of phospholipids and RNA
2. Rp .: Tab. Phenobarbitali 0,1
D.t.d. 10 N.
S. Inside of 1tab 2p per night
The mechanism of the anticonvulsant action: activates the GABAergic system, increases the effect of GABA, has a depressing effect on neuronal excitability epileptic focus also on the distribution of nerve impulses
3. Rp .: Tab. Diphenini 0,117
D.t.d. 10 N.
S. Inside of 1tab 3p per day during or after a meal
Antiepileptic mechanism of action: it blocks sodium channels, it prolongs the time of their inactivation, thus preventing the generation and dissemination of high-frequency discharges = prevents the development of seizures
4. Rp .: Sol. Diazepami 0,5% -2ml
D.t.d. N. 10 in amp.
S. Injected intramuscular 2 ml two times of the day
The mechanism of the anticonvulsant action: activation of GABAergic system = increased frequency of opening channels for ions Cl, which increases the input current CI = membrane hyperpolarization and inhibition of neuronal activity
5. Rp .: Tab. Vinpocetini 0,005
D.t.d. 10 N.
S. Inside of 1tab 3 in day
The mechanism of action to improve cerebral circulation: has a direct effect myotropic = relaxation of vascular smooth muscle cells of the brain = increases blood flow to ischemic areas
Respiratory system.
6. Rp .: Aerosolum «Becotide» N.1
D.S. Inhalation 1 dose per day 2p
The mechanism of anti-inflammatory action: inhibits phospholipase A2 = reduces the production of inflammatory mediators: prostaglandins, leukotrienes, platelet-activating factor
7. Rp .: Tab. Ketotifeni 0,001
D.t.d. 10 N.
S. Inside of 1tab while eating 2p a day: morning and evening
Mechanism antiallergic action: prevents the release of histamine and dr.mediatornyh substances from mast cells, inhibiting platelet activating factor induced accumulation of eosinophils in the airway, blocking the H1-histamine receptors
8. Rp .: Sol. Euphyllini 2,4% -10ml
D.t.d. N. 10 in amp.
S.Razvesti in 10ml 0,9% NaCl, enter the intravenous 10ml slowly (over 20 minutes)
The mechanism of bronchodilator action: inhibits phosphodiesterase = increases cAMP, which is accompanied by a decrease in intracellular calcium ion concentration and relaxation of the muscles of the bronchi
9. Rp .: Tab. Levofloxacini 0,5
D.t.d. 20 N.
S. Inside before a meal to 1tab 2p per day
The mechanism of the antibacterial action: inhibits bacterial enzymes, topoisomerase II and IV (DNA gyrase) = broken DNA replication = disrupted education RNA that inhibits the growth and reproduction of bacteria
10. Rp .: Cefotaximi 0,5
D.t.d. 20 N.
S. The contents of bottle is dissolved in 2 ml of sterile water for injection, administered / m every 8h
The mechanism of the antibacterial action: cell wall synthesis violates = causes cell death (bactericidal action)
11. Rp .: Azythromycini 0,25
D.t.d. N. 20 in caps.
S.Vnutr 1 capsule 1 hour before meals 1p per day
The mechanism of the antibacterial action: breach of intracellular protein synthesis = causes the death of microorganisms
12. Rp .: Tab. Ambroxoli 0,03
D.t.d. 10 N.
S. Inside of 1tab 3p a day before meals
Mucolytic action mechanism: depolymerization mukoproteinov and mucopolysaccharides sputum, which leads to its liquefaction (stimulates the production of surfactant = normal secretion of bronchial glands, improves the rheological properties of sputum, reduced viscosity and easier isolation, expectorant action)
The cardiovascular system.
13. Rp .: Tab. Nitroglycerini 0,001
D.t.d. 10 N.
S. tablets placed under the tongue until complete resorption
Mechanism antianginal actions: reducing venous and arterial pressure and the venous return, respectively, reducing the resistance to blood flow and ultimately decrease pre- and afterload on the heart, which leads to a reduction of the heart and its requirements kislarode; kislaroda improves delivery to the myocardium
14. Rp .: Tab. Acidi Acetylsalicylici 0,1
D.t.d. 10 N.
S.Vnutr 1tab of 1p per day
The mechanism of antiplatelet action: inhibits COX = violates the synthesis of cyclic endoperoxides and their metabolites: thromboxane and prostacyclin
15. Rp .: Tab.Trimetazidini 0,02
D.t.d. 10 N.
S. Inside during meals a day for 3p 1tab
Cardioprotective mechanism of action: it prevents ischemia occurs when a reduction of ATP in cardiomyocytes, it saves energy resources cells, normalizes the function of ion channels and thus the kinetics of ion = has a direct effect on cardiomyocytes in ischemic and normalizes energy balance, increases the resistance of cardiomyocytes to ischaemia
16. Rp .: Sol. Digoxini 0,025% -1ml
D.t.d. N. 10 in amp.
S. Dilute 10 ml of 0.9% NaCl solution 40%glocuse solution , administered intravenous 1time/ day
Cardiotonic mechanism of action: linked to inhibitory influence on the Na, K-ATPase membrane cardiomyocytes, this leads to disruption of the current Na and K, resulting in the K content in cardiomyocytes decreases and Na -Improves; with the difference between intra- and extracellular Na concentration decreases, which reduces the transmembrane Na / Ca-exchange, thus reducing the intensity of Ca excretion, which increases its content in the sarcoplasm and accumulation in the sarcoplasmic reticulum; In turn, this stimulates the entry of additional quantities of Ca from the outside into cardiomyocytes through calcium L-channels = increased release of IDB CA = increased content of free calcium ions in the sarcoplasm - cardiotonic effect
17. Rp .: Tab. Metoprololi 0,1
D.t.d. 10 N.
S. Inside of 1tab 1p per day
The mechanism of anti-anginal action: decreases myocardial oxygen demand: selectively blocks the 1-adrenergic receptors of the heart and eliminates the effect of adrenergic = reduces the purity and strength of heart contractions = work of the heart decreases and decreases myocardial oxygen demand
18. Rp .: Tab. Indapamidi 0,0025
D.t.d. 10 N.
S. Inside the morning before eating 1tab 1p per day
The mechanism of the antihypertensive action: inhibition of the reabsorption of sodium and chloride in the distal tubules and partially in proximal = lowering blood pressure
19. Rp .: Tab. Niphedipini 0,01
D.t.d. 10 N.
Inside S. 1 tablet 3 in day
The mechanism of antihypertensive action: calcium channel blocker - block voltage-gated calcium channel inhibition = incoming slow calcium current = decrease in the cell concentration of Ca = relaxation of vascular smooth muscle
20. Rp .: Heparini 5ml (A'-5000ED)
D.t.d. 5 N.
S. Introducing n / a 10000ED by 2p per day
The mechanism of action of anticoagulant: blood plasma activates antithrombin III (antithrombin and apparently II), accelerating its anticoagulant effect; neutralized with a number of factors activating coagulation (XIIa, kallekrein, XIa, Xa, XIIIa) = broken transition prothrombin to thrombin, thrombin was inhibited
21. Rp .: Tab. Enalaprili 0,01
D.t.d. 10 N.
S. Inside 1p a day 1tab
The mechanism of antihypertensive action: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor = broken angiotenzinaI transformation into a highly angiotenzinII = Decrease of the total peripheral resistance
Digestive system.
22. Rp .: Tab. Ranitidini 0,3
D.t.d. 10 N.
S.Vnutr on 1tab 1p night
The mechanism of antisecretory action: blocker histamine H2-receptor = reduction of intracellular cAMP = reduced secretory activity of parietal cells of the gastric mucosa = reduced basal and induced by various stimuli secretion of HCl, to a lesser extent inhibited induced secretion of pepsinogen and intrinsic factor Castle, the volume of gastric juice reduced
23. Rp .: Essentiale -5ml
D.t.d. N. 5 in amp.
S. Introducing I / 5ml to 200ml of 5% glucose solution 1p per day
The mechanism of hepatoprotective deysviya: normalization of metabolic processes in hepatocytes, increased activity of enzymes mikrosomalnyyh, restoration of function of cell membranes
24. Contrycal (for injection); antienzyme action.
Rp .: Sol. Contrykali 10,000 units
D.t.d. N. 10 in amp.
S. contents dissolved in 200 ml solution of 0.9% NaCl, to enter in / day 1p
MD: inhibits proteolytic enzyme (trypsin, chymotrypsin, kallekrein, plasmin) in plasma, contributes to the improvement of digestion
25. Festal (Bean); replacement therapy.
Rp .: Dragee "Festal" N.20
D.S. Inside of 2 tablets during a meal or immediately after a meal.
MD: due to its constituent components. Pancreatin:-amylase breaks down carbohydrates, protease breaks down proteins, lipase, breaks down fats; extract bile-emulsifies fats; hemicellulose, cellulose breaks down, improves digestion, reduces fermentation and gas formation in the intestine.
26. Omeprazole (Table); antisecretory action.
Rp .: Tab. Omeprazoli 0,02
D.t.d. N.10
Inside S. 1 Tal 2p / day (morning and evening).
MD: inhibits the function of proton pump; inhibiting H + / K + - ATPase of the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa, which leads to the cessation of release of H + into the lumen of the stomach and to the blockade of the basal and stimulated acid secretion.
27. metoclopramide (for injection); prokinetic effect.
Rp .: Sol.Metoclopramidi 0,5% -2ml
D.t.d. N.10 in amp.
S. Introducing / m 2 mL 3p / day.
MD: blocking dopamine D2 - receptors (central and peripheral) stimulates the motor activity of the upper gastrointestinal tract due to a direct effect on the muscles of the intestine and the release of acetylcholine from postganglionic nerve endings; enhance the motility of the stomach and small intestine, accelerates gastric emptying
28. Metronidazole (Table); antibacterial effect.
Rp .: Tab. Metronidazoli 0,5
D.t.d. N.10
S. Inside, 1 tab 2p / day.
MD: is the biochemical reduction of 5-nitro group of metronidazole intracellular transport proteins of anaerobic microorganisms Refurbished 5- nitro metronidazole interacts with cell DNA, inhibiting the synthesis of nucleic acids, which leads to death of the microorganism.
Endocrine system.
29.L-thyroxine (Table); replacement therapy.
Rp .: Tab. L-thyroxini 0,00005
D.t.d. N.10
Inside S. 1 tablet on an empty stomach in the morning.
MD: The drug restores thyroid hormone deficiency. (?).
30. Actrapid HM (for inetsy); hypoglycemic action.
Rp .: Actrapidi HM 10ml (A'-40ED)
D.t.d. N.10
S. At 40 IU n / a before meal (total day)
According to the ME-12 before breakfast
ME-18 before lunch
6 less before dinner
MD: interacts with specific receptors on the cell surface, consisting of two - and -subunits. It forms a complex that enters the cell, where insulin is released and exerts its action. T.e.oblegchaet Glu transport to the tissues, activates glikogenogenez decreases glycogenolysis.
31. glibenclamide (Table); hypoglycemic action.
Rp .: Tab. Glibenclamidi 0,005
D.t.d. 10 N.
S. Inside, 1 tab 2p / day.
MD: related to their ability to block the ATP-dependent K + channels, that lead to the open voltage-gated Ca2 + channels, mag intracellular Ca2 + release from the and B cell insulin (i.e. insulin secretion ).
32. Merkazolil (Table) antithyroid effect.
Rp .: Tab. Mercazolili 0,005
D.t.d. N.10
S. Inside after eating at one table 3p / day.
MD: peroksidazy- inhibits the activity of an enzyme involved in thyroid hormone tireodnyh iodization, which disrupts their synthesis.
33. Metformin (Table); hypoglycemic action.
Rp .: Tab. Metformini 0,5
D.t.d. N.10
Inside S. 1 table 3 p / day, during the meal, not liquid.
MD: AMF- activates protein kinase activity inhibits ekpressiyu phosphoenolpyruvate karboksinazy and Glu-6-phosphatase inhibits hepatic gluconeogenesis.
Genito-urinary system.
34.Rp .: Tab. Methylprednisoloni 1,0
D.t.d. 6 N.
S.Soderzhanie vial is dissolved in 0.9% D NaCl, enter / drip 1p per day
The mechanism of immunosuppressive action: inhibits the activity of T and B lymphocytes; release interleukins, interferon from lymphocytes and macrophages
35.Rp .: Cefuroximi 0,75
D.t.d. 20 N.
S.Soderzhimoe vial dissolved in lidocaine (novocaine), introduce / m 3 in day 1ml
The mechanism of the antibacterial action: cell wall synthesis violates = leads to cell death
36.Rp .: Tab. Cyclophosphamidi 0,05
D.t.d. 10 N.
S. Vnutr on 2tab daily
The mechanism of action of cytostatic: alkylates DNA and proteins, blocking mitotic division, induces apoptosis and cell death
37.Rp .: Tab. Dipyridamoli 0,1
D.t.d. 10 N.
S.Vnutr on 1tab for 1 hour before meals 3 in day
The mechanism of antiplatelet action: inhibits the activity of phosphodiesterase and adenozidazy uptake of adenosine by erythrocytes = increases cAMP in platelets = reduced production of thromboxane
38.Rp .: Tab. Oflaxacini 0,2
D.t.d. 20 N.
S.Vnutr 1tab on for 30 minutes before the morning meal
The mechanism of the antibacterial action: inhibits DNA gyrase and topoisomerase-violates DNA synthesis, inhibits the growth and reproduction
39.Rp .: Sol. Furosemidi 1% -2ml
D.t.d. N. 10 in amp.
S.Vvodit in / on day 2ml 2p
The mechanism of diuretic action: blocking the reabsorption of Na and Cl = uvelichivaet secondary intensified excretion of water and increased secretion of K in the distal tubule
40.Rp .: Tab. Nitroxolini 0,05
D.t.d. 20 N.
S.Vnutr 2tab by 4p a day before meals
The mechanism of the antibacterial action: violates the synthesis of DNA, RNA, inhibits the growth and reproduction of bacteria
Musculoskeletal system.
41.Ergokaltsiferol (oil solution for oral administration)
Rp .: Sol.Ergocalciferoli oleosae 0,5% - 10ml
D.S. Inside of 1 drop per day 1p
Um regulatory Dr I calcium-phosphorus metabolism: increases the permeability of the intestinal epithelium for calcium and phosphate. Provide the necessary concentration in the blood is the prohormone of which are formed active metabolites related to hormones (calcitriol sekakaltsifediol) to- regulate the calcium and phosphorus metabolism in tissues. Absorbed in the small intestine then enters the lymph from the liver, in plasma binds to and globulin which provides transport to the tissues.
42.Metotreksat (tablets)
Rp .: Tab. Methotrexati 0,0025
D.t.d. 10 N.
S. orally 3 times a week with a 12-hour break.
Mm immunosuppressive I-d: has an inhibitory effect on immune cells division that leads to inhibition of the proliferative phase of the immune response.
43.Ibuprofen (tablets)
Rp .: Tab. Ibuprofeni 0,6
D.t.d. N.10
Inside S. 3-4 times a day
Um anti-D-I: Provides inhibitory effect on tsiklooksegenazu and thus reduces the synthesis of prostanoids (prostaglandins and thromboxane)
44.Alendronat (tablets)
Rp .: Tab. Alendronati sodii 0,01
D.t.d. N.10
S. Inside half an hour before eating 1 time a day.
Um, I d-osteoporosis: bones ties contained in hydroxyapatite and inhibits osteoclast activity engaged in bone resorption.
45.Diklofenak sodium (for injection)
Rp .: Sol. Ortopheni 2,5% -3 ml
D.t.d. N.10
S. Introducing / m 1-2 times a day
Um anti-D-I: Provides inhibitory effect on tsiklooksegenazu and thus reduces the synthesis of prostanoids (prostaglandins and thromboxane)
Hematopoietic system.
46. Mercaptopurine (tablets)
Rp .: Tab. Mercaptopurini 0,05
D.t.d. 10 N.
S. Ingest 5mg / kg body weight one time per day.
Um antiproliferative Dr. I: preclude the inclusion of purines in polynucleotides violates the biosynthesis of nucleotides, inhibits the growth of proliferating tissues provides the cytostatic influence.
47.Kislota aminocaproic (for injection)
Rp .: Acidi aminocapronici 5% -100ml
D.t.d. 10 N.
S. The contents of the bottle to introduce 100 ml / drip.
Um antifibrinolytic Dr. I: inhibits the conversion of plasminogen to fibrinolysin and has a direct inhibitory effect on fibrinolysin.
48.Ferrum lek (for injection)
Rp .: Ferrum-Lek 2ml
D.t.d. N. 10 in amp.
S. Introducing / m 2 ml of 1p per day
Um antianemicheskogo Dr. I: iron preparation for substitution therapy, increases the content of iron in the body increases production of hemoglobin erythroblasts of the bone marrow, thus stimulates erythropoiesis.
49.Tsianokobalamin (for injection)
Rp .: Sol. Cyanocobalamini 0,02% -1ml
D.t.d. N. 10 in amp.
S. Introducing / m once in two days
Um antianemicheskogo Dr. I: drug replacement therapy increases the levels of vitamin B12 in the body, as a growth factor necessary for normal hematopoiesis and maturation of red blood cells and normalizes blood picture.
50. Vikasol (for injection)
Rp .: Sol. Vicasoli 1% -1ml
D.t.d. N. 10 in amp.
S. Introducing / m 1 time in Denbigh for 4 days, then take a break for 4 days.
Um coagulant Dr. I: stimulates the synthesis of prothrombin in the liver, prokonvertina and other coagulation factors.