Кафедра иностранных языков в инженерно-техническом образовании
«Английский язык»
Сборник иностранных текстов для студентов II курса химико-технологического факультета специальностей «Химическая технология природных энергоносителей и углеродных материалов», «Геология нефти и газа».
Астрахань 2007
Составитель: ассистент кафедры «Иностранные языки в инженерно-техническом образовании» Григорьева М.А.
Рецензент:кандидат педагогических наук, заведующий кафедрой,доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки в инженерно-техническом образовании» Фёдорова О.В.
Сборник иностранных текстов предназначен для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов II курса химико-технологического факультета специальностей «Химическая технология природных энергоносителей и углеродных материалов» и «Геология нефти и газа». Основной целью сборника является овладение навыками чтения текстов профессиональной направленности.
В сборник входят три тематических раздела, каждый из разделов проиллюстрирован соответствующим текстами и комплексом упражнений, направленным на овладение навыками чтения, перевода и развития устной речи по определённым темам. Предлагаемые тексты содействуют дальнейшему закреплению полученных навыков и усвоению специальной терминологии.
Данный сборник предоставляет широкий диапазон для активной аудиторной и внеаудиторной работы, имеет практическую ценность, отвечает современным требованиям методики обучения иностранному языку в вузе и может быть использован для студентов, углубленно изучающих язык в сфере нефтегазодобывающей промышленности.
Данный сборник отвечает современным методическим требованиям и может быть рекомендован к распространению через участок ротапринтной печати АГТУ и использованию в учебном процессе.
Методическое пособие утверждено на заседании кафедры “ИЯИТО” протокол № 3 от 21. 11. 07
Unit 1.
Vocabulary to be remembered:
to drill – бурить
wild cat well – разведочная скважина
reservoir – месторождение (нефти, газа)
development well – эксплуатационная скважина
to exploit – эксплуатировать
drilling rig - буровая установка
rotary – роторный
land rig – наземная буровая установка
marine rig – морская буровая установка
derrick - буровая вспышка, деррик
location – место бурения
hole – скважина, ствол скважины
jack – knife / cantilever derrick – складная / консольная вспышка
to assemble – собирать, монтировать
as a unit – целиком, как одно целое
hoisting system – спускоподъемная система
fluid circulation system - система циркуляции бурового раствора
rotary system – ротор, система вращения
well – control system – система управления скважиной
well-monitoring system – система текущего контроля
swivel – вертлюг
rotary hose - нагнетательный шланг
bell nipple – направляющий патрубок
blowout preventer – противовыбросовый превентор
emergency flow line – линия аварийного сброса
mud pump – буровой насос
drill pipe – бурильная труба, колонна
conductor casing – направляющая колонна, кондуктор
annulus/annular space – затрубное пространство
drill collar – воротник бура, УБТ
bit – бур, долото
deployment – развертывание, установка
Large investments are required to drill for oil and gas. Small oil companies invest mainly in the shallow, less expensive wells drilled on land. Investments in expensive offshore wells can be afforded only by large companies.
There are different types of wells, depending on their purpose. A well is classified as a wild cat well if its purpose is to discover a new petroleum reservoir. In contrast, the purpose of a development well is to exploit a known reservoir. Rotary drilling rigs are for almost all drilling done today. The hole is drilled by rotating a bit to which a downward force is applied by using sections of heavy thick – walled pipe, called drill collars, in the drillsrtring above the bit. The cuttings are lifted to the surface by circulating a fluid down the drillstring, through the bit, and up the annular space between the hole and the drillstring. The cuttings are separated from the drilling fluid at the surface.
Rotary drilling rigs can be classified broadly as land rigs and marine rigs. The main design features of land rigs are portability and maximum operating depth. The derrick of a conventional land rig must be built on location and is often left over the hole after the well is completed. Modern land rigs are built so that the derrick can moved easily and reused. The jackknife, or cantilever derrick is assembled on the ground and then raised as a unit with the rig hoisting equipment.
Although drilling rigs differ greatly in outward appearance and method of deployment, all rotary rigs have the same basic drilling equipment. Their main component parts are the power system, the hoisting system, the fluid-circulating system, the rotary system, the well-control system and the well-monitoring system. Most rig power is consumed by the hoisting and the fluid circulating systems.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is required do drill for oil and gas? 2. What companies can afford to drill offshore and why? 3. What types of wells do you know from the text? 4. What is a purpose of a wild cat well? 5. What is used for almost all drilling done today? 6. What is drill collar? 7. How can we classify rotary drilling rigs? 8. What are the main design features of long rigs? 9. What is a jackknife? 10. What are the main component parts of rotary rigs?
Find the proper Russian equivalent to the given English terms:
1. hole | 1. наземная буровая установка |
2. wild cat well | 2. место бурения |
3. land rig | 3. морская буровая установка |
4. drill pipe | 4. потреблять |
5. location | 5. буровая вышка |
6. marine rig | 6. буровая труба |
7. development well | 7. скважина |
8. derrick | 8. бур, долото |
9. consume | 9. эксплуатационная скважина |
10. bit | 10. разведочная скважина |
Memorize the following word combinations, give their Russian equivalents:
Wild cat well, development well, drilling rig, land rig, marine rig, cantilever derrick, hoisting system, rotary system, well-control system, well-monitoring system, drill collar, fluid circulation system.
Translate info English:
1. Чтобы бурить нефть или газ требуются большие капиталовложения. 2. Существует несколько видов скважин, в зависимости от их цели. 3. Роторные буровые установки используются практически для любого бурения производимого в наши дни. 4. Роторные буровые установки можно широко классифицировать как наземные буровые установки и морские буровые установки. 5. Современные наземные установки сооружены таким образом, чтобы вышку можно было легко передвигать. 6. Все роторные установки имеют одинаковое бурильное оборудование. 7. Вышка наземной буровой установки сооружается на месте бурения. 8. Разведочные скважины нужны для открытия новых месторождений. 9. Большая часть электроэнергии установки потребляется спускоподъемной системой и системой циркуляции раствора. 10. Капиталовложение в дорогие оффшорные скважины могут позволить себе только большие компании.
Describe different types of wells and drilling rigs using the following plan:
1. Well classification
2. Land rigs and marine rigs
3. The jack-knife derrick
4. Main component parts of rotary rigs
Vocabulary to be remembered:
casing string - обсадная колонна
subsurface equipment – подземное оборудование
substructure – подвышечное основание
block – блок
tackle – такелаж, канаты
drawworks – лебедка
to make a connection – наращивать (бурильную колонну)
to make a trip – поднимать (колонну)
dull – затупившийся, сработанный, изношенный
pressure control valve – клапан регулирования давления
crown block – крон-блок
travelling block – талевый блок
drilling line – талевый канат
drum – барабан
brake – тормоз
transmission – трансмиссия
cathead – шпилевая катушка, успокоитель талевого каната
torque – кручение
The function of the hoisting system is to provide a means of lowering or raising drill strings, casing strings, and other subsurface equipment into or out of the hole. The principal components of the hoisting system are the derrick and substructure, the block and tackle and the drawworks. Two routine drilling operations performed with the hoisting system are called making a connection and making a trip. Making a connection refers to the periodic process of adding a new joint of drill pipe as the hole deepens. Making a trip refers to process of removing the drill string from the hole to change a portion of the downhole assembly and then lowering the drill string back to the hole bottom. A trip is usually made to change a dull bit.
The function of the derrick is to provide the vertical height required to raise sections of pipe from or lower them into the hole. In addition to their heights, derricks are rated according to their ability to withstand compressive loads and wind loads.
To provide working space below the derrick floor for pressure control valves called blowout preventers, the derrick is usually elevated above the ground level by placement on a substructure.
The block and tackle is comprised of the crown, the travelling block and the drilling line. The draw works provide the hoisting and braking power required to raise or lower the heavy strings of pipe. The principal parts of line drawworks are the drum, the brakes, the transmission and the catheads. The drum transmits the torque required for hoisting or braking. It also stores the drilling line required to move the travelling block the length of the derrick.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the function of the hoisting system? 2. What are the principal components of the hoisting system? 3. What is called making a connection and making a trip? 4. A trip is usually made to change a dull bit, inst it? 5. What is the function of the derrick? 6. What are the blowout preventers? 7. What parts does the block and tackle comprise? 8. What is the function of the drawworks? 9. What are the principal parts of the drawworks? 10. What transmits the torque required for hoisting or braking?
Find the proper Russian equivalent to the given English terms:
1. dull bit | 1. кручение |
2. valve | 2. противовыбросовый превентор |
3. to make a trip | 3. талевый блок |
4. torque | 4. клапан |
5. blowout preventer | 5. затупившийся бур |
6. travelling block | 6. тормоз |
7. to make a connection | 7. подвышечное основание |
8. substructure | 8. лебедка |
9. drawworks | 9. наращивать колонну |
10. brake | 10. поднимать колонну |
Memorize the following word combinations, give their Russian equivalents:
Casing string, hoisting system, principal components, routine operations, bottom hole, dull bit, wind loads, compressive loads, working space, blowout preventer.
Translate into English:
1. Основные компоненты спускоподъемной системы – это вышка и подвышечное основание, блок, такелаж и лебедка. 2. Поднятие колонны обычно осуществляется, чтобы поменять затупившийся бур. 3.Блок и такелаж состоит из кронблока талевого блока и талевого каната. 4. Лебедка обеспечивает спускоподъемные операции. 5. Барабан передает кручение, необходимое для спуска, подъема и торможения. 6. Основные части лебедки – это барабан, тормоза, трансмиссия и шпилевые катушки.
Retell the text.
Vocabulary to be remembered:
fluid – жидкость
drilling mud– буровой раствор
clay – глина
mud pump – буровой насос
mud pit/tank – емкость для бурового раствора
mud-mixing equipment – оборудование для приготовления раствора
contaminant – примесь, загрязнитель
swivel – вертлюг
kelly – ведущая труба, квадрат
flow conduit – трубопровод
surge chamber – уравнительная камера, компенсатор
heavy-walled – толстостенный
pump manifold – коллектор насоса
standpipe – стояк
to dampen – гасить, снижать
pressure surge – пульсация, скачок давления
flexible – гибкий
roller bearing - роликовый подшипник
rotating load - нагрузка вращения
rectangular - прямоугольный
hexagonal - шестиугольный
cross-section - поперечное сечение, разрез
excess volume - избыток, избыточный объем
additives - добавки, присадки
manually - вручную
mud-mixing hopper - смесительная воронка
solids - твердые частицы
shale shaker - вибросито
hydrocyclon - гидроциклон
decanting centrifuge - фильтрующая центрифуга
A major function of the fluid circulating system is to remove rock cuttings from the hole as drilling progresses. The drilling fluid or drilling mud consists of clay and some other materials and water. The drilling mud travels from the steel tanks to the mud pumps, from the mud pump the high pressure surface connections to the drill string, through the drill string to the bit and up the annular space between the drill string and the hole to the surface, and through the contaminant removal equipment to the suction tank. The flow conduits connecting the mud pumps to the drill string include a surge chamber, a 4-6-inch heavy-walled pipe connecting the pump to the pump manifold located on the rig floor, a standpipe and rotary hose, a swivel and a kelly.
The surge chamber contains a gas in its upper portion. The surge chamber greatly dampens pressure surges developed by the pump. The standpipe and the rotary hose provide a flexible connection that permits vertical movement of the drill string. The swivel contains roller bearings to support the rotating load of the drill string.
The kelly is a pipe rectangular or hexagonal in cross-section. It allows the drill string to be rotated. Mud pits are required for holding an excess volume of drilling mud at the surface. Dry mud additives are often stored in sacks they are added manually to the suction pit using a mud-mixing hopper. On many modern rigs mud-mixing is largely automated.
The contaminant-removing equipment includes mechanical devices removing solids and gases from the mud: shale-shakers, hydrocyclons and decanting centrifuges.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is a major function of the fluid-circulating system? 2. What does the drilling fluid consist of? 3. How does the drilling mud travel? 4. What components does the rig circulating system include? 5. What does the surge chamber contain? 6. What does the swivel contain? 7. What is the form and function of the Kelly? 8. What are mud pits for? 9. Is mud-mixing largely automated on many modern rigs? 10. What does the contaminant – removing equipment include?
Find the proper Russian equivalent to the given English terms:
1. drilling mud | 1. ведущая труба |
2. contaminant | 2. вертлюг |
3. Kelly | 3. прямоугольный |
4. stand pipe | 4. вибросито |
5. swivel | 5. трубопровод |
6. shale shaker | 6. примесь, загрязнитель |
7. roller bearing | 7. стояк |
8. rectangular | 8. буровой насос |
9. flow conduit | 9. буровой раствор |
10. mud pump | 10. роликовый подшипник |
Complete the sentences:
1. The fluid circulating system removes…2. Solids from the mud are removed…3. The drilling mud consists of…4. Excess volume of mud is stored… 5. The surge chamber contains…6. Dry mud additives are stored…7. A pump manifold is located…8. The Kelly is…9. The standpipe and the rotary hose provide…10. Roller bearing support…
Translate into English
1. Буровой раствор состоит из глины, некоторых других добавок и воды. 2. Система циркуляции удаляет частицы выбуренной породы из ствола скважины. 3. Буровой раствор хранится в емкостях. 4. Специальное оборудование удаляет загрязняющие примеси из раствора. 5. Буровые насосы соединены с бурильными колоннами. 6. Стояк и нагнетательный шланг обеспечивают подвижное соединение с колоннами. 7. Ведущая труба – это труба, прямоугольная или шестиугольная в сечении. 8. Вибросито – это устройство для механического удаления твердых примесей. 9. Сухие присадки вносятся в приемный резервуар через смесительную воронку. 10. Оборудование для удаления примесей включает вибросита, гидроциклоны и фильтрующие центрифуги.
Retell the text.
Vocabulary to be remembered:
rotary\top drive - привод ротора
rotary table - стол ротора
drill collar - УБТ (утяжеленная бурильная труба)
bail of the swivel – серьга, штроп вертлюга
hook - крюк
gooseneck - горловина вертлюга
torque - кручение, крутящий момент
to transmit - передавать
kelly bushing - вкладыш под ведущую трубу
master bushing - основной вкладыш
to fit - входить, вставлять
to unscrew - отвинчивать
tongs - клещи
The rotary system includes all of the equipment used to achieve bit rotation. The main parts of the rotary system are the swivel, the kelly, the rotary drive, the rotary table, the drill pipe and drill collars.
The swivel supports the weight of the drillstring and permits rotation. The bail of the swivel is attached to the hook of the transmitting block, and the gooseneck of the swivel provides a downward-pointing connection for the rotary hose. Swivels are rated according to their load capacities.
The kelly is the first section of pipe below the swivel. The outside cross-section of the kelly is square or hexagonal to permit it to be gripped easily for turning. Torque is transmitted to the kelly through kelly bushings, which fit inside the master bushing of the rotary table. The kelly must be kept as straight as possible. Rotation of a crooked kelly causes a whipping motion that results in unnecessary wear on the crown block and other equipment.
The opening in the rotary table that accepts the kelly bushings must be large enough for passage of the largest bit to be run in the hole. A lock on the rotary prevents the table from turning when pipe is unscrewed without the use of tongs.
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the main parts of the rotary system? 2. What is the bail of the swivel attached to? 3. What is the function of the swivel? 4. What is the parts section of pipe below the swivel? 5. How is the torque transmitted to the Kelly? 6. What does rotation of a crooked Kelly cause? 7. What does a gooseneck provide? 8. Where are the Kelly bushings situated? 9. Why should the Kelly be kept as straight as possible? 10. What does a lock on the rotary prevent the table from?
Find the proper Russian equivalent to the given English terms:
1. hook | 1. вертлюг |
2. tongs | 2. серьга |
3. swivel | 3. горловина вертлюга |
4. bail | 4. ведущая труба |
5. drill collar | 5. кручение |
6. gooseneck | 6. основной вкладыш |
7. rotary drive | 7. крюк |
8. master bushing | 8. УБТ |
9. Kelly | 9. клещи |
10. torque | 10. привод ротора |
Memorize the following word combinations, give their Russian equivalents:
Rotary system, bit rotation, load capacities, rotary table, crooked Kelly, whipping motion, Kelly bushing, unscrew with tongs.
Complete the sentences:
1. The rotary system includes…2. …to the hook of the travelling block.3. The gooseneck provides…4. Kelly bushings fit…5. Rotary drilling rigs are used…6. Rotation of a crooked Kelly… 7. A lock on the rotary prevents the table…8. The opening in the rotary table must be large enough…9. Kelly must be kept…10. The Kelly is…
Describe the rotary system using the following plan:
1. The main parts of the rotary system.
2. The swivel and the bail of the swivel.
3. The Kelly.
4. A lock on the rotary.
Vocabulary to be remembered:
formation fluid - Пластовым флюид, пластовая жидкость
permeable formation - проницаемый пласт
in excess - избыточный, в избытке
to displace - вытеснять, замещать
kick - резкое повышение давления, удар
to detect - обнаружить density - плотность
to divert - отводить
failure - отказ, поломка оборудования
flow - поток, выброс
to terminate- заканчивать
BOP stack - блок\комплект превенторов
ram - плашка противовыбросового превентора
ram preventer - плашечный превентор
The well control system prevents the uncontrolled flow of formation fluids from the well bore. When the bit penetrates a permeable formation that has a fluid pressure in excess of the hydrostatic pressure exerted by the drilling fluid, formation fluids will begin displacing the drilling fluid from the well. The flow of formation fluids into the well in the presence of drilling fluid is called a kick. The well control system permits detecting the kick, closing the well at the surface, circulating the well under pressure to remove the formation fluids and increase the mud density, moving the drillstring under pressure and diverting the flow away from the rig personnel and equipment.
Failure of the well control system results in an uncontrolled flow of formation fluids and is called a blowout. This is perhaps the worst disaster that can occur during drilling operations. Blowouts may cause loss of life, drilling equipment, much of oil and gas reserves in the underground reservoir, and damage to the environment near the well.
The flow of fluid from the well caused by a kick is stopped by use of special pack-off devices called blowout preventers (BOPs). Multiple BOPs used in a series are referred to collectively as a BOP stack. The BOP must be capable of terminating flow from the well under all drilling conditions. When the drillstring is in the hole, movement of the pipe without releasing well pressure should be allowed to occur. In addition, the BOP stack should allow fluid circulation through the well annulus under pressure. These objectives are usually accomplished by using several ram presenters and one annular preventer.
Modern hydraulic systems used for closing BOP's are high-pressure fluid accumulators similar to those developed for aircraft fluid control systems. The accumulator is equipped with a pressure-regulating system. The ability to change the closing pressure on the preventers is important when it is necessary to strip pipe into the hole. Stripping is most easily done using the annular preventer.
Answer the following questions:
1. What does the well control system prevent? 2. What is a kick? 3. What does the well control system permit? 4. What does failure of the well control system result in? 5. What may cause blowout? 6. What is a blowout preventer? 7. What is a BOP stack? 8. What is a high pressure accumulator equipped with? 9. What is important when it is necessary to strip pipe into the hole? 10. What preventer is used when stripping?
Find the proper Russian equivalent to the given English terms:
1. formation fluid | 1. плашечный превентор |
2. BOP stack | 2. удар |
3. ram preventer | 3. плотность |
4. failure | 4. поломка оборудования |
5. kick | 5. пластовая жидкость |
6. permeable formation | 6. обнаружить |
7. density | 7. комплект превенторов |
8. to divert | 8. множественный |
9. to detect | 9. отводить |
10. multiple | 10. проницаемый пласт |
Complete the sentences:
1. The well control system prevents…2…is called a kick.3. The well control system permits…4. Failure of the well control system results in…5. Formation fluids may displace…6. A kick is stopped by…7. The BOP stack should allow fluid…8. The accumulator is equipped…9. The uncontrolled flow of formation fluid from the well is called…10. Stripping is most easily done…
Translate into English:
1. Система управления скважиной предотвращает неконтролируемый выброс пластовых жидкостей из скважины. 2. Чтобы удалить пластовые жидкости, необходимо промыть скважину бурильным раствором под давлением. 3. при ударе пластовое давление превышает гидростатическое давление раствора в скважине. 4. Выброс останавливают при помощи противовыбросовых превенторов. 5. Для запирания комплекта превенторов используются жидкостные аккумуляторы высокого давления. 6. Когда колонна находится в скважине, нельзя снижать давление раствора. 7. Современные гидравлические системы, используемые в превенторах, представляют собой жидкостные аккумуляторы высокого давления. 8. Аккумуляторы снабжения системой регулирования давления. 9. Эти цели обычно достигаются с помощью нескольких плошечных и одного универсального превентора. 10. Это, возможно, самое худшее бедствие, которое может случиться во время бурения.
Retell the text.
Vocabulary to be remembered:
monitoring - мониторинг, текущий контроль
penetration rate - скорость проходки
hook load - нагрузка на крюк
rotary torque - крутящий момент вращения
salinity - содержание солей
hazardous - опасный
gas content - содержание газа
mud flow rate - скорость движения раствора
trailer - трейлер, вагончик
mud logger - специалист по каротажу
log - каротажная диаграмма, буровой журнал
sample – образец
gas chromatograph - газовый хроматограф
data telemetry system - система телеметрической информации, дистанционного контроля
non-vertical - наклонный
Safety and efficiency considerations require constant monitoring of the well to detect drilling problems quickly. Devices record of display parameters such as depth, penetration rate, hook load, rotary speed, rotary torque, pump rate, pump pressure, mud density, mud temperature, mud salinity, gas content of mud, hazardous gas content of air, pit level and mud flow rate.
In addition to assisting the driller in detecting drilling problems, good historical records of various aspects of the drilling operation can also aid geological, engineering, and supervisory personnel. In some cases, a centralized well-monitoring system is housed in a trailer. This unit provides detailed information about the formation being drilled and the fluids being circulated to the surface as well as centralizing the record of drilling parameters. The mud logger inspects rock cuttings taken from the shale shaker at regular intervals and describes their appearance. Gas samples from the mud are analyzed by the mud logger using a gas chromatograph.
Recently there have been significant advances in subsurface well-monitoring and data telemetry systems. They are especially useful in monitoring hole direction in non-vertical wells.
Answer the following questions:
1. What do safety and efficiency considerations require? 2. What parameters are recorded by the monitoring system? 3. What can aid geological, engineering and supervisory personnel? 4. What is housed in a trailer? 5. In what way can you get the data the monitoring system provides? 6. What does the mud logger inspect? 7. How are gas samples analyzed? 8. In what wells are data telemetry systems especially useful?
Find the proper Russian equivalent to the given English terms:
1. penetration rate | 1. специалист по каротажу |
2. gas content | 2. содержание солей |
3. mud logger | 3. нагрузка на крюк |
4. sample | 4. скорость проходки |
5. rotary torque | 5. циркулировать |
6. salinity | 6. система текущего контроля |
7. rotary speed | 7. крутящий момент вращения |
8. monitoring system | 8. содержание газа |
9. hook load | 9. скорость вращения |
10. to circulate | 10. образец |
Complete the sentences:
1. Safety and efficiency consideration require…2. Devices record of display…3. Monitoring of the well is necessary… 4… is housed in a trailer. 5. A centralized well – monitoring system may be…6. The mud – logger inspects…7. Gas samples are analyzed by…8. Data telemetry systems are useful…9…in non – vertical wells.
Translate into English:
Система текущего контроля скважины позволяет быстро выявить неполадки в бурении. 2. Система мониторинга включает многие приспособления. 3. Эти приспособления фиксируют или показывают на дисплее ряд параметров работы скважины. 4. Для нормальной работы скважины важны скорость проходки, скорость вращения, нагрузки на крюк. 5. Качество раствора определяется его плотностью, температурой, концентрацией солей и газов и другими параметрами. 6. Современные системы мониторинга позволяют получать подробную информацию о породах, в которых идет бурение. 7. Телеметрические системы централизуют всю информацию о параметрах бурения. 8. Инженер по каротажу исследует образцы выбуренной породы через определенные интервалы. 9. Образцы газа из раствора исследуются с помощью газового хроматографа. 10. Данные телеметрии особенно полезны при бурении наклонных скважин.
Retell the text about the work of a well – monitoring system.
Vocabulary to be remembered:
vessel - судно
tо compensate - компенсировать
wave action - действие волн
semi submersible - полупогружная платформа
to tilt - раскачивать
to withstand - противостоять
anchor - якорь
placement - размещение
dynamic positioning - динамическое позиционирование
alignment indicator - индикатор центрирования
marine riser - водоотделяющая колонна для бурения
ocean floor - дно океана
flex joint - гибкая муфта
lateral - боковой
slip joint - телескопическое соединение
to secure - надежно закрепить
pneumatic - пневматический
tensioning - затяжка, крепление
bumper sub - телескопический переходник-компенсатор
Vessel motion problems are more severe for a drill ship than for a semisub-mercible - проблемы, которые создает перемещение судна, более серьезны для бурового корабля по сравнению с полупогружной платформой
heave compensation - компенсация вертикальной качки
Special equipment and procedures are required when drilling from a floating vessel. It is necessary to hold the vessel on location over the bore hole and compensate for the vertical, lateral and tilting movements caused by wave action against the vessel. Vessel motion problems are more severe for a drill ship than for a semisubmersible. However, drill ships are less expensive and can be moved rapidly from one location to another.
A special derrick design must be used for drilling because of the tilting motion caused by wave action. The derrick is often designed to withstand as much as a 20' tilt with a full load of drill pipe standing in it. Special pipe handling equipment is necessary topermit tripping operations to be held safely during rough weather. This equipment permits drill pipe to be laid down quickly on a pipe rack in doubles and trebles rather than supported in the derrick. Most floating vessels are held on location by anchors. When the ocean bottom is too hard for conventional anchors, anchor piles are driven or cemented in boreholes in the ocean floor. The vessel is moored facing the direction from which the most severe weather is anticipated.
The placement technique without anchors is called dynamic positioning. The position of the vessel with reference to the borehole must be monitored at all times. Two types of aligning indicators in common use are the mechanical type and the acoustic type.
The equipment used to compensate for the horizontal and vertical movement of the vessel during normal drilling operation is as follows: A marine riser conducts the drilling fluid from the ocean floor to the drilling vessel. A flex joint at the bottom of the marine riser allows lateral movement of the vessel. The vertical movement of the vessel is allowed by a slip joint placed at the top of the marine riser. The riser is secured to the vessel by a pneumatic tensioning system.
The vertical movement of the drill string can be absorbed by a bumper sub between the drill pipe and drill collars. Heave compensators eliminate surface motion of the vessel.
A ВОР stack for a floating drilling operation is placed on the ocean floor below the marine riser. This ensures that the well can be closed even in severe weather.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is required when drilling from a floating vessel? 2. Are vessel motion problems more severe for a drill ship or for a semi submersible? 3. Why must a special derrick design be used for drilling? 4. How is the derrick often designed? 5. What equipment is necessary to hold stripping safely? 6. What is called dynamic positioning? 7. What are two types of aligning indicators in common use? 8. What equipment compensates for the movement of the vessel? 9. What are the functions of a marine riser, a flex joint at the bottom, a slip joint, a bumper sub, heave compensators? 10. What is placed on the ocean floor below the marine riser?
Find the proper Russian equivalent to the given English terms:
1. vessel | 1. водоотделяющая колонна |
2. semi submersible | 2. гибкая муфта |
3. anchor | 3. поглощать |
4. marine riser | 4. телескопическое соединение |
5. flex joint | 5. якорь |
6. to absorb | 6. судно |
7. lateral | 7. устранять |
8. slip joint | 8. раскачивать |
9. to tilt | 9. боковой |
10. to eliminate | 10. полупогружная платформа |
Complete the sentences:
1. Its necessary to hold…2. The derrick is often designed…3…to be held safely during rough weather. 4. This equipment permits…5. The vessel is moored…6. …is called dynamic positioning. 7. A marine riser conducts… 8. The vertical movement is allowed…9. … surface motion of the vessel. 10. This ensures that…
Translate into English:
1. При бурении с судна необходимо специальное оборудование и особая технология. При бурении с судов необходимо использовать особую конструкцию вышки. 3. Для безопасного проведения спускоподъемных операций требуется специальное оборудование. 4. В большинстве случаев буровые суда удерживаются над скважиной с помощью якорей. 5. Безъякорная технология размещения бурового судна называется динамическим позиционированием. 6. Необходимо постоянно контролировать положение судна относительно скважины. 7. Используется два типа индикаторов центрирования. 7. Водоотделяющая колонна подает буровой раствор со дна океана на судно. 9. Вертикальное движение судна возможно за счет телескопического соединения труб. 10. Компенсация вертикальной качки предотвращает смещение судна на поверхности воды. Комплект превенторов размещается на дне ниже водоотделяющей колонны. 12. Гибкая муфта в нижней части водоотделяющей колонны допускает боковую качку судна.
Retell the text.
Vocabulary to be remembered:
bottom of the hole - забои
drag bit - лопастное долото
rolling cutter bit - шарошечное долото
blade - лопасть, лезвие
integral - цельный
body - корпус
cone - конус, шарошка
axis - ось
cutter - режущий элемент, резец
solid - сплошной, цельный
breakage - поломка
junk - металлические обломки, мусор
fishtail bit - долото типа «рыбий хвост»
uniformly - однородный
non-brittle - неломкий, нехрупкий
design - конструкция
blank - покрытие, слой
non-abrasive - неабразивный
gummy - липкий, налипающий
angle of attack - угол атаки
rake - угол резания
cutter exposure - величина выступа резца
crown profile - профиль шарошки
exposed formation - обрабатываемая порода
cutter orientation - направления расположения резцов
back-rake - наклоненный назад
side-rake - наклоненный вбок
chip clearance - зазор для выбуренной породы
Rotary drilling bits may be drag bits and rolling cutter bits. All drag bits consist of fixed cutter blades that are integral with the body of the bit and rotate as a unit with the drill string. Rolling cutter bits have two or more cones containing the cutter elements which rotate about the axis of the cone as the bit is rotated at the bottom of the hole.
Drag bits may be bits with steel cutters, diamond bits and polycrystalline diamond bits. An advantage of drag bits over rolling cutter bits is that they do not have any rolling parts. Since drag bits can be made of one solid piece of steel, there is less chance of bit breakage, which would leave junk in the bottom of the hole. Drag bits such as fishtail bits perform best in uniformly soft formations. Diamond bits perform best in non-brittle formations. Polycrystalline diamond bits (PCD bits) have drill blanks consisting of a layer of synthetic poly-crystalline diamond about 1/64 inch thick. They perform best in soft, firm and medium hard, non-abrasive formations that are not «gummy»,
Important design features of a PCD bit are the bit shape or crown profile, the size, shape and number of cutters used and the angle of attack between the cutter and the surface of the exposed formation. Cutter orientation is defined in terms of back-rake, side rake and chip clearance or cutter exposure.
Rol1ing cutter bits
The three-cone rolling cutter bit is the most common type now used in rotary drilling operations. The general type may have a large variety of tooth design and bearing types and thus is suited for a wide variety of formation characteristics. The three cones rotate about their axis as the bit is rotated on the bottom. The largest limitation in their design is that the bit must fit inside the borehole. It is necessary to maximum use of a very limited space.
The drilling effect of a rolling cutter bit depends on the offset of the cones. The offset of a bit is a measure of how much the cones are moved so that their axis do not intersect at a common point of the centre line of the hole.
The shape of the bit tooth also has a large effect on the drilling action. Long widely spaced steel teeth are good for drilling soft formations. While drilling rock, the tooth length and cone offset must be reduced to prevent tooth breakage.
Standard classification of bits
This classification is a three-digit code. The first digit is the bit series number. The letter D before the first digit means the bit is diamond or PCD drag bit. Series D1 to D5 are reserved for diamond bits in the soft, medium soft, medium, medium hard and hard formations respectively. The second digit is the type number. Type O is for PCD drag bits. Types 1-4 designate a formation hardness classification. Feature numbers are interpreted differently, depending on the general type of bit being described.
Eight standard diamond and PCD drag bits features are: step-type profile, long taper profile, short taper profile, non-taper profile, down-hole motor type, side-track type, oil-base type, core-ejector type. The remaining feature (9) is reserved for special features.
Answer the following questions:
1. What do all drag bits consist of? 2. What do rolling cutter bits consist of? 3. What is the advantage of drag bits over rolling cutter bits? 4. What are important design features of a РСD bit? 5. What is the most common type used in rotary drilling operations? 6. What does the drilling effect of a rolling cutter bit depend on? 7. While drilling rock, the tooth length and cone offset must be reduced to prevent tooth breakage, mustn’t they? 8. What is standard classification of bits? 9. How are feature numbers interpreted? 10. Is the remaining feature reserved for special features?
Find the proper Russian equivalent to the given English terms:
1. cone | 1. неломкий |
2. axis | 2. режущий элемент |
3. non-brittle | 3. металлические обломки |
4. blade | 4. липкий |
5. cutter | 5. профиль шарошки |
6. gummy | 6. угол резания |
7. junk | 7. ось |
8. rake | 8. покрытие, слой |
9. crown profile | 9. лопасть |
10. blank | 10. шарошка |
Complete the sentences:
1. Rotary drilling bits may be…2… which would leave junk in the bottom of the hole. 3. Diamond bits perform…4. Cutter orientation is defined… 5. The three – cone rolling cutter bit…6. The largest limitation in their design is…7… the effects of the cones.8…are good for drilling soft formations. 9. While drilling rock…10. Feature numbers are interpreted…
Translate into English:
1. Роторное бурильное долото может быть лопастным и шарошечным. 2. Преимущество лопастного долота над шарошечным в том, что у него нет вращающихся частей. 3. Лопастное долото типа «рыбий хвост», лучше всего подходит для однородных легких пород. 4. ПКА долота наиболее эффективны в мягких, твердых и средне-твердых неабразивных породах. 5. Когда бур вращается на дне скважины, три конуса – шарошки вращаются каждый вокруг своей оси. 6. Так как лопастное долото можно сделать из цельного куска стали, вероятность поломки бура меньше. 7. Трехшарошечное долото – это наиболее распространенный тип, используемый в роторном бурении. 8. Рабочий эффект шарошечного долота зависит от смещения шарошек. 9. Форма зубьев бура также влияет на результаты бурения. 10. Важной характеристикой ПКА долота является форма или профиль шарошки.
Retell the text.
Unit 2.
A better title would probably be “Controlled Deviation Drilling” because it has been learnt through the years that a perfectly straight hole is virtually impossible to drill. No one knows the exact cause of holes going crooked but some logical theories have been presented. It has been confirmed that the drilling bit will try to climb uphill or up dip in laminar formations with dips up to 40 degrees.
Another factor to consider is the bending characteristic of the drill stem. With no weight on the bit, the only force acting on the bit is the result of the weight of the portion of the string between the bit and the tangency point. This force tends to bring the hole toward vertical. When weight is applied, there is another force on the bit which tends to direct the hole away from vertical. The result of these two forces may be in such a direction as to increase angle, to decrease angle or to maintain constant angle. This was stated by Arthur Lubinski (research engineer) at the spring meeting of the Mid-Continent District, Division of production, in Tulsa, March 1953, and was based upon the assumption that the drill stem lies on the low side of an inclined hole.
In general, it is easier to drill a hole in soft formations than in hard formations. In particular, the effect of the drill bending may be much less when drilling soft formations, while the hard formations require high bit weights. In a straight hole-drilling contract, obtaining satisfactory contract terms on deviation and doglegs can prevent many of the possible troubles. It is extremely important, when negotiating the contract itself, that the operator be aware of the advantages in giving the broadest possible limits for deviation. By relaxing deviation clauses to reasonable limits, it is possible to drill so-called straight hole at high rates of penetration and avoid the costly operations of plugging back and straightening the hole. In addition to the operator`s deviation limits, it may be possible to work with him to select a location so that the well may be allowed to drift into the target area. If it is desired to reach a certain point on the structure, and it is known that the well will drift in a certain direction up-structure, it is desirable to move the location down-dip so, when drilling normally, the bottom of the well will drift into the target area.
Exercise 1.
Vocabulary to be remembered:
crooked [ ] – изогнутый, кривой
drilling bit – буровое долото, сверло
hole- скважина, ствол скважины
location – место бурения
laminar formations – ламинарные пласты
uphill [ ] – тяжёлый
portion – часть, делить на части
string– 1.тонкая верёвка, бечёвка, шпагат; 2. (горн.) прожилок
tangent – 1.касательная, 2.тангенс, 3.прямой участок пути
to tend– иметь склонность
assumption – предположение, присвоение.
incline – 1.уклон, наклон, наклонная поверхность, 2. (горн.)
бремсберг, 3.наклонный шахтный ствол, наклонная
часть ствола
contract – 1.контракт, договор, подряд, 2.сжимать, стягивать,
3.давать усадку
dog-leg – резкое искривление (напр. ствола скважины)
deviation [ ] – отклонение, девиация, уклон
penetration rate – скорость проходки
target [ ] – цель, мишень, заданная координата
(положения рабочего органа).
drift – боковое отклонение (ствола скважины), перемещение,
сдвиг, смещение, уход, дрейф, снос.
drill stem – 1. бурильная колонна ( во вращательном бурении);
2. ударная штанга (в ударном бурении).
bottom of the hole – забой.
Exercise 2.
Answer the following questions:
- Is it possible to drill a perfectly straight hole?
- What force tends to bring the hole toward vertical?
- What happens when weight is applied?
- Who is Arthur Lubinski and what are his achievements?
- In what formations is it easier to drill a hole?
- How can we avoid the costly operations of plugging back and straightening the hole?
Exercise 3.
Find the proper Russian equivalent to the given English terms: negotiate 1. скорость проходки
2. to select 2. заданная координата
3. clause 3. постоянный угол
4. to obtain 4. отбирать, подбирать
5. to tend 5. резкое искривление
6. tangency point 6. вести переговоры
7. penetration rate 7. пункт, статья
8. constant angle 8. точка касания
9. dog-leg 9. добывать, доставать
10. target area 10. иметь склонность
Exercise 4.
Complete the following sentences.
1.A better title would probably be… 2. Another factor to consider is… 3. When weight is applied… 4. The result of these two forces… 5. It’s easier to drill a hole… 6. In a straight hole-drilling contract… 7. It is extremely important… 8. In addition to the operator’s deviation limits… 9. It is desired to reach… 10. It’s desirable to move the location…
Exercise 5.
Translate into English:
1. Никто не знает точную причину искривления скважин, но некоторые логические теории всё-таки есть. 2. Эффект искривления бура может быть меньше, если бурить мягкие породы, в то время как твёрдые породы требуют большего веса сверла. 3. Абсолютно прямую скважину выбурить практически невозможно. 4. Эта сила имеет склонность приводить скважину в вертикальное состояние. 5. Легче бурить скважину в мягкой горной породе, чем в твёрдой. 6. Вышка наземной буровой установки сооружается на месте бурения. 7. Разведочные скважины необходимы для открытия новых месторождений.