Додаткові тексти для реферування 1 страница
There are two fundamentally different types of computers: analog and digital. The former type solves problems by using continuously changing data such as voltage. In current usage, the term ‘’computer’’ usually refers to high-speed digital computers. These computers are playing an increasing role in all branches of the economy.
Digital computers are based on manipulating discrete binary digits (1s and 0s0). They are generally more effective than analog computers for four principal reasons: they are faster; they are not so susceptible to signal interference; they can transfer huge data based more accurately; and their coded binary data are easier to store and retrieve than the analog signals.
For all their apparent complexity, digital computers are
2. has attained, of machine-building, modern engineering, of development, various branches, in, a high level.
3. of production, for the building, of, automation, of economy, is, the material and technical base, a key precondition.
4. will raise, of, engineering, the standard of living, the progress, of the people.
Завдання 1. Прочитайте текст та перекладіть його українською мовою.
Each year several thousand mechanisms, instruments and devices of various kinds are introduced into production.
The complexity and precision of modern machines and mechanisms have increased so rapidly that the technological servicing of their designing and production is a very complicated problem. Their quality and reliability depend upon many scientific disciplines, among them the science of materials. This might well be called the age of materials science.
It is very important that specialists should have information on the properties of materials subjected to most severe conditions of temperature, loading, corrosion, etc.
The rate of our progress in such different fields as space research, nuclear power engineering, in such technologies as laser and plasma technologies, powder metallurgy, self-spreading high-temperature synthesis, and others would be impossible without a complete knowledge of the properties of various engineering materials, without the development of new materials and old materials with new properties.
A deep and versatile knowledge of the properties of | |
5. Robots pick up great amounts of raw materials and pass them to other robots which ____.
6. Today robotic systems, lines and modules are already operating at ____.
7. The problem is not to design individual robots but____.
8. Single-handed, even the ‘’cleverest’’ and most skilful robot is not yet____.
9. Specialized enterprises are reoriented from the production of industrial robots by piece, toward the manufacture of ____.
10. Robots release workers from monotonous and ____.
Завдання 4. Перекладіть англійською мовою наступні слова та словосполучення, користуючись змістом тексту:
температура навколишнього середовища, плавильна піч, вдування пластмаси, нестерпне теплове випромінювання, обробка радіоактивних або токсичних матеріалів, надзвичайно небезпечний рівень безпеки та надійності, роботи різних типів і призначень, розробка виробничої технології.
Завдання 5. А) Доберіть синоніми до поданих слів, користуючись змістом тексту.
Clear, big, output, elaboration, complicated, help, estimation, various;
В) Доберіть антоніми до поданих слів, користуючись змістом тексту.
Easy, pleasant, low, narrow, difficult, old, little, similar.
Завдання 6. Складіть речення з запропонованих частин.
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engineering materials would not only be needed by engineers and engineer-designers to prevent machine breakage, failure of structures, but such knowledge would be also necessary in order that these materials should be used most economically. It is a fact that some materials are available in insufficient quantities and the more effective use of new substitute materials should be made.
Modern industry requires materials capable of working in diverse conditions. Research establishments are in constant search of such materials, for example, studying optical strength with the help of a laser beam, testing building materials for thermal shock, etc. They have developed many alloys, ceramics or plastics reinforced with metal, glass, etc. Such materials find application in all spheres of technology, science and in everyday life.
It was only at the beginning of this century that research began in the physics of strength of materials, and the materials science appeared. The problem of properties of materials is hidden deep in the mysteries of atomic and molecular structure, and it took a long time before they could be mastered. The materials science has led to the development of many new materials having better engineering properties. Scientists work on the preparation and examination of materials consisting of individual elements or combination of elements from most of the periodic table. New elements have been created.
Every substance in the universe is made up of limitless combinations of 92 atoms. Out of them can be made anything known to and millions of things that man has not yet discovered. Chemistry now takes natural resources of the universe to produce a great variety of entirely new substances. Nature has* neglected to make some things man needs, such as superheat- and super-pressure-resistant materials and translucent and much stronger materials which are now very much needed to | |
production made with their assistance.
This task is presently being tackled by our industry and economy. Robots release workers from monotonous and very hard work, requiring no skilled labour, in hot shops, and in production with hazardous working conditions.
Vocabulary notes
1. plastics injection - вдування пластмаси
2. hot handling – термообробка
3. to make inroads (in) – вторгатися в
4. single-handed robot – одноцільовий робот
Завдання 2. Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту.
1. What helps man avoid difficult, exhausting, monotonous and dangerous work?
2. Where are robots and automated complexes applied first of all?
3. What can robots do?
4. What do you know about robot manufacture?
5. When is the use of robots especially effective?
6. What is the tendency in the production of industrial robots today?
7. What does the introduction of automation result in?
Завдання 3. Доповніть речення, користуючись змістом тексту.
1. The environmental temperature is above 50 degrees C and the melting furnaces produce direct and ________.
2. In the case of machining radioactive or toxic material the work becomes highly ____.
3. The necessity of some form of automated handling processes became ____.
4. So robots appeared on the scene with their safety and ____.
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make better machines and instruments. Since nature does not have these vital things man should create them. And he is doing it now with the help of modern chemistry and materials science. For instance, man has created marvelous polymers as far as durability and thermal stability are concerned. The chemistry of polymers holds promise of fantastic progress in the near future. The list of things chemistry has learned to make reads like a fairy-tale.
In selecting the most suitable material and in determining their properties, the engineer-designer should widely use the knowledge of chemistry and materials science.
Vocabulary notes
1. engineering material — інженерно-будівельний матеріал
2. materials science (science of materials) — матеріалознавство
3. self-spreading high-temperature synthesis — саморозповсюджувальний високотемпературний синтез
4. thermal shock — тепловий (термічний) удар
Завдання 2. Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту.
1. What do quality and reliability of engineering products depend upon?
2. Why might this age be called the age of materials science?
3. Why is it necessary for an engineer to know the properties of materials?
4. In what fields of engineering is the knowledge of engineering materials especially important?
5. What can happen if the properties of materials are not taken into account by the designer?
6. What is the materials science concerned with?
7. What is materials science based on?
What engineering materials have been developed by modern | |
furnaces produce direct and unbearable heat radiation. This kind of job is very difficult, exhausting, monotonous and unpleasant. In the case of machining radioactive or toxic material the work becomes highly dangerous for a man’s life.
The necessity of some form of automated handling processes became obvious. So robots appeared on the scene with their high safety and reliability level. We are now surrounded by robots, big ones, little ones and medium- sized ones. They serve us in thousands of ways every day.
You can find robots practically anywhere you look. In factories there are giant robots. They pick up great amounts of raw materials and pass them to other robots which press, stamp and shape the raw material into a wide variety of things. Robot usage has been expanding for industrial spraying, hot handling, assembly, welding, etc.
According to available data, our industry receives annually thousands of robots of different types and purposes. Today, robotic systems, lines and modules are already operating at the leading plants of the motor, electrical engineering, watch-making, machine-tool industries, etc.
Robotics is just beginning to make inroads in industrial production worldwide. It is not a simple process; the experts are yet to clear up many questions. But everyone agrees even now that the robot by itself does nothing – it must be constructively designed together with the machine tools it is to operate and must be logically incorporated within the system of machines, machine-tools and other units. The problem is not to design individual robots but robotical complexes, flexible and automated production systems that are easily modifiable for the manufacture of ever new kinds of products. Single-handled, even the ‘’cleverest’’ and most skilful robot is not yet a soldier in the field. Even many robots are not effective piecemeal, unless they are united into a technological chain.
Specialized enterprises are reoriented from the production of industrial robots by piece, toward the manufacture of complete systems and robotized complex instruments with the assessment of their performance by the end result – the quality and volume of the | |
8.materials science?
9. What are the fields of application of polymers?
10. What scientific achievements help materials science?
Завдання 3. Знайдіть у тексті наступні словосполучення та складіть з ними власні речення:
many scientific disciplines
nuclear power engineering
deep and versatile knowledge
substitute materials
to work in diverse conditions
to be in constant search
to find application
strength of materials
to select suitable material
entirely new substances
Завдання 4. Знайдіть у тексті англійські еквіваленти наступним словосполученням:
впроваджувати у виробництво
технічне обслуговування
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4. integrated
| d) origin
| 5. engineering
| e) computer
| 6. fastest
| f) practice
| 7. Individual
| g) length
| 8. entire
| j) processor
Завдання 6. Дайте вірні визначення наступним словам.
1. branch
| a) electronic device which stores information and analyses it;
| 2. computer
| b) closed path for an electric current;
| 3. circuit
| c) information prepared for and operated on a computer program;
| 4. to store
| d) division or subdivision of a subject, knowledge;
| 5. data
| e) to keep for future use;
Завдання 1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст.
Imagine the real working conditions for a human operator by, for example, transfer of a hot-formed glass tube, removal of hot metal die castings or plastics injection. The environmental temperature is above 50 degrees Centigrade and the melting | |
складна проблема
властивості матеріалів
піддавати суворим умовам
запобігати поломки машини
термічна стійкість
пластмаса, зміцнена металом
Завдання 5. Підберіть до поданих слів з тексту
а) синоніми:
| total
| diverse
| proper
| marvelous
| broad
| suitable
| fantastic
| complete
| complex
| wide
| different
б) антоніми:
| simplicity
| new
| possible
| | | |
1. One of the most progressive and dynamic branches of science and technology is ______.
2. A computer can “remember” information you give it and in its “memory” until _______.
3. The second generation appeared in which transistors were used to increase ________.
4. The third generation of computers found wide application in all fields of economy solving _______.
5. The fastest computer in the USA works like an assembly line with individual processors ______.
6. Data have to pass through the entire length of the conveyer, no matter how many processors there are _______.
7. We suggest a principle whereby all processors respond to a single control command which leaves them a certain margin of freedom, with the possibility _____.
Завдання 4. Перекладіть українською мовою наступні слова та словосполучення, користуючись змістом тексту.
1. Counting machine, electrical circuit, computing technology, computing element, integrated circuit, printed board, computer network, computing process, operating time, assembly line, control system, computer component, computer laboratory, successive operations.
Завдання 5. Підберіть слова, щоб утворити словосполучення.
1. dynamic
| a) problem
| 2. complicated
| b )branch
| 3. latin
| c) circuit
| | | |
| short
| complexity
| worse
| rapidly
| similar
| impossible
| slowly
| various
| old
| long
| sufficient
Завдання 6. Утворіть з наданих слів назви галузей або наук:
chemistry of
| metallurgy
| power
| science
| powder
| synthesis
| space
| technology
| materials
| polymers
| high-temperature
| materials
| plasma
| research
| strength of
| engineering
Завдання 1. Прочитайте текст та перекладіть його | |
margin of freedom, with the possibility to sort out their data independently. Receiving a common ‘’command’’ they all start off doing similar operations, later switching over to successive operations until the whole problem is solved. The efficiency of this parallel system is obvious. First, similar operations can be handled at any speed as it depends on the number of processors involved. Second, a single-control system for all processors is simple and low-cost.
Vocabulary notes
1. response number - кількість реагувань
2. to run the queue of information – пропускати чергу інформації
3. successive operations – послідовні операції
4. single-control system - система однокнопкового управління
Завдання 2. Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту.
1. Why is computer technology the most progressive and dynamic branch of science and technology?
2. When did the first electronic computers appear?
3. What was the response number of the first electronic computer?
4. When did the second generation of computer appear?
5. What was the number of operations they could perform?
6. What gave birth to the third generation of computers?
7. What are the computers of the fourth generation based on?
8. What generation of computers is widely used in production now?
9. What types of computers do you know?
Завдання 3. Доповніть речення, користуючись змістом | |
українською мовою.
Electronics is the science of electronic phenomena, devices and systems. It describes and applies the flow of electrons emitted from solids or liquids passing through vacuum, gases or semiconductors. Electronics as a science studies the properties of electrons, the laws of their motion, the laws of the transformation of various kinds of energy through the media of electrons. The basic elements in electronics are the electron tube and the transistor.
Although electronics is properly regarded as only a section of electrical technology, electronic techniques are applied in many fields, including industry, communication, defence and entertaining. Due to its versatility it becomes increasingly difficult to draw clear dividing lines between electronics and other branches of electronical technology.
While physical electronics is the science of electronic processes, industrial electronics deals with the technology of design, construction and application of electronic devices. The industrial applications of electronics include control gauging, counting and measuring, speed regulations, and many others.
The invention of electronic device is known to have become a new important phase in the development of electrical engineering. It considerably enlarges the application of electrical energy for various industrial purposes. The invention of the vacuum tube made radiobroadcasting possible and later on — telecasting. The researches in the field of electronics gave us radar devices, computers, tape recorders, betatron and a lot of medical tools. Semiconductor devices which have replaced electron tubes reduce the size of instruments.
A great advance in electronics is considered to be connected with the appearance of the transistor. The use | |
two million operations per second. It found wide application in all fields of economy solving the most complex economic problems.
The computers of the fourth generation are based on very high-capacity integrated circuits and microprocessors able to perform 100 million operations per second.
Now the fifth generation of computers is widely used in production. The PS-200 (PS stand for ‘’parallel system’’) supercomputer is able to perform 200 million operations per second and is based on super high-capacity integrated circuits. Here for the first time in the world engineering practice a new parallel system concept is used.
Any computer performs many functions: in addition to dealing with numbers the computer supervises the whole computing process, and determines the sequence in which information is to arrive at its processors. In fact, the computer takes only one-tenth of its total operating time to do the computing, the function it is designed for.
What is needed, therefore, is a computer with computing elements free from all other functions. This becomes possible if supervision is assigned to special processors acting as managers. Operating in conjunction with computing circuits these processors give instructions and run the queue of information to enter the processor from storage, etc.
The fastest computer in the USA works like an assembly line with individual processors performing individual operations. Data have to pass through the entire length of the conveyer, no matter how many processors there are to process them. Our approach differs radically. We suggest a principle whereby all processors respond to a single control command which leaves them a certain | |
of the transistor is likely to be the first step in miniaturization of electronic devices and has increased the range of their application, The introduction of the transistor in 1948 is supposed to be the beginning of the evolution of microelectronics which led in the late 1970s to the development of large-scale integrated (LSI) circuits. Now hundreds of circuits can be packed on to one square inch and there seems to be no limit to it. The technology of so-called molecular epitaxy is the best proof of this suggestion.
Electronics is evident to have made a great contribution to automation. It has extended the range of automatic control in large-scale industrial operations and made the processing of information rapid. Electronic computers have provided the basis for the construction of automatic lines, automated units, shops and whole plants, tools with programmed control, robots and manipulators.
The steering of big ships, jet planes, interplanetary rockets is controlled by electronic devices. Radio-electronic systems ensure reliable communication with space stations at distances amounting to scores of millions of kilometres. Hundreds of electronic devices perform various tasks on board every satellite and spaceship. Electronics has penetrated into all the spheres of human activity from household appliances to artificial intelligence and search of outerspace civilizations.
Such advantages of electronic devices as microscopic size, high speed, low cost and reliability are likely to have no competitor. No wonder electronic technology is the most dynamic technology of the present industrial age. Electronics is sure to make still greater progress in the nearest future and help humanity gain new victories in science and engineering.
Vocabulary notes
1. electrical engineering — електротехніка
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1. Laser is a device for making and concentrating light waves into a very intense beam.
2. The functioning of laser is governed by the laws of applied mechanics.
3. The laser beam is first compressed in time, i.e. transformed into a short pulse.
4. The world’s first ruby laser had a dark-blue beam.
5. As each of new kinds of energy was mastered, mankind gained new possibilities for its development.
Завдання 1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст.
One of the most progressive and dynamic branches of science and technology is computer technology. The word computer is of Latin origin and means ‘’counting’’. A computer is a special kind of counting machine. It can do arithmetic problems at a tremendous speed. By means of electrical circuits it can find the answer to a very difficult and complicated problem with lightning speed. A computer can ‘’remember’’ information you give it and store it in its ‘’memory’’ until it is needed.
The first electronic computer appeared in 1946 on the basis of electronic vacuum tube with response number of five thousand operations per second. As early as 1960s the second generation appeared in which transistors were used to increase the number of operations to 200 thousand per second.
The appearance of integrated circuits and microprocessors gave birth to the third generation of computers capable of performing | |
2. to draw (clear) dividing lines (between) — провести (чіткі) межі (між)
3. range of application — межі (діапазон) застосування
4. large-scale integrated circuit (LSI) — велика інтегральна схема, BIC
Завдання 2. Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту.
1. What is electronics?
2. What does physical electronics deal with?
3. What does industrial electronics deal with?
4. What made radio broadcasting and telecasting possible?
5. What can reduce the size of instrument?
6. What is a great advance in electronics connected with?
7. When was the transistor introduced?
8. How is electronics connected with automation?
9. Where are electronic devices and equipment applied?
10. What is the future of electronics?
Завдання 3. Визначте, вірні чи ні наступні твердження.
1. Electronics is the science of electronic phenomena, devices and systems.
2. Electronics as a science studies the protons.
3. Electronic techniques cannot be used in entertaining.
4. The invention of electronic device became an important phase in development of electrical engineering.
5. The researches in electronics gave us very few useful devices.
6. The introduction of the transistor was a revolution in electronics.
7. Electronics was never connected with automation.
8. Electronic technology is the most dynamic technology of the present industrial age.
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