Додаткові тексти для реферування 3 страница

1. Who is the creator of the material and spiritual treasures of mankind? 2. What sources of energy did man discover and begin to use in his life? 3. The discovery of electricity brought about the industrial revolution, didn’t it? 4. Did the machine make a great contribution to the spread of information? What made man’s work easier and gave him time for creative

4. Contain as many as 2500 atoms - вміщати 2500 атомів 5. From the way atoms act - по тому, як атоми поводяться   Завдання 2. Дайте відповіді на запитання. 1. What are the advances of physics in our days? 2. What ideas about the nature of the matter have the researchers of 20th century substantiated? 3. What do you know about the atomic theory of matter? 4. What do you know about the structure of the molecule? 5. What can you say about the size of molecule? 6. What does the size of molecule depend on? 7. How can we determine the weight of atoms? 8. What parts does the atom consist of? 9. What are the great discoveries of the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century? 10. What are the peaceful uses of atomic energy in the world?   Завдання 3. Заповніть пропуски, користуючись змістом тексту. 1. The most remarkable researchers of the twentieth _____ have substantiated two ideas about the nature of the matter. 2. The modern _____ is convinced of the existence of molecules and atoms. 3. From various experiments scientist concluded that the _____ of the average molecule is about one 125000000th of an inch. 4. Molecules all vary in size depending on the number and size of the atoms which _____ them. 5. The practical uses of nuclear _____ are based on knowledge of the structure of matter. Завдання 4. Доберіть відповідні англійські слова та
5.work? 6. What did the scientists discover in the second half of the 20th century? 7. Did man use first energy of fire or atom? 8. Will outer space be used for man’s benefit?   Завдання 3. Перекладіть наведені слова та словосполучення англійською мовою. 1. До невпізнання _____. 2. Заселяти _____ . 3. Зрошувати пустелі _____ . 4. Енергетичні ресурси _____ . 5. Велика кількість _____ . 6. Винаходити _____. 7. Розвиток освіти _____ . 8. Паровий двигун _____ . 9. Ланцюгова реакція _____ . 10. Соціальні наслідки _____ .   Завдання 4. Визначте які з поданих тверджень правдиві «Так» + «Ні»- 1. First man learned to use the energy of thermonuclear fusion. 2. Man inhabited vast expanses of wilderness, constructed roads and irrigated deserts. 3. The machine plays a great role in the spread of information and the advance of learning. 4. Man managed to change the Universe. 5. The industrial revolution began after man had learned to use the energy of fire. 6. Electronic computers will relieve man of much of his mental work. 7. The scientists began to study and use outer space for Man’s benefit.

orange would be as large as the earth. Molecules all vary in size, depending upon the number and size of the atoms which compose them. They vary from simple ones consisting of two atoms such as the hydrogen molecules, to complex ones, like those of starch, some of which contain as many as 2,500 atoms. Protein molecules are even larger than this. Not all the atoms weigh the same amount. From the way atoms act, scientist have been able to compare their weight and list them in a table beginning with the lightest and ending with the heaviest. Such a table was created in 1869 by D. I. Mendeleyev, the Great Russian scientist. Hydrogen, the gas used in toy balloons, is very light. Uranium, the ore used for atomic energy production, is the heaviest, and its atom is the last in the table of atoms that exist naturally. Heavier ones which follow uranium in the table have been made by man. The practical uses of nuclear energy are based on knowledge of the structure of matter. Our knowledge of the internal structure of the atom is a twentieth century achievement. It is extremely new, so new in fact, that physicists realize that far more remains to be found out than has already been discovered. Yet that knowledge has already played an important part in the advance of chemistry and industry, and most recently in the peaceful use of atomic energy. Vocabulary notes 1. To be convinced of – бути переконаним 2. To substantiate - доводити, обґрунтовувати 3. Far more remains to be found out - значно більше залишається відкрити
  Завдання 5. Визначте пропущені слова.
Radar, battery, generator, appliances, dynamo, transformer


1. ….. is a machine that generates electricity, steam, gas, etc.

2. A device giving information about position, movement, etc. is named …..

3. A machine for changing water and steam power into electrical energy is known as….

4. Food mixers, toasters, modern dish-washer and a number of the most recent home devices are household…..

5. An apparatus to increase or decrease the voltage of an electric power supply ….. was invented at the end of the 19th century.

6. It is known that a portable cell for supplying electricity is called …..



Завдання 6. Підберіть синоніми.

1. Also a. quickly
2. Engine b. requirement
3. Complex c. select
4. Rapidly d. motor
5. Perform e. as well
6. Finish f. opportunity
7. Demand g. adjust
8. Choose h. sophisticated
9. Possibility i. complete
10. Regulate j. carry out


Завдання 7. Виберіть правильний варіант закінчення поданих речень.

  UNIT 12 Завдання 1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. BASIC FACTS OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS In recent years tremendous advances have been made in the development of various branches of physics. The most remarkable researchers of the twentieth century have substantiated two ideas about the nature of the matter which the Greek philosophers formulated twenty centuries ago. One is the theory that the many thousand of substances which exist in the world are formed out of a small number of simpler substances or molecules. The other theory is that matter is constructed out of tiny particles or units, the so-called atoms of matter. The modern scientist is convinced of the existence of molecules and atoms. Everything in and on the earth, the moon, the sun, and all other stars, is made of atoms. Billions of atoms together make everything that exists. Take a handful of air, and you will hold billions of atoms. Look at your handful of atoms. You can not see a single one, no matter how hard you look, for every atom is too small to seen even with a powerful microscope. The atoms which form the molecules are, of course, smaller than molecules, while the electrons of which the atoms are composed are yet smaller. From various experiments scientists concluded that the diameter of the average molecule is about one 125,000,000th of an inch. Since atoms compose molecule, they must be still smaller. If each atom in an orange measured one inch in diameter, the
1. Man is also the creator of a. the discovery of fire.
2. A multitude of machines began b. in production on a large scale.
3. All-round automation determines c. to do man’s most difficult and complex work.
4. The machine system made it possible to include science d. the sun, wind, geothermal energy and others
5. Albert Einstein compared the discovery of atomic energy with e. the wonderful works of art, literature and science.
6. Our scientists are pioneers in f. the social consequences of the scientific-technological revolution.
7. It is so important to use such renewable sources of energy as g. research on the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes.


Завдання 8. Оберіть правильне тлумачення до кожного слова.

1. Advance a. to supply(land) with water by artificial means
2. Labour b. the effect, result or outcome of something occurring earlier
3. Steam c. a period of time marked by special events
4. Irrigate d. hard mental or physical work
5. Manual e. a great number of

7. Some experts consider that it is practically impossible g. are becoming seriously polluted by industry.


Завдання 9. Напишіть 10-15 слів та словосполучень, які ви запам’ятали з теми “Environment protection”


Завдання 10. Оберіть правильне тлумачення до кожного слова.

1. generation a. the mental act of learning; understanding, perception
2. disaster b. the part of the world where organism can live
3. cognition c. an advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture has been reached
4. biosphere d. to remain alive; continue to exist
5. health e. the entire group of individuals born and living at about the same time
6. civilization f. an event causing great loss, hardship or suffering to many people
7. survive g. the general condition of the body or mind


6. Consequence f. the action of chemical agents upon each other
7. Era g. a forward movement; a development showing progress
8. Multitude h. operated by hand rather than mechanically
9. Reaction i. the mist that rises from boiling water


Завдання 9. Підставте пропущені прийменники.

Over, from, to, by, of, at, in, between



1. Although nuclear power stations are large, they can be built far….. places where people live.

2. We must try to develop alternative sources….. energy.

3. The machine system includes science….. production on a large scale.

4. Automation will take….. man’s manual work.

5. The machine made a great contribution….. the spread of information.

6. The distinctions….. physical and mental labour will be obliterated.

7. One of the problems scientists are working….. is to transmit energy to space stations….. using lasers.



Завдання 1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст.


What is energy? What are its forms and sources? How is mankind`s ever growing need for energy to be satisfied? The capacity for doing work is called energy. A body possesses energy

balance. 6. Nuclear power which, unless controlled by man’s intellect , could…..life on our planet. 7. A large population could be exposed to dangerous amount of…..in a number of ways.   Завдання 8. Виберіть правильний варіант закінчення поданих речень.
1. At present one of the most important problems for mankind a. to have a negative effect on the biosphere.
2. For millennia man had to struggle against nature b. the noise of powerful jet airliners taking off and landing.
3. The rivers, seas and oceans c. is that air and water pollution is reaching very large proportions.
4. Environmental protection is a task requiring the joint efforts of d. to protect the big cities from pollution.
5. Man’s economic activity began e. in order to survive and develop.
6. People living near airports suffer from f. government agencies and public organizations.
when due to its position or condition it is capable of doing work, and the work it can do is a measure of its energy. As we know, energy is of two types: potential or kinetic. Potential energy is the energy that has been stored by a body within it. A body possesses potential energy thanks to its position or condition. All fuels (coal, oil, gas, etc.) contain chemical potential energy because they produce the heat that will bring to motion modern engines and do physical work of great importance for our modern industrial world. Water in a dam is a good example of potential (stored up) energy as well. It possesses this energy because of its higher position. When water is falling with great speed it turns huge turbine wheels and supplies them with kinetic energy. The motion of the turbine can now produce electric energy which will be to distant homes and factories. Thus, kinetic energy is the energy that a body has due to motion. The potential energy of the weight in its highest position is the same as its kinetic energy after it has fallen under the action of gravity to its lowest position. There are different sources and forms of energy, such as mechanical, chemical, electrical, etc. We think of heat and electricity as forms of energy since they can do work, cause motion, move trains and ships, turn water into steam. Another form of energy is sound. It is produced by molecules of air in motion. We may say that sound is a kinetic form of energy due to the motion of molecules. A very important feature of energy is that it can be converted or transformed form to another. The devices for converting energy from one form to another are called engines. A heat engine, for instance, transforms heat energy into mechanical energy of rotation

3. increase c. rapid
4. heavy d. short
5. slow e. lightweight
6. invisible f. complexity
7. changing g. rearward
8. with h. inward
9. simplicity i. visible
10. rise j. without
11. presence k. decrease
12. outward e. fall


Завдання 7. Підставте пропущені слова замість крапок.

experimental work; pollution; overnight; achievements; radioactivity; population; extinguish

1. Scientists are making new discoveries…..

2. Why is the problem of water…..becoming a global problem?

3. Many scientists are constantly carrying out…..to solve the problem of environment protection.

4. The…..of the scientific and technological revolution must be used in the solution of ecological problems.

5. Increasing growth of….., industrialization and the use of resources are slowly changing the global climate and water
by the combustion of coal, oil, gas or any other fuel. We may observe a number of such transformations. In the steam engine, for instance, chemical energy, stored in a fuel, is transformed into heat which is another form of energy. This produces steam which in its turn is changed into mechanical energy and drives the engine. Now mechanical energy can be transformed into electrical by means of dynamo. The latter can be reconverted into mechanical energy in the motor. A turbine of water engine can transform the kinetic energy of falling water into mechanical rotational energy. The solar devices which have been built in many countries convert the sun`s energy into other forms of energy that man consumes with profit. All the above said is an illustration of the law of conservation of energy. According to this law energy may be transformed from one form to another, but may not be destroyed or created. This means that a definite amount of energy stored in coal, or chemical energy in a battery, may be changed into any other form of energy, such as heat or electricity.   Vocabulary notes 1. to cause concern – викликати стурбованість 2. to bring to motion – приводити в рух 3. thermonuclear energy – термоядерна енергія   Завдання 2.Надайте відповіді на запитання до тексту. 1. What is energy? 2. What examples of potential energy do you know? 3. When can water in a dam become kinetic energy? 4. What are the forms of energy? 5. What is the characteristic feature of energy? 6. How can one form of energy be changed into another one?

словосполучення англійською мовою. 1. Пізнання природи 2. Спосіб життя 3. Джерело енергії 4. З надзвичайною швидкістю 5. Охорона навколишнього середовища 6. Оволодівати ядерною енергією 7. Споживацьке ставлення 8. Безвідходне виробництво 9. Небезпека, загроза 10. Масштаб виробництва   Завдання 5. Знайдіть пари синонімів з запропонованих слів. Tremendous, epoch, realize, several, work, progress, great, field, era, understand, make it possible, different, achieve, some, advance, enable, area, various, reach, essential, job, important.   Завдання 6. Підберіть антоніми.
1. long a. absence
2. forward b.permanent
7. What is the law of conservation of energy? 8. What are the sources of energy?   Завдання 3. Визначте які з поданих тверджень правдиві: «так» + ,«ні» - . 1. Potential energy is the energy that a body has due to motion. 2. The motion of the turbine can produce electric energy. 3. A good example of kinetic energy is water in a dam. 4. Another form of kinetic energy is sound. 5. Energy may be transformed from one form to another. 6. A heat engine transforms heat energy into chemical energy. 7. Energy may not be destroyed or created.   Завдання 4. Перекладіть наведені слова та словосполучення: 1. накопичувати − 2. прилади для перетворювання енергії − 3. обертання − 4. хімічна енергія − 5. паровий двигун − 6. сила тяжіння − 7. генератор − 8. закон збереження енергії − 9. знищувати, руйнувати − 10. джерела енергії −   Завдання 5. Складіть речення з запропонованих словосполучень: 1. to possess energy − 2. to fall with great speed − 3. to have due to motion −

nature? 7. What should be done if mankind wants to survive? 8. What can the development of wasteless and resource-saving technologies give to mankind? 9. What can you say about the nature-protection activity of the people?   Завдання 3. Перекладіть наведені слова та словосполучення українською мовою. 1. Application 2. Health facilities 3. To purify itself 4. Growing scope of production 5. Correlation 6. Relationship between man and nature 7. Resource-saving technologies 8. Means of travel 9. Capital investment 10. Ecological disaster   Завдання 4. Перекладіть наведені слова та
4. forms of energy − 5. to observe transformations − 6. to transform heat energy into mechanical energy − 7. position or condition −   Завдання 6. Підберіть синоніми:
1. produce a. change
2. modern b. whole
3. consume c. ruin
4. total d. manufacture
5. destroy e. labour
6. convert f. use up
7. work g. velocity
8. speed h. contemporary


Завдання 7. Виберіть правильний варіант закінчення поданих речень

1. Atomic energy must be used for a) to motion of molecules
2. The scientists are looking for b) the biggest consumers of power, mineral raw materials and machines.
3. The sound possesses kinetic energy due c) ways to use solar energy
4. The sun has started to be used also d) consisting of two or more atoms
5. The chemical and petrochemical industry are e) to heat dwellings

investments for environmental protection must be increased considerably. Free-of-waste production must be developed to harmonize the relationship between man and nature. The development of wasteless and resourcesaving technologies presents an urgent economic problem to our country. Environmental protection is a task requiring the joint efforts of government agencies and public organizations. Controlling the observance of environmental legislation is an important role of nature-protection societies. All these rates and norms are closely interlinked and serve to fulfil the basic social task of protecting the health of the present generation and future generations as well. Vocabulary notes 1. cognition of nature – пізнання природи 2. health facilities – засоби охорони здоров’я 3. at a frightening pace – з надзвичайною швидкістю 4. free-of-waste production – безвідходне виробництво   Завдання 2. Надайте відповіді на запитання до тексту. 1. What changed human life beyond recognition? 2. Where can we see the results of scientific discoveries? 3. Is man’s economic activity always positive? 4. What other “blank spots” have appeared on the geographical map of the Earth? 5. What does the consumer’s attitude to nature bring to? 6. Is it the scientific and technological progress that destroys
are e) to heat dwellings
6. A molecule is a compound f) peaceful purposes


Завдання 8. Оберіть правильне тлумачення до кожного слова:

1. steam a) the force by which objects tend to fall forward the center of the earth;
2. train b) a machine for converting heat energy into force and motion
3. fuel c) an electric generator;
4. condition d) matter that can be burned to create heat or power;
5. gravity e) the mist that rises from boiling water;
6. engine f) a connected group of railroad cars;
7. dynamo g) a particular way of being; particular state of existing.


Завдання 9. Вставте пропущені прийменники.

on, to, of (2), into, by, for