Урок 2

Е. Словарь (к диалогам)

dialogue [ʹdaɪlɔɡ] п диалог, беседа

hello [he↘lou] здравствуйте

Mr (сокр. от mister [ʹmɪstə]) м-р, мистер, г-н, господин. This is ʹMr ʹBrown. Познакомьтесь, это г-н Браун.

How do you do. [ʹhau dju: ↘du:] Здравствуйте. (употребляется при представлении)

diplomat [ʹdɪpləmæt] n дипломат

day [deɪ] n день

today [təʹdeɪ] adv сегодня. It’s a nice day today, isn’t it? [ɪts ə ʹnaɪs ʹdeɪ tə↘deɪ, ↗ɪznt ɪt] Сегодня хороший день. He так ли?

friend [frend] n друг

from [frəm] из; be from быть из; He is from Kiev. [hɪz frəm ↘Kɪev] Он из Киева.

cold [kould] а холодный. It’s a ʹcold ʹday to↘day, ↗isn’t it? Сегодня холодный день, не так ли?

F. Dialogues

Mr Brown: He↘llo, ʹMr ↗Smith. ʹThis is ʹMr Pet↘rov.

Mr Smith: ʹHow do you ↘ do(1).

Petrov: ʹHow do you ↘do.

Mr Brown: ʹMr Petʹrov is a ↘diplomat.

Mr Smith: He↘llo.

Petrov: He↘llo. It’s a ʹnice ʹday to↘day, ↗isn’t it?

Mr Smith: ʹYes, it ↘is.


Bill: He↘llo, ↗Dick, ʹThis is my ʹfriend ʹTim ↘Glebov.

Dick: ʹHow do you ↘do.

Tim: ʹHow do you ↘do.

Bill: ʹTim’s from ↘ Kiev.

Tim: He↘llo.

Dick: He↘llo. ʹIt’s a ʹcold ʹday to↘day, ↗isn’t it?

Tim: ʹYes, it ↘is.


Урок 3

Е. Vocabulary (Dialogues)

meet [mi:t] v знакомиться с (кем- л); ʹMeet (my friend) Mr ↘Brown. Познакомьтесь с (моим другом) г-ном Брауном.

British [ʹbrɪtɪʃ] а британский, английский

businessman [ʹbɪznɪsmən] n бизнесмен, делец, коммерсант

How are you? [ʹhau ↘ɑ: ju:] Как вы себя чувствуете?

fine [faɪn] а прекрасный, хороший; I’m ↘fine. Я хорошо себя чувствую.

thank [θæŋk] v благодарить; ↘thank you благодарю, спасибо

Andyou? (And ʹhow are ↘you?) А как вы себя чувствуете?

Sorry. (I’m ↘sorry.) Простите. Извините. (обычно употребляется после совершенного проступка)

That’s all right [ʹðæts ɔ: ↘raɪt] Ничего (все в порядке). (употребляется в ответ на извинение)

excuse [ɪksʹkjuɪz] v извинять, прощать; Ex↘cuse ↗me. Простите, извините. (обычно употребляется, чтобы привлечь внимание, когда прерывают разговор и т. д.)

goodbye[ɡud ↗baɪ] (разг. [ɡə ↗baɪ]) до свидания

bye [↗baɪ], bye-bye [baɪ↗baɪ] разг. до свидания, пока

Норе to see you soon. [ʹhoup tə ↘si: ju: sum] Надеюсь скоро увидеться с вами.

F. Dialogues

Mr Brown: Heʹllo, Mr Pet↘rov. ʹMeet (my ʹfriend) Mr ↘Smith.

Petrov: ʹHow do you ↘do.

Mr Smith: ʹHow do you ↘do.

Mr Brown: ʹMr ʹSmith is a ʹBritish ↘businessman.

Ben: He↘llo.

Peter: He↘llo. How ↘are you?

Ben: I’m ↘fine, ↘thank you. And ↘you?

Peter: I’m ʹfine ↗too. It’s a ʹnice ↘day today, ↗isn’t it? Ben: Yes, it ↘is.

Student: ↘Sorry, I’m ↘late.

Teacher: ↘That’s all ↗right.

Ben: Ex↘cuse ↗me. ʹIs this ↗your textbook?

Peter: ʹNo, it ↘isn’t. That is my ↗textbook.

Bill: Good ↗bye.

Peter: ↗Bye. ʹHope to ↘see you soon.


Урок 4

Е. Vocabulary (Dialogues)

where [wɛə] adv где, куда; Where is Jane? Where are you going on Saturday? Куда вы едете в субботу?

garden [ʹɡɑ:dn] п сад; in the garden в саду

with [wɪð] prep c; to play chess with играть в шахматы c; Jane is playing chess with Peter.

her [hə:] ее (притяжат. местоим.); Her son is a teacher,

sitting-room [ʹsɪtɪŋrum] n гостиная. Is Jane in the sitting-room?

Sunday [ʹsʌndɪ] n воскресенье; on Sundayв воскресенье

take smb. to отвезти (отвести, повести) кого-л. куда-л. "Where are you going to take your children on Sunday?" "I am going to take them to the Zoo."

the Zoo [zu:] n зоопарк

theatre [ʹθɪətə] n театр; to go to the theatre пойти в театр; Are you going to the theatre on Sunday?

be well быть здоровым, хорошо себя чувствовать; "How are you?" "I’m well, thank you." Спасибо, я хорошо себя чувствую. "Very well, thank you." Благодарю, я очень хорошо себя чувствую.

weekend [ʹwi:kend] п конец недели (суббота и воскресенье); Have а nice weekend. Желаю хорошо провести выходные дни. The same to you. Желаю вам того же.

F. Dialogues 1

Peter: It’s a ʹnice ↘day today, ↗isn’t it?

George: ʹYes, it ↘is. Ex↘cuse ↗me, ʹwhere’s ↘Jane? Peter: She’s in the ↘garden. She’s ʹplaying with her ↘dog.

George: ʹWhere are ʹTom and ↘David?

Peter: They are in the ↘sitting-room. They’re ʹplaying chess. Your ʹDavid is a ʹvery ʹnice ↘boy.

George: Your ʹTorn is a ↘very nice boy, ↘too.

George: ʹWhat are you ʹgoing to ʹdo on ↘Sunday?

Peter: I’m ʹgoing to ʹtake ʹJane to the ↘Zoo. ʹAre you ʹgoing to the ʹZoo ↗too?

George: ↘No, I’m ʹgoing to ʹtake ʹAmy to the ↘theatre.

Petrov: Good ↗morning. How ↘ae you?

Mr Brown: I’m ↘fine, ↗ thank you. And ↗you?

P.: ʹVery ↘well. ↗Thank you.

Mr B.: Good ↗bye. Have a nice ↘weekend.

P.: ↘Thank you. The ʹsame to ↘you.


Урок 5

Е. Vocabulary (Dialogues)

That’ll do. [ʹðætl ↘du:] Достаточно, довольно.

Shall I read text 5? [ʹʃæl aɪ ʹri:d ʹtekst ↗faɪv] Должен ли я читать 5-й текст? Читать ли мне 5-й текст?

repeat [rɪʹpi:t] v повторять

sentence [ʹsentəns] n предложение; Repeat this sentence, please.

after [ʹɑ:ftə] prep 1. за (указывает на следование по порядку или по важности); Repeat this sentence after me; 2. после (во временном значении указывает на последовательную смену явлений); after classes после занятий

be over [ʹouvə] окончиться, завершиться; The lesson is over. Урок окончен.

class [klɑ:s] n занятие; an English [ʹɪŋɡlɪʃ] (French) class занятие по английскому (французскому) языку; They are having an English class now. Are Nick and Paul going to play chess after classes? Собираются ли Ник и Пол сыграть в шахматы после занятий?

busy [ʹbɪzɪ] а занятый; to be busy быть занятым; Are you busy tonight? Вы сегодня вечером заняты? (намечено ли у вас что-нибудь на сегодняшний вечер)? to be busy with smth. быть занятым чем-л.

help [help] а помогать; Help me, please; to help smb. with smth. помочь кому-л. в чем-л.; John’s sister is going to help him with his French. Сестра Джона собирается помочь ему в его занятиях французским языком.

F. Dialogues

Inthe Classroom

Teacher: ↘Peter, ʹread the ↘text, ↗please.

Peter: ʹShall I ʹread ʹtext ↗5?

Teacher: ↘Yes, please... . ʹThat’ll ↘do. Reʹpeat this ʹsentence after ↘me, ↗please. It’s all ↘right now.

Tearher: ↘John, ʹgo to the ↗blackboard and ʹwrite the ↘sentence, please, "The ʹBrowns are ʹgoing to have ʹguests on ↘Sunday."

John: Ex↘cuse ↗me. Re↘peat the sentence, ↗please.

Teacher: The ʹlesson is ↘over. Good↗bye. Have a ʹnice ↘weekend.

Students: ↘Thank you. The ʹsame to ↘you. Good↗bye.

After Classes

Peter: ʹAre you ↗busy tonight?

John: ↘Yes, I’m ʹgoing to ʹsee my ʹuncle ↘James.

Peter: ʹIs he ↗ill?

John: ↘No, he ↘isn’t. He is ʹgoing to ʹhelp me with my ↘English.

Peter: ʹIs he an ʹEnglish ↗teacher?

John: ʹYes, he ↘is.

Bill: ʹHave you ʹgot the ʹnew ʹEnglish ↗textbook?

Nick: ʹYes, I ↘have. It’s a ʹvery ↘good textbook. ʹWhen are you ʹgoing to ʹplay ʹchess with ↘Tom?

Bill: ʹAfter ʹclasses to↘morrow.


Урок 6

E. Vocabulary (Dialogues)

translate [trænsʹleɪt] v переводить (что-л.); Shall I translate the new text? Мне перевести новый текст? to translate smth. from ...

into [ʹɪntə] переводить что-л. с одного языка на другой; Peter is translating the new text from English into Russian now.

Russian [ʹrʌʃn] n русский язык

take down [ʹteɪk ʹdaun] v записывать; Take down these sentences.

homework [ʹhoumwə:k] n домашнее задание; Take down your homework, please.

learn [lə:n] v учить изучать (что- л.); Ben is going to learn French.

word [wə:d] n слово; Learn the new words, please.

do [du:] v делать, выполнять; to do one’s work (homework, exercises); Do exercise 3 on page 15.

street [stri:t] n улица; in the street на улице

bus [bʌs] n автобус

Hurry up! [ʹhʌrɪ ↗ʌp] Скорее! (Поторопитесь!)

busstop [ʹbʌsstɔp] n остановка автобуса; Where’s the busstop?

nearby [ʹnɪəbaɪ] adv поблизости, рядом

corner [ʹkɔ:nə:] n угол

round [raund] prep разг. около (указывает на нахождение по соседству, рядом, в окрестностях); round the corner за углом; There is a busstop round the corner.

What day is it today? Какой сегодня день недели?

week [wi:k] n неделя

What time is it? Который час?

watch [wɔtʃ] n часы (наручные, карманные); She has a very nice watch. У нее очень красивые часы; What time is it by your watch? Который час по вашим часам?

fast [fɑ:st] а быстрый скорый; Му watch is fast. Мои часы спешат.

slow [slou] а медленный; Му watch is slow. Мои часы отстают.

Days of the week

Monday [ʹmʌndɪ] понедельник

Tuesday [ʹtju:zdɪ] вторник

Wednesday [ʹwenzdɪ] среда

Thursday [ʹθə:zdɪ] четверг

Friday [ʹfraɪdɪ] пятница

Saturday [ʹsætədɪ] суббота

Sunday [ʹsʌndɪ] воскресенье

F. Dialogues

In the Classroom

Teacher: ʹPeter and ↘John, read the ↘dialogues, ↗please. ... ↘That’ll ↗do.

Student: Shall we trans↗late the dialogues?

Teacher: ↘Yes, ↗please.

Teacher: ʹPlease, reʹpeat these ʹwords ↘after me: "↗ban, ↗can, ↗tank, ↘thank."

Student: "↗Ban, ↗can, ↗tank, ↘thank." ʹIs it all ↗right now?

T: ↘Yes. ʹTake ʹdown your ↘homework. ʹLearn the ʹnew ↗words and ʹread the ↘dialogues. ↘Do ʹexercises ↗1 and ↘2. The ʹlesson is ↘over. ʹGood ↗bye.

Students: ʹGood ↗bye.

In the Street

John: Good ↘evening. How ↘are you?

Peter: Good ↘evening. ↘Fine, ↘thank ↗you. And ʹhow are ↗you?

John: ʹVery ↘well, ↘thank you. And, ʹwhat about your ↗wife?

Peter: She’s ʹfine ↘too. ↘Oh, ↘there’s your ↗bus(1). ʹHurry ↗up. Bue-↗bye.

John: ↗Bye.

A: Ex↘cuse ↗me. ʹIs there a ↗busstop nearby?

B: ↘Yes. It’s ʹround the ↘corner.

А: ↘Thank you.

А: ʹWhat ↘day is it today?

B: It’s ↘Monday.

A: What time is it by your watch?

B: I’m afraid, my watch is fast. It’s twenty-five minutes to twelve.

A: Nick, and what time is it by your watch?

N: My watch is slow. It’s twenty minutes past eleven.


(1) Oh, there’s your bus. Вот ваш автобус.


Основной курс

Урок 8

Conversations: A. Introductions. B. Greetings and Asking about Health. C. In the Canteen.

Learn these words and word combinations

introduction [͵ɪntrəʹdʌkʃn] n (официальное) представление, знакомство

introduce [͵ɪntrəʹdju:s] v представлять, знакомить; Mr Ktorov, I’d like to introduce Mr Black to you.

Russian [ʹrʌʃn] а русский

quite [kwaɪt] adv совсем, совершенно; That house is quite new. I don’t quite know. Я точно не знаю, я не совсем уверен.

feel v (+ predic.) чувствовать себя; to feel well чувствовать себя хорошо; I’m not feeling very well today; to feel cold; I feel cold. Мне холодно.

well а здоровый; Are you well? Вы хорошо себя чувствуете?

really [ʹrɪəlɪ] (в грам. знач. междометие) разг. Правда? Вот как? Вот что!

cold п простуда, насморк; катар верхних дыхательных путей (острое респираторное заболевание); to catch (a) cold простудиться; I’m afraid I’m catching a cold; to have a cold быть простуженным; Jane has a cold.

too adv слишком That’s too bad. Очень плохо. Дело плохо. How are you? Not too well. Я не очень хорошо себя чувствую. (Не очень хорошо.)

hear [hɪə] v слышать, услышать; I can hear you very well. Я хорошо вас слышу. I’m sorry to hear that. Жаль (слышать это). Do you hear me?

salad [ʹsæləd] n салат; Would you like some salad?

ice-cream n мороженое; I’d like some ice-cream.

apple-pie [ʹæplpaɪ] яблочный пирог; I’d like a cup of tea and some apple-pie.

pass [pɑ:s] v передавать; Pass her the letter, please.

salt [sɔ:lt] n (неисчисл.) соль; Pass him the salt, please.

Here you are. [↘hɪə ju ↘ɑ:] Вот, пожалуйста. Вот то, что вам нужно.

bread [bred] п (неисчисл.) хлеб; rye [raɪ] (black) bread ржаной хлеб; Pass me the rye bread, please.

Not at all. [ʹnɔt ət ↘ɔ:l] He за что! Пожалуйста. (в ответ на благодарность)


Mr Holt: Good morning, Mr Morris. This is Mr Bobrov.

Bobrov: How do you do.

Mr Morris: How do you do.

Mr Holt: Mr Bobrov is from Russia(1).

Mr Black: Good evening, Mr Norris. Meet Mr Popov.

Mr Norris: How do you do.

Popov: How do you do.

Mr Black: Mr Popov is from Moscow.

Mr White: Mrs Norris, I’d like to introduce my Russian friend Mr Ktorov.

Mrs Norris: How do you do.

Ktorov: How do you do.

Mrs Norris: How do you like London?

Ktorov: It’s quite different from what I expected(2).


Mr Green: Hello.

Bobrov: Hello. How are you?

Mr Green: I’m not feeling very well.

Bobrov: Really? What’s the trouble?(4)

Mr Green: I’m afraid I’m catching a cold.

Mr Norris: Hello. How are you?

Bobrov: Fine, thank you. And what about you?

Mr Norris: Not too well, I afraid.

Bobrov: I’m sorry to hear that.




A: I’d like some salad, steak, and a cup of coffee for lunch. And what about you?

B: I’d like roastbeef and some ice-cream.

A: Would you like some apple-pie?

B: Yes, please.


A: Excuse me, pass me the butter and the salt, please.

B: Here you are. Pass me the rye bread, please.

A: Here you are.

B: Thank you.

A: Not at all.


(1) Mr Bobrov is from Russia.

При представлении, как правило, сообщаются некоторые сведения о представляемом.

(2) It’s quite [kwaɪt] different [ʹdɪfrənt] from what I expected [ɪksʹpektɪd].

Очень отличается от того, что я ожидал.

(3) Greeting and Asking about Health: reeting [ʹɡri:tɪŋz] приветствия;

to ask about health [helθ] справиться о здоровье.

(4) What’s the trouble [ʹtrʌbl]?

Что вас беспокоит (тревожит)?


Урок 10

Conversations: A. Shopping. B. Congratulations. C. Saying goodbye.

Learn these words and word combinations

shop-assistant [ʹʃɔpə͵sɪstənt] n продавец, продавщица

customer [ʹkʌstəmə] n покупатель, заказчик

navy blue [ʹneɪvɪʹblu:] а темно-синий

raincoat [ʹreɪkout] n плащ

coat [kout] n пальто

size [saɪz] n размер; What’s your size? Какой у вас размер?

try on [ʹtraɪ ʹɔn] v примерять; Can I try on those brown shoes?

pay [peɪ] v платить; Where must I pay?

cashier’s [kəʹʃɪəz] desk касса; Please pay at cashier’s desk.

bookshop [ʹbukʃɔp] n книжный магазин

help v помогать, оказывать помощь; to help smb. do smth. помочь кому-л. сделать что-л.; I can help you translate the text. Can I help you? Чем могу быть полезен? Помочь вам?

street-guide [ʹstri:tɡaɪd] п путеводитель; a (street-) guide to London путеводитель по Лондону; I’m looking for a guide to Moscow.

altogether [͵ɔ:ltəʹɡeðə] adv всего; How much is it altogether? Сколько всего это стоит? change [tʃeɪnʤ] n сдача; Here is your change.

It’s a pleasure [ʹpleʒə]. Это для меня удовольствие. (=Пожалуйста.)

congratulations [kən͵ɡrætjuʹleɪʃnz] п pl. поздравления

Many happy [ʹhæpɪ] returns [rɪʹtə:nz] of the day. С днем рождения.

happy [ʹhæpɪ] а счастливый; I’m happy to hear that. Рад слышать это. Happy birthday. Поздравляю с днем рождения.

collect [kəʹlekt] v собирать, коллекционировать; Does Jane collect guides to cities?

stamp [stæmp] n (почтовая) марка

think [θɪŋk] v думать, полагать, считать, предполагать; I think Peter can help John. I think so. (Я) думаю, что это так. (Думаю, что да.) I don’t think so. Я этого не думаю. I don’t think he collects stamps. Думаю (полагаю), что он не собирает марки. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Обратите внимание на место отрицания в русском и английском предложениях.

wonderful [ʹwʌndəfl] а замечательный, чудесный; Old Tallinn [ʹtɑ:lɪn] is wonderful.

say [seɪ] v говорить, сказать; to say to smb. сказать кому-л.; He can say that to George; to say goodbye to smb. попрощаться c (кем-л.); I’d like to say goodbye to you. I’m leaving for home tomorrow.

well int ну! ну вот, ладно (в отдельных случаях не переводится); Well, I can do it today. Ну что же, я могу сделать это сегодня.

so [sou] adv 1. так, до такой степени, столь; столько, так много (указывает на степень качества или на большое количество); Must you go so soon? It takes so much time. На это уходит так много времени; 2. (именно) так, таким образом; I’m afraid so. Боюсь, что это именно так. How are you getting on? Как вы поживаете?

by the way [weɪ] между прочим; By the way, would you like some apple-pie?

class [klɑ:s] n занятие, занятия, курс обучения; an English (a French) class занятия по английскому (французскому) языку; I have an English class on Tuesday and Friday.

in prep через; I’m having an English class in an hour. У меня через час занятие по английскому языку.

See you later. Увидимся позже.

See you soon. Скоро увидимся.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. See you later, See you soon употребляются, когда речь идет о встрече в тот же день.

fly v летать (на самолете); I’m going to fly to London on Thursday.

then adv в таком случае, тогда; Goodbye then. В таком случае (тогда) до свидания; Then why are you leaving? Зачем же тогда вы уходите?


Shop-assistant: Are you being served?(1)

Customer: No. I’m looking for a navy blue raincoat, size 44.

Shop-assistant: How do you like this raincoat?

Customer: Well, I like it. How much is it?

Shop-assistant: £ 55.99 p.(2)

Customer: Where must I pay?

Shop-assistant: At the cashier’s desk over there.

* * *

Shop-assistant: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes. How much is this street-guide to London?

Shop-assistant: It’s 99 p.

Customer: I’d like two guides, please. How much is it altogether?

Shop-assistant: £ 1.98 p. Here’s your change; £ 3.02 p.

Customer: Thank you.

Shop-assistant: It’s a pleasure.


Peter: Hello, John. Many happy returns of the day.

Dick: Happy birthday, John. We know you’re collecting stamps. Here are a few foreign stamps. I don’t think you have them.

John: Oh, thank you very much. They’re wonderful.



Mr Brown: Well, I’m afraid I must be going.(3)

John: Oh, must you go so soon?

Mr Brown: I’m afraid so. My mother isn’t very well.

John: I’m sorry to hear that. Please, give her my best regards.(4)

Mr Brown: Thank you. Goodbye.

John: Goodbye.


Michael: Hello, Jill. How are you getting on?

Jill: Fine, thanks. And how’re you?

Michael: I’m fine too. By the way I’m having a French class in half an hour. Goodbye. See you later.

Jill: See you soon.


Ivanov: I’d like to say goodbye to you.

Mr Green: When are you leaving?

Ivanov: I’m flying home on Saturday.

Mr Green: Goodbye then, and all the very best.(5)


(1) Are you being served [sə:vd]? Вас обслуживают? (Вас кто-нибудь обслуживает?) Использована форма Present Continuous Passive.

(2) £ 55.99 p = fifty-five pounds ninety-nine pence пятьдесят пять фунтов и девяносто девять пенсов.

(3) I must be going. Я должен идти. Мне нужно уходить.

(4) give her my best regards [rɪʹɡɑ:dz] Передайте ей мои наилучшие пожелания (привет от меня).

(5) all the very best всего наилучшего


Урок 12

Conversations: A. At a Reception. B. After a Visit to London. C. A Cup of Tea.

Learn these words and word combinations

reception [rɪʹsepʃn] n прием; Could you go tomorrow’s reception?

arrive [əʹraɪv] v прибывать; to arrive in Moscow (London, Russia, etc.) прибывать в Москву (Лондон, Россию и т. д.); The French Foreign Minister [mɪnɪstə] arrived in London yesterday; to arrive at an airport (a station, a small town); When did they arrive at Vnukovo Airport?

here [hɪə] adv здесь, сюда; I live here. Put it here, please.

only [ʹounlɪ] adv только; He arrived in Moscow only yesterday. Only she knows. Только она одна знает.

professor [prəʹfesə] n профессор

country [ʹkʌntrɪ] n страна; Russia is a very large country.

colleague [ʹkɔ:li:ɡ] n коллега, сотрудник, сотрудница with pleasure с удовольствием

free [fri:] а свободный, не занятый делом (о людях); Are you free tonight? Could we go out?

between [bɪʹtwi:n] prep между (промежуток времени между какими-л. двумя моментами); Could you come between eleven and twelve in the morning?

suit [sju:t] v удовлетворять требованиям, быть удобным, устраивать; to suit smb. удовлетворять, устраивать кого-л.; Does

this time suit you? Это время устраивает вас (подходит для вас)?

perfectly [ʹpə:fɪktlɪ] adv совершенно, вполне; It suits me perfectly.

visit [ʹvɪzɪt] n визит; to be (to go) on a visit to Great Britain, (Moscow etc.) находиться (поехать) с визитом в Великобритании (Москве и т. д.); А Foreign Minister is on a visit to Great Britain now.

call smb. up [ʹkɔ:l ʹʌp] v звонить кому-л. по телефону; Could you call me up tomorrow morning?

answer [ʹɑ:nsə] n ответ

long [lɔŋ] adv долго, длительно; How long were you there? Сколько времени вы пробыли там?

stay [steɪ] v останавливаться, гостить; How long did he stay there? He stayed there for ten days. Он пробыл (погостил) там десять дней.

exam [ɪɡʹzæm] п сокр. отexamination [ɪɡ͵zæmɪʹneɪʃn] экзамен; an exam (examination) in mathematics (English, etc.) экзамен по математике (английскому языку и т. п.); to take an examination сдавать экзамен; When are you going to take an examination in geography?; to fail an examination провалиться на экзамене; Jane failed the geography examination yesterday. How are your exams going? Как дела с экзаменами?

the best of luck Желаю (вам) удачи! Счастливо!

sugar [ʹʃuɡə] n сахар; a lump of sugar кусок сахара


Volkov: Mr Shastri, this is Mr Ivanov, a Moscow teacher. He arrived here only the day before yesterday. Mr Ivanov, this is Mr Shastri, a professor from India.

Ivanov: How do you do, Mr Shastri.

Mr Shastri: How do you do. It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?

Ivanov: Yes, it’s a very nice day. How do you like it here?

Mr Shastri: It is a very interesting country.

Ivanov: By the way, could you introduce me to some of your colleagues, Mr Shastri?

Mr Shastri: With pleasure.

Ivanov: When can I see you?

Mr Shastri: I’m free between ten and eleven tomorrow. Does that suit you?

Ivanov: Perfectly.


A: Where were you last week? I called you up but there was no answer.

В: I was in London.

A: How long were you there?

B: I stayed there for ten days and came back last night. By the way, I met George Volkov there and we went to the theatre together.

A: What did you see?

B: Othello [əʹθelou] at Covent Garden.(1)


Jane: Would you like a cup of tea?

Mary: Only, if it’s not too much trouble.(2)

Jane: How do you like it?

Mary: A little milk and no sugar.


(1) Covent [ʹkɔvənt] Garden or Covent Garden Royal [ʹrɔɪ(ə)l] Opera [ʹɔprə] House "Ковент-Гарден" (название королевского оперного театра).

(2) if it’s not too much trouble если это вас не очень затруднит


Урок 14

Conversations: A. Talk on Theatre and Cinema. B. Invitations. C. Tea Party.

Learn these words and word combinations

TV; to see smth. on TV смотреть (видеть) что-л. по телевизору; I saw a very interesting film on TV last night.

play [pleɪ] n пьеса

enjoy every minute of it получить огромное удовольствие; "How did you like the play?" "We enjoyed every minute of it."

part [pɑ:t] n роль; to play the part of играть роль (кого-л.); Who played the part of Othello?

the leading [ʹli:dɪŋ] part главная роль; Who plays the leading part in the film?

brilliantly [ʹbrɪljəntlɪ] adv блестяще, великолепно; He plays the part of Hamlet brilliantly.

be based [beɪst] on основываться на; The film is based on Dostoyevski’s novel "The Brothers Karamazov".

documentary [͵dɔkjuʹmentrɪ] а документальный; documentary film документальный фильм;

documentary material [məʹtɪərɪəl] документальный материал; His last book is based on documentary material.

believe [bɪʹli:v] v верить; Do you believe him?

true [tru:] а верный, правильный, истинный; Is the news true? It is true to life. Это жизненно достоверно (правдиво).

repeat [rɪʹpi:t] v повторять; Repeat after me, please. Повторяйте за мной, пожалуйста. They are going to repeat that programme tomorrow.

musical [ʹmju:zɪkl] n мюзикл, музыкальная комедия

local [ʹloukl] а местный; the local cinema местный (недалеко расположенный от дома) кинотеатр; What’s on at the local cinema (at our local)?

book v заказывать; to book seats заказывать места (билеты); to book tickets [ʹtɪkɪts] for the theatre (concert, cinema, etc.) заказывать билеты в театр (на концерт, в кинотеатр)

screen version [ʹvə:ʃn] экранизация; This film is a screen version of Turgenev’s novel.

famous [ʹfeɪməs] а знаменитый, известный

playwright [ʹpleɪraɪt] n драматург

near [nɪə] prep недалеко от, около; He lives near University Underground Station. actress [ʹæktrɪs] n актриса

show n 1. сеанс (в кино); When does the show start at our local? 2. шоу, представление (в цирке, по телевидению, радио и т. п.); Have you seen any good shows lately? Видели ли вы за последнее время что-нибудь интересное (в театре, цирке и т. п.)?

everyone [ʹevrɪwʌn] pron все, каждый (употр. с глаголом в ед. ч.); Everyone is here. Все здесь.

flop [flɔр] п провал, фиаско, неудача; complete [kəmʹpli:t] flop полный провал; The play was a complete flop. Пьеса с треском провалилась.

concert [ʹkɔnsət] n концерт

meet (met) v встречать; to meet smb. встречать кого-л., встречаться с кем-л.; She met one of her old friends in Moscow.

drive [draɪv] n прогулка, поездка; to go for a drive поехать покататься (на машине); We are going for a drive after lunch. in the country за городом; в сельской местности; They live in the country. Let’s go for a drive in the country.

pick up v заезжать (за кем-л.), заходить (за кем-л.); Could you pick me up at two o’clock?

be able to мочь, быть в состоянии; Are you able to come?

fire [ʹfaɪə] n камин

cosy [ʹkouzɪ] а уютный; This is a very cosy room.

piece [pi:s] n кусок, кусочек; a piece of meat (bread, apple-pie, cake, etc.) but a lump of sugar


A: Would you like to come to the cinema tonight?

B: I’d love to. What’s on?(1)

A: They’re showing(2) the musical "My Fair Lady"(3) at our local. I’ve booked two seats.

B: Isn’t the film a screen version of "Pygmalion", a play by Bernard Shaw, the famous English playwright?

A: Yes, it is. By the way, Audrey Hepburn plays the leading part. She’s my favourite actress. Let’s meet near the cinema at 6.15. The show starts at 6.30.

B: Fine. See you later.

A: See you soon.

Mary: John, we’re going to the show tonight. I’ve booked two seats.

John: Peter Smith went there last night and he didn’t like it.

Mary: I don’t care about Peter’s opinion. (4)

John: Well, everyone says the show’s a complete flop. There were only a few people there last night.

Mary: What a pity! (5)


George: Would you like to come to a concert with me tomorrow afternoon?

Alice: I’d love to. Thank you very much.

George: Fine. Let’s meet here about one o’clock.

Alice: Good. See you tomorrow.

George: Goodbye.

Michael: Why don’t we go for a drive in the country today?

Ann: That would be very nice. Thank you.

Michael: I can pick you up at II o’clock.

Ann: Good. See you soon.

Michael: Bye.


(The Browns invited the Ivanovs to tea.)

Mrs Brown: I’m so glad you were able to come.

Ivanova: It’s very kind of you to invite us.

Ivanov: Yes. This is the first time we’re in an English home.

Mrs Brown: Please, make yourselves comfortable. (6) Sit here in this armchair, Mrs Ivanov. It’s near the fire.

Ivanova: I must say this is a very cosy room.

Mrs Brown: Yes, I like it too. Now, Mrs Ivanov, do you take milk and sugar in your tea? (7)

Ivanova: Yes, please. Two lumps.

Mrs Brown: How about a piece of cake?

Ivanova: Yes, please.

Mrs Brown: And how do you like your tea, Mr Ivanov?

Ivanov: Not too much milk and two lumps, please.


(1) What’s on? Что идет? (в кино, в театре)

(2) They’re showing... Там идет...

(3) the musical "Му Fair Lady" музыкальная кинокомедия «Моя прекрасная леди».

(4) I don’t care [kɛə] about Peter’s opinion [əʹpɪnjən]. Меня не интересует мнение Питера.

(5) What a pity [ʹpɪtɪ]! Как жаль! Как жалко!

(6) Please, make yourselves [jɔ:ʹselvz] comfortable [ʹkʌmfətəbl]. Пожалуйста, располагайтесь поудобнее (как вам будет удобно).

(7) Do you take milk and sugar in your tea? Пьете ли вы чай с молоком и сахаром?


Урок 16


A. Transport: At a Railway Station. Booking Airline Tickets. At the Airport.

B. An Enjoyable Holiday.

C. It is Nice to See You Again.

Learn these words and word combinations

railway station [ʹreɪlweɪ ʹsteɪʃn] железнодорожная станция, вокзал

train [treɪn] n поезд; to go by train ехать на поезде (поездом); Will you go there by train or by plane? through [θru:] train прямой поезд

platform [ʹplætfɔ:m] n платформа; Which platform does the Rostov train leave from?

change [tʃeɪnʤ] v делать пересадку, пересаживаться (на железной дороге, в метро и т.п.); You’ll have a change at Leeds for Hull.

next [nekst] а следующий; When does the next train for Bristol leave? What’s the name of the next stop? But: next week (month, year, Monday)

single [ʹsɪŋɡl] n (сокр. от single ticket) билет, годный в одном направлении, билет в один конец; first (second, etc.) class single билет в один конец в первом (втором и т. д.) классе; I’d like three first class singles to Leeds, please.

return [rɪʹtən] n (сокр. от return ticket) билет в оба конца, туда и обратно; I’d like one two month return to Leeds. Мне хотелось бы один билет туда и обратно в Лидс сроком на два месяца.

flight [flaɪt] п рейс; flight 207 from Moscow to Paris; a nor-stop flight беспосадочный перелет; Is this a non-stop flight? to book a flight заказать билет на самолет; Could I book a flight to London?

just a minute [ʹmɪnɪt] (одну) минуточку, подождите минуту; Just a minute. I’m finishing the letter.

travel [ʹtrævl] n путешествовать, ездить; to travel by ship (air, train, car) плыть морем (лететь самолетом, ехать поездом, ехать на машине); Did they travel by train or by air? They travelled for twenty days.

economy [ɪʹkɔnəmɪ] n (сокр. от economy class) туристический (самый дешевый) класс в самолете; to travel economy лететь (ехать) в туристическом классе; Would you like to travel economy?

coach [koutʃ] n туристский междугородный автобус; автобус, обслуживающий аэропорт; When does the next coach leave for the airport?

announcer [əʹnaunsə] n диктор

announce [əʹnauns] v объявлять, сообщать (по радио, на собрании и т. п.)

departure [dɪʹpɑ:tʃə] п отъезд; отправление поезда (самолета и т. п.); Aeroflot announces the departure of fligth 207 from Moscow to Paris.

Gate Number [ʹnʌmbə] 7 (Gate No. 7) Выход № 7

copy [ʹkɔpɪ] n экземпляр; Here’s a copy of Pravda.

everything [ʹevrɪθɪŋ] pron все; Everything is ready.

enjoyable [ɪnʹʤɔɪəbl] а приятный; Her birthday party was really enjoyable.

fairly [ʹfɛəlɪ] adv довольно, в известной степени; The weather was fairly good. Погода была довольно хорошей.

though [ðou] cnj хотя; He went for a walk in the park though it was very cold.

rain n дождь; We had a lot of rain last month.

shine (shone) [ʃaɪn, ʃɔn] v светить; The sun is shining brightly [ʹbraɪtlɪ]. Солнце светит ярко.

lovely [ʹlʌvlɪ] а очаровательный прелестный, чудесный; It is а lovely day today.

on the whole [houl] в общем, в общем и целом; On the whole I liked the film.

scientist [ʹsaɪəntɪst] n ученый

carry [ʹkærɪ] v носить; Where are you carrying the books?

bag n сумка, чемодан, саквояж

manage [ʹmænɪʤ] v справляться, обходиться; I can manage all right [raɪt]; Я вполне могу справиться (сам).

hotel [houʹtel] п отель, гостиница

while [waɪl] cnj в то время как; What places of interest would you like to see while you are here?

certainly [ʹsə:tnlɪ] adv конечно, безусловно; He’s certainly a very good man. Certainly not! Ни в коем случае. Конечно, нет. "Will you invite John to your birthday party?" "Certainly not".




A: When does the Kiev train leave, please?

B: At 10 o’clock, platform 3.

A: What time does it arrive?

В: Five o’clock in the evening. It takes about seven hours to get there.

A: Do I have to change?

B: No, it’s a through train.


A: Is there a through train to Aberdeen* (г. Абердин)?

В: No, there isn’t. You have to change at Edinburgh**.

A: What time is the next train to Edinburgh, please?

B: At 10.35 in the evening.


Passenger: I’d like to book a flight to Geneva for Monday the twelfth.

Booking clerk: Just a minute, I’ll see what there is.

Passenger: I’d like to travel economy class, please.

Booking clerk: Aeroflot Flight 048 leaves at 0920. (1)

Passenger: What time do I have to be there?

Booking clerk: You’ll have to be at Air Terminal by 0810. The coach leaves for the airport at 0815.





Announcer: Aeroflot announces the departure of Flight Number 502(2) to Vienna at Gate Number 7.

Mr Wilson: I’m afraid I must be going.

Mr Brown: Here’s a copy of today’s newspaper. You may find something interesting in it. Goodbye and all the best.

Mr Wilson: Goodbye. Thanks for everything.


(Mr Brown has just returned from Italy, and is talking to Petrov.)

Petrov: How did you enjoy your holiday?

Mr Brown: Oh, I liked Italy very much.

Petrov: What about the weather?

B: Well, it was fairly good, though we had quite a lot of rain.

P: Oh, what a pity.

B: Well, when the sun shone it was really lovely. On the whole it was a very enjoyable holiday.


(John Masters meets Paul Ivanov, a Russian scientist, at the airport.)

John: Hello, Paul. Nice to see you again.

Paul: Hello, John. You’re looking very well.

John: Here,(3) let me carry those bags.

Paul: Oh, no, please don’t bother. I can manage all right.

John: Well, we’re going to the hotel now. By the way, what would you like to see while you are here? We’re looking forward to showing you around.

Paul: Thank you. That’s certainly very nice of you.


(1) 0920 = 9.20. Обратите внимание на то, как указывается время в расписаниях авиалиний.

(2) Flight Number 502 Рейс № 502

(3) Here послушайте (давайте)


Урок 18

Conversations: A. A Football Match.

B. Wales v.* England.

C. Can’t Accept Your Invitation.

Learn these words and word combinations

Cup Final [ʹfaɪnl]) финальный матч на кубок; semi-final полуфинал (полуфинальный матч); to win (to lose) the Cup Final выиграть (проиграть) финальный матч на кубок; I hope that Spartak will win the Cup Final.

game n игра, партия; football game футбольный матч; a game of chess партия в шахматы; a game of tennis гейм (в теннисе); games спортивные игры; the Olympic [oʹlɪmpɪk] Games Олимпийские игры

programme [ʹprouɡræm] n программа (радио-, теле-, театральная и т. п.); souvenir [͵su:vəʹnɪə] programme программа-сувенир

photo [ʹfoutou] n фотография (pl. photos) (сокр. от photograph [ʹfoutəɡrɑ:f] )

look v смотреть, глядеть; to look at smth. смотреть на что-л.; Look at this photo, please.

footballer [ʹfutbɔ:lə] футболист

on form в хорошей форме (в хорошем состоянии); All the footballers are on form now, aren’t they? Ant. off form в плохой форме (в плохом состоянии); I’m afraid their goalkeeper is off form today.

impression [ɪmʹpreʃn] n впечатление; I have the impression their team is off form today; to make an impression on smb. производить впечатление на кого-л.; The match made a great impression on everyone.

kick n удар; free kick спорт, свободный удар; penalty [ʹpenəltɪ] kick штрафной удар; That’ll be a penalty kick; goal-kick удар от ворот

score [skɔ:] v (= to score a goal) забить гол; Look, Adams is going to score.

top n верх, верхняя часть; The ball went over the top. Мяч пролетел над воротами.

shot [ʃɔt] n удар; Good shot! (в футболе, теннисе) Хороший удар!

v., vs (сокр. от versus [ʹvə:səs]) prep лат. против; France v. Finland [ʹfɪnlənd] матч Франция - Финляндия

rugby [ʹrʌɡbɪ] n спорт. регби; Can you play rugby?

International [͵ɪntəʹnæʃnl] а международный; Will it be an international match?

still adv все еще; I still play tennis.

keen а страстный, увлеченный; He’s still a keen footballer. Он все еще страстно увлечен футболом. (Он страстный футболист.) to be keen on smth.; увлекаться чем-л.; He’s keen on chess.

cricketer [ʹkrɪkɪtə] n игрок в крикет; Is he still a keen cricketer?

end v заканчиваться, оканчиваться, кончаться; How did the game end? to end in a draw [drɔ:] окончиться вничью; Did the game end in a draw? to end with a score 1 - 0 (one to nil), 3 - 2 (three to two), etc. закончиться со счетом 1 - 0 (3 - 2) и т.д.; The game ended with a score 6 - 3 (six to three).

invitation n приглашение; to accept [əkʹsept] an invitation принять приглашение; Did they accept the Brown’s invitation?

event [ɪʹvent] n спорт. соревнование; swimming events соревнование по плаванию; What events are you going to attend?

join [ʤɔɪn] v присоединяться; May I join you? Можно к вам присоединиться?

engagement [ɪnʹɡeɪʤmənt] n договоренность (о встрече), свидание; I have another engagement. Я буду занят (у меня другое свидание; я уже приглашен). I have no engagements till Saturday. До субботы я совсем свободен.


Jane and Peter came to the football ground to watch the "Cup Final".

a) Before the game started

Programme Seller: Souvenir programmes! Read all about your favourite team! Photos of all the players.

Jane: I’d like to get one.

Programme Seller: Programme, Miss!

Peter: Look and see if Adams is playing.

Jane: Who does he play for?

Peter: Oh really, Jane, he’s Peruvale’s* top scorer. He got a leg injury two weeks ago.

Jane: Yes, he’s playing today. Look at this. There are photographs of all the players here.

Peter: That’s Harry Creed. He plays for Liverpool. One of the best footballers(1) I’ve ever seen — when he’s on form. If he is the Liverpool team are sure to win.

Jane: Oh, good, they’re coming out onto the field now.

b) The match

Crowd: Liverpool! Liverpool!

Jane: I have the impression that half Liverpool’s here.

Peter: Well, they’re a very popular team. What a kick!

Jane: Adams’ll never get to it. Come on, Adams, come on!

Peter: Adams is there. He’s going to score.

Jane: It’s over the top.

Peter: It’s a goal-kick. Creed has got the ball.

Crowd: Shoot! Shoot!

Jane: It’s a goal. What a shot!

* * *

News Announcer: Here is the ten o’clock news. Liverpool won the Cup Final. The final score was Liverpool 4, Peruvale 0.


(After a rugby match)

David: It’s the best match I’ve ever watched.

John : It certainly is.

David: Rugby can be wonderful when it’s an international match.

John: Oh yes. By the way, are you still a very keen cricketer?

David: Yes. It’s e very good game. I’m always sorry when the summer ends.

John: What were you doing at 8 o’clock last night? I called you up but there was no answer.

David: I was watching a rugby match on TV. I’m afraid I didn’t hear the telephone ring.

John: How did the match end?

David: It ended with a score 6 - 3 (six to three).


John: Hello, Michael.

Michael: Hello. How are you?

John: I’m fine, thank you. And what about you?

Michael: I’m O.K. John, I’d like to invite you and Helen to attend the swimming events next Thursday.

John: Thanks a lot. We’d be happy to join you but we have another engagement. I’m really sorry.

Michael: I’m sorry, too. My best regards to Helen.

John: And give my regards to Susan. Goodbye.

Michael: Goodbye.


(1) one of the best footballers один из самых лучших футболистов; the best match самый лучший матч


Урок 20

Conversations: A. Weather.

B. It’s Too Wet to Go for a Walk.

C. A Visit to an Exhibition.


bright [braɪt] а яркий; ясный; The sky was bright. Небо было ясное.

brightly adv ярко; The air was fresh and the sun was shining brightly.

cloud [klaud] over покрываться тучами (облаками); The sky was clouded over. Небо покрылось тучами.

cloudy [ʹklaudɪ] а облачный; The sky was cloudy and it was growing cooler.

last [lɑ:st] v длиться, продолжаться. I wonder how long the fine weather will last.

(weather) forecast [ʹfɔ:kɑ:st] n прогноз погоды; Do you know the weather forecast for the weekend?

foggy [ʹfɔɡɪ] а туманный; The morning was foggy and cool.

rainy [ʹreɪnɪ] а дождливый; Autumn is a rainy season in that part of the country.

windy [ʹwɪndɪ] а ветреный; It was a very windy day.

stop v переставать, прекращаться, останавливаться; The clock has stopped. Часы остановились. Has it stopped raining? Перестал (кончился ли) дождь?

at last adv наконец; At last it stopped raining.

wet а мокрый: сырой, дождливый; October is the wettest month in Moscow.

hope [houp] v надеяться; ожидать; I hope (that) you’ll come to see us next week. We hope to see you soon.

take off v снимать; Take off your raincoat, please.

coat [kout] n пальто; Will you take off your coat, please. It’s warm here.

too adv слишком; It’s too wet today. That’s too bad. Очень плохо (дело плохо).

go out v выходить; He went out of the room.

enough [ɪʹnʌf] а достаточный (обычно переводится наречием достаточно); Have we enough time for a game of chess? Есть ли у нас время (достаточно времени), чтобы сыграть партию в шахматы? I have enough chalk. У меня достаточно мела.

room п место; Is there enough room in your car for us? Достаточно ли места в вашей машине для нас? There is enough room for everything here.

all pron все; All of us are here. Мы все здесь.

decide [dɪʹsaɪd] v решать, решить; He could not decide what to do. They decided not to go for a holiday to Scotland.

wait [weɪt] v ждать, ожидать; Wait a minute. Подождите минутку; to wait for ждать (кого-л., чего-л.); Whom are you waiting for?

get (got, got) v приносить, брать, взять; Get me a pencil, please. Принесите мне карандаш, пожалуйста. I’ll get you a cup of coffee now.

black coffee черный кофе; I like black coffee.

white coffee кофе с молоком; Do you like your coffee black or white?

without [wɪʹðaut] prep без; I’d like black coffee without sugar.

help yourself [jɔ:ʹself] to smth. угощайтесь (кушайте, берите), пожалуйста; Help yourself to some ice-cream.

go swimming (пойти) купаться; They went swimming every day last month.

unusual [ʌnʹju:ʒl] а необычный, необыкновенный; He is an unusual man. Он человек необыкновенный; It is unusual for him to be late. Обычно он не опаздывает. Ant. usual [ʹju:ʒl] а обычный, обыкновенный

let in впускать; Let him in. Впустите его. Ant. to let out выпускать

exhibition [͵eksɪʹbɪʃn] n выставка, демонстрация, показ; art exhibition выставка картин, скульптуры

entrance [ʹentrəns] n вход; дверь, въезд; at the entrance to у входа; Let’s meet at the entrance to the university.

automobile [ʹɔ:təməbi:l] n автомобиль

be interested [ʹɪntrɪstɪd] in smth. интересоваться чем-л.; Are you interested in art? Вас интересует искусство? (Интересуетесь ли вы искусством?)

Exercise 7. Make up four sentences using pattern 2.

Learn these words and word combinations


A: Nice and bright this morning.(1)

B: Yes. Much better than yesterday.(2) I like it when it’s warm.

A: So do I. I’m afraid it may cloud over this afternoon.

В: I don’t think it’ll last.

A: What’s the weather like today?

B: It’s a lovely day. Let’s go for a drive to the country.



A: Fairly mild for the time of year.(3)

B: Yes. Quite different from the forecast.

A: They say we’re in for snow.(4)

B: What a pity! I shan’t be able to go for a hike in the mountains.

A: Cold this morning, isn’t it?

B: Yes. And I’m afraid it’s going to get even colder.

A: I think the wind’s getting stronger.

B: Yes, it’s much stronger now that in the morning.

A: Do you know the forecast for tomorrow?

B: Cold and foggy in the morning, rainy and windy in the afternoon.

A: Is it still raining?

B: No, it’s stopped at last. I think it’s going to be a beautiful day.


A: Oh, there you are. I’m glad you’ve come. Is John with you?

B: No, he isn’t. I don’t know where he is.

A: Oh well, he’ll be here in a few minutes, I hope. Come in and take your coat off.

B: Thanks.

A: You’re very wet. Is it raining?

B: Yes, it’s raining hard. It’s too wet to go for a walk. I’m afraid.

A: Oh well, we can go out in the car. There’s enough room in the car for all of us. We’ll decide when John comes. Would you like some coffee while we’re waiting for him?

B: Yes, please.

A: I’ll go and get you some. Do you like it black or white?

B: White, please, but without too much milk.

A: Here you are. And here’s the sugar. Help yourself.

В: Thanks.

A: What did you do yesterday? Did you go swimmi