From the History of Medicine.

The clinical medicine and safeguard of public health greatly developed in Roman times. The name of Galen is widely known. Galen worked first as a surgeon at a school for gladiators. He went to Rome when he was thirty-two years old and there he had much practice, but he continued to experiment on living animals especially apes and pigs. The Roman army always had a well-organized service of surgeons. The school for gladiators was an ideal school for training in surgery.

The words for translating

1. safeguard [`seıfga:d] 1. охрана
2. to develop [dı`veləp] 2. развивать
3. gladiator [`glædıeıtə] 3. гладиатор
4. ape [`eıp] 4. обезьяна (человекообразная)
5. service [`sə:vıs] 5. служба
6. surgeon [`sə:ʤən] 6. хирург
7. surgery [`sə:ʤərı] 7. хирургия

Answer the questions on the text

1. What was greatly developed in Roman times?

2. What was Galen?

3. Where did he have his practice?

4. What did Galen experiment on?

5. Why do you think the school for gladiators was a good school for training in surgery?


XIV. Read and translate the text. Put questions to each sentence

A Case History.

A 40 year old man came home from his work. In the evening he felt a bad headache and cold. Next morning his wife called a doctor.

The doctor examined the man and found all the symptoms of influenza. His temperature was 38,50C (thirty-eight point five). He was hoarse and had a bad cough, he often sneezed.

The doctor prescribed the man some medicine and told him to stay in bed for several days. The man took medicine regularly and followed a strict bed regime. In a few days his temperature became normal, there was no pain in the limbs and joints but remained hoarse for several days. In two weeks he was well again and went to work.


1. joint [`ʤɔınt] 1. сустав
2. to be hoarse [`hɔ:s] 2. охрипнуть

XV. Change the following statements into questions beginning with the question-words given in brackets. Use the model

Model: Last night we watched a football mach on TV (When?) When did we watch a football match on TV?


1. I finished school in 1980. (When?)

2. I studied French at school. (Where?)

3. They got up at 7 o’clock yesterday. (When?)

4. She worked at a big factory last year. (Who?)

5. He got to the Institute by bus. (Where?)

6. Pete made a mistake in his dictation. (Who?)

7. I saw him at the library. (Whom?)

8. I worked at the library yesterday. (When?)

9. The students had a dictation last week. (What?)

10. I met my friend in the canteen. (Where?)

11. They went to Minsk last week. (Where?)

12. She knew English very well when she was a student. (When? How well?)

13. She translated this text with a dictionary. (How?)

14. They spoke French very badly. (How well?)

15. Yesterday we got home by taxi. (How?)

16. I wrote two letters yesterday. (How many?)

17. My friend wrote to me very often last year. (How often?)

18. They were at their office yesterday morning. (When? Who?)


XVI. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на время глагола-сказуемого.


1. Им понравился новый фильм? – Да, он им очень понравился.

2. Я прочитал его статью на прошлой неделе.

3. Я не видел его вчера.

4. Погода была хорошая, и дети попросили повести их в парк.

5. Где мы видели его на прошлой неделе? – Мы видели его в театре. Он был там с сестрой.

6. Им не понравилась статья из этого журнала.

7. Где вы были вчера? Я не видел вас в институте.

8. Какой фильм вы смотрели вчера по ТВ? – Мы смотрели интересный фильм о животных.

9. Он не обедал дома позавчера, потому что был в библиотеке.

10. Где ты был вчера? – Я ходил в кино. – Тебе понравился фильм? – Да, фильм был очень интересный. – Когда ты пришел домой? – Я пришел домой поздно и сразу же лег спать.


Моя подруга Аня пришла ко мне в субботу после занятий. Мы решили повторить перед диктантом слова (из) первых пяти уроков. Мы начали заниматься в шесть часов вечера. Я люблю работать с Аней. Она много читает и хорошо знает английский язык. Мы повторили слова и прочитали тексты. Мы также повторили грамматические правила и сделали много упражнений. Потом Аня задала мне много вопросов, и я на них ответила. Мы потратили на это много времени. Мы закончили работать в 8 часов вечера. «Я хочу пойти в кино и посмотреть новый фильм. Хочешь пойти со мной?» - спросила Аня. «С удовольствием, - ответила я. – Моя сестра смотрела его на прошлой неделе, и он ей очень понравился». Мы пришли в кино. Фильм продолжался 2 часа и закончился в 11 вечера. Мы пришли домой поздно, и Аня осталась у нас. В воскресенье мы решили поехать за город. Погода была хорошая, и мы провели за городом 3 часа. Мы приехали домой в 5 часов вечера. После обеда мы пошли к друзьям Ани. Мы хотели пойти с ними погулять вечером, но потом решили сходить в театр.



1. Он много занимался, потому что очень хотел сдать конкурсные вступительные экзамены успешно.

2. Вчера в нашей лаборатории мы провели трудный, но интересный опыт на животных.

3. Студенты нашей группы приняли активное участие в вечере.

4. Он закончил институт год назад.

5. Этот студент справился с заданием очень хорошо.

6. Вчера студенты нашей группы законспектировали лекцию по анатомии.

7. Он очень хотел поступить в медицинский институт.

8. Когда Аня была студенткой, она очень интересовалась химией и уделяла большое внимание этому предмету.

9. В прошлом году я всегда обедал в студенческой столовой.

10. Этот доктор лечил моего приятеля-студента от гриппа две недели назад.

11. Результаты наших опытов были очень важными.

12. Он сделал все, чтобы поступить в этот институт.


XVII. Read and translate the poem

My Mother

Who fed me when I was a child,

And held me in her arms so kind?

- My Mother.

Who sat and watched my childish head,

When I was sleeping in my bed?

- My Mother.

When pain and illness made me cry,

Who looked upon my heavy eye?

- My Mother.

Who ran to help me when I fell,

And would some funny story tell?

- My Mother.

And can I ever stop to be

So loving and so kind to thee

Who was so very kind to me,

- My Mother?

And when you are sick and old and gray,

My healthy arm will be your stay,

And I shall calm your paints away,

- My Mother.


to feed (fed, fed) кормить, вскармливать
would tell обычно рассказывая
to thee к тебе (поэт)
to calm away смягчать, успокаивать






Для выражения действия, происходившего в определенный момент в прошлом.

Этот момент может быть ясен из контакта или обозначен:

а) точным указанием времени (часа)

I was taking my exam on Anatomy at 9 a.m. yesterday.

б) другим действием, выраженным глаголом в прошедшем времени (Past Indefinite)

My brother was taking his t0 when I came into the room.

Глагол переводится на русский язык глаголом несовершенного вида



Утвердительная Отрицательная Вопросительная
I He was V-ing She It I He wasn’t V-ing She It     Was I He V-ing She It
We You were V-ing They We You weren’t V-ing They Were We You V-ing They


She was sleeping when I came in.

What was she doing at 6 o’clock yesterday?

My brother wasn’t playing with me at that time yesterday.



I. Translate the sentences into Russian

1. She was taking her state examinations at this time the day before yesterday.

2. When I looked into the lecture hall the students were taking notes.

3. What was your fellow-student doing yesterday evening?

4. My room-mate wasn’t having a scalding foot-bath at 7 o’clock yesterday.

5. The district doctor was making his daily round of visits when I met him.

6. While the doctor was listening to the patient’s lungs the latter was breathing deeply.

7. When I came into the in-patient department the nurses were giving injections.

8. Why weren’t you waiting for me at home at 8 p. m?


II. Put the verbs into the Past Continuous Tense

I: to take a to; to take blood pressure; to wait for;

He: to have a cold rubdown; to gargle throat; to stay in bed;

They: to make blood analysis; to arrange a concert; to fill in cards.


III. Add some information, using Past Continuous Tense


-When the patient entered the room ____ (the nurse, to fill in the patients’ cards)

-When the patient entered the room the nurse was filling in the patient’s cards.


1. When I came up to the registry ____ (the registering clerk, to look for smb’s patient’s card).

2. When the nurse entered the consulting room ___ (the patient, to strip to the waist).

3. When I came into my friend’s room ___ (he, to stay in bed)

4. When my fellow student looked into our room ___ (we, to take our competitive entrance examinations).

5. When he looked at me ___ (I, to take my temperature).

6. When the bell rang ___ (my brother, to have a cold rubdown).

7. When I saw him ___ (he, to speak to our district doctor)

8. When I met my group-mate at the polyclinic___ (she, to go to the X-ray room).

9. When they phoned me ___ (I, to take my Granny’s blood pressure).

10. When the father came home ___ (his son, to have a scalding-foot-bath).

11. When the therapeutist came to see the patient ___ (the latter, to recover).

IV. Add some information, using Past Continuous Tense


- While the doctor was palpating the patient’s abdomen ___ (the latter, to lie silently on the coach.

- While the doctor was palpating the patient’s abdomen the latter was lying silently on the coach.


1. While my therapeutist was listening to my lungs ___ (I, to breath deeply).

2. While I was waiting for my friend ___ (the latter, to gargle his throat).

3. While the professor was delivering a lecture ___ (the students, to take notes of it).

4. While the therapeutist was examining the patient ___ (the nurse, to write out a prescription).

5. While I was running a high temperature ___ (my mother, to give me aspirin).

6. While the father was reading to his son ___ (the mother, to apply mustard plasters to his back).

7. While he was suffering from stomachache ___ (he, to follow a strict diet).

8. While they were carrying on research work ___ (they, to pay attention to all the new findings in their field).

9. While my friend was writing an application for admission to the Institute ___ (I, to hand in all my documents).